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 Activity 1
Match each activity with the pictures.

1. D put up decoration AA B

2. ___ set off fireworks

3. ___ light candles C

4. ___ dress up in
traditional clothes F

5. ___ blow up balloons

6. ___ have a party

 Activity 2
Match each verb with a words or phrase.

exchange stay up send make visit watch

1. ________ a cake 4. ________ relatives
2. ________ presents 5. ________ a parade
3. ________ cards 6. ________ late

 Activity 3
What’s your favourite festival? What do you usually
do? Tell a partner.
I really like the Lunar New year. I usually…

 Activity 4
Look at the picture A- E and the words. Write about what they are going to do?

A They/ dance/ in the street. B She/ wear/ a carnival costume.

They are going to dance in the street.

C They/ have/ street food. D She/ put on/ face paint.

………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….

E They/ sing/ with a band


 Activity 5
Look at the adjectives below. Decide which adjectives describe the picture, A
and B
big/ large small/ little low high old dirty modern
clean narrow wide plain flat hilly colorful

 Activity 6

T9.1. Listen to four people talking about the places in the pictures. Which
place is each person describing, A or B
Person 1 ______ Person 2 _____ Person 3 _____ Person 4 ____

 Activity 7
Use the adjectives above to describe some of the places below. Your partner
guesses the place.

a wall a park a playground a corridor

a school building a street a window a shop

This place is very wide. It’s got big

green walls. There are a lot of them in
Is it a corridor?
our school.


Will and Going to

 Activity 8

T9.2. Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
A: It’s going to be New Year’s Eve (1) _________? Do you have any plans?
B: Yes, I’m going to visit my (2) ___________. What about you? Are you going to
do anything special?
A: No, we don’t really celebrate New Year in my family. I’m not even going to (3)
B: Really? Aren’t you going to do anything?
A: No. I’m going to stay home and (4) __________.
B: Well, do you want to come for dinner?
A: Thanks very much. I’d love to. I’ll (5) __________.
B: Good idea. And I’ll 6 _________. It’ll be great!
▪ Going to
I’m going to send a lot of cards this Christmas.
They’re not going to set off a lot of fireworks.
Is she going to dance all night?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.

Subject Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)


We use going to when we want to talk about plans made before the moment of
▪ Will
A: It’s John’s birthday today.
B: Is it? OK. I’ll make a cake.
Subject Positive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

We use will to express a decision made at the moment of speaking.
We use I think I’ll…. and I’ll probably…. when we are not 100% certain.
I think I’ll play tennis tomorrow.
I’ll probably see my friends, too.

 Activity 9
Circle the correct answers.
1. Could you light those candles, please?
Sure. I’ll/ I’m going to do it now.
2. I need to blow up all these balloons.
Don’t worry. I’ll/ I’m going to help you.
3. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Yes. I’ll/ I’m going to put up these decorations.
4. Doesn’t your aunt live in Australia?
Yes. We’ll/ We’re going to visit her at New Year.
5. It’s Kate’s graduation next week.
Is it? OK. I’ll/ I’m going to make a cake.
6. What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?
I’ll/ I’m going to stay up late and have fun!
7. Do you want soda or juice?
I’ll/ I’m going to have soda, please.
8. Can you mail these cards?
I’m sorry, but I won’t/ I’m not going to go out today.

 Activity 10
Circle the correct answers.
1 I ------------- my friends for dinner after work tomorrow.
A will meet B am meeting C am going to meet
2 I haven’t made any plans for Xmas. I ------------ at home.
A am going to stay B will probably stay C am staying
3 The phone is ringing.
OK, I -------------- it.
A ’ll answer B am going to answer C am answering
4 I ----------- to London tomorrow night.
A am flying B am going to fly C will fly
5 I ------------ home after this lesson.
A am going to B am going C will
6 I’m going home. I ----------- you tomorrow. Bye.
A will see B am going to see C am seeing
7 What ----------- at the weekend?
A will you do B are you doing C are you going to do
8 Can you lend me some money? I ---------- back on Friday
A am going to pay B ’ll probably pay C will pay

 Activity 11


Complete these sentences. Then tell a partner.

After this class I’m going to………………………………....
Tonight, I’ll probably…………………………………………….
Tomorrow I think I’ll…………………………………………....

a little, a few, many, much and a lot of.
I haven’t got much time.
There are many good convenient stores near here.
Jane spends a lot of money at the shops.
There is a little milk in the fridge.
There are a few lions at the zoo.


Countable Uncountable Sentence

Large quantity a lot of/ lots of + - ?

many much + - ?

a few a little + - ?
❖ We use many with countable nouns.
❖ We use much with uncountable nouns.
❖ In informal positive sentences, we use a lot of/ lots of rather than much/ many.
❖ We use a little with singular uncountable nouns. We use a few with plural
countable nouns:
❖ We use a lot of/ lots of in informal styles. Lots of is more informal than a lot of. A
lot of/ lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular
uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions:
We’ve got lots of things to do.
That’s a lot of money.
There weren’t a lot of choices.
Have you ever eaten lots of chocolate?

 Activity 12
Circle the correct answers.
1. Catherine doesn’t eat much/ many bread.
2. I drink a lot of/ much water every day.
3. Do you drink much/ many milk?
4. There is a little/ a few money in my account.
5. There are a few/ a little oranges in the cupboard.
6. I don’t eat much/ many vegetables.
7. Do you eat a lot of/ many beef?
8. We are early. We have much/ a lot of time.
9. She gave a lot of/ much information.
10. He’s got a few/ a little friends.

 Activity 13
Complete these sentences with a little, a few, many, much and a lot of.
1. We had …………………. snow last winter.

2. …………………. people were interested in the exhibition. 1 a little

2 a few
3 a little
3. I speak …………………. French. 4 many
5 a few
4. There are …………………. students in the classroom. 6 a little
7 much
5. She has ………………….relatives. 8 much
9 a few
10 many
6. There is …………………. water in the pond.

7. The professor spends …………………. time playing tennis on Sundays.

8. We have …………………. knowledge of this phenomenon.

9. There are ………………….mushrooms in my mushroom soup.

10. …………………. animals can survive in the desert.


 Activity 14

T 9.3. Listen to Brian, from Didsbury in Manchester, U.K, talk about where
he lives. Does he like living in Didsbury?

 Activity 15

T 9.4. Listen to the next part of the conversation and write T (true) or False
(F) for each statement.
1 ___ There are a lot of things to do in Didsbury.
2 ___ There’s a good library.
3 ___ Brian teaches at City College.
4 ___ There isn’t a park.
5 ___ There aren’t any good restaurant.
6 ___ Brian doesn’t like Italian food.
7 ___ He eats at Pizza Palace because it’s cheap.
 Activity 16

T 9.5. In pairs, look at the photos. What can you see? What is the name of
the festival? Listen to the report and complete the notes.

A report by Erun Kurum

Country: Turkey
Date: (1) ----------- April
Things people do to play music, sing and
celebrate: (2) --------
Age of children who from eight to (3) ----
come to visit: -----
Maria’s favourite friendly people and
things (4) ---------
Who is running the (5) ------------
country today?

 Activity 17
In groups, imagine you are at a specific event or festival. It can be real or
imaginary. First make notes about it.
1. What festival is it?
2. What can you see?
3. What people are going to do/ wear?
4. Is there music? What kinds? What instruments are there?
5. Is there food? What kind?

 Activity 18
Do the New Year Quiz with a partner. Match the countries to the traditions.


NEWWMP What do you know about New Year
traditions around the world?
China Mexico Denmark UK Japan Greece

1 You break plates.

2 You hang onions on your door
3 You eat 12 grapes for each luck.
4 Bell rings 108 times.
5 You join hands and sing a special song.
6 You give money to children in red envelopes.

 Activity 19
Think of an important occasion that you’re going to celebrate soon. Write

I’m going to -----------------------------------

Celebration ----------------------------------------------------
I think I’ll ------------------------------------
☺ Clothes Drink Food
Decorations Cards ☺
Presents I’ll probably -----------------------------------

 Activity 20
With a partner, talk about your important occasion.
A: It’s my brother’s birthday next weekend.
B: Are you going to buy him a present?
A: No, but I think I’ll send him a card.

 Activity 21
In groups, discuss the questions.
• What are the New Year traditions in your country?
• ……………………………………………………………………………..
• What do people normally do on New Year’s Eve?
• ……………………………………………………………………………..
• What does your family do?
• ……………………………………………………………………………..


Skill: Reading for keywords

It’s midnight. We’re
standing on Westminter I’ve got of aunts, uncles and
It’s eight o’clock in the
cousins. And they’re all here
Bridge here in London. evening here in Buenos
tonight. Bruno.
The bells of Big Ben are Aires. We’re preparing for
ringing. Fireworks are the New Year‘s
celebrations. People are
exploding in the sky.
cooking beans at home.
Crowds of people are Why? Because we are
watching and listening to going to eat beans before
the clooud music. There’s midnight. It brings good
a fantastic atmosphere. luck. Gabriel.
But what is happening in It’s midnight here in Paris,
other cities around the France. We’re having
world? We aren’t celebrating in some glasses of wine and
Sydney, Australia. It’s 9 a.m. clinking glasses to the New
It’s twelve o’clock at The city is very quiet after Year on the world’s most
night in Edinburg and the night’s celebrations. But beautiful avenue, Champs
we’re having a great some people are going to Elysees! For New Year’s
time. It’s incredible have breakfast on the beach. Eve, many Parisian are
noisy here. We’re going Don’t forget, it’s the middle going to celebrate parties
to call the New Year of summer here and it’s very and fancy dinners on
“Hogmanay”. People hot! Siena boats over the Seine River
are going to sing a or at their friends’ houses.
traditional song called Ah, don’t expect to see the
“Auld Lang Syne”. fireworks. In Paris, there
What’re you going to are none. Greg.
do? Josh

It’s six o’clock in the

afternoon in San
Francisco and we’re
going to wait for the
celebration at midnight. It’s seven o’clock in the
We’re all feeling morning here in Hongkong
excited. We can’t wait. and we are still going to wait
Carmen. for the New Year. That’s
Hi there! In Lisbon it’s because we are going to
midnight and we’re all celebrate the Chinese New
partying. My family’s Year in January or February!
going to have a party at Kai.
home. It’s a big family.
 Activity 22
Read the article and write the name of each person who is/ are going to….
1 sing a traditional song -------- Josh------------
2 wait for the New Year ------------------
3 have parties -------------------------------
4 have breakfast on the beach ----------
5 eat beans ----------------------------------

 Activity 23
Read the article again and answer the questions. What time is it in the
following cities?
1 Bueno Aires ---------------
2 London ---------------------
3 Sydney ---------------------
4 San Francisco -------------
5 Hongkong -------------------
6 Edinburg --------------------
7 France -----------------------

 Activity 24
Read the magazine article again and write True (T) or False (F) or Not Given
(NG) for each statement.
1 People are standing on bridge in the middle of London.
A True B False C Not Given
2 People are going to wait for the New Year in the USA.
A True B False C Not Given
3 People are eating noodles in China.
A True B False C Not Given
4 Throwing money into the ocean is the symbol of luck.
A True B False C Not Given
5 The Chinese New Year is in March.
A True B False C Not Given

6 Bruno’s family is going to have party in the street.
A True B False C Not Given
7 In Scotland, people are going to sing a traditional song at midnight.
A True B False C Not Given
8 People are going to eat beans in Argentina.
A True B False C Not Given
9 It is morning in Australia and very quiet after the celebrations.
A True B False C Not Given
10 They are going to give lucky money to children in Hongkong.
A True B False C Not Given


 Activity 25
It’s the end of the semester and you want to have a class party. First check (✓)
four things you want to do. Then write four sentences about what you are
going to do.

I am going to make a cake.

1. buy/ set off fireworks …………………………………………………………….
2. put up the decorations …………………………………………………………..
3. dress up in traditional clothes …………………………………………………
4. light candles ……………………………………………………………………………
5. buy some presents ………………………………………………………………….
6. buy some balloons ………………………………………………………………….
7. make a cake ……………………………………………………………………………
8. send invitations ………………………………………………………………………

 Activity 26
Write about a popular celebration in your country. Look at the study guide to
help you.
New Year is an important celebration. I’m going to visit my grandparents and…………..

Write about a popular celebration.

1. Think of about popular celebration.
New Year, Independence Day, Mid- Autumn festival…
2. Who are you going to celebrate with?
My parents, relatives, boyfriend/ girlfriend
3. What are you going to do?
Visit my relatives, go out with friends, dress in traditional
clothes, have a picnic/ party

My New Year

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