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Solar Exalted Charm Cards

Exalted Core Rulebook Solar Charm Cards by Eric Brennan. Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Exalted Charm Cards Project by Eric Brennan, Jill Sprague, Jodo Kast (aka Troy,) Rob, Seth “Metal Fatigue” Blumberg, Kawaii, and very
special thanks to Lindharin, for work above and beyond the call.

Special Thanks to Geoffrey C. Grabowski for the help.

Editing and Peer Review By: Eric Brennan and Lael Buchanan

How to Use These Cards:

For best results, print out on cardstock. Alternatively, the cards are designed to be glued onto a
standard Tarot card or blank index card.


“Exalted and the Age of Sorrows are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
All rights reserved. Exalted is copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing.”
These cards are for personal use only. Please do not propagate them onto the Internet or
place them on a web page. Download them from
If you spot any errors or are interested in helping with later sets, contact Eric Brennan at
These cards were created by permission of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Coming Next: Immaculate Charms

Wise Arrow Sight Without Eyes Accuracy Without Distance There Is No Wind
Archery (CR Page 154) Archery (CR Page 154) Archery (CR Page 154) Archery (CR Page 155)
Cost: 1 Mote per die Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 1 Mote, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 1 Minimum Archery: 3 Minimum Archery: 5 Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Wise Arrow Prerequisite Charms: Sight Without Eyes Prerequisite Charms: Sight Without Eyes
Description: For each mote of Essence the Description: PC makes an Archery attack Description: The PC may make an absolute Description: The PC may make an Archery
PC spends, he may add 1 die to an Archery without penalty for visual conditions. Other shot to the maximum range of the bow and it attack with no environmental penalties of
attack roll, but bonus dice cannot exceed Dex negative modifiers (high winds, range, etc.) will hit. If he doesn’t roll the successes any sort, for weather, bad ammunition.
+ Archery. Must declare Essence spent still impose regular penalties. needed to hit a target, he will still hit it, Splitting a dice pool is not an environmental
before die roll. doing base damage for the arrow. It can also penalty.
be used to hit small objects and for trick

Trance of Unhesitating Speed Arrow Storm Technique Fiery Arrow Attack Dazzling Flare Attack
Archery (CR Page 155) Archery (CR Page 155) Archery (CR Page 156) Archery (CR Page 156)
Cost: Varies Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 2 Motes Cost: 1 Mote per 2 damage
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action Type: Extra Action Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 3 Minimum Archery: 5 Minimum Archery: 2 Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Wise Arrow Prerequisite Charms: Trance of Unhesitat- Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Fiery Arrow Attack
Description: The PC declares how many ing Speed Description: PC charges arrow with Description: Arrow is charged with
attacks she will make this turn, then rolls. Description: As long as the PC hits (not Essence and it burst into flame, igniting Essence, glowing like a flare, adding one to
Each extra attack costs a number of Essence “does damage”) she may make another flammable material and adding (PC Essence) PC’s Archery pool. Every mote up to the
motes equal to twice the number of total attack. Each attack must be at a different to damage. PC’s Essence spent adds 2 to damage. Must
attacks made so far. (1st free, 2nd + 4, 3rd + 6, target and the PC must have enough ammo spend at least 1 Essence.
etc.) for the attack. The Charm ends when the
PC misses or has hit every possible target.
Phantom Arrow Technique Solar Spike Immaculate Golden Bow Rain of Feathered Death
Archery (CR Page 156) Archery (CR Page 157) Archery (CR Page 157) Archery (CR Page 157)
Cost: 1 Mote per arrow Cost: 1 Mote per 2 dice of damage Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes per duplicate
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 3 Minimum Archery: 4 Minimum Archery: 4 Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Fiery Arrow Attack Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Arrow Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Arrow Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Arrow
Description: PC shapes mote of Essence Technique Technique Technique
into an arrow, with normal range and damage. Description: PC creates arrow that does Description: PC creates bow from Essence, Description: PC creates duplicate arrows
base damage of twice Essence motes spent with range of compound bow, does Strength from arrow in flight, up to Essence score.
conjuring arrow, up to Archery skill, not + Essence damage. Does not create arrows. Use one attack roll but apply damage
subject to penalties for rain or wind. Range separately, all must attack same target.
of Essence x 100 yards, does at least Essence
damage against demons, undead, & other
creatures of night. Do not add Bow damage.

Ferocious Jab Fist of Iron Technique Ox-Stunning Blow Dragon Coil Technique
Brawl (CR Page 157) Brawl (CR Page 157) Brawl (CR Page 157) Brawl (CR Page 158)
Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 1 Mote per die Cost: 3 Motes per turn
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Varies
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Brawl: 1 Minimum Brawl: 3 Minimum Brawl: 4 Minimum Brawl: 4
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Ferocious Jab Prerequisite Charms: Fists of Iron Prerequisite Charms: Fists of Iron
Description: On a successful attack, PC Description: PC imbues fists with Essence. Technique Technique
may count extra successes twice for Until next action, strikes do Lethal damage Description: The PC makes a normal Description: PC performs Clinch maneuver
purposes of determining damage. May and can parry Lethal damage with fists, but Dexterity + Brawl attack, doing one point of doing Strength + Essence + 2 lethal damage,
decide to spend Essence after rolling attack. not spells or arrows without Stunt. base “stunning” damage for every mote while target only does Strength + 2 Bashing.
spent on the Charm. Stunning damage is If target tries to escape, PC adds Essence in
soaked with just Target’s Bashing soak from auto successes to roll to resist escape. PC
their Stamina. Extra successes add to cannot use simple or supplemental Charms
damage but instead of Health Levels, damage while using this.
roll adds a – 1 to Target’s dice pools for (7 –
Target Stamina) in turns. PC cannot spend
more motes on Charm than twice his
Thunderclap Rush Attack Hammer on Iron Technique Sledgehammer Fist Punch Crashing Wave Throw
Brawl (CR Page 158) Brawl (CR Page 159) Brawl (CR Page 159) Brawl (CR Page 159)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 4 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 2 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Turn Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Extra Action Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Brawl: 3 Minimum Brawl: 4 Minimum Brawl: 1 Minimum Brawl: 2
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Ferocious Jab Prerequisite Charms: Thunderclap Rush Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Sledgehammer Fist
Description: PC automatically wins Attack Description: PC doubles the amount of Punch
initiative over any single opponent. PC Description: PC gains a number of damage done after extra successes are added Description: In addition to normal damage,
cannot split dice pools on turn they use this additional attacks equal to her Essence, but but before soak is applied. May only be PC throws opponent on successful attack a
Charm. all must be against same target. This Charm used against inanimate objects. number of yards equal to PC’s Strength +
cannot be comboed with defensive Charms extra successes on attack roll. Attack cannot
that allow the PC to dodge or otherwise be blocked, only dodged. Target takes dice
avoid attacks, but may be comboed with of Bashing damage equal to number of yards
those that allow her to soak or ignore she would have continued flying if she hits
damage. object, and may take Lethal damage based on
what she hits

Heaven Thunder Hammer Shockwave Technique Striking Cobra Technique Serpentine Evasion
Brawl (CR Page 160) Brawl (CR Page 160) Martial Arts (CR Page 160) Martial Arts (CR Page 160)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Brawl: 3 Minimum Brawl: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Sledgehammer Fist Prerequisite Charms: Crashing Wave Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Striking Cobra
Punch Throw Description: During turn in which this Technique
Description: PC’s unarmed attack does Description: PC makes attack against Charm is activated, PC adds Martial Arts to Description: PC may add a number of dice
normal damage, and hurls enemy a number of primary target that cannot be blocked, only initiative total. May only be used once per equal to her Martial Arts score to any single
yards equal to presoak health damage. Target dodged, and does no damage. If successful, PC turn. Dodge attempt.
takes dice of Bashing damage equal to makes reflexive Brawl attack at full dice pool
number of yards she would have continued against another target within range. If
flying if she hits object, and may take Lethal successful, both targets take Strength (+ the
damage based on what she hits. extra successes on Reflexive attack) Bashing
Damage. If successful, both targets left in
heap on ground and take an action to get up.
If second attack misses, initial target flies a
number of yards equal to PC’s Strength.
Snake Form Essence Fangs and Scales Technique Armor Penetrating Fang Strike Snake Strikes the Heel
Martial Arts (CR Page 160) Martial Arts (CR Page 160) Martial Arts (CR Page 161) Martial Arts (CR Page 161)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 4 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Serpentine Evasion Prerequisite Charms: Snake Form Prerequisite Charms: Essence Fangs and Prerequisite Charms: Snake Form
Description: PC adds Martial Arts score to Description: PC does lethal damage with Scales Technique Description: When PC is attacked, she may
Initiative totals and bashing soak, while Martial Arts attacks and soaks Lethal Description: PC ignores target’s soak from immediately (before damage is determined)
sinuous movements subtract amount equal damage with Bashing soak total. Incompat- armor. Attack can only be soaked by target’s make a counterattack with a pool equal to
to PC Essence from enemies’ dice pools. ible with weapons and armor. Stamina. PC’s Martial Arts + attacker’s extra
Only works against Targets that can see PC. successes on his attack. Damage is then
Incompatible with armor. applied simultaneously. Cannot retaliate
against any other counter-attack Charm.

Crippling Pressure Point Strike Uncoiling Serpent Prana Striking Serpent Speed Essence Venom Strike
Martial Arts (CR Page 161) Martial Arts (CR Page 161) Martial Arts (CR Page 162) Martial Arts (CR Page 162)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Level
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Extra Action Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Snake Strikes Heel. Prerequisite Charms: Snake Form Prerequisite Charms: Uncoiling Serpent Minimum Essence: 3
Description: PC makes attack as normal, Description: PC invokes this Charm and Prana Prerequisite Charms: Armor Penetrating
including roll for damage. For every health makes an attack a number of yards away Description: PC rolls Martial Arts ability, Fang Strike, Crippling Pressure Point Strike,
level PC would have inflicted, target is at –1 equal to Essence. There must be a clear line and for every success gains an extra action. Striking Serpent Speed
to all rolls for a number of turns equal to to target and PC must be able to perceive PC may not split dice pool in same turn she Description: PC makes a Martial Arts
PC’s Martial Arts. them. uses Striking Serpent Speed. attack as normal, but adds her Essence score
to damage and does Aggravated damage.
Excellent Strike Hungry Tiger Technique Fire And Stones Strike One Weapon, Two Blows
Melee (CR Page 162) Melee (CR Page 163) Melee (CR Page 163) Melee (CR Page 163)
Cost: 1 Mote per die Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 1 Mote per health level Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Extra Action
Minimum Melee: 1 Minimum Melee: 2 Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 2
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Excellent Strike Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Tiger Prerequisite Charms: Excellent Strike
Description: For each mote of Essence Description: PC makes attack, and if Technique Description: PC may attack a target twice
spent, PC may add one die to single attack, successful, PC counts extra successes twice Description: Motes for this Charm must be in one turn, both attacks occur on PC
but can no more than double regular for purposes of damage. Essence must be spent at the time of the attack. For each initiative, but are rolled separately. If
Dexterity + Melee pool. spent prior to making attack roll. mote of essence spent, the PC converts one defender dodges or parries, one roll is made
damage die done to the target to an automatic and applied to both attacks.
success. If the PC does less damage after
soak than the motes of essence spent, the
excess motes are wasted.

Peony Blossom Attack Iron Whirlwind Attack Retrieve the Fallen Weapon Call the Blade
Melee (CR Page 163) Melee (CR Page 163) Melee (CR Page 163) Melee (CR Page 163)
Cost: Varies Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action Type: Extra Action Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 5 Minimum Melee: 1 Minimum Melee: 2
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: One Weapon, Two Prerequisite Charms: Peony Blossom Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Retrieve the Fallen
Blows Attack Description: PC may summon his weapon Weapon
Description: The PC declares how many Description: PC may make a total number to his empty hand as long as he can see it. It Description: PC can call her weapon to her
attacks she will make this turn, then rolls. of attacks equal to her Dexterity. PC cannot cannot defeat doors, chains, or other hand, even if she cannot see it. It does not
Each extra attack costs a number of Essence split dice pool in same turn that they use hindrances. cross space to get to the hand, but Charm
motes equal to twice the number of total this Charm. only reaches (10 x PC Essence) in yards.
attacks made so far. (1st free, 2nd 4, 3rd 8,
etc.) PC cannot split Melee pool in same
turn she uses this Charm. Defenders must
Dodge or Parry each attack separately.
Summoning the Loyal Steel Glorious Solar Saber Iron Raptor Technique Sandstorm-Wind Attack
Melee (CR Page 164) Melee (CR Page 164) Melee (CR Page 164) Melee (CR Page 165)
Cost: 1 Mote to summon or banish Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 2 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Call the Blade Prerequisite Charms: Call the Blade Prerequisite Charms: Retrieve the Fallen Prerequisite Charms: Iron Raptor
Description: The PC’s weapon flashes to Description: PC forms blade from pure Weapon Technique
his hand, regardless of previous location. PC Essence that does Strength + Essence lethal Description: PC can use weapon up to Description: A wave of force leaps from
can also banish the weapon to Elsewhere. damage, lights area 4 yards across. The Dexterity x 5 yards away, flying back to his the PC’s blade. PC attacks with Dexterity +
This must be a very important weapon to Blade has Speed + 3, Accuracy and Defense hand afterwards. Attack is with Melee pool Melee Pool, does base damage of Strength +
the PC, his favored weapon. + 1. and does normal damage based on PC Essence up to (10 x PC Essence) yards
Strength, may be blocked as normal. away. It is blocked as a ranged attack.
Botched attacks may result in stuck

Edge of Morning Sunlight Corona of Radiance Blazing Solar Bolt Golden Essence Block
Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 166)
Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Mote per 2 dice
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Minimum Melee: 5 Minimum Melee: 5 Minimum Melee: 5 Minimum Melee: 1
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Iron Raptor Prerequisite Charms: Edge of Morning Prerequisite Charms: Corona of Radiance, Prerequisite Charms: None
Technique Sunlight Sandstorm-Wind Attack Description: PC can trade Essence to parry
Description: PC focuses Essence through Description: Attacks against PC by Description: A bolt of Essence leaps from any hand-to-hand attacks she is aware of,
weapon, making it effective against creatures undead, creatures of the night, and Abyssal PC weapon and Caste mark, allowing PC to but cannot use more dice to parry any single
of darkness, the undead, and Abyssal Exalted are at + 1 difficulty. If such make attack with Dexterity + Melee, which hand-to-hand attack than her Dexterity +
Exalted. PC adds Essence to weapon creatures strike PC unarmed, they must soak cannot be blocked or dodged without use of Melee dice pool. (Not double her Dexter-
damage against such creatures. Aggravated damage equal to PC Essence, and Charms. Does Lethal damage and has base ity + Melee pool, as is typical with Solar
PC attacks against these creatures do damage of PC Strength + Willpower. Against Charms.)
Aggravated damage and have a damage bonus inhabitants of Malfeas or Underworld does
equal to PC Essence. aggravated damage.
Dipping Swallow Defense Bulwark Stance Heavenly Guardian Defense Fivefold Bulwark Stance
Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 166) Melee (CR Page 167)
Cost: 2 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 3 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: Until next action Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Melee: 2 Minimum Melee: 3 Minimum Melee: 4 Minimum Melee: 5
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Golden Essence Prerequisite Charms: Dipping Swallow Prerequisite Charms: Bulwark Stance Prerequisite Charms: Bulwark Stance
Block Defense Description: The PC may block, without Description: PC may use his full Dexterity
Description: PC may use full Dexterity + Description: Until next action, PC can use rolling, any one attack she is aware of, even + Melee dice pool to block any attacks
Melee pool to block any one hand-to-hand full Dexterity + Melee dice pool to parry if the attack is normally unblockable. against him that he is aware of, even missile
attack she is aware of. any attack she is aware of, so long as it has Blocking incredible attacks may destroy weapons and magical attacks that have a
physical component and is not noted as weapon, but Exalted will be unharmed. physical component.
being impossible to block.

Solar Counterattack Ready in Eight Directions Stance Precision of the Striking Raptor Joint Wounding Attack
Melee (CR Page 167) Melee (CR Page 167) Thrown (CR Page 168) Thrown (CR Page 168)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 1 Mote per die Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: One turn Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Minimum Melee: 4 Minimum Melee: 5 Minimum Thrown: 2 Minimum Thrown: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Dipping Swallow Prerequisite Charms: Solar Counterattack Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Precision of the
Defense Description: PC may respond to all attacks Description: PC may infuse weapon with Striking Raptor
Description: PC may make an attack until next action with an immediate counter- Essence, adding 1 die to her pool per mote Description: PC does damage as normal,
against anyone executing a hand-to-hand attack at full Dexterity + Melee pool, after spent, up to double her Dexterity + Thrown but for every Health level inflicted target
attack against her, after roll to hit but before roll to hit but before damage is rolled, and pool. Essence spent must be declared before suffers a –1 penalty to all pools related to
damage is resolved. PC can use this as many not in response to any other counterattack the attack roll. physical activity for one scene. It also
times per turn as she can afford to pay for, Charm. works on automata, the undead, and so
but not in response to any other counterat- forth.
tack Charm.
Observer-Deceiving Attack Mist On Water Attack Falling Icicle Strike Triple-Distance Attack Technique
Thrown (CR Page 168) Thrown (CR Page 168) Thrown (CR Page 168) Thrown (CR Page 169)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes per turn Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Supplemental
Minimum Thrown: 3 Minimum Thrown: 4 Minimum Thrown: 5 Minimum Thrown: 2
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Joint-Wounding Prerequisite Charms: Observer-Deceiving Prerequisite Charms: Joint-Wounding Prerequisite Charms: None
Attack Attack Attack Description: PC’s weapon’s range is tripled
Description: PC makes an attack as normal, Description: The PC may attack an Description: If PC attacks from ambush, for purposes of determining penalties based
but the attack appears to come from a unsuspecting opponent and hide the attack, the defender applies soak as normal, PC rolls on distance to target.
completely different direction, raising the muting the sound for (up to PC Essence) for damage as normal, but doubles the
Awareness roll to spot the PC by one or turns costing 3 motes per turn. Target number of successes. Cannot be used
more. cannot alert anyone for length of silence. If against an alerted opponent.
the target dies, his death will not be
discovered for the length of the silence. It
has no affect on an alerted opponent.

Cascade of Cutting Terror Shower of Deadly Blades Fiery Solar Chakram Ox-Body Technique (SOLAR)
Thrown (CR Page 169) Thrown (CR Page 169) Thrown (CR Page 169) Endurance (CR Page 170)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: None
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent
Type: Supplemental Type: Extra Action Type: Simple Type: Special
Minimum Thrown: 3 Minimum Thrown: 5 Minimum Thrown: 5 Minimum Endurance: varies
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Triple-Distance Prerequisite Charms: Cascade of Cutting Prerequisite Charms: Cascade of Cutting Prerequisite Charms: None
Attack Technique Terror Terror Description: Each time this is purchased,
Description: PC creates duplicates of his Description: PC hurls a number of Description: The PC hurls a mote of PC gains either :
weapon, doubling Thrown pool for throwing weapons, making one attack roll burning light at target, doing 6 + number of *One –0 Health Level
purposes of the attack, which cannot be and applying result to every weapon, at one extra successes on attack Lethal damage, at a *Two –1 Health Levels
dodged, only blocked. Affects only a single or multiple targets without penalty. Cannot range of a 100 yards. Against demons, *One –1 Health Level and two –2 Health
target. Can be used for utility purposes, hurl more weapons than Essence and needs ghosts or creatures of the night the Charm Levels.
such as clearing undergrowth. enough ammunition. adds a number of automatic successes to the PC can get this Charm a number of times up
attack roll equal to the PC’s Essence. to his Endurance score.
Armored Scout’s Invigoration Front-Line Warrior’s Stamina Tiger-Warrior’s Endurance Essence-Gathering Temper
Endurance (CR Page 170) Endurance (CR Page 170) Endurance (CR Page 171) Endurance (CR Page 171)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 15 Motes Cost: 1 Mote
Duration: One Day Duration: One Day Duration: One Day Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Minimum Endurance: 2 Minimum Endurance: 3 Minimum Endurance: 4 Minimum Endurance: 1
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Armored Scout’s Prerequisite Charms: Front-Line Warrior’s Prerequisite Charms: None
Description: Fatigue value and Mobility Invigoration Stamina Description: PC may activate this
penalty of PC’s armor is reduced by one Description: Fatigue value and Mobility Description: Fatigue value and Mobility whenever hit in combat. For every point of
each, cannot reduce value below zero. penalty of PC’s armor is reduced by two penalty of PC’s armor is reduced by three damage taken before soak is applied, player
each, cannot reduce value below zero. each, cannot reduce value below zero. may roll one die, each success meaning a
mote of regained Essence. A PC cannot gain
more Essence than his Stamina score on any
given attack.

Willpower-Enhancing Spirit Battle Fury Focus Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit Respect Commanding Attitude
Endurance (CR Page 171) Endurance (CR Page 171) Endurance (CR Page 172) Performance (CR Page 172)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Endurance: 3 Minimum Endurance: 3 Minimum Endurance: 4 Minimum Performance: 2
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Gathering Prerequisite Charms: Willpower- Prerequisite Charms: Battle Fury Focus Prerequisite Charms: None
Temper Enhancing Spirit Description: While Charm is in effect, PC Description: PCs who use this Charm
Description: PC may activate this Description: For duration of scene, PC has gets +3 bonus to all combat pools and command the attention of an audience.
whenever hit in combat. For every point of +1 to all die pools related to combat and –1 suffers no wound penalties. PC can only While they may not be swayed or im-
damage taken after soak is applied, player to all wound penalties. PC must be engaged attack foes until they are dead, must move to pressed, they will pay him heed, refrain
may roll one die, each success meaning a in combat or attempting to be engaged. She next one through most direct route, cannot from heckling, and avoid leaving performance
point of temporary Willpower is regained. A can attack at range and differentiate between use ranged weapons, or she may remain in any numbers prior to its finish.
PC cannot gain more Willpower than his friend and foe, but to retreat or do anything where she is and let her enemies come to her.
permanent value. else other than combat, must make Will- Will not attack friends unless they try to
power roll—failure means PC continues to stop her, lasts until PC cannot find enemy to
attack, success means Charm ends. kill. Difficulty for Willpower roll to end
trance is 3, or 1 if loved one is the one
Unruly Mob Dispersing Rebuke Rout-Stemming Gesture Fury Inciting Presence Heroism-Encouraging Presence
Performance (CR Page 172) Performance (CR Page 172) Performance (CR Page 173) Performance (CR Page 173)
Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: 3 turns Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Performance: 3 Minimum Performance: 4 Minimum Performance: 3 Minimum Performance: 4
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Respect Command- Prerequisite Charms: Unruly Mob Prerequisite Charms: Unruly Mob Prerequisite Charms: Fury Inciting
ing Attitude Dispersing Rebuke Dispersing Rebuke Presence
Description: The PC issues a strong rebuke Description: All those within a radius of Description: With 10 to 20 minutes of Description: All friendly troops within
and shatters the inertia of a mob. Without (10 x the PC’s Essence rating) in yards are haranguing a crowd on a subject, a PC can PC’s Essence x 100 yards all operate with a
further impetus, they will disperse. This immediately steadied. Those who have turn into an angry mob, lasting for a number bonus die to combat-related dice pools from
Charm does nothing to well organized or failed Valor checks can roll again, and of hours equal to PC’s Essence rating in morale and do not fail Valor rolls, and ST
disciplined force. characters that must make new ones hours. It can be stopped by organized should allow this Charm to considerably
automatically succeed. Even works against opposition that cannot be overwhelmed or if influence the outcome of a battle.
supernatural panic. it is left idle without things to destroy for 10
to 20 minutes.

Tiger-Warrior Training Technique Masterful Performance Exercise Phantom-Conjuring Performance Heart-Compelling Method
Performance (CR Page 173) Performance (CR Page 174) Performance (CR Page 174) Performance (CR Page 174)
Cost: 10 Motes, 2 Willpower Cost: 2 Motes per success Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Week Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Minimum Performance: 5 Minimum Performance: 1 Minimum Performance: 3 Minimum Performance: 4
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Heroism- Encourag- Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Masterful Perfor- Prerequisite Charms: Masterful Perfor-
ing Presence, Rout-Stemming Gesture Description: PC makes a regular Charisma mance Exercise, Respect-Commanding mance Exercise
Description: PCs may supervise training of + Performance roll, but may buy additional Attitude Description: PC chooses an emotion and
(PC Essence x 100) troops a week, and after successes up to (PC’s Essence rating + Description: Images appear during a PC’s channels it through his performance, making
a month they become Elite troops. Already number of successes on the Charisma + performance, underscoring its beauty, adding a Manipulation + Performance roll. Targets
Elite troops will increase considerably in Performance roll,) with each success costing a number of dice equal to PC’s Essence to with a Willpower lower than successes on
power. 2 motes of Essence. next Charisma + Performance roll. roll are overcome with that emotion, those
with below twice the Willpower of the
successes make a roll, and those with greater
than twice the successes are unaffected.
Memory Reweaving Discipline Harmonious Presence Meditation Listener-Swaying Argument Hypnotic Tongue Technique
Performance (CR Page 175) Presence (CR Page 175) Presence (CR Page 175) Presence (CR Page 175)
Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 2 Motes per die, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: One hour Duration: Instant Duration: Special
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Simple
Minimum Performance: 5 Minimum Presence: 3 Minimum Presence: 3 Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Heart- Compelling Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Prerequisite Charms: Listener-Swaying
Method, Phantom-Conjuring Performance Description: While this Charm is in effect Presence Meditation Argument
Description: PC creates a narrative so PC adds a number of dice equal to perma- Description: For every 2 Essence spent by Description: PC programs a target to
compelling that those who hear it forget the nent Essence to any Socialize, Presence or PC, add a die to any Socialize, Presence, or undertake an action later through a touch,
truth and believe the narrative. PC makes a Bureaucracy rolls that involve one-on-one Bureaucracy roll involving one-on-one then making opposed Willpower roll. If
Manipulation + Performance roll, and every interaction. interaction, up to twice the pool. Willpower roll fails, target will know what
success means that the target needs to see happened, what the command was, and what
one piece of evidence that disproves the the conditions were. If PC wins, she may give
narrative. Can be used in conversation. target elaborate unspoken command, and will
keep it for (PC’s Charisma) days. Command
must be able to be executed in (PC’s Essence)
in turns, and target will forget the orders or
not after completion if PC desires it. Target
will not attack herself or others unless
predisposed to do so.

Majestic Radiant Presence Underling Promoting Touch Terrifying Apparition of Glory Durability of Oak Meditation
Presence (CR Page 175) Presence (CR Page 175) Presence (CR Page 176) Resistance (CR Page 176)
Cost: 8 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Mote per 2 dice rolled
Duration: One scene Duration: One day Duration: One scene Duration: One scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 4 Minimum Presence: 5 Minimum Presence: 5 Minimum Resistance: 1
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiance Prerequisite Charms: None
Presence Meditation Presence Presence Description: PC roll up to Stamina +
Description: Targets attempting to attack Description: PC’s target is empowered Description: While Charm is in effect, Resistance in dice, paying 1 mote per 2 dice
the PC or stand against him in argument with majesty of the PC, and will be treated targets must make a Valor check to attack rolled. For each success, PC adds 1 to
must make a successful Willpower roll to do with deference due. Others must make PC, most animals will flee, and allies must Bashing soak. Charm may be used again in
so. Not compatible with Dawn Caste Anima Willpower roll with a difficulty of 1 + make a Conviction roll not to obey non- later turns, but PC cannot gain more Bashing
ability. Essence of PC to do otherwise. suicidal orders. Last for a scene after the soak than Stamina + Resistance.
targets leave PC presence. Those who are
able to attack PC do so at die penalty equal
to PC Essence. Not compatible with Dawn
Caste Anima Ability
Iron Skin Concentration Spirit Strengthens the Skin Adamant Skin Technique Unfailing Tortoise Technique
Resistance (CR Page 176) Resistance (CR Page 176) Resistance (CR Page 177) Resistance (CR Page 177)
Cost: 3 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 2 Motes per Point Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Health Level, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Mote
Duration: One scene Duration: One scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Resistance: 2 Minimum Resistance: 3 Minimum Resistance: 5 Minimum Resistance: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Prerequisite Charms: Iron Skin Concentra- Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak
Meditation Meditation tion, Spirit Strengthens the Skin Meditation
Description: PC’s soaks Lethal damage Description: PC may add up to her score in Description: PC takes no damage from a Description: PC can resist even unantici-
with Bashing soak. Cannot be used with Resistance ability to Bashing soak over and single attack, or damage of any type. PC pated attacks, so may spend 1 mote to add
armor. above Durability of Oak Meditation, for 2 may still suffer from “secondary” damage as Resistance score to Bashing soak for that
motes per point. May be used more than a result of the blow — if the PC is punched single attack. Must be invoked before soak
once per scene, but cannot gain more than into a fire, the punch would be absorbed but is subtracted from damage.
her Resistance ability. not the later fire damage.

Iron Kettle Body Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana Hauberk-Summoning Gesture Glorious Solar Plate
Resistance (CR Page 178) Resistance (CR Page 178) Resistance (CR Page 178) Resistance (CR Page 178)
Cost: 2 Motes Cost: 2 Motes per turn Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: Special Duration: Instant Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Resistance: 5 Minimum Resistance: 1 Minimum Resistance: 3 Minimum Resistance: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Unfailing Tortoise Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Whirlwind Armor- Prerequisite Charms: Hauberk-Summon-
Technique Description: PC can don armor in number Donning Prana ing Gesture
Description: PC can resist even unantici- of turns equal to its Mobility penalty. Each Description: In an eye blink, PC’s armor Description: PC creates a golden lamellar
pated attacks, so may spend 1 mote to add turn costs 2 motes of Essence. Armor must appears on her from as far away as 100 armor around herself, with light bright
Resistance score to Bashing and Lethal soak be handy and readily available. yards x her Essence rating. Armor must be enough to read by in a several-yard radius,
for that single attack. Must be invoked player’s own. with 10 Lethal soak, 10 Bashing soak and
before soak is subtracted from damage. only a –1 Mobility penalty.
Poison-Resisting Meditation Illness-Resisting Meditation Immunity to Everything Technique Friendship With Animals Approach
Resistance (CR Page 179) Resistance (CR Page 179) Resistance (CR Page 179) Survival (CR Page 179)
Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: One scene Duration: One day Duration: One scene Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Resistance: 3 Minimum Resistance: 3 Minimum Resistance: 5 Minimum Survival: 1
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Illness-Resisting Prerequisite Charms: None
Description: PC may add a number of Description: PC may add a number of Meditation, Poison-Resisting Meditation Description: PC can deal well with any
automatic successes equal to his Stamina to automatic successes equal to his Stamina to Description: While this Charm is in effect, animal, but must be within one yard of the
the Stamina + Resistance roll to resist toxins, the Stamina + Resistance roll to resist PC cannot be injured by illness or poison, target per point of Essence. Herbivores will
spoiled food, etc. PC can also consume a illness. PC can add the same number to his and will not become subject to illness later, become docile, and predators will not
number of drinks equal to his Stamina with daily roll to recover from illness already after exposure. challenge the PC. Does not work on trained,
no penalty. contracted. sentient, or insane animals.

Spirit-Tied Pet Bestial Traits Technique Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit Trackless Region Navigation Charm
Survival (CR Page 179) Survival (CR Page 180) Survival (CR Page 180) Survival (CR Page 181)
Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Experience Cost: 8 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 7 Motes
Point Duration: One scene Duration: One day Duration: One Day
Duration: Instant Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Type: Simple Minimum Survival: 4 Minimum Survival: 3 Minimum Survival: 4
Minimum Survival: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Tied Pet Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Hardship-Surviving
Prerequisite Charms: Friendship With Description: PC can gain the Trait of a Description: The PC can resist harsh (but Mendicant Spirit
Animals Approach Spirit-Tied Pet, each use allowing the gain of not the most hostile) environments without Description: The PC (and a number of
Description: Each time PC uses this Charm a single characteristic. To gain a poisoned special preparations. Blazing heat, icy cold, people equal to twice his Essence score)
while handling an animal, she gains a dot of bite, the PC would need to emulate the bite hypothermia, leeches, mosquitoes—all are travel over most terrain as if it were easily
Familiar concerning the animal. PCs cannot and the poison, and the bite would be as the overcome by this Charm. traversed ground, covering 20 miles per day.
have more than one Spirit-Tied Pet at a time. animal, not as the animal if it were the size Very harsh terrain can be traveled over at a
of the PC. rate of 10 miles per day.
Food-Gathering Exercise Unshakeable Bloodhound Technique Eye-Deceiving Camouflage Traceless Passage
Survival (CR Page 181) Survival (CR Page 181) Survival (CR Page 182) Survival (CR Page 182)
Cost: 3 Motes per person Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 5 motes per person,
Duration: One hour Duration: One day Duration: One day 1 Willpower
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Duration: One day
Minimum Survival: 5 Minimum Survival: 5 Minimum Survival: 5 Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Survival: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Trackless Region Prerequisite Charms: Hardship-Surviving Prerequisite Charms: Hardship-Surviving Minimum Essence: 3
Navigation Charm Mendicant Spirit Mendicant Spirit Prerequisite Charms: Unshakeable
Description: With an hour of foraging for Description: PC can track anyone through Description: PC can camouflage himself or Bloodhound Technique
food, the PC will provide enough food for any terrain as long as the trail is fresh. Over an object no larger than his Essence in yards Description: The PC can make his trail and
up to her Essence in people. Incredibly difficult terrain, trail is fresh for one day per so as to be undetectable. This takes one the trails of additional people equal to his
difficult environments will make this more point of PC permanent Essence, but is fresh hour. As long as the PC or object does not Essence score totally traceless. They cannot
difficult, but not more than reducing amount for up to 3 times as long in more amenable move suddenly or at length, it will not be be tracked, not even with the aid of tracking
of food by half. territory. If foiled by Traceless Passage, detected by any sense without intensive animals or other aids. Only characters with
both PC and target resolve tracking normally. searching for a number of hours equal to the the Unshakeable Bloodhound Technique
PC’s Essence, or by a discipline enhancing Charm can follow, played out as if they were
the senses, which calls for an opposed test tracking without magic.
between enemy’s Perception + Awareness
and PC’s Intelligence + Survival.

Element-Resisting Prana Flawless Handiwork Method Object-Strengthening Touch Durability-Enhancing Technique

Survival (CR Page 182) Craft (CR Page 182) Craft (CR Page 183) Craft (CR Page 183)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 motes per success Cost: 6 motes Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One day Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Survival: 5 Minimum Craft: 1 Minimum Craft: 2 Minimum Craft: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Hardship-Surviving Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Handiwork Prerequisite Charms: Object-Strengthen-
Mendicant Spirit Description: The PC can craft extraordinar- Method ing Touch
Description: The PC is able to survive in ily well. To use this Charm, the PC first Description: The PC strengthens an object. Description: The PC strengthens an object
any environment, such as active volcanoes, makes a regaulr Intelligence or Stamina + Fragile objects like those made of glass so that it will endure for years. Durability-
underwater, and in conditions as harsh as Craft roll for the character. Then, the player cannot be damaged without Strength at least Enhancing Technique add twice the PC’s
those of the elemental poles. While this may “buy” additional successes, up to the equal to the Essence of the PC who used the score in the Crafts Ability to the Strength +
Charm is active, the PC adds her Endurance Character’s Essence rating + the number of Charm on them. Targets that are not fragile Athletics dice pool required to break objects
to her soak when she takes damage from successes rolled on the Craft roll. Each take twice normal force to harm. treated by this Charm, and they last 10
elemental sources such as cold, fire and success bought in this fashion costs 3 motes times as long as untreated objects.
lightning. of Essence
Chaos Resistance Preparation Crack-Mending Technique Shattering Grasp Craftsman Needs No Tools
Craft (CR Page 183) Craft (CR Page 183) Craft (CR Page 184) Craft (CR Page 184)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, Cost: 5 motes Cost: 7 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant 1 health level Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Duration: Instant Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Craft: 4 Type: Simple Minimum Craft: 3 Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Craft: 5 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Object-Strengthen- Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms: Object-Strengthen- Prerequisite Charms: Shattering Grasp
ing Touch Prerequisite Charms: Craftsman Needs ing Touch Description: A PC who knows this Charm
Description: This Charm makes objects No Tools, Durability-Enhancing Technique Description: A PC using this Charm works directly with her chosen material,
resistant to the effects of the Wyld. Objects Description: The PC can fix any broken multiplies his Strength + Athletics by 2 for shaping it with her hands and voice, without
protected by this Charm take 10 times as object, so long as it was not wholly unmade. the purposes of breaking or damaging the any need for tools. PCs using this Charm do
long to change due to the Wyld as it would The character must spend a number of hours basic material he works with for the focus of a day’s work in a Scene. Tasks needing
normally. The effects of the Charm are working on the object equal to 10 - her his Craft skill — typically metal, stone or multiple days’ work require multiple Scenes
permanent. Essence, and cannot remake an object more wood. If the character is making an attack of use.
yards in radius than the character’s Essence. against such an object, double his damage

Ten Magistrate Eyes Crafty Observation Method Judge’s Ear Technique Evidence Discerning Method
Investigation (CR Page 185) Investigation (CR Page 185) Investigation (CR Page 185) Investigation (CR Page 185)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Minimum Investigation: 1 Minimum Investigation: 3 Minimum Investigation: 2 Minimum Investigation: 4
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Ten Magistrate Eyes Prerequisite Charms: Ten Magistrate Eyes Prerequisite Charms: Judge’s Ear
Description: The PC adds his Essence score Description: By examining the undisturbed Description: The PC can tell if the target is Technique
in automatic successes to any Investigation physical evidence of an event, the character lying to her. This Charm is infallible, but if Description: A PC with this Charm may
rolls. can reconstruct the physical process behind the target refuses to answer or does answer construct a psychological profile of the
that event. If the evidence is disturbed in an unclear fashion, the Charm will not target that left the evidence. The depth of
significantly, the PC must make a Perception indicate him as having lied. If the target this profile is determined by the amount of
+ Investigation roll with a difficulty believes something to be the case but it is material the PC employing this Charm has to
determined by the amount of disturbance the false, then the Charm will not detect it as a sort through, and if there is material that
evidence has been subjected to reconstruct lie. does not belong to the target, then the PC’s
the event. profile will be distorted.
Irresistible Questioning Technique Unknown Wisdom Epiphany Integrity-Protecting Prana Chaos-Repelling Pattern
Investigation (CR Page 186) Investigation (CR Page 186) Lore (CR Page 186) Lore (CR Page 186)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: One Day Duration: One hour
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Investigation: 3 Minimum Investigation: 5 Minimum Lore: 1 Minimum Lore: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Judge’s Ear Prerequisite Charms: Crafty Observation Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Integrity-Protecting
Technique Method, Evidence-Discerning Method Description: The PC’s mind and body is Prana
Description: If the Target has Willpower Description: By visiting the scene of an protected against the influence of Wyld Description: The PC protects his posses-
equal to or less than the PC’s Essence, the event the PC can psychically reenact energies, and will not be twisted by the sions from the warping influence of the
target is unable to lie, dissimilate or otherwise history, gaining insight he could not receive Wyld. Wyld, an amount which can equal a fully
prevaricate. If the target has Willpower equal from evidence. The character must be able to laden horse if the character is mounted.
to or less than twice the PC’s Essence, the PC go over the scene, touch and examine mostly
may make a Manipulation + Investigation roll. undisturbed evidence and “get into the
For every success, the target must answer a shoes” of one of the people involved. The
single question. This Charm does not work on PC flashbacks to the event and gains info
targets with Willpower higher than twice the
about the target’s Nature, surface feelings
PC’s Essence, and if used by a PC on the same
and attitudes over the course of the event.
target more than once in [target’s Willpower]
weeks, the Charm has no effect.

Wyld Shaping Technique Essence-Lending Method Will-Bolstering Method Wound-Accepting Technique

Lore (CR Page 186) Lore (CR Page 187) Lore (CR Page 187) Lore (CR Page 188)
Cost: 20 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes per Health Level, 1 Will-
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant power
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Duration: Instant
Minimum Lore: 5 Minimum Lore: 1 Minimum Lore: 2 Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Lore: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Lending Minimum Essence: 2
Description: The PC may shape the Description: The PC can transfer Essence Method Prerequisite Charms: Will-Bolstering
deepest Wyld. See the core rules for details to the target by spending a turn in skin-to- Description: The PC can transfer Will- Method
on this extended action, pg. 186-187. skin contact and burning 3 motes of Essence. power to the target by spending a turn in Description: The PC must be in skin-to-skin
She then transfers motes of Essence equal to skin-to-skin contact and burning the Essence contact with Target for a turn, and the PC
3 x her permanent Essence score, which and Willpower required by Charm. The PC must spend the appropriate Essence and
cannot cause the target’s Essence pool to rise may then transfer a number of points of Willpower. The PC takes a number of health
above its normal maximum and any excess temporary Willpower to the target equal to levels of bashing damage, and the target of the
dissipates. PCs may activate this Charm the highest Virtue that the two of them Charm heals a like number of levels of bashing
over multiple turns but must pay the 3 share. PC cannot cause the target’s tempo- or lethal damage. PCs cannot share more
motes for each turn the Charm is in use. rary Willpower to rise above its normal health levels than the lower of the pair’s
Stamina, nor heal aggravated damage, nor
maximum. Excess points are wasted.
cause a target to gain more health levels than
normal. Exalted can kill themselves through
the use of this Charm.
Power-Awarding Prana Body-Mending Meditation Flawless Diagnosis Technique Ailment Rectifying Method
Lore (CR Page 188) Medicine (CR Page 188) Medicine (CR Page 188) Medicine (CR Page 188)
Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower, 1 XP Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One Day Duration: One Day Duration: 5 Minutes Duration: 6 Hours
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Craft: 5 Minimum Medicine: 1 Minimum Medicine: 1 Minimum Medicine: 2
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Wound Accepting Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Diagnosis
Technique Description: While this Charm is active, Description: By examining a target closely Technique
Description: The PC can lend her power to the PC heals at 10 times the normal rate. It and hearing about her symptoms, the PC Description: Allows the PC to recover
a normal mortal target. For each point of the cannot be used on others, does not speed the will diagnose their illness without error. from illness. Non-life-threatening illnesses
PC’s Essence, she can loan one Charm to the healing of aggravated damage, or allow the This is a function of the PC’s Medicine skill, dissipate immediately. A PC suffering from
target. The target must meet appropriate regeneration of amputated or destroyed so they will be unable to diagnosis an illness serious ailments makes a Stamina +
minimum Ability to use the Charm, and if tissue. Characters can activate this Charm they’ve never heard of, and will never Resistance roll (without any wound or
the Charm has prerequisite Charms, then the even if unconscious. mistake one she doesn’t know for one she disease-related penalties). Success indicates
target must be lent those. The Charms draw does. that the character’s illness fades over the
directly on the Essence of the PC, but the course of the Charm’s duration. More
target pays any non-Essence costs. While serious illnesses require more successes.
the Charms are lent, the Exalted cannot use

Contagion Curing Touch Touch of Blissful Release Grievous Injury Recovery Method Wound Mending Care Technique
Medicine (CR Page 189) Medicine (CR Page 189) Medicine (CR Page 190) Medicine (CR Page 190)
Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 10 Motes
Duration: One Day Duration: Six hours Duration: One Day Duration: One Day
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Medicine: 3 Minimum Medicine: 2 Minimum Medicine: 2 Minimum Medicine: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Ailment Rectifying Prerequisite Charms: Body-Mending Prerequisite Charms: Body-Mending Prerequisite Charms: Grievous Injury
Method Meditation Meditation Recovery Method, Touch of Blissful Release
Description: The PC makes an Intelligence Description: PC reduces target’s wound Description: During the duration of the Description: PC heals her Essence in
+ Medicine roll, curing normal diseases with penalties by 2, and sick targets ignore up to 2 Charm, spent in bed-rest, the PC heals her target’s Health Levels for each day spent
1 success; more serious ones may need up to dice of negative symptoms. Targets under Essence score in health levels, plus addi- treating subject, plus Health Levels equal to
five. The disease halts, and the illness will Charm’s influence are at a -3 die penalty to tional levels equal to successes on a Stamina successes on Intelligence + Medicine roll.
get no worse unless treatment stops. performing any action that requires thought, + Endurance roll. Does not speed healing of Can only heal one target at a time, does not
Nothing is required but bed rest. This Charm memory or coordination. aggravated or regenerate lost limbs or tissue. heal Aggravated damage or destroyed or
cannot affect more targets per day than PC’s amputated tissue.
dots in Medicine.
Anointment of Miraculous Health Bodily Regeneration Prana Healing Trance Meditation Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Medicine (CR Page 190) Medicine (CR Page 191) Medicine (CR Page 191) Occult (CR Page 191)
Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: One Hour Duration: One Hour Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Medicine: 4 Minimum Medicine: 5 Minimum Medicine: 5 Minimum Occult: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Contagion Curing Prerequisite Charms: Wound Mending Prerequisite Charms: Anointment of Prerequisite Charms: None
Touch, Wound Mending Care Technique Care Technique Miraculous Health, Bodily Regeneration Description: By activating this Charm, PC
Description: The PC cures the target’s Description: PC enters a healing trance, Prana can cast a single spell of the Terrestrial
injuries with a touch. Target heals a number during which she heals Health Levels equal Description: PC and willing target enter a Circle. Additionally, PC must pay Essence
of health levels equal to PC Essence, except to her Essence. This will heal Aggravated healing trance, during which target heals cost of spell. Cannot be in Combo.
for amputated limbs and Aggravated damage. damage and regenerate lost limbs, and organs, Health Levels equal to PC Essence. This
the former equal to two Health Levels, the will heal Aggravated damage and regenerate
latter equal to one. During period in trance, lost limbs, and organs, the former equal to
PC gains no Essence. two Health Levels, the latter equal to one.
During period in trance, PC and target gain
no Essence.

Celestial Circle Sorcery Solar Circle Sorcery Spirit-Detecting Glance Spirit-Cutting Attack
Occult (CR Page 191) Occult (CR Page 191) Occult (CR Page 192) Occult (CR Page 192)
Cost: 2 Willpower Cost: 3 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 2 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental
Minimum Occult: 4 Minimum Occult: 5 Minimum Occult: 1 Minimum Occult: 2
Minimum Essence: 4 Minimum Essence: 5 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial Circle Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Circle Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting
Sorcery Sorcery Description: PC can perceive unmanifested Glance
Description: By activating this Charm, PC Description: By activating this Charm, PC spirits, which are clearly distinguishable Description: PC may launch a single attack
can cast a single spell of the Celestial Circle. can cast a single spell of the Solar Circle. from manifested ones. PC is still unable to at an unmanifested spirit. PCs without
Additionally, PC must pay Essence cost of Additionally, PC must pay Essence cost of touch or harm such spirits with just this Spirit-Detecting Glance active will be
spell. Cannot be in Combo. spell. Cannot be in Combo. Charm. attacking blind (+ 2 difficulty). Can be in
combo with Charms of other abilities.
Ghost-Eating Technique Spirit-Repelling Diagram All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight Graceful Crane Stance
Occult (CR Page 192) Occult (CR Page 193) Occult (CR Page 193) Athletics (CR Page 193)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Minimum Occult: 4 Minimum Occult: 5 Minimum Occult: 5 Minimum Athletics: 1
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Cutting Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Cutting Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Prerequisite Charms: None
Attack Attack Glance Description: PC has near perfect balance
Description: PC strikes unmanifested spirit Description: PC creates warded area a Description: While using this Charm, PC and can stand on things too weak or narrow
target, doing Aggravated damage and draining number of yards in radius equal to the PC’s can perceive flows of Essence due to spirits, to support him normally, with no fear of
away the spirit’s Essence equal to twice PC Essence. Unmaterialized spirits with a lower Charms, Manses, Demesnes, sorcery and falling or the object breaking, only needing to
Essence. This Essence is added to the PC’s maximum Essence pool than the PC must enchantments. With Intelligence + Occult make Athletics rolls in the most extraordi-
pool, and Essence above PC’s maximum either flee the diagram or materialize. roll, PC can identify type of enchantment nary circumstances.
dissipates but is still drained. Can be in Unmaterialized spirits outside the diagram and (if familiar with them) the Exalted who
combos with Charms of other Abilities. with maximum Essence pools lower than the caused it.
PC’s may not use their Charms to affect
those within the diagram, and may not enter.
Spirits that have materialized are no longer
subject to the diagram.

Monkey Leap Technique Thunderbolt Attack Prana Lightning Speed Spider-Foot Style
Athletics (CR Page 193) Athletics (CR Page 193) Athletics (CR Page 193) Athletics (CR Page 194)
Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 2 Motes
Duration: One Turn Duration: Instant Duration: One Turn Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Athletics: 1 Minimum Athletics: 3 Minimum Athletics: 2 Minimum Athletics: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Crane Prerequisite Charms: Monkey Leap Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Crane Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Speed
Stance Technique Stance Description: The PC can run over the most
Description: PC may leap Strength x 10 Description: The PC leaps into the air, Description: The PC doubles her sprinting uneven surfaces, up sheer walls, or dash
feet vertically or twice that horizontally bringing their weapon down on opponent. distance for the turn, and has no chance of upside down across ceilings or the underside
instead of a normal move, and may attack Any damage done is doubled after it is rolled. being winded from the exertion. of structures, circumventing obstacles such
during that round, gaining no special bonuses PCs cannot move in same round they use as shields and moving behind enemies, with
from the leap. Thunderbolt Attack Prana. Allowed to be bonuses assigned by ST. If a PC is in a
used with Charms of other Abilities as long as position she could not be in normally and
other Charm does not force PC to move. doesn’t spend Essence to maintain this
Charm, she falls, possibly taking damage.
Feather-Foot Style Leaping Tiger Attack Racing Hare Method Increasing Strength Exercise
Athletics (CR Page 194) Athletics (CR Page 194) Athletics (CR Page 195) Athletics (CR Page 195)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes per Dot
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Hour Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Athletics: 4 Minimum Athletics: 4 Minimum Athletics: 5 Minimum Athletics: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Speed Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Speed Prerequisite Charms: Monkey Leap Prerequisite Charms: None
Description: The PC can run across fluid Description: The PC can move up to his Technique, Spider-Foot Style Description: For every 3 motes the PC
surfaces such as water and loose sand, Sprint distance without penalty, striking as Description: The PC enters a trance and spends, her Strength increases by 1, though
treating them as solid earth but possibly he goes. He attacks as normal but damage is moves in graceful leaps, going (Stamina + the PC cannot gain more Strength than her
taking damage from foot contact if the doubled after soak but before it is rolled. He Essence ) x 10 miles per hour. The trance Essence. This increase effects damage done
surface is dangerous, such as magma or acid. needs only a yard minimum, but cannot be ends when the PC stops for any reason and by the PC as if it were normal Strength.
If a PC doesn’t spend Essence to maintain bound or unable to move when he launches his perceptions are vague, and so can become
this Charm and is still on a fluid surface, she the attack. Can be used with other Ability easily lost in a strange area.
falls, possibly taking damage. Charms in a Combo, but PC must be able to
move to use it in such a way.

Thunder’s Might Ten Ox Meditation Sensory Acuity Prana Keen Sight Technique
Athletics (CR Page 195) Athletics (CR Page 196) Awareness (CR Page 196) Awareness (CR Page 196)
Cost: 2 Motes per point. Cost: 1 Mote per 2 points. Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Athletics: 4 Minimum Athletics: 5 Minimum Awareness: 2 Minimum Awareness: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Increasing Strength Prerequisite Charms: Thunder’s Might Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Sensory Acuity
Exercise Description: The PC can increase Strength + Description: All of the PC’s senses Prana
Description: For every 2 motes of Essence Athletics pool by 2 for a single attempt to lift increase, adding a number of dice to his Description: The PC extends her sight
the PC spends, her Strength + Athletics pool or break something, or increase his raw damage Awareness equal to his Essence. several times past that of a normal mortal,
increases by 1 for the purposes of lifting and by two for each mote spent. The PC cannot able to see tiny details at 100 yards and see
breaking objects, up to a limit of twice her use more Essence than he has permanent normally through poor visual conditions.
normal Strength + Athletic pool. For attacks Willpower. This cannot be used against Cannot be used with Sensory Acuity
against inanimate objects, each Essence point Animate objects. Prana—either all senses are affected or one.
adds one die to the PCs raw damage against
it. This Charm does not increase damage
done in combat.
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique Keen Smell and Taste Technique Unsurpassed Sight Discipline Unsurpassed Hearing and Touch
Awareness (CR Page 196) Awareness (CR Page 196) Awareness (CR Page 196) Discipline
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 Motes Awareness (CR Page 196)
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Cost: 5 Motes
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Duration: One Scene
Minimum Awareness: 3 Minimum Awareness: 3 Minimum Awareness: 5 Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Awareness: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Sensory Acuity Prerequisite Charms: Sensory Acuity Prerequisite Charms: Keen Minimum Essence: 2
Prana Prana SightTechnique Prerequisite Charms: Keen Hearing and
Description: The PC extends her hearing Description: The PC extends her Smell and Description: The PC’s eyes become equal Touch Technique
and touch to a supernatural degree, judging Taste to a supernatural degree, recognizing to the greatest raptor, able to see a Description: The PC’s hearing and touch
the quality of fabric and metal with casual targets by scent and tracking with it, with a fieldmouse out a mile away, a single face in a become supernaturally acute, and she can
inspection and able to listen in clearly on +2 bonus to Survival rolls to track and hunt crowd with a glance, or tiny details without hear whispered conversations a mile away
conversations through thick doors. Cannot for food. Cannot be used with Sensory effort. outside or 100 yards away indoors, and can
be used with Sensory Acuity Prana—either Acuity Prana—either all senses are affected read pages by feeling the ink.
all senses are affected or one. or one.

Unsurpassed Smell and Taste Discipline Surprise Anticipation Method Reed in the Wind Shadow Over Water
Awareness (CR Page 196) Awareness (CR Page 197) Dodge (CR Page 197) Dodge (CR Page 198)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 1 Mote per 2 dice Cost: 2 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Awareness: 5 Minimum Awareness: 3 Minimum Dodge: 2 Minimum Dodge: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Keen Smell and Prerequisite Charms: Sensory Acuity Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Reed in the Wind
Taste Technique Prana Description: For each mote spent, the PC Description: The PC may dodge a single
Description: The PC’s senses of smell and Description: Whenever the PC is in adds two dice to dodge an attack the PC can attack that he is aware of with his full
taste become supernaturally acute, and he imminent danger, this Charm activates, see coming, but cannot gain more than her Dexterity + Dodge pool, spending Essence
can track by scent like a hound, (with his costing a mote of Essence. The PC is alerted regular Dexterity + Dodge pool. The PC before his opponent makes the attack roll.
Perception as automatic successes to all to danger by subtle cues, making them must declare this Charm and how much
Survival rolls to track or hunt for food,) can almost impossible to catch off-guard but not Essence she is using before her opponent
read mood by scent, and can smell poisons prescient. makes an attack roll. Fractional dice are lost.
at a distance.
Seven Shadow Evasion Reflex Sidestep Technique Flow Like Blood Seasoned Criminal Method
Dodge (CR Page 198) Dodge (CR Page 198) Dodge (CR Page 198) Larceny (CR Page 199)
Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 2 Motes Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: One Day
Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Dodge: 5 Minimum Dodge: 3 Minimum Dodge: 5 Minimum Larceny: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Shadow Over Water Prerequisite Charms: Reed in the Wind Prerequisite Charms: Reflex Sidestep Prerequisite Charms: None
Description: The PC may dodge any single Description: The PC may dodge attacks, Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion Description: The PC is aware of all
attack she is aware of, without rolling, even even if she is not aware of it, by spending 2 Description: The PC may use his full criminal subcultures, able to tell small-timers
if it has an area of effect. The PC must motes with a pool equal 2 x her permanent Dexterity + Dodge pool to dodge all from criminal bosses, able to spot corrupt
activate Charm before the opponent makes Essence. The player does not have to dodge, physical attack, even those he is not aware police, and those willing to buy or sell illegal
an attack roll. but if she does, the Essence must be paid of. or stolen goods. This does not allow the PC
before the opponent rolls her attack. to spot informers or turncoats.

Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise Perfect Mirror Flawless Pickpocketing Technique Stealing From Plain Sight Spirit
Larceny (CR Page 199) Larceny (CR Page 199) Larceny (CR Page 200) Larceny (CR Page 200)
Cost: 7 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 6 Motes
Duration: One Day Duration: One Hour Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Larceny: 4 Minimum Larceny: 5 Minimum Larceny: 2 Minimum Larceny: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Seasoned Criminal Prerequisite Charms: Flawlessly Impen- Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flawless
Method etrable Disguise Description: The PC may pick the pocket Pickpocketing Technique
Description: The PC can disguise her voice, Description: The PC is able to imitate of someone she is close enough to touch Description: The PC may steal something
appearance, gender and scent, changing her someone she is familiar with so well that with no chance of detection. with no chance of being caught in the act,
apparent age by up to 20 years and height pets, intimates and close friends will be including items in plain view or on
by six inches. She cannot imitate a specific fooled, including small mannerisms and in- someone’s person (a sword in a scabbard, a
person. Attempts to defeat this Charm with jokes but not memories. She must know the key off of a ring), as long as he is close
another Charm results in an opposed Wits + target well enough to imitate them using the enough to touch it and it is not actively in
Larceny on the PC’s part vs. a Perception + normal disguise ability. use. The theft will go unnoticed for at least
Awareness roll. a number of turns equal to the PC’s Essence
rating as long as notice is not drawn to the
Magpie’s Invisible Talon Lock-Opening Touch Door-Evading Technique Easily Overlooked Presence Method
Larceny (CR Page 200) Larceny (CR Page 201) Larceny (CR Page 201) Stealth (CR Page 201)
Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Larceny: 5 Minimum Larceny: 3 Minimum Larceny: 5 Minimum Stealth: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Stealing from Plain Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Prerequisite Charms: Lock Opening Prerequisite Charms: None
Sight Spirit Pickpocketing Technique Touch Description: The PC becomes difficult to
Description: The PC may steal something Description: The PC can instantly pick Description: The PC may simply walk notice, and so long as they do not do
with no chance of being caught in the act, any lock, even without tools. This Charm through locked doors, closed apertures, anything to be obvious and no one is
including items in plain view or on must be used once per lock. sewer grates, and windows, but not walls. actively looking for them, or the targets of
someone’s person (a sword in a scabbard, a the Charm are not on “alert.”
key off of a ring), within 1 yard per point of
Essence, and as long as it is not actively in
use. The theft will go unnoticed for at least
a number of turns equal to the PC’s Essence
rating as long as notice is not drawn to the

Mental Invisibility Technique Vanishing From Mind’s Eye Method Invisible Statue Spirit Blurred Form Style
Stealth (CR Page 201) Stealth (CR Page 202) Stealth (CR Page 202) Stealth (CR Page 202)
Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Day Duration: Until Disturbed Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Stealth: 4 Minimum Stealth: 5 Minimum Stealth: 3 Minimum Stealth: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Easily Overlooked Prerequisite Charms: Mental Invisibility Prerequisite Charms: Easily Overlooked Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Statue
Presence Method Technique Presence Method Spirit
Description: The PC bends the minds of Description: The PC vanishes from Description: The PC disappears, and no Description: The PC blends into whatever
those who see her. Characters who see the memory — she is still as easy to detect as amount of searching will reveal them until background she is near. Attempts to spot
PC must make a Willpower roll and gain before, but no one will recognize her as she they move or undertake offensive action. her need a additional successes equal to the
successes equal to the Essence of the PC in separates a new history for herself beginning They can still be detected by touch, scent or PC’s Essence. Those who see the PC attack
order to perceive her and not ignore her. at the activation of the Charm. Beings with hearing. from a distance get a free attempt (Difficulty
This effect ends if the PC takes violent Essence greater than the PC’s are immune to + 1) to spot her for each attack. If she
action or is pointed out by someone who this. attacks in close combat, watchers automati-
notices her, directly or indirectly. cally spot her. Once noticed, attackers at
range do so with a difficulty penalty equal to
the PC’s Essence, while those doing so in
close combat get a + 1 difficulty.
Sound and Scent Banishing Attitude Frugal Merchant Method Insightful Buyer Technique Consumer-Evaluating Glance
Stealth (CR Page 203) Bureaucracy (CR Page 203) Bureaucracy (CR Page 203) Bureaucracy (CR Page 203)
Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 1 Motes Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Stealth: 4 Minimum Bureaucracy: 1 Minimum Bureaucracy: 3 Minimum Bureaucracy: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Blurred Form Style Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Frugal Merchant Prerequisite Charms: Frugal Merchant
Description: The PC makes no noise and Description: The PC can evaluate the Method Method
leaves no scent, and this extends to anything quality and condition of goods, and can even Description: The PC gains an intuitive idea Description: The PC can instantly evaluate
he is touching or carrying on his person. tell if an object from the First Age is still of how the market feels at the moment, such a given buyer’s intentions with regards to
functional. This Charm will not tell the PC as how much an item can fetch. The PC buying and whether they need to be swayed,
if he’s being overcharged or even if the item does not have to be present at the market, as well as their budget. The PC also
is being sold for a fair price. but must have a specific one in mind — the determines whether or not the target plans to
more specific the market, the more accurate swindle or betray him.
the read. The read is accurate at the time the
Charm is used, but circumstances may
change based on the time it takes to get to
the market.

Irresistible Salesman Spirit Deft Official’s Way Speed the Wheels Bureau-Rectifying Method
Bureaucracy (CR Page 203) Bureaucracy (CR Page 204) Bureaucracy (CR Page 204) Bureaucracy (CR Page 205)
Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 8 Motes Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Task Duration: One Task Duration: One Investigation
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Bureaucracy: 5 Minimum Bureaucracy: 1 Minimum Bureaucracy: 3 Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Consumer- Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Deft Official’s Way Prerequisite Charms: Speed the Wheels
Evaluating Glance Description: The PC can navigate bureau- Description: The PC can get a bureaucracy Description: The PC can aid in the
Description: If the target’s Willpower is less cracies, adding his Essence in automatic to finish a task faster, at (PC Essence + 1) reformation of a bureaucracy, causing
than or equal to the PC’s Essence, the PC can successes to any Bureaucracy rolls to times faster than normal. individuals to become more helpful and
convince the target to buy anything at any achieve a given result. This Charm does not corruption is easier to ferret out. Large tasks
price. If the target’s Willpower is less than make the impossible possible or allow the may need multiple uses of this Charm — the
twice the PC’s Essence, the PC makes a Wits poor to pay bribes they cannot afford. PC can typically bolster the actions of (PC
+ Bureaucracy roll, with the number of Essence x 20) individuals per use.
successes determining how many times the
normal price the PC can get for the item.
The Charm does not work on those with
Willpower equal to more than twice the PC’s
Essence. After the duration of the Charm is
up, the target is aware of being swindled.
Indolent Official Charm Foul Air of Argument Technique Whirling Brush Method Flawless Brush Discipline
Bureaucracy (CR Page 205) Bureaucracy (CR Page 205) Linguistics (CR Page 205) Linguistics (CR Page 205)
Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 12 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 6 Motes
Duration: One task Duration: One Task Duration: One Scene Duration: One Day
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Bureaucracy: 3 Minimum Bureacracy: 5 Minimum Linguistics: 1 Minimum Linguistics: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Deft Official’s Way Prerequisite Charms: Indolent Official Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Whirling Brush
Description: The PC uses his power to Charm Description: The PC can write with Method
slow the wheels of bureaucracy, causing Description: With this Charm, the PC superhuman speed (but not create,) copying Description: The PC can create a perfect
papers to be lost and officials to be even causes an action to become the death knell a large book in a single day and transcribing facsimile of a document, at normal speed,
pettier. The time taken for the task is for a bureaucracy. The initial project goes even rapid conversations with multiple and within the limits of the materials he has
multiplied by the PC’s Essence. Each use of nowhere, eating up more resources and participants, containing as many errors as if to work with. It allows copies of only text
this Charm hampers the efforts of a number crippling the bureaus involved. Bureaucra- the PC had done so at normal speed. and illustrations, not seals or impressions.
of people equal to (PC Essence x 20.) The cies targeted by this Charm function at 1/(1+
PC can invest the Essence on tasks he Essence of PC) of their normal efficiency.
suspects may happen without knowledge of The PC cannot use multiple invocations of
their existence. this Charm at the same time.

Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique Discerning Savant’s Eye Sagacious Reading of Intent Poetic Expression Style
Linguistics (CR Page 206) Linguistics (CR Page 206) Linguistics (CR Page 207) Linguistics (CR Page 207)
Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: One Hour Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Linguistics: 4 Minimum Linguistics: 5 Minimum Linguistics: 1 Minimum Linguistics: 2
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Whirling Brush Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Brush Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Sagacious Reading of
Method Discipline, Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique Description: The PC can read a book or Intent
Description: The PC can create a hidden Description: The PC can read the minute document and understand the author’s Description: The PC can communicate
message within a normal document, readable traces of writing that was once legible but is biases, hidden agendas, and which way the even complex subjects through pantomime,
only by the intended recipient. The message now damaged or erased, as long as there are material is slanted, even if the author herself even across language barriers, but with little
can be no longer than half of the length of the some traces to go by. This Charm does not was unaware of it. Very useful for detecting subtlety.
“cover” document. give the PC the ability to read a language she literary forgeries.
doesn’t understand.
Twisted Words Technique Unbreakable Fascination Method Master Horseman’s Eye Horse-Summoning Whistle
Linguistics (CR Page 207) Linguistics (CR Page 207) Ride (CR Page 207) Ride (CR Page 207)
Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Health Level per hour Cost: 1 Mote Cost: 3 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: Special Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Linguistics: 4 Minimum Linguistics: 5 Minimum Ride: 1 Minimum Ride: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Letter-Within-a- Prerequisite Charms: Poetic Expression Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Master Horseman’s
Letter Technique, Sagacious Reading of Style, Twisted Words Technique Description: The PC can instantly appraise Eye
Intent Description: The PC speaks in such a way the age, health, and temperament of a mount Description: The PC can silently summon
Description: The PC can secretly sway a that listeners can do nothing but listen, even or draft animal, penetrating any ruses. her mount from up to (10 x PC Essence)
listener or reader to a certain way of if they do not share a language. The PC miles away, which proceeds at the best
thinking. Those with a permanent Will- makes a Manipulation + Linguistics roll, and possible speed. The PC must have a
power less than the PC’s Essence will agree those with an Essence less than the PC must relationship with the mount, and it cannot
with the PC’s ideas. Those with Willpower make a reflexive Willpower roll with a pass any barriers it could not normally in
less than twice the PC’s Essence must make difficulty equal to the PC’s successes. order to get there.
a Willpower roll or be swayed into a Those who fail are entranced until the PC
favorable view. The concealed message must stops talking, or acts openly hostile, or
be related to the topic at hand. direct danger to the listeners disrupts the

Phantom Steed Spirit-Steadying Assurances Steed-Sustaining Method Horse-Healing Technique

Ride (CR Page 208) Ride (CR Page 208) Ride (CR Page 208) Ride (CR Page 209)
Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 6 Motes per Mount Cost: 4 Motes, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Day Duration: One Scene Duration: One Day’s March Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5 Minimum Ride: 2 Minimum Ride: 5 Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Horse-Summoning Prerequisite Charms: Master Horseman’s Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Steadying Prerequisite Charms: Steed-Sustaining
Whistle Eye Assurances Method
Description: The PC summons up a steed Description: The PC’s mount is immune to Description: The PC reduces the need to Description: The PC heals a number of his
from raw Essence, whose stats are those of a terror for the duration of the Charm, and care for a mount during travel, making them mount’s wounds equal to his Essence rating
warhorse of excellent quality. The steed is does not need to roll around terrifying resistant to thrown shoes, injury, and rest, as he tends to it over the course of a scene.
tireless, fearless, and does not need to eat or stimuli. for the duration of the Charm. If the mount is unwounded, this will cure
sleep. parasites and diseases.
Flawless Partnership Meditation Flashing Thunderbolt Steed Salty Dog Method Shipwreck-Surviving Stamina
Ride (CR Page 209) Ride (CR Page 209) Sail (CR Page 209) Sail (CR Page 209)
Cost: 5 Motes Cost: 5 Motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 5 Motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: One day Duration: One day
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Ride: 5 Minimum Ride: 5 Minimum Sail: 2 Minimum Sail: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Steadying Prerequisite Charms: Steed-Sustaining Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Salty Dog Method
Assurances Method Description: The PC has perfect sea legs, Description: The PC can survive indefi-
Description: The PC and her mount Description: The PC imbues their steed never losing her balance or footing, even on a nitely in water, and will never tire from
become one, and the PC never needs to roll with limitless energy, allowing it to run at heavily-tossed ship, although collisions and treading water or become ill from drinking
to see if she is thrown or falls from the full speed (a full march) for a full scene, so forth may call for Dexterity + Athletics seawater. She is protected from exposure
steed. The mount never panics, and the PC without becoming fatigued and with no rolls. The PC will never be seasick. and sunburn and can hold her breath for 5
receives a bonus equal to PC Essence to all effects on its health. minutes per point of Stamina. This Charm
Ride rolls to make the horse jump, kick, or will not protect her from bad weather or sea
perform tricks. life.

Perfect Reckoning Technique Weather-Anticipating Intuition Depth-Plumbing Intuition Wind-Defying Course Technique
Sail (CR Page 210) Sail (CR Page 210) Sail (CR Page 210) Sail (CR Page 210)
Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 6 Motes Cost: 4 Motes Cost: 6 Motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One scene Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 3 Minimum Sail: 3 Minimum Sail: 4 Minimum Sail: 3
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Salty Dog Method Prerequisite Charms: Perfect Reckoning Prerequisite Charms: Perfect Reckoning Prerequisite Charms: Salty Dog Method
Description: The PC can exactly divine her Technique Technique Description: The PC’s ship cannot sail
location from landmarks and locations she Description: By placing a finger in the Description: The PC can sense the depth directly into the wind under this Charm, but
knows and is familiar with. water, the PC may instantly predict the of the water for (100 x Essence rating) in very close to it, and the ship will handle
weather for a number of days equal to her yards, including channels and reefs. more lightly and responsively. The pilot
Essence, up to and including freak weather, may add the PC’s Essence to her Dexterity +
although it cannot foresee changes wrought Sail for the purpose of handling the ship.
by powerful magic.
Storm-Weathering Essence Infusion Hull-Preserving Technique Wise-Eyed Courtier Method Motive-Discerning Technique
Sail (CR Page 211) Sail (CR Page 211) Socialize (CR Page 211) Socialize (CR Page 211)
Cost: 6 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health level Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 6 Motes
Duration: One day Duration: One turn Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 4 Minimum Sail: 5 Minimum Socialize: 2 Minimum Socialize: 4
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Defying Prerequisite Charms: Storm Weathering Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Wise-Eyed Courtier
Course Technique Essence Infusion Description: The PC instantly reads the Method
Description: The ship under this Charm’s Description: The PC braces himself against social subtext of a situation, including Description: The PC can tell the target’s
protection is immune to the effects of the ship and protects it from damage, leaving attitudes, relationships, and exterior motives. true motives after a short, topical interac-
weather related disasters. PCs can protect a it unharmed. PCs can protect a ship of up to tion.
ship of up to (20 x PC Essence) feet in (20 x PC Essence) feet in length..

Mastery of Small Manners Knowing the Soul’s Price Understanding the Court Venomous Rumors Technique
Socialize (CR Page 211) Socialize (CR Page 211) Socialize (CR Page 212) Socialize (CR Page 212)
Cost: 3 Motes Cost: 10 Motes Cost: 20 Motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 Motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One Day
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Socialize: 2 Minimum Socialize: 5 Minimum Socialize: 5 Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Mastery of Small Prerequisite Charms: Motive-Discerning Prerequisite Charms: Knowing the Soul’s
Description: While this Charm works, the Manners, Motive-Discerning Technique Technique Price, Understanding the Court
PC will never make an unintentional social Description: The PC using this Charm Description: This Charm allows the PC to Description: The PC touches the target and
faux pas, behaving in a manner appropriate knows what the target’s weakness — the read motives on a grand scale after (10 – PC turns the target into a social outcast, making
to the situation, so long as it is a simple one thing that will make them break their vows, Essence) in days of observation, although all his words seem false, his behavior
— greeting, eating, flirting, giving gifts. Too betray friends, or engage in corruption. this data can change and is based only on sinister, and all of it is true — this Charm
much active interaction spoils the Charm. those who were observed. brings out the worst in the target, making
him take a penalty on all Social rolls equal to
the PC’s Essence.

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