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CODE : LEI2024


MATRIX NUMBER : 20191133-01-12033



1. Both situation A and B illustrates the victim-blaming viewpoint. Interpret your
ideas on victim blaming. (10marks)

Situasion A
Blaming the victim is one of the worst attitudes of the community towards the victim
as well as the whole community. Everyone has their rights such as wearing the clothes
they like, walking alone in the street and they have their own choice to enjoy their life
with others. The main cause of rape crime is not women's sexy clothes that reveal
their bodies because rape victims are not just adult women but some of them are
babies, minors and the elderly. Viewed from the 'Freudian' concept, men actually have
a high sex drive or libido. In addition to economic factors, low levels of education and
no work skills also contribute to the crime of rape.One reason people blame a victim
is to distance themselves from an unpleasant occurrence and thereby confirm their
own invulnerability to the risk. By labeling or accusing the victim, others can see the
victim as different from themselves. People reassure themselves by thinking,
"Because I am not like her, because I do not do that, this would never happen to me."
We need to help people understand that this is not a helpful reaction. This statement
assumes that the victim is equally to blame for the abuse, when in reality, abuse is a
conscious choice made by the abuser. Abusers have a choice in how they react to their
partner’s actions. Options besides abuse include: walking away, talking in the
moment, respectfully explaining why an action is frustrating, breaking up, etc.
Additionally, abuse is not about individual actions that incite the abuser to hurt his
partner, but rather about the abuser’s feelings of entitlement to do whatever he wants
to his partner.When friends and family remain neutral about the abuse and say that
both people need to change, they are colluding with and supporting the abusive
partner and making it less likely that the survivor will seek support.

Situasion B
Nightclubs are hotbeds for sexual offenses. For a woman in nightclub being raped is
one of the biggest mistakes for her because the mistake comes from herself. It is not a
problem for other people because a woman has eyes for a man. And many students
see groping as a normal but unwanted part of a night out. From lewd comments, to
groping and grabbing, sexual harassment is defined as behavior that is unwanted,
intimidating or embarrassing to the victim. But many women don't think anything will
be done if they report it.
2. Differentiate the following types of rapes.
a. Anger Rape (4marks)
This type of offender attacks his victims,grabbing her, striking her, beating her
and etc.May use a blitz style of attack
• Victim completely off guard.Aim is to hurt and humiliate his victim
• Often this tupe of offender forces victim to perform additional sexual acts that he
regard as degrading
b. Sadistic Rape (3marks)
Sexuality and aggression become fused into a single psychological experience
known as sadism.Sexual transformation of anger and power so that aggression
itself becomes eroticized.Such indignities are accompanied by abusive acts such
as biting burning victim with cigarettes.Using foreign objects such as bottle or
stick to penetrate victim sexually
c. Power Rape (3marks)
Power appears to be the dominant factor motivating the offender.Its not the
offender's desire to harm his victim but to possess her sexually
• Compensating for underlying feelings of inadequacy and serves to express
control, authority and identity
• Physical aggression is used to overpower and pacify the victim.Directed towards
achieving sexual submission

3. Critically discuss the conservative ideology and the feminist perspective of sexual
crimes or sexual assault. (20marks)

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