English2 - Unit 3 Hobbies and Interests

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 Activity 1
Match the leisure activities in the box to the pictures. There are three extra
activities you do not need to use.

cycling white water rafting shopping sailing

climbing cooking reading hiking canoeing

 Activity 2
Match the different activities in the box to the pictures

badminton skiing football boxing horse-riding

swimming volleyball hiking tennis basketball

Work in groups and find more other activities that you want to enjoy.
1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

Structures PLAY/GO/DO+ SPORT
 Activity 3
Complete the table using the words in the box.

tennis taekwondo gymnastic volleyball chess

horse-riding basketball biking athletic badminton

judo karate swimming sailing hiking

skiing fishing football canoeing hockey

bowling boxing cycling table - tennis

play do go

 Activity 4
Complete the sentences using the verbs in the correct form in the box
score win kick play hit throw catch lose beat

1 will win some of my

I’m playing in a tennis tournament tomorrow. I hope I …………….
2 Our school football team is not doing well this term. Every team we play against
beats us.
3 I really want to learn I really want to learn how to …………….
play baseball but it isn’t a
popular sport in Britain.
4 hit the ball with the racket when you start
It is quite difficult to learn how to …………….
playing tennis.
5 When you …………….
lose a sports match, it is important to learn from your mistakes
and do better next time.
6 In rugby, players usually pass the ball to each other bythrowing
……………. it.
7 kicking it.
In football, players can’t hold the ball – they must move it by …………….
8 In baseball, players wear a special glove on their hand to help them catch
……………. the
9 scores the most goals is the winner.
In football and handball, the team that …………….


Revision of The Simple Past Tense

 Activity 5
Complete the table
Verb TO BE :
Subject Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)



Regular Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

Irregular Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)



 Activity 6

T8.1 Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
A: Did you do anything special (1) …………….?
B: Yes, I (2) …………….……………..
A: That sounds like fun. Did you enjoy it?
B: Yes, I did. I love (3) ……………..
Anyway, how about you? What did you do?
A: I (4) ……………..
B: Really? I like (5) ……………., too!

 Activity 7
Complete the sentences with the suggested words.
1 Liz/ play tennis / last Sunday//
2 Ben / not / do karate/ yesterday afternoon.
3 My friends/ do yoga/ last Monday//
4 Fred / go skiing/ last Winter holidays.
5 Mark and Tony / not / play rugby/ the club/ two days ago
6 Adrew/ Andrew/ play baseball last March
7 Adrew/ and Peter / not / play tennis / last March
8 Chris and Caroline/ go swimming last summer//
9 Stella/ play golf / last week//
10 Peter/ go surfing / yesterday//

The Past Continuous Tense
A: What were you doing at 8.00 yesterday? Were you watching TV? (NOT What did
you do )
B: At 8.00 yesterday? No, I wasn’t watching TV. I was playing cards. (NOT I played)

Subject Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

We use the past continuous to talk about
1. action in progress in the past.
Ex: He was talking about the hobbies and interests.
2. longer actions interrupted by shorter actions.
Ex: I was watching TV when the phone rang.

We don’t usually use state verbs in the continuous tenses, using simple past instead.
Ex: I liked you. (NOT I was liking you.)
abstract be, want, wish, seem, care, exist, …
Example: We were on holiday.
sense feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch
Example: He felt the cold.
opinion agree, believe, disagree, understand…
Example: I did not understand him.
possession own, belong, possess, …
Example: Sam had a cat.
feelings love, like, dislike, prefer, fear , mind, …
Example: Jane loved pizza.

while Simon was playing on the computer while his brother was
watching TV.
when We were waiting for Jane, when suddenly Louis came around
the corner.
at that time My brother was playing football at that time. (a specific time
in the past)
at + time in the past Yesterday at six o'clock, Colin was playing football.

 Activity 8
Choose the correct verb from the box into the gap.

was driving did you go included didn’t realise

Did Catherine seem was showing showed were swimming
swam were walking drove were you going

A: Where were you going at about three o’clock

Yesterday afternoon? I saw you on your bike.
B: To Catherine’s house.
A: When did you go to Ireland?
B: Five years ago.

1 This time last week we …………….. in a beautiful lake.

2 Sorry, I …………….. while you were speaking to me. What did you say?
3 I met Sarah in town yesterday while I was looking for some new shoes. She
……………..me her new car which was very smart.
4 On Saturday we …………….. for half an hour in the sea before breakfast.
5 While we …………….. by the river yesterday we saw a wonderful sunset.
6 When Jack phoned Amy she …………….. straight to the airport to meet him.
7 Our holiday last year …………….. trips to several famous castles.

The Simple Past Tense VS. The Past Continuous Tense:
The Simple Past Tense The Past Continuous Tense
- to talk about finished actions and - to talk about activities in progress in
situations in the past the past.
Saroo was a five-year-old boy. He was cleaning a train.
His family lived in a small village. Saroo and his brother weren’t working in
He didn’t go to school. a shop.

Did they have a TV? Was it snowing?

- to talk about actions in the order in

which they happened.
My father studied English for three
years and then lived in the USA for a
- We can connect past actions with when and while. We usually use when before
the past simple, and when or while before the past continuous.
They were putting the tent when it started to rain.
I got a text message while I was watching a film.

 Activity 9
Supply the correct tense: the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs
in parentheses.
1 While her husband was in the army, Joyce (write) ……………..to him twice a week.
2 She (study) ……………..English for two years, but she doesn't study it now.
3 What were you doing at 8 o'clock last night?
- I ( prepare) ……………..my English lessons.
4 It still (rain) ……………..when you came in ?
5 While I (stay) …………….. in London, they (repair) ……………..Big Ben.
6 I looked out of the window. Some children (play) …………….. in the park.
7 You (not know) …………….. much about Marxism-Leninism at that time, you (do)
8 When I was a boy, I often (go) …………….. fishing with my uncle - Jim.
9 She (look) …………….. at the flowers when this fellow (come) ……………..and (snatch)
……………..at her handbag.
 Activity 10
Complete Nathan’s dream with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Hi guys
I had an amazing dream last night.

I 1(cycle) …………….. along the road. The sun 2(shine) …………….. and
the birds 3(sing) …………….. in the tree. But then I 4(notice)
……………..there weren’t any other people in the road. That was weird because
it was a Monday morning. I 5(go) …………….. past an old house when I
6(hear) …………….. a loud noise. I got off my bike and looked around. The
front door was open so I 7(decide) …………….. to look inside. I 8(go)
…………….. into the hall and 9(stop) …………….. . While I 10(stand)
…………….. there a voice from the living room said, “Come in.” …
 Activity 11
Write a positive ending to Nathan’s dream. Use the past simple, the past
continuous and when and while.

 Activity 12

T8.2 Listen to Alistair, from London, U.K., talk about his hobby. Answer
the questions.
1 How many autographs does Alistair have?
2 How old was he when he started autograph hunting?
3 Who was the last famous person he asked for an autograph?

 Activity 13

T8.2 Listen again and match each with where Alistair met him or her.
1 Mark Zuckerberg A at the airport
2 Rihanna B at a hospital
3 Usain Bolt C at a training camp
4 Penelope Cruz D at a party
5 Prince William E outside a hotel

 Activity 14
Skill: Listening for specific information

T8.3 Listen to three women talk about things they collect. Match each person
with what she collects, and her age when she started her collection.
1 Liz A postcards 14
2 Diana B comic books 12
3 Judy C foreign money 9
 Activity 15

T8.3 Listen again. Why does each person enjoy her hobby?
1 Liz ?………………………………………………………………………………..
2 Diana ?………………………………………………………………………………..
3 Judy ?………………………………………………………………………………..

 Activity 16
Make a group. Interview your classmates about their favorite hobbies and
 What’s your favorite hobby?
 When did you start it?
 Why do you like it?
 Does it cost a lot of money?
 When was the last time you…?


Skill: Reading for keywords

Weird and wonderful hobbies
This month we decided to contact our readers to ask about their hobbies. Here
are some unusual hobbies we discovered…
Chuck and Judy Peterson live in
Minnesota, in the U.S. Chuck, 71, and
Judy, 68, have an unusual hobby.
They attend rodeos throughout the
United States and Canada.

They started their hobby 30 years ago.

Last year they drove around 45,000
miles and saw 32 rodeos. The trip took As well as watching rodeos, they also visit friends
five months. “Going to rodeos is a and go sightseeing while they travel. “We visited
cheap hobby”, says Chuck. “We Chuck’s family in Las Vegas on our last trip”, adds
usually pay just $10 for a ticket”. Judy.

“My interest in magic started when I was FACT: The first recorded magic trick was in
seven years old”, says Peter Kershaw, a 25- ancient Egypt, in 2700 B.C.
year-old teacher from Brisbane, Australia. “I
went to a friend’s birthday party and saw my
first magic trick. It was amazing!”. When
Peter returned home he read every book on
magic in the local library. “Magic is a fun way
of making new friends,” he says. Now,
Peter’s hobby is making him rich. Last year,
he wrote a book on magic and appeared on
television twice. One day, he hopes to have
his own TV show!

Do you have an interesting or unusual hobby? Then write to us.

We’d like to hear from you!

 Activity 17
Read the magazine article and complete the chart
Hobby When started advantages
Chuck & Judy 1 _________ 2______________ 3_______________
Peter 4 _________ 5______________ 6_______________

 Activity 18
Who or what do these numbers refer to?
25 ?………………………………………………………………………………..
45,000 ?………………………………………………………………………………..
68 ?………………………………………………………………………………..
5 ?………………………………………………………………………………..
2 ?………………………………………………………………………………..

 Activity 19
You are going to read an article about a sportperson. First, look at the photos
and skim read the article once quickly. Then, in pairs, answer the questions.

1 Who do you think Aimee Fuller is?

2 What sport has Aimee become successful in?
3 What is the reason for this article?

Aimee quickly

found sponsors and

a coach when she

arrived in the
Aimee Fuller was born in
USA, and she is
England but now lives in the
now a successful
USA. She moved to the east
and well-known
coast of the United States at
snowboarding star.
the age of 12 because she knew
She has done
she wanted to be a professional
really well in many
snowboarder. It wasn’t possible
in her hometown because it
competitions and
hardly ever snowed. There was is important to keep
her dream is to win
a dry ski slope in her town, fit beacause that
an Olympic gold
where she learnt how to ski and helps her stay safe
medal one day.
snowboard, but there weren’t when she is doing

any mountains with snow to snowboarding tricks

Aimee spends most
practise the sport. and jumps.
of her free time
Her advice to people
practising on the
who want to learn how
DURING HER FREETIME, snow, and trains in
AIMEE LIKES TO SPEND to do jumps, is to
the gym four to
start small and only do
OFF HER PHONE AND five times a week.
LAPTOP AND HANG OUT bigger jumps when
She also goes
WITH HER FRIENDS AND they feel ready.
FAMILY. cycling and running.

Aimee says it

 Activity 20
Read the article in Activity 19 again, and choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1 Aimee learnt to ski before she started snowboarding.
A True B False C Not Given
2 It often snowed during winter in Aimee hometown.
A True B False C Not Given
3 It took Aimee a long time to find a coach after she moved to the USA.
A True B False C Not Given
4 Aimee has won an Olympic medal.
A True B False C Not Given
5 Aimee practices snowboarding in the mountains at least three times a week.
A True B False C Not Given
6 Aimee thinks that snowboarding is more dangerous for her when she is not fit.
A True B False C Not Given
7 In her free time, Aimee prefers being with people to spending time on her laptop.
A True B False C Not Given


 Activity 21

Write about your hobbies and interests (at least 80 words)

Look at the study guide to help you.

Write about your hobbies and interests.
1. Think of a hobby or interest you have.
playing the guitar
2. Say when and why began to do it.
three years ago, birthday present
3. Think of 2 reasons why you enjoy it.
relaxing, quite easy
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for 2 more hobbies or interests.

My Hobby
One of my interests is playing the guitar. I started three years
ago because ………………………………………………………………………












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