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Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy SEMESTER — IIT EXERCISE THERAPY, YOGA AND MASSAGE —1 Course Code: 21BPT301 Credit: 05 LTP:500 COURSE _| On completion ofthis subject, the students will be able to Learn the OBJECTIVES | principles, technique and effects of exercise as therapeutic modality in the restoration of physical function (COURSE OUTCOMES 1 Thralyas the various types of therapeutic exercises, movements and (lomonstrate different techniques and describe their effects. practice diferent exercise therapy techniques and gain confidence in performing hese alls before Implementing the same on the patients so that high quality patient care is ensured. 5 —Pinderstand principles and procedures, indications, contraindications and Lrecautions, appropriate methods of application of each of the assessment ‘rateay and treatment techniques hands on and on models. Practice various assessment strategies like Goniometer, Tone assessment, 4 muscle power assessment etc for detalled learning. UNIT NO CONTENT HOURS 1 [ro study the principles, techniques of application indication, 6 brecaution, effects and uses of Suspension Therapy 15 lapplication techniques of Manual muscle testing. II resting position, procedure and grading of muscles of the lupper limb, lower limb, Face and trunk etc, Iconiometers and its types, Principles, techniques and am [pplication of Gonlometer. Lresting position, procedure and measurement of R.O.M. of the 15 Joints of upper limbs, lower limbs and trunk LA lLimb girth and Limb length measurement, Ss Saat dic Caige of Paramedical Sciences, Dav Bheomi Uttarelhond Trivers, Dehradun Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy history, various types of soft tissue manipulation techniques. ag V__ Physiological effects of soft tissue manipulation on the| ‘llowing systems of the body, Circulatory, Nervous, IMusculoskeletal, Excretory, Respiratory, Integumentary system land Metabolism. Kctassify, define and describe: - effleurage, stroking, Kneading, petrissage, deep friction, vibration and shaking etc. reparation of patient: Effects, uses, Indications and Icontraindications of the above manipulation. i: Describe relaxation, muscle fatigue, muscle spasm and tension (mental & physical) Factors contributing to fatigue & tension Techniques of relaxation (Jocal andgeneral) Effects, uses and clinical application Indication & contraindication. VE | strengthening and re-education, early late and functionel, 5 strengthening techniques for power and endurance, specificity principles, principles of home exercise and group exercises, principles of selection of exercises. Aerobic ‘exercises with their prescriptions Total Hours:70 cO-PO/PSO MAPPING Programme [Programme lcourse Outcomes > | Spite Outcomes z (outcome apse Le eye ot az [aisyi4{ i core |r a " (coz I p p (cos i [con I E p 1-Low 2-Medium 3- High ZY | “Sar Broumn edical Collage oF Paramedial Sconces, Dev Bhoom! Ubarakhand University, es 41 Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy ELECTROTHERAPY AND ACTINOTHERAPY -I Course Code: 21BPT302 Credit: 04 LTP:400 COURSE | The objective of the course is to understand and acquire the knowledge of OBJECTIVES | electrotherapy in physiotherapy. COURSE OUTCOMES 1 Know the principles, technique and effects of electrotherapy as a therapeutic Imodality in the restoration of physical function in conditions. 2 |Uist the indications and contraindications of various types of electrotherapy, demonstrate different techniques and describe their effects. 3 [Utilize Contemporary and recent methods and to select the most appropriate Imethod to moderate and alleviate pain for patients. UNIT NO CONTENT HOURS 12 |classification of electro modalities. + History and General Law's governing electrotherapy. + Effect of Therapeutic frequencies, Peripheral nerve lesions: Neuropraxia, Axonotmesis, Neurogenesis. Describe clinical symptoms and signs,-aims In treatment, Methods: and selection of currents in different type of lessons. Neurophysiology of motor and sensory systems in context to electrotherapy. * Definition, physiology, Indications and contraindications of Faradic currents. * Definition , physiology , Indications and contraindications of Galvanic currents’ ,lontophoresis Dev Broom Medical College of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bhooml Uttarekhand University, Dehradun Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy Definition , physiology , Indications and contraindications of sinusoidal currents ~ TENS Electro diagnostic tests as follows: Rheobase Chronaxie F G test , Chemical and Therapeutic effects ‘Strength duration curves Strength/ pulse ratio ,Outline of EMG Introduction to other low frequency currents HVPGs icro currents, [Trabert,Dynamic’s 12 um Gircuits and calibration of electrotherapeutic modalities Stimulator Diathetmy Ultrasound uvR LASER IR EMG , Traction 20 Interferential therapy and Russian stimulation Physiological effects, indications and contra-indications, Technique of treatment, ‘Therapeutic uses, 12 EMG Biofeedback, Pneumatic compression , Spinal Decompression, Matrix ECF modalities, NCV Total Hours: 70 i4 A Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand Uniersity, eae (ete \s Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy BIOMECHANICS AND KINESIOLOGY - 1 Course Code: 21BPT303 Credit: 04 LTP:400 COURSE | The student will be able to demonstrate an Understanding of the principles of OBJECTIVES | Biomechanics and kinesiology and thelr appllation in the heat coc disease pertaining to muscles and joints. COURSE OUTCOMES 1 [fategorizing the structure & functions of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral ertebra 2 [Analyze normal human movement from a global Perspective, integrating iomechanics, muscle mechanics and motor control theory. 3 nderstanding general and specific features of the hip, knee, and ankle complex, 4 'se these methods for evaluation and treatment of disorders of the Musculoskeletal system. UNIT NO ‘CONTENT HOURS I Introduction to kinesiology Types of motion, planes of motion, direction of motion and quantity of motion. Forces, force vectors, components of forces. Gravity, segmental centers of gravity, center of gravity of the human body, stability and center of gravity, relocation of the center of gravity. Reaction forces, Newton's Law of reaction. Equllibrium- Law of inertia and establishing equilibrium of an object. Objects in motion; Law of acceleration, Joint distraction in a linear force system and force of friction. Concurrent force systems: Composition of forces, Muscle action lines, Total muscle force vector, Divergent muscle pulls, and anatomic pulleys, Parallel force systems ,First class lever, sécond class lever, Le third class lever, torque, mechanical advantage o =] Moment arm: moment arm of a muscle force, moment arm of| gravity and anatomic pulleys, LA Equillbrium of lever J 1 Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bhooml Uttarakhand Univer AY Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 1 issue present in human joints; including dense fibrous tissue, ‘one, cartilage and connective tissue. lassification of joints- synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis, ubclassification of synovial joints. joint function, kinematic chains, range of motion General effects of injury and disease. 8 mm lobility and stability functions of muscles. Elements of muscle structure- Composition of a muscle fiber, arrangement and number, muscle tension, length-tension relationship. ‘Types of muscle contraction, speed and angular velocity, applied load, voluntary control, torque and isokinetic exercise, Factors affecting muscle tension Classification of muscles- spurt and shunt muscles, tonic and phasic muscles, agonist and antagonist muscles. Factors affecting muscle function: Type of joint and location of muscle attachment, number of joints, passive insufficiency, sensory receptors. Structural components of the shoulder complex including the| rticulating surfaces, capsular attachments and ligaments and| jovements of the following joints: Sternoclavicular, lAcromioclavicular, Scapulothoracic, Glenohumeral.. Function of the shoulder complex including dynamic stability of the glen —humeral__—_joint,scapulohumerairhythm,and kcapulothoracic and glenchumeral contributions. Muscles of elevation (Deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres| iinor, subscapular is, upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lowe! rapes, serratus anterior, and rhomboids.* Muscles of depression (Latissimus dorsi, pectorals, teres major, fhomboids) G Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paremecical Sciences, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehradun Vv 47 Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy Structure of the humeroulnar and humeroradial joints including prticulating surfaces, joint capsule, ligaments and muscles, Function of the humeroulnar and humeroradial joints including| the axis of motion, muscle action, Structure of the superior and inferior radio ulnar joints. Mobility and stability of the elbow complex arid its relationship to hand and wrist. [Effect of injury and the resistance to longitudinal compression, 09 rist complex including radiocarpal joint, midcarpal joint andthe ligaments of the wrist complex. [Function of the radiocarpal, carpal and midcarpal joints including} he movement and muscle involved. Hand complex including structure on fingers(carpometacarpal, jetacarpal phalangeal and interphalangeal joints of fingers, ligaments, range of motion). Finger musculature including extrinsic and MCP, PIP and DIP| it furiction, Intrinsic finger muscles, tructure of carpometacarpal, MCP and IP joints of thumb. Structure including the extrinsic and intrinsic thumb muscle, Prehension, power, cylindrical, spherical and hook grip. recision handling, pad to pad, tip to tip and pad to side prehension and functional position of wrist and hand 09 Total Hours:56 CO-PO/PSO MAPPING \Course Outcome Programme Outcomes Programme specific jutcomes TP27314/5/6|7)8|9|40| ii] i 13 |i T z B ir ir B 2-MED 3-HIGH : 5s x Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramiedical Sciences, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehradun 48 Programme Reguiations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy PATHOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY t.. Course Cod Saspr304 Credit: 04 LTP: OBJECTIVES [nicroblology including immunity, virology, antiseptics and allergy. COURSE _|students will be able to understand about the knowledge of pathology, 2400 COURSE OUTCOMES: |disease condition gained. = Knoniedge about importance of nutrition, Function of nutriton and its iseases gained. 7 ]knowiedge about disease and changes in structure and function of cells during deficiency lunderstood properly. Pathogenesis and pathological changes of disease in Various body system is 4 jained. iKnowledge about the various microorganism, its Classification and structure Bec about the various disease caused by microorganism and its s revention.. UNIT NO CONTENT HOURS 1 [ntroduction: concepts of diseases, classification of lesions. leacterial, viral and parasitic infections~ a general outline. nflamiations-acute, sub-acute and chronic. (examples bacterial fungal, viral, allergic Inflammations), repair, degeneration. founds: types and healing, Disorders of growth, Healing ractures, Circulatory disorders: Hemorrhage, shock embolism ‘hrombosis, ischemia, edema, gangrene and necrosis Deficiency diseases, Tumors, etiology and spread, ommontumors, Musculoskeletal system: including myopathies, letabollc Bone and joint diseases: wutoimmune, reumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, steomyelitis nN GBA Sa Bion HEAT CoVEGE OF ParaedTeal Sciences, Dev Bhoom! Uiarakhana Univer > NY ity, Dehradun 5 Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy {vr IMicrobialPathogens: 9 | iralPathogens: faricella, ferpes Simplex, tubella, HIV, Rabies, Polio and Hepatitis viruses. [Bacterial Pathogens: pptococcus, Mycobacterium, Clostridium, Staphylococcus, Vibrio, salmonella, Treponema, Mycoplasma and Actinomyces. ‘ungal Pathogens: inea and Candida lormal micro flora of human body skin, Mouth ,URT, Intestinal tract and Genito urinary tract. Total Hours: 56 CO-PO/PSO MAPPING Programme rogramme ‘Course Outcomes Specific (Outcome jOQutcomes TT2[3 141516] 7] 8] 9| 19 11 17 15 14 as z \col fl p | 2, II I 3 jCO2 BR II 2, a ICO3 it IE (cor I b B 1-LOW = 2-MED 3-HIGH ‘TEXT BOOKS: 41, Satish Gupte, The Short text book of Medical Microbiology by, JayPee Brothers,2nd Ed, 2004. 2. Ananthanarayananan & Jayaram Paniker; Text book of Micro biology, Orien Longman, 9 th Ed, 2013. 3, Harsh mohan, Text book of Pathology, Jaypee brothers, 7th edition-2015. REFERENCE BOOKS: 4.Kumar, Essentials of Microbiology , JP, 1st Ed, 2014. 2. Datta, Textbook of Pathology, JP , 2nd Ed, 2004. Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramedicel Sciences, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehradun 52 Ay Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy. 7. Course Code: $2BPT305 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Credit: 02 OBJECTIVES | human bod COURSE | To acquire the knowledge and understanding the functioning after exercise » | COURSE OUTCOMES: xygen metabolism, blood The aim of this subject is to understand the energy production in human body, process of transport. 2 __ [fo understand the concept t of aerobic exercise, about environment that is involve in exercise Oxygen deficit and recovery transfer Energy transfer in cells during Joxygen metabolism and transfer during metabolism Joxygen transport in blood xygen measurement, oxygen during exercise, oxygen during nergy release from carbohydrates, lipids and proteins jhysiotherapy. 3 inderstanding the concept of fatigue its process, Classification, management. UNIT NO CONTENT HOURS: 1 Energy production, expenditure and 6 debt Cardiovascular drift {Exercise performance TT Lung function and its role In exercise performance Ireguiation of ventilation and blood pressure during exercise IMuscle fiber, types and its role in exercise performance Freray cost and breaking )Aerobic training jAnaerobic training poms |Aerobic and anaerobic exercises TH Principles of training system adaptation to aerobic and anaerobic training V7 ‘Dav Broom Medical Collage of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakfiand University, Dehradun Gy \a ng Mw 53 Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy \Strenath training Lxercise and Environment: 4 IV kxercises at hot and cold climate, thermoregulation, dehydration land rehydration Sag 4 vy Fatigue: Jassification, physiology, assessment and management Total Hours: 28 cO-PO/PSO MAPPING i Programme rogramme Icourse ‘Outcomes specific loutcome juteomes, T2,3]4)5 17] 8] 9110 ia [42] 13] 14 i 2 |COL 1 I! Il iy q I \CO2 a ii p B BR 08 i i I \CO4 II 1 q It 1-LOW ‘2-MED 3-HIGH TEXT BOOKS: 4, Sport and physical therapy ~ Bernhardt Donna, Churchill Livingstone, London 1995. 2. Bird, S. R., Black, N. Sports Injuries: Causes, Diagnosis, ‘Treatment and Prevention. Cheltenham: Stanley Thomes, 1997 ISBN: 0748731814 3, Brownstein, B. Functional movement in Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy: Evaluation, ‘Treatment and Outcomes. New York; London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997 ISBN: 0443075301 REFERENCE BOOKS: «Cash, M:Sport and Remedial Massage Therapy. London: Edbury, 1996 ISBN: 0091809568 3. Johnson, R. J. and Lombardo, 3 (eds.) Current Review of Sports Medicine Philadelphia: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998 (2nd edition) ISBN: 0750699655 3, Hollis, M. Massage for Therapists. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1998 (2nd edition) ISBN: 0632047887 4. Hutson, MA, Sports Injurles, Recognition and Management, Oxford: Oxford University Afess, 2001 (3nd edition) ISBN: 0192632728 th Sea Broarnl Medical College of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bhoom! Uearakhand University, Dehradun (® Y programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy EXERCISE THERAPY, YOGA AND MASSAGE -TLAB Course Code: 21BPT381 Credit:02 LTP:004 ‘S.No. List of Practical’s te Lo study the position of joints, muscle work and stability of various lundamental and derived positions. lection of muscles and co-coordinated movements. |ro study the different types of muscle contraction, muscle work, group 3. fro practice the various types of suspension therapy and Its application on jarious parts of body - region wise. @. [ro practice the grading of muscle strength region wise - upper limb, lower limb and trunk. 5 ferunk. Iro practice the measurement of ROM of joints ~ upper limb, lower limb & tro practice all the soft tissue manipulative techniques region wise L tipper limb, lower limb, neck, back and face. Tro study & practice local & general relaxation techniques lexercises of muscles region wise. To study & practice the various techniques of progressive strengthening s as Ba ea Callege of Paramedical Sciences, Dev Bheom! Uttarakiand University, Dehradul \ VO SS Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy ELECTROTHERAPY AND ACTINOTHERAPY-I LAB Course Code: 21BPT382 Credit:02 LTP:004 List of Practical’s Io study the basic operation of electric supply to the equipment & safety devices. To experience sensory and motor stimulation of nerves and muscles by various Iypes of low frequency currents on self. Iro locate and stimulate different motor points region wise, including theupper| lz lower limb, trunk free. Hrherapeutic application of different low frequency currents Faradic foot bath, Faradism under pressure, Iontophoresis. ‘To study the reactions of degeneration of nerves, to plot strength duration urves. [To find Chronaxie and Rheobase. Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Peramedicel Sciences, 7 tro study a TENS Stimulator, Its operation and application - region wise. 8. 75 study @ Bio feedback unit. its operation and different methods of Lapplication - region wise. 9. [ro study a Interferential therapy unit its operation and different methods of lapplication - region wise. 10 ro study a Ultrasound unlt, its operation and different methods of application region wise 13 ro study a Intermittent pneumatic therapy unt, Its operation and different Imethods of application - region wise I of Vb Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehratun (¥ Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy BIOMECHANICS AND KINESIOLOGY ~ I LAB Course Code: 21BPT383 Ccredit:02 che List of Practical’s L Evaluation and assessment of upper limb joint motion of Shoulder levaluation and assessment of upper limb joint motion of Elbow lEvaluation and assessment of upper limb joint motion of Wrist levaluation and assessment of upper limb joint motion of Hand levaluation and assessment of daily life skills Evaluation and assessment of upper limb soft tissue Injury Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramedical Sciences, Uy Dev Bhooml Uttarakhand University, Dehradun 37 Programme Regulations-Bachelor of Physiotherapy First aid and Emergency care Course Code: 22BPT362 Credit:02 LTP:200 SOURSE {the completion of this course the student must be able to identify and BIECTIVES [manage situation of common emergencies, COURSE OUTCOMES: Tro know the basic concept and alm of first aid. 2 tro be able to understand the first ald management in injury. 3 ffo understand the Importance of emergency care UNIT CONTENT HOURS ay NO ms 1 FIRSTAID troduction of first ald: Definition, alms, steps and treatment of lirst ald, factors influencing the skill development, IManagement of first aid and emergency treatment: [Basic concepts on emergency first ald procedure: Emergency franagement of cuts, bleeding, resuscitation, electric shock, and 10 e ‘burns, and chemical burns, fainting and poisoning 7 First aid management for bites / buns (heat and TL Ehemical)/injuries (needle stick) cuts and wounds/ fracture/ frost bite and electric shock : 40 introduction, definition, types of bites (Insects, snake, dog), frost bite, and first ald treatment to victim. _ linjuries: cut and wound care, dressing and its types, procedures and special techniques of dressing. Definition, alm, types, application types of bandage. Fpractures: types and first aid management. MERGENCY 31 [Concept of emergency- Definition, Importances. Rules. og Community Emergence Fire explosions, floods, earthquakes, famine. mmunity resources: Police assistance; Voluntary agencies; \Local, National and International agencies; BE. lambulance service- thelr relation to emergencies.

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