Chapter 10

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Chapter No 10 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 10 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Objective) MAX. MARKS: - 10
Q.No.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick () mark the correct option. (10)

1. Life history of_______ is characterized by metamorphosis.

(a) insects (b) crustaceans
(c) polychaets (d) prototherians
2. In deuterostomia (deuterostomes) mesoderm is derived from wall of developing:
(a) gut (b) archenteron
(c) both a & b (d) stomach
3. The systems such as integumentary and nervous develop from:
(a) ectoderm
(b) mesoderm
(c) endoderm
(d) none of these
4. The pore through which the water leaves the body of sponge is known as:
(a) ostia
(b) osculum
(c) aperture
(d) orifice
5. Polyps are cylindrical animals, which in most cases are nutritive in function, hence named as:
(a) blastostyle (b) gonozoids
(c) gastrozoids (d) nectophore
6. Enterobius vermicularis is commonly known as:
(a) ship worm (b) hook worm
(c) book worm (d) pin worm
7. Which is the first group of invertebrates that has developed a closed circulatory system?
(a) cnidarians (b) annelids
(c) echinoderms (d) molluscs
8. Most arthropods possess an extensive system formed of air tubes called trachea for the exchange of:
(a) water (b) food
(c) gases (d) minerals
9. There is a rasping tongue-like radula provided with many teeth, in the mouth cavity of many:
(a) molluscs (b) annelids
(c) echinoderms (d) hemichordates
10. In some mammals the hair have been modified into spines e.g.
(a) Penguin (b) Panther
(c) Pangolin (d) Porcupine
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 10 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 30 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Subjective) MAX. MARKS: - 18

Q. 2 Attempt short questions: - (5x2=10)

I. What is polymorphism? Also give examples.
II. What are cnidocytes?
III. What are coral reefs?
IV. What are common examples of Phylum Echinodermata?
V. What is the main difference between diploblastic and triploblastic organisms.

Q. 3 Long questions: - (4x2=8)

1. a) What is the possibility of evolution of animals from Protoctista?

b) Give a detailed account of Parazoa.

2. a) Write a note on coral reefs.

b) Write the general characteristics of phylum arthropoda
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 10 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 10 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Objective) MAX. MARKS: - 10
Q.No.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick () mark the correct option. (10)

1. Blastocoel persists throughout the life in:

(a) porifera (b) cnidaria
(c) annelida (d) nematoda
2. In protostomes (proterostomia) mesoderm is derived from cells on lip of:
(a) neuropore (b) gastropore
(c) blastopore (d) nucleopore
3. The poriferans are pore-bearing animals, commonly called:
(a) nematodes (b) cnidarians
(c) sponges (d) roundworms
4. Cnidocytes give rise to nematocysts, the:
(a) pinching cells (b) stinging cells
(c) protecting cells (d) feeding cells
5. The most common examples of parasitic platyhelminthes are:
(a) tapeworm (b) liver flukes
(c) blood flukes (d) all of the above
6. Organs of locomotion in class oligochaeta are:
(a) setae (b) both a & c
(c) chaetae (d) parapodia
7. A free swimming trochophore larva is produced during the life cycle of:
(a) echinoderms (b) annelids(aquatic)
(c) coelenterates (d) arthropods
8. Housefly, mosquito, butterflies, moths, wasps and beetles etc, are examples of class:
(a) insecta (b) arachnida
(c) myriapoda (d) crustacea
9. The process of shedding skeleton is cal1ed:
(a) moulting (b) ecdysis
(c) epiboly (d) moulting or ecdysis
10. Bipinnaria and brachiolaria are larvae of phylum:
(a) echinodermata (b) mollusca
(c) annelida (d) hemichordata
PGCNOTES.COM Name ………………….

Chapter No 10 Section …………………

Subject: - Biology (Intermediate I) TIME ALLOWED:- 30 Mins.

Dated: ___________ (Subjective) MAX. MARKS: - 18
Q. 2 Attempt short questions: - (5x2=10)
I. What are different regions of body in insects?
II. What groups of animals possess these scales: placoid, ganoid, cycloid and ctenoid?
III. What is the connecting link between reptiles and birds?
IV. Write down the characteristics of osteichythes
V. Describe two main characters of molluscs.

Q. 3 Long questions: - (4x2=8)

1. a) Describe the economic importance of insects.

b) Write the general characteristics of phylum echinodermata.

2. a) What are the differences between water and land habitats?

b) Write a note on Evolution of Birds.

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