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Immaculate Martial Arts Charm Cards

Immaculate Charm Cards By (Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.):

Troy “Jodo Kast” Thornton

Special Thanks to Geoffrey C. Grabowski for the help.

Thanks to Lindharin for help above and beyond, Lael for actually editing while I get through the Caste Books.

Editing and Peer Review By: Lael Buchanan

How to Use These Cards:

For best results, print out on cardstock. Alternatively, the cards are designed to be glued onto
a standard Tarot card or blank index card.


“Exalted and the Age of Sorrows are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
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These cards are for personal use only. Please do not propagate them onto the Internet or
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If you spot any errors or are interested in helping with later sets, contact Eric Brennan at
These cards were created by permission of White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Spirit Sight Spirit Walking Air Dragon’s Sight Wind Dragon Speed
Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 241) Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 242) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 243) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 243)
Cost: 5 motes Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 motes Cost: 2 motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Martial Arts: 2
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Sight Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Air Dragon’s Sight
Description: The PC can perceive spirits/ Description: The PC can interact (using Description: The PC cannot be surprised or Description: Add Martial Arts rating to
incorporeal beings for the scene by spending attacks, Charms and other abilities) with ambushed and is aware of any attacks initiative for 1 turn.
1 mote. Re-attune to normal world as a dice spirits as though they were corporeal. against him. By standing still and concen-
action. Suffer +1 to difficulty of any action Negates the +1 difficulty penalty when Spirit trating for a minute, may add permanent
pertaining to corporeal world. Sight is used in conjunction with this Essence to any Awareness roll.
Charm. PC cannot see target spirits unless
using Spirit Sight.

Breath-Seizing Technique Shrouding the Body and Mind Air Dragon Form Tornado Offense Technique
Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 243) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 244) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 245) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 245)
Cost: 4 motes Cost: 4 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 4 motes per attack
Duration: Martial Arts in turns Duration: Martial Arts in turns Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Extra Action
Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Air Dragon’s Sight Prerequisite Charms: Air Dragon’s Sight Prerequisite Charms: Wind Dragon Speed, Prerequisite Charms: Air Dragon Form
Description: Roll Strength + Martial Arts Description: Becomes invisible, even while Breath-Seizing Technique, Shrouding the Description: Make additional martial arts or
opposed against target’s Stamina + Endur- being watched or in combat. Opponents may Body and Mind ranged attacks with full dice pool. Maximum
ance (reflexive) instead of damage. Each make a reflexive Perception + Awareness roll Description: Requires successful Dexterity number of extra attacks is limited to his
success gives opponent –1 penalty for the each turn to spot the PC. Difficulty is 1 if the + Martial Arts to activate. Failure wastes the Martial Arts rating.
Charm’s duration. Target rendered uncon- observer spotted him last turn, or witnessed action but does not require essence expendi-
scious for scene if the penalty is double his an attack launched by him. Increases by 1 ture. Adds Martial Arts to Ability total for
stamina. Does not work on target’s that do for each turn he remains undetected, to max any ranged attack or dodge attempt. Limited
not breathe. of 5. Difficulty is 3 if the observer has some to doubling base ability used. May reflex-
reason to believe he is around, 5 if just ively dodge attacks with Martial Arts rating.
casually looking for him. Even when Cumulative and independent of other
spotted, actions against him are at +2 Charms and anima powers invoked.
Avenging Wind Strike Wrathful Winds Maneuver Cloud Treading Method Thunderclap Kata
Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 245) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 245) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 246) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 247)
Cost: 3 motes Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 motes Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Martial Arts in turns Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Tornado Offense Prerequisite Charms: Avenging Wind Prerequisite Charms: Air Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Cloud Treading
Technique Strike Description: Doubles movement rate and Method
Description: After being hit (regardless of Description: 90° arc of wind out to Essence leaping distance. May move without Description: Targets within Essence x 10
damage), the target must make a reflexive x 10’. Targets in area make reflexive treading on solid ground so long as he yards make reflexive Stamina + Resistance
Stamina + Athletics roll. Target blown back Strength + Athletics rolls at difficulty of continues moving. If he pauses for a rolls, difficulty of Essence. Success results
10 yards times the Immaculate’s Martial Arts Immaculate’s Martial Arts rating. Failure moment, gravity takes over. Can take in loss of any actions this turn. Failure
rating, -5 yards per success on the Athletics knocks target from feet, breaks concentration offensive and other actions while cloud inflicts Strength + Martial Arts bashing
roll. Can be used with hand-to-hand or and forces Wits + Resistance roll. Failure treading. damage, soakable only with stamina and
ranged attacks. stuns target for next turn. By spending 1 non-armour defenses and targets are
willpower he can focus the wind on 1 target. deafened for Essence turns. During that
Automatically hits unless target has time, target suffers penalty equal to Essence.
impenetrable defense. Target takes Strength Does not work on those without the need to
+ Essence lethal damage, soakable only by hear. Spirits suffer doubled effects. Immune
stamina and other non-armor defenses. Must to own Kata and may spend 1 mote for each
also make regular Strength + Athletics roll at companion to be insulated (except spirits).
difficulty of Strength + Essence.

Lightning Strike Style Hurricane Combat Method Force of the Mountain Unmoving Mountain Stance
Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 247) Air Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 247) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 247) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 248)
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Health Level Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level Cost: 2 motes Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Martial Arts in turns per turn Duration: Instant Duration: Martial Arts in minutes
Type: Simple Duration: Martial Arts in turns Type: Supplemental Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Type: Reflexive Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Thunderclap Kata Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: None
Description: Can make martial arts attacks Prerequisite Charms: Wrathful Winds Description: Add Essence to damage of next Description: Apply Essence as automatic
to a range of Essence x 10’, and those Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style Melee, Brawl or Martial Arts attack he lands. successes on any contested roll to displace
attacks do lethal damage equal to Strength + Description: Adds Martial Arts rating to Must pay 1 extra mote if the blow is with a him or knock him down. Immune to all
Essence. Martial Arts weapons add to initiative and dodge rolls (Martial Arts alone weapon, except tetsubo. This Charm can knockdown and knockback effects. Apply
accuracy and damage as normal. if no dodge pool), triples movement and affect dematerialized spirits as if they were Essence as opposing successes to find him
doubles jumping height. Also allows extra material, but the PC must be using Spirit by hearing, sound, body heat etc,, provided
martial arts or ranged attacks each turn equal Sight to see the spirit. he has found an appropriate hiding place and
to Essence. Health level cost is not paid until is still.
Charm ends. Can end duration at end of any
Stone Dragon’s Skin Earth Dragon Form Shattering Fist Strike Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique
Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 249) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 249) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 249) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 249)
Cost: 2 motes Cost: 4 motes Cost: 3 motes Cost: Special, 1 Willpower
Duration: One turn Duration: One Scene Duration: Martial Arts in turns Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Force of the Prerequisite Charms: Earth Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Shattering Fist Strike
Description: Martial Arts ability acts as Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Description: Doubles raw damage for Description: This Charm creates a reflexive
armor against bashing and lethal soak for Stone Dragon’s Skin purposes of destroying objects. parry against an attack. If the roll succeeds,
remainder of turn. Also may parry weapons Description: Requires successful Dexterity he catches the weapon. Then makes reflexive
with bare hands without a stunt. May only + Martial Arts to activate. Failure wastes the Strength + Martial Arts, difficulty 1 for
be used once per turn. action but does not require essence expendi- normal weapons, 3 for exceptional weapons,
ture. Adds Martial Arts to bashing and lethal 5 for Magical Material weapons. Success
soak. Also applies to aggravated damage. breaks the weapon. Failure to break the
Cumulative and independent of other weapon still forces the opponent to make
Charms and anima powers invoked. reflexive opposed Strength + Athletics or be
disarmed. Cost in motes is equal to the break
difficulty and is paid before the parry roll.
Broken weapons can be repaired or re-
forged. The PC does not need to split his
dice pools to use this Charm.

Stillness of Stone Avalanche Method Earthshaker Attack Hungry Earth Strike

Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 250) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 250) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 250) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 250)
Cost: 3 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 5+ motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Special Duration: Until line of sight broken or Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental character is incapacitated Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Type: Supplemental Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Earth Dragon Form Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms: Earth Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Earthshaker Attack
Description: Target is paralyzed and unable Prerequisite Charms: Stillness of Stone Description: Must be standing on earth or Description: PC rolls Reflexive Strength +
to attack for 1 turn per health level inflicted. Description: PC makes reflexive opposed an earthen surface. Targets within Essence x Martial Arts opposed against target’s Wits +
Opponents reduced below incapacitated are Strength + Martial Arts roll against target’s 10’ must make reflexive Dexterity + Athletics. Each success inflicts a +1 penalty to
Stamina + Athletics. If target wins, he suffers physical actions and adds 1 to the Strength of
not only killed but turned to stone. This Resistance roll, difficulty of Essence. Failure
normal damage. If PC ties or wins, each success earth’s grip. Target may not move until he breaks
Charm cannot be channeled through a throws target to floor, taking bashing free by making a Strength + Athletics roll,
inflicts a 1 die penalty to all physical actions as
weapon. long as line of sight is maintained. Successes are damage equal to PC’s Martial Arts rating. difficulty of the grip‘s Strength, as a full action. If
not cumulative with successive uses. Target is Damage is soaked as normal. the earth’s Strength exceeds the target’s Strength,
completely immobilized if PC has more successes he is sucked into the earth. He may do nothing
than target has Stamina. Target cannot take any but try to free himself, and the earth’s strength is
actions unless physical contact is released. PC doubled. Extra targets can be affected by
takes all physical actions at +1 difficulty while increasing the cost by 1 mote per target, up to
maintaining contact. Cannot be used with a double PC Essence maximum. Immaculate makes
weapon and Earth-Aspected Exalts are immune. 1 roll against each target. Targets must be
touching earth.
Ghost-Grounding Blow Perfection of Earth Body Flash-Fire Technique Flame-Flicker Stance
Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 251) Earth Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252)
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 3 motes Cost: 1 mote per +1 difficulty
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: One turn
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 5 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Weapon-Breaking Prerequisite Charms: Ghost-Grounding Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flash-Fire Technique
Defense Technique, Avalanche Method, Blow Description: May re-roll initiative and use Description: Increase difficulty of attempts
Hungry Earth Strike Description: Doubles Strength, unarmed the better of the two results. to attack him until his next action. Difficulty
Description: Must be Spirit Walking. When attacks gain accuracy, defense and damage penalty limited to Essence.
making a martial arts attack against a spirit, make ratings equal to Essence, and speed equal to
a reflexive Wits + Martial Arts roll opposed twice Essence and inflict lethal damage.
against spirit’s permanent Willpower. If he wins,
Adds Essence to bashing and lethal soak and
spirit takes no damage but is materialized for
hours equal to Martial Arts rating. Tie binds spirit may soak lethal with whole Stamina.
for 1 turn. Cannot be used on spirits with Essence Incompatible with armor but ignores wound
higher than own. Spirit pays cost of Materialize penalties.
Charm. If Spirit cannot pay for Materialize, then
the PC must pay the balance owed. If, together,
they cannot pay for Materialize, then the Spirit
remains immaterial.

Searing Fist Attack Perfect Blazing Blow Fire Dragon Form Fiery Hand Attack
Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 252) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 254)
Cost: 3 motes Cost: 2 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One Turn Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Reflexive Type: Simple Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Searing Fist Attack Prerequisite Charms: Flame-Flicker Prerequisite Charms: Fire Dragon Form
Description: If the PC does damage with Description: PC may re-roll this attack and Stance, Perfect Blazing Blow Description: Adds Martial Arts rating to
this Charm, the target also suffers a -1 use whichever result he chooses. Description: Requires successful Dexterity damage and converts damage to lethal. Also
penalty to his dice pools for the rest of the + Martial Arts to activate. Failure wastes the reflexively roll Strength + Martial Arts
scene. Multiple uses of this Charm are action but does not require essence expendi- opposed against target’s Stamina + Resis-
cumulative. ture. Adds Martial Arts as successes to tance (+2 if target magically attuned to
dodge rolls. Applied to each dodge roll water). If target loses, he bursts into flame
separately and cannot be used reflexively. for Essence turns. Treat as bonfire, target
Cumulative and independent of other must roll Stamina + Resistance every turn,
Charms and anima powers invoked. difficulty 3. Success inflicts 2 lethal damage,
failure 6 lethal. Soaked normally. Flame
cannot be doused normally.
Breath of the Fire Dragon Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance Smoldering Wound Attack
Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 254) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 255) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 255) Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 255)
Cost: 1 mote per Essence lethal damage Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 4 motes Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: Until abandoned Duration: Varies
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Fiery Hand Attack Prerequisite Charms: Breath of the Fire Prerequisite Charms: Fire Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Overwhelming Fire
Description: Spit fire up to Essence yards. Dragon Description: Opponents that can see must Majesty Stance
Attack roll is Perception + Martial Arts with Description: Martial Arts attack does no reduce attack pools against PC by the PC’s Description: At the beginning of the next
Essence rating as automatic successes. damage. Instead, target takes 1 lethal Martial Arts rating. Opponents attacking the turn, target suffers the same post-soak
Inflicts Essence lethal damage for each mote damage for each mote in his Personal PC’s allies within his Essence yards suffer damage that the original attack inflicted.
spent. Cannot spend more motes than Essence pool, up to twice the Immaculate’s half that penalty. PC can defend and take Soak does not apply to this damage but the
Martial Arts rating. By spending 1 willpower Essence. Damage ignores armor but may be normal actions but cannot attack or use other damage is rolled normally.
the Charm can affect spirits also. soaked with stamina and other non-armor Charms.

Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon Flowing Water Defense Rippling Water Strike Drowning-in-Blood Technique
Fire Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 255) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 255) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 256) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 256)
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 1 mote Cost: 2 motes Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One Scene Duration: Essence in turns Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 4 Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Igniting Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Flowing Water Prerequisite Charms: Rippling Water Strike
Nerve Strike, Smoldering Wound Attack Description: Subtracts 1 die from own Defense Description: Martial Arts attack does no
Description: Triples fire damage inflicted by attack pools but also subtracts 3 dice from Description: Everyone but PC within 10’ of damage. Instead roll reflexive Strength +
Fire-Aspected anima. Non Fire-Aspected opponent’s attacks against him. Can only the target takes bashing damage equal to the Martial Arts against target’s Stamina +
PCs inflict damage as though they had the benefit from this Charm once at any given successes rolled on the damage roll. Can be Resistance. Target loses 1 Stamina for turns
Fire-Aspected anima power. Also invokes time. soaked normally and cannot be converted to equal to successes. Subsequent uses are
Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance but its lethal. cumulative. Target dies if Stamina reaches 0.
effects are not negated if he attacks or uses
Shrugging Water Dragon Escape Water Dragon Form Theft-of-Essence Method Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance
Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 257) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 257) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 257) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 257)
Cost: 3 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: One Scene Duration: Instant Duration: Until abandoned
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Supplemental Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Rippling Water Strike Prerequisite Charms: Drowning-in-Blood Prerequisite Charms: Water Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Theft-of-Essence
Description: Can cast off any restraints. Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape Description: After successful attack, roll Method
Against Artifacts and natural phenomenon it Description: Requires successful Dexterity Essence + Martial Arts. Each success steals Description: Roll Dexterity + Martial Arts
lasts for turns equal to Martial Arts. + Martial Arts to activate. Failure wastes the 3 motes from target. Can only be used to against spirit’s Essence. Each success adds
action but does not require essence expendi- power Water Dragon Path Charms and fades +1 difficulty penalty to all spirit’s actions.
ture. Adds base Martial Arts to bashing and at rate of 1 per minute. Immobilizes target if successes are greater
lethal soak and can soak lethal damage with than its Essence unless its Essence is higher
full Stamina. Can add to soak when attacked, that PC’s Essence. Area is 10 yards radius x
1 mote per 2 soak added. Increase Martial Essence. PC adds +2 difficulty to any tasks
Arts by Essence (counts towards max ability while sustaining the Charm.

Flow Reversal Strike Crashing Wave Style Bottomless Depths Defense Essence-Dousing Wave Attack
Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 258) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 258) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 259) Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 259)
Cost: 4 motes Cost: 4 motes Cost: 5 motes, 1 Agg. Health Level Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant Duration: One turn Duration: Varies
Type: Simple Type: Extra Actions Type: Reflexive Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Water Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Flow Reversal Strike Prerequisite Charms: Ghost-Restraining Prerequisite Charms: Bottomless Depths
Description: Make unarmed Martial Arts Description: If attack is successful may Whirlpool Stance, Crashing Wave Style Defense
attack doing normal damage. Target rolls invoke Charm to allow extra attacks. First Description: PC takes one Aggrivated Description: Make normal Martial Arts
Stamina + Resistance against original attack extra attack is at –1. Each extra attack Health Level when using this Charm as armed or unarmed attack. If target takes
roll. If the target gets less successes; normal doubles the penalty. If dice pool is reduced indicated in the Cost. All damage for the damage, roll reflexive Essence + Martial
mortals and animals less than twice PC’s to 0 may not make any extra attacks. Max rest of the turn is negated. Must be invoked Arts, difficulty of target’s Essence. Each
size die, Exalted take 1 unsoakable lethal attacks equal to Martial Arts rating. before the damage roll. success suppresses all Charms and Sorceries
damage, aquatic/amphibious creatures take affecting the target for 1 turn. If successes
2. Exceeding successes results in target –2 exceed Essence of the originator of the
penalty to physical activities for Martial Arts Charm or caster of the Sorcery, it is
turns. This Charm only works against living dispelled. Target can renew Charms while
corporeal beings. under suppression.
Tsunami Force Shout Eyes of the Wood Dragon Mind-Over-Body Meditation Wood Dragon Vitality
Water Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 259) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 259) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 260) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 261)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level Cost: 2 motes Cost: 2 motes per Health Level Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant Duration: 5 turns or until used Duration: Instant Duration: One turn
Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 2 Minimum Martial Arts: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 4 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Dousing Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Eyes of the Wood Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Over-Body
Wave Attack Description: Next Martial Arts attack that Dragon Meditation
Description: Area is 45° arc to Essence succeeds adds Essence to damage. Extra Description: Heal bashing damage Description: Add Martial Arts to bashing
yards. Targets in area take 2x (Essence + damage is done after regular damage but soak and may soak lethal damage with
Martial Arts) damage. Targets must roll ignores armor. May also affect dematerial- normal bashing soak.
Essence, botch results in damage being ized spirits. Only effective against living
aggravated and automatic, failure is beings and spirits.
aggravated but rolled normally, success is
lethal damage. 3+ successes makes it

Soul-Marking Strike Wood Dragon Form Unbreakable Fascination Kata Enthralling Blow Attack
Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 261) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 261) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 261) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 261)
Cost: 3 motes Cost: 5 motes Cost: 4 motes Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene Duration: One Scene Duration: Until abandoned Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Type: Simple Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 4 Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Wood Dragon Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Marking Strike Prerequisite Charms: Wood Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable
Vitality Description: Requires successful Dexterity Description: Anyone wishing to take any Fascination Kata
Description: Must caress target’s head to + Martial Arts to activate. Failure wastes the action other than staring at the PC must win Description: Must make normal Martial Arts
invoke Charm. Any attacks made by PC action but does not require essence expendi- a reflexive opposed Wits roll against PC’s attack, doing no damage. Instead roll
against target have 1 automatic success ture. Regenerate 1 bashing damage per turn Charisma + Martial Arts. PC may speak, reflexive opposed Essence + Martial Arts
added. Effect is cumulative. Spirits also take and 1 lethal damage every 2 turns (at start of move half-speed and dodge. Anything else against target’s Essence + Willpower.
–1 penalty to all actions for each use of this each turn). breaks the effect. Success enthralls the target. Target loses any
Charm against them. For 24 hours after use actions for turn and may attempt to shake off
of this Charm the PC can sense a target effect on subsequent turns by rolling
within Essence yards. Essence + Willpower, difficulty of 1 + PC’s
successes. Only works on living creatures.
Spirit-Wracking Method Spirit-Rending Technique Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude Wood Dragon Succor
Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 262) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 262) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 263) Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 263)
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower, +1 mote per Cost: 3 motes per Health Level
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant attack dodged Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental Type: Simple Duration: One Scene Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Type: Simple Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Wood Dragon Form Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Wracking Minimum Essence: 3 Prerequisite Charms: Death-Pattern
Description: Must make normal unarmed or Method Prerequisite Charms: Wood Dragon Form Sensing Attitude
armed Martial Arts attack against spirit. Description: Must make normal unarmed or Description: Can make a full dodge against Description: Transfer wounds of other to
Affects spirit as if materialized and does armed Martial Arts attack against spirit. If every hand-to-hand attack launched by a self.
normal damage. If wounded make reflexive hit, takes no damage but makes reflexive living being or a being animated by spiritual
Essence + Martial Arts roll, difficulty of Essence + Willpower roll. If successes equal energy (spirits and undead). Also against
spirit’s Essence. Spirit takes –1 penalty to all or exceed spirit’s Essence, it takes 1 ranged attacks from within Essence yards.
actions for each success. Penalty fades 1 die automatic aggravated damage. If successes Each dodge costs 1 mote. Can dodge up to
per turn. exceed multiples of target’s Essence, it takes Essence attacks per turn.
multiple levels of damage.

Soul Mastery
Wood Immaculate Martial Arts (DB Page 263)
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Health Level
Duration: Essence turns or until discharged
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Rending
Technique, Enthralling Blow Attack, Wood
Dragon Succor
Description: Charm is discharged by touch
or a successful attack. Roll reflexive
opposed Essence + Martial Arts against
target’s Stamina + Endurance. If the target
loses he dies. If he ties or beats the PC, he
takes Essence aggravated damage. Spirits
with Essence lower than PC’s is destroyed
utterly. If not discharged after Essence turns,
PC must resist it himself.

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