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 Activity 1
Match each item of food with a picture.

1_____ rice

2 _____ eggs

3 _____ cheese

4 _____vegetables

5 _____chicken

6_____fruit O

8 _____bread


10 _____pasta

11 _____ice-cream

12_____French fries

13 _____ beef


15 _____ grapes

16 _____ oranges


 Activity 2
Write each word in the correct column.

cabbage beef melons tea salmon cod

strawberries beans Coca cola pear lamb lemonade
orange juice mackerel oranges chicken broccoli cauliflower

Fruit Vegetables Meat Fish Drink

 Activity 3
Complete the phrases with words from the box.

bag bottle bowl box bunch

can carton jar piece slice

1 a _____ of pasta

2 a _____ of bananas
1 bag
2 bunch
3 a _____ of soda
3 can
4 a _____of chocolates 4 box
5 a _____of bread 5 piece
6 a _____of toast
6 slice
7 carton
7 a _____of milk
8 bowl
8 a _____ of soup 9 bottle
9 a _____ of water 10 jar
10 a _____ of jam


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

1 Some nouns are countable. Countable nouns are things that you can count. They
have a singular and a plural form.
I’ve a sandwich.
Here are some sandwiches for you.
I want an apple.
Do you have any apples?
2 Some nouns are uncountable. Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count.
They have NO plural form. They use some or any
I need some bread.
I’ve got some bread for you.
Do you have any coffee?
These things are usually uncountable:
• Drinks: tea, beer, wine, water, coffee, milk…
• Food which you only eat part of: fish, bread, cheese, ham, meat…
• Things which you only use part of: toothpaste, soap, shampoo…
• Materials: paper, wood, wool, plastic…
• Some general words: information, music, money…

3 We use
HOW MANY…? with countable nouns
And HOW MUCH…? with uncountable nouns
How many eggs would you like?
How much sugar does she want?

• SOME: We use SOME in positive sentences, with plural countable nouns and with
uncountable nouns:
I’d like some peas, please.
I’d like some bread, please.
We also use SOME in questions to ask for and offer things:
Can I have some cheesecake?
Would you like some fruit?
We use ANY in negative sentences and questions, with plural countable nouns and
with uncountable nouns:
I don’t have any carrots.
Do you have any beef?

 Activity 4
Choose the uncountable nouns.

beer mushrooms potatoes water cheese tomatoes

milk eggs wine sausages bananas pasta
fish sandwiches bacon grapes bread rice

How much/ How many

 Activity 5
Complete the questions using How much or How many. Then match each
question with an answer.
1 ……………................water do you drink in a day?
1 how much
2 ……………................meals do you have every day?
2 how many
3 ……………................milk do you want in your coffee?
3 how much
4 ……………................fruit juice do you drink every week?
4 how much
5 ……………................tomatoes do you want in your salad?
5 how many
A ……………............... Around four glasses.
B ……………............... I usually have two cartons a week.
C ……………............... None, thanks. I’ll have it black.
D ……………...............Two. I usually skip breakfast.
E ……………...............Just one, thanks.
 Activity 6
Complete the conversation using some and any 1 any
2 some some
A: Oh no! We don’t have in the fridge. 3 any
4 any
B: Yes, we do. There’s....................cheese and ....................bread.
A: Are there.................... eggs?
B: Yes. Let’s make an omelet.
A: Good idea. Would you like ....................soda, too?
B: Yes. That sounds great.
 Activity 7
Circle the correct answers.
1 Catherine doesn’t eat much / many bread.
2 I drink a lot of / much water every day.
3 Do you drink much / many milk?

4 We don’t eat much / many vegetables.
5 I don’t want any / many meat.
6 Do you eat a lot of / some beef?
7 Could you buy some / any rice when you go out, please?
Should / Shouldn’t
 Activity 8
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t

1 You....................respect old

2 According to traditional,
you....................sweep the floor on
the first day of Tet.

3 Children .................... take things

from adults with both hands.

4 You .................... wear shorts when

going to the pagoda.

5 You .................... bring a gift when
you visit someone’s house.

 Activity 9
Match the situation in A and the advice in B

1 I can’t sleep at night. A You shouldn’t eat any heavy food.
1E 2 What food is good for health? B You should call your family on the
2D phone.
3A 3 I have a stomachache C You should relax to reduce stress.
4C 4 My job is very stressful. D You should eat a lot of fruits and
5B vegetables.
6G 5 I feel home sick. E You shouldn’t drink much coffee.
7F 6 Your sister is chewing and talking at F Shhhh! You should be quiet in here.
the same time
7 Your brother is noisy at the pagoda. G You shouldn’t do that.
It’s not polite.

Functional Language: Offering and accepting WOULD LIKE + to V

Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please.
No, thank you.
I’d like the menu.
We would like to have some more coffee.

I‘d like is a polite way of saying I want

I’d like = I would like


E Activity 10

I T4.01 Listen to Emilie, from Paris, talk

about typical food and drink in France. How
many times a day does she have bread?

T4.02 Listen again and complete the notes.

T4.03 Listen to Mike and Lucy talk about food. Write T (true) or F (false) for
each statement.
1 ......... There isn’t any food in the refrigerator.
2 ......... Lucy likes to eat fish.
3 ......... There’s some salad in the refrigerator.
4 ......... Mike doesn’t want any fruit.
5 ......... There’s some ice-cream in the freezer.

T4.04 Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answer to each

1 What drink has Vicky never drunk before?
A Soda B pear juice C iced tea D apple juice
2 What kind of fruit does Somsack offer Vicky?
A orange B melon C pear D apple
3 Vicky says she has never been .........
A to the zoo B abroad C to Europe D skiing

4 What does Somsack say Vicky doesn’t have to take when they go out?
A her hat B any money C her car D her camera
5 What kind of restaurant has Vicky never been to before?
A Thai B Korean C Chinese D Indian


E Activity 11
Look at the pictures. Where are the people?

Practice the conversation with a partner. Complete the waiter’s notes.

Waiter: Can I help you?
Ann: Could I have a cheese sandwich, please? Food
Waiter: Of course. Anything to drink? 1

Ann: I’d like a coffee, please. 2

Waiter: Sure. And for you? Drinks
Jake: I’d like a pizza, please. ____________
Waiter: Sure. No problem. Anything to drink? ____________

Jake: Yes, please. A Coke.

Waiter: I’ll bring the food to your table. Enjoy your meal.

 Activity 12

Work in pairs. Find out what your partner has for his/ her meals?

What do you have for breakfast?

I often have bread and milk for breakfast.

What do you have for lunch?

I often have ………….

What do you often drink?

I often drink …........

What do you eat when you are hungry?

When I’m hungry, I often eat …........

 Activity 13
Complete the survey. Then interview a partner. Find three things that you and
your partner have in common.
We both drink a lot of coffee.

You Your partner

1 What do you usually have for breakfast? …………………........ …………………….......
2 Do you eat a lot of meat? …………………........ …………………….......
3 How much soda do you drink? …………………........ …………………….......
4 Do you eat much fish? …………………........ …………………….......
5 Do you eat rice every day? …………………........ …………………….......
6 How much milk do you drink every week? …………………........ …………………….......
7 Do you drink a lot of fruit juice? …………………........ …………………….......
8 How much water do you drink every day? …………………........ …………………….......
9 What food do you hate? …………………........ …………………….......
10 How often do you eat out? …………………........ …………………….......

 Activity 14

Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1 This chocolate ......................... is really nice.

A breakfast B cake C salad D vegetable
2 Do you like .......................juice?
A drink B lunch C orange D sandwich
3 There aren’t any ....................... in the fridge.
A eggs B cheese C fruit D rice
4 My brother really likes French........................
A fries B fruit C pizza D salad
5 Chicken is a kind of ........................
A vegetable B fruit C seafood D meat
6 My favorite dessert is ........................
A lunch B beef C ice-cream D onions
7 Do you have....................... bread?
A a B an C some D any
8 There’ in my bag.
A a B an C some D any
9 We have.......................strawberries ice-cream.
A a B an C some D any
10 There are three the fridge.
A bread B fruit C eggs D rice

 Activity 15
Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1 Would you like drinking some beer?
2 How much bags of rice do you want? - Two.
3 You shouldn’t to drink coffee late at night.
4 Do you have some olive oil?
5 How many sugar does she want?
6 Is there any bank near here?
7 There are a eggs on the table.
8 Do they have any childrens?
9 I have any friends in Ho Chi Minh city.
10 Is there a orange on the table?


 Activity 16

Food and us
Please tell us about food in your countries.
What do people usually eat? What kind of things do you like to eat?


Hi. I’m from India. A lot of people in

India don’t eat any beef. We eat lots
of vegetables and we usually have
some rice and some bread with every
meal. After we eat, we like to have
some fruit, too. Bananas are my
favorite. Western food is popular
here, of course, and young people
especially like to eat burgers, and
that kind of thing. They aren’t
hamburgers because they don’t have
any meat inside. They have
vegetables inside, so they’re vegetable burgers!
In Austria, our food is very international.
Chinese, Turkish, Indian and Italian restaurants
are all popular. The big meal of the day is lunch,
but for something quick, try an Austrian
sandwich – It’s cheap, too. We eat lots of meat,
rice and vegetables. For dinner, I usually have
something easy-meat, bread and cheese. Of
course, we have some great desserts, too. Do
you know that Austrians like cake? In Vienna, we
are famous for our chocolate cake!
Read the information and complete the statements.
1 In......................., there are some great dessert.
2 Arjun likes to eat some.......................after a meal.
3 An Austrian sandwich is quick and........................
4 very famous in Vienna.
Both Arjun and Lena usually have some .......................for dinner.
6 In India, usually there isn’t any ....................... in the hamburgers.

 Activity 17


Do you want to be healthy? Perhaps you need to go on a diet. Start the day by
drinking a glass of water or orange juice … but no coffee or tea, and no milk or
sugar, please!

For lunch, don’t eat any fried foods …. French fries, or burgers, for example ….
Some grilled fish, perhaps with some green vegetables, is really good for you!
Do you want some pasta for lunch? OK, but don’t put any cheese or tomato sauce
on top! Don’t eat any desserts which contain cream, butter or chocolate!

If you are still hungry, eat some fruit, or have some nuts – they’re really healthy!
And to drink…. Just water! It’s hasn’t got any calories so you can drink as much as
you want. For dinner, have some soup and bread. (But remember- no butter!) It’s
simple …but delicious.

Write T (TRUE), F (FALSE) or D (DON’T KNOW) for each statement.

1 ____To go on a diet can help us to be healthy. 2T
2 ____You shouldn’t drink coffee, tea, milk or sugar. 3 F -milk
3 ____Start the day you should drink a glass of milk. 5T
4 ____For lunch you should eat grilled fish and vegetables. 6T
5 ____You cannot eat pasta with cheese or tomato sauce. 7T
6 ____You should eat desserts which have a lot of fruits.
7 ____You can eat fruit or nuts when feeling hungry. 10 D
8 ____Water has a lot of calories.
9 ____For dinner you can eat some butter.
10 ____You can drink 8 cups of water every day.

 Activity 18

Read the narrative and choose the best answer, A , B, or C

My (1) is pizzas. I like (2) ....................... because they are very
easy to prepare. If you want to (3) .......................your own pizza, all you need to do
is make the bread for the base. This is called the dough. You can (4)
.......................tomatoes and cheese and (5) .......................other ingredients on top.
You then (6) in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes until it is ready to eat.
If you don’t feel like making pizza, you can buy (7) .......................from your local
supermarket and just put it in the oven when you get home. Nowadays (8)
.......................people are so busy that they don’t have time to cook at home or they
like to have a rest (9) .......................the weekend. These people often also eat pizza,
but they go (10) ....................... a take away restaurant and buy a pizza that has
already been made.

1 A. best B. lovely C. favourite

2 A. eating B. eat C. ate
3 A. get B. have C. make
4 A. mix B. fold C. add
5 A. a lot B. many C. much
6 A. cook B. boil C. fry
7 A. much B. some C. a
8 A. much B. a lot C. many
9 A. at B. in C. for
10 A. in B. for C. to


Write a good paragraph about what you should and shouldn’t do to keep fit.
(at least 50 words)

My Ways to Keep Fit


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