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PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 04 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 10 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Objective) MAX. MARKS: - 10
Q.No.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick () mark the correct option. (10)

1. The cells which secrete their hormones are:

a) blood cells b) nerve cells
c) gland cells d) bone cells
2. Membrane bounded green pigment containing bodies present in the cells are called as:
a) plastids b) chloroplasts
c) chromoplasts d) leucoplasts
3. A non-viscous colloidal solution is called:
a) Sol b) Gel
c) Cytosol d) Stroma
4. Fungal cell wall contains:
a) pectin b) silica
c) chitin d) lignin
5. The number of chromosomes in normal body cells are:
a) Haploid b) Diploid
c) Monoploid d) Triploid
6. Stroma is a fluid in the chloroplast which surrounds the:
a) Granum b) Stroma
c) Matrix d) Thylakoids
7. In lipld-rich seeds, glyoxisomes are the sites for breakdown of fatty acids to:
a) Succinate b) Glycerol
c) Fats d) Proteins
8. Golgi complex is concerned with:
a) Cell eating
b) Power house of cell
c) Cell development
d) Cell secretions
9. Fungal cell wall is made up of:
a) Cutin b) Pectin
c) Chitin d) Cellulose
10. The biggest cell in the world is the egg of:
a) Ostrich b) Kiwi
c) Turtle d) Elephant
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 04 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 30 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Subjective) MAX. MARKS: - 18

Q. 2 Attempt short questions: - (5x2=10)

I. What is the contribution of Robert Hooke in the discovery of cell?
II. Who said "omnis cellula-e-cellula"?
III. Define the term “resolution of eye”.
IV. What is cell fractionation?

V. Give three functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Q. 3 Long questions: - (4x2=8)

1. a) Describe the discovery of cell and emergence of cell theory.

b) Explain that cell is a structural and functional unit of all organisms.

2. a) Explain the structure of a typical cell.

b) Explain the structure and function of cell wall
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 04 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 10 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Objective) MAX. MARKS: - 10
Q.No.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick () mark the correct option. (10)

1. In 1831, the presence of nucleus in the cell was reported by:

a) Robert Koch
b) Robert Hooke
c) Robert Brown
d) Robert Whittaker
2. Nucleus contains chromatin network and soluble sap called:
a) Cytoplasm b) Nucleoplasm
c) Protoplasm d) Nuclear sap
3. Nucleus contains soluble sap called:
a) Protoplasm b) Cytoplasm
c) Nucleoplasm d) Nuclear sap
4. Which one help in pollination and dispersal of seeds:
a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast
c) Leucoplast d) Phytochrome
5. Mitochondria are also known as:
a) Store house
b) Information house
c) Power house
d) Exporting house
6. Which disease is because of absence of an enzyme that is involved in the catabolism of lipids:
a) Glycogenosis type II b) Cancer
c) Microcephaly d) Tay-Sach's
7. Ribosomes are chemically composed of:
a) Only protein
b) Ribonucleoprotein
c) RNA and protein
d) Both (b) and (c) are correct
8. The rough surface endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of:
a) Lipids b) Proteins
c) Carbohydrates d) Glycolipids
9. Contraction and relaxation are the characteristics of:
a) Muscle cells b) Nerve cells
c) Gland cells d) Tendons
10. The cell nucleus was discovered by:
a) Virchow b) Robert Brown
c) Robert Hooke d) Schwann
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 04 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 30 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Subjective) MAX. MARKS: - 18
Q. 2 Attempt short questions: - (5x2=10)
I. What is the major difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
II. What is the function of cytoplasm?
III. What does happen in Glycogenosis type II disease?
IV. Who isolated lysosomes?

V. What are cisternae?

Q. 3 Long questions: - (4x2=8)

1. a) Discuss the structure and functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum.

b) What is the structure and function of centriole?

2. a) Discuss the structure and functions of nucleus.

b) What are plastids?

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