Polar Coding For Secure Transmission and

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Polar Coding for Secure Transmission and Key

O. Ozan Koyluoglu and Hesham El Gamal
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
arXiv:1003.1422v1 [cs.IT] 6 Mar 2010

Abstract—Wyner’s work on wiretap channels and the recent presented codes that approach secrecy capacity. For other
works on information theoretic security are based on random scenarios, secrecy capacity achieving code design is stated
codes. Achieving information theoretical security with practical as an open problem. Similarly, [6] considers the design of
coding schemes is of definite interest. In this note, the attempt
is to overcome this elusive task by employing the polar coding secure nested codes for the noiseless main channel setting (see
technique of Arıkan. It is shown that polar codes achieve non- also [7]).
trivial perfect secrecy rates for binary-input degraded wiretap This work considers secret communication over a binary-
channels while enjoying their low encoding-decoding complexity. input degraded wiretap channel. Using the polar coding tech-
In the special case of symmetric main and eavesdropper chan-
nels, this coding technique achieves the secrecy capacity. Next,
nique of Arıkan [8], we show that non-trivial secrecy rates
fading erasure wiretap channels are considered and a secret key are achievable. According to our best knowledge, this coding
agreement scheme is proposed, which requires only the statistical technique is the first provable and practical (having low en-
knowledge of the eavesdropper channel state information (CSI). coding and decoding complexity) secrecy encoding technique
The enabling factor is the creation of advantage over Eve, for this set of channels. In the special case of the symmetric
by blindly using the proposed scheme over each fading block,
which is then exploited with privacy amplification techniques to
main and eavesdropper channels, this technique achieves the
generate secret keys. secrecy capacity of the channel 1 . Next, we consider fading
wiretap channels and propose a key agreement scheme where
I. I NTRODUCTION the users only assumed to have the statistical knowledge of
The notion of information theoretic secrecy was introduced the eavesdropper CSI. The enabling observation is that by
by Shannon to study secure communication over point-to-point blindly using the scheme over many fading blocks, the users
noiseless channels [1]. This line of work was later extended will eventually create an advantage over Eve, which can then
by Wyner [2] to noisy channels. Wyner’s degraded wiretap be exploited to generate secret keys using privacy amplification
channel assumes that the eavesdropper channel is a degraded techniques.
version of the one seen by the legitimate receiver. Under this
assumption, Wyner showed that the advantage of the main II. N OTATIONS
channel over that of the eavesdropper, in terms of the lower
noise level, can be exploited to transmit secret bits using Throughout this paper, vectors are denoted by xN 1 =
random codes. This keyless secrecy result was then extended {x1 , · · · , xN } or by x̄ if we omit the indices. Random
to a more general (broadcast) model in [3] and to the Gaussian variables are denoted with capital letters X, which are defined
setting in [4]. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in over sets denoted by the calligraphic letters X . For a given set
wireless physical layer security (see, e.g., Special Issue on A ⊂ {1, · · · , N }, we write xA to denote the sub-vector {xi :
Information Theoretic Security, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, June i ∈ A}. Omitting the random variables, we use the following
2008 and references therein). However, designing practical shorthand for probability distributions p(x) , Pr(X = x),
codes to achieve secrecy for any given main and eavesdropper p(x|y) , Pr(X = x|Y = y).
channels remained as an elusive task.
In [5], the authors constructed LDPC based wiretap codes III. P OLAR C ODES
for certain binary erasure channel (BEC) and binary symmetric
channel (BSC) scenarios. In particular, when the main channel Consider a binary-input DMC (B-DMC) given by W (y|x),
is noiseless and the eavesdropper channel is a BEC, [5] where x ∈ X = {0, 1} and y ∈ Y for some finite set Y. The
N uses of W is denoted by W N (y1N |xN
1 ). The symmetric
This work is partially supported by Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) and
by National Science Foundation (NSF). The first author is partially supported
by the Presidential Fellowship award of the Ohio State University. 1 We acknowledge that the concurrent work [9] independently established
This work will appear in Proc. 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium the result that polar codes can achieve the secrecy capacity of the degraded
on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sept. wiretap channels, when both main and eavesdropper channels are binary-input
2010, Istanbul, Turkey. and symmetric (Corollary 7 of this note).
capacity of a B-DMC W is given by Now, the idea of polar coding is clear. The encoder-decoder
  pair, utilizing the polarization effect, will transmit data through
XX1 W (y|x) the subchannels for which Z(WN ) is near 0. In [8], the
I(W ) , W (y|x) log2  P 1 , (1)
 
2 W (y|x′) polar code (N, K, A, uAc ) for B-DMC W is defined by
x∈X y∈Y 2 ⊗n
x′ ∈X xN N
1 = u 1 BN F , where uAc is a given frozen vector, and
which is the mutual information I(X; Y ) when the input X the information set A is chosen such that |A| = K and
(i) (j)
is uniformly distributed. The Bhattacharyya parameter of W Z(WN ) < Z(WN ) for all i ∈ A, j ∈ Ac . The frozen vector
is given by uAc is given to the decoder. Arıkan’s successive cancellation
Xp (SC) estimates the input as follows: For the frozen indices
Z(W ) , W (y|0)W (y|1), (2) ûAc = uAc . For the remaining indices s.t. i ∈ A; ûi = 0, if
(i) (i) N
y∈Y WN (y1N , ûi−1 i−1
1 |0) ≥ WN (y1 , û1 |1) and ûi = 1, otherwise.
which measures the reliability of W as it is an upper bound With this decoder, it is shown in [8] that the average block
on the probability of ML decision error on a single use of the error probability over the ensemble (consisting of all possible
channel. frozen vector choices) of polar codes is bounded by
Polar codes is recently introduced by Arıkan [8]. These Pe (N ) ≤
X (i)
Z(WN ).
codes can be encoded and decoded with complexity i∈A
O(N log N ), while achieving an overall block-error proba-
β We now state the result of [8] using the bound given in [10].
bility that is bounded as O(2−N ) for any fixed β < 12 Theorem 3 (Theorem 2 of [10]): For any given B-DMC W
([8], [10]). In [8], channel polarization is used to construct
with I(W ) > 0, let R < I(W ) and β ∈ (0, 12 ) be fixed. Block
codes (polar codes) that can achieve the symmetric capacity, error probability for polar coding under SC decoding (averaged
I(W ), of any given B-DMC W . Channel polarization consists over possible choices of frozen vectors) satisfies
of two operations: Channel combining and channel splitting. β
Let uN1 be the vector to be transmitted. The combined channel Pe (N ) = O(2−N ).
is represented by WN and is given by Note that, for any given β ∈ (0, 12 ) and ǫ > 0, we can
⊗n define the sequence of polar codes by choosing the information
WN (y1N |uN
1 ) =W N
(y1N |uN
1 BN F ), (3)
indices as
whereBN is abit-reversal permutation matrix, N = 2n , and (i) 1 β
1 0 AN = {i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : Z(WN ) ≤ 2−N }.
F , . Note that the actual channel input here is N
1 1
⊗n Then, from the above theorems, for sufficiently large N , we
given by xN N
1 = u 1 BN F . The channel splitting constructs
can achieve the rate
N binary input channels from WN , where the transformation
is given by |AN |
R= ≥ I(W ) − ǫ
X 1
WN (y1N , ui−1
1 |ui ) , N −1
WN (y1N |uN
1 ). (4) with average block error probability (averaged over the possi-
N N −i
2 ble choices of uAcN )
ui+1 ∈X
X (i) β
The polarization phenomenon is shown by the following Pe (N ) ≤ Z(WN ) ≤ 2−N
theorem. i∈AN
Theorem 1 (Theorem 1 of [8]): For any B-DMC W , N = under SC decoding. (See also [11].)
2n for some n, and δ ∈ (0, 1), we have This result shows the existence of a polar code
(i) (N, K, A, uAc ) achieving the symmetric capacity of W . We
|{i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : I(WN ) ∈ (1 − δ, 1]}|
lim = I(W ), remark that, any frozen vector choice of uAc will work for
N →∞ N
symmetric channels [8]. For our purposes, we will denote a
|{i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : I(WN ) ∈ [0, δ)}| polar code for B-DMC W with C(N, F , uF ), where the frozen
lim = 1 − I(W ). set is given by F , Ac . Note that, A denotes the indices of
N →∞ N
In order to derive the rate of the channel polarization, the information transmission for the polar code, whereas F is the
random process Zn is defined in [8] and in [10]. Basically, set of frozen indices.
We conclude this section by noting the following lemma
|{i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : Z(W2n ) ∈ (a, b)}| (given in [11]) regarding polar coding over degraded channels.
Pr{Zn ∈ (a, b)} = (5)
N Lemma 4 (Lemma 4.7 of [11]): Let W : X → Y and W ′ :
′ ′
The rate of the channel polarization is given by the following. X → Y be two B-DMCs such that W is degraded w.r.t. W ,
′′ ′
i.e., there exists a channel W : Y → Y such that
Theorem 2 (Theorem 1 of [10]): For any B-DMC W and W (y|x) = W ′ (y ′ |x)W ′′ (y|y ′ ).
for any given β < 12 , y ′ ∈Y ′
nβ (i) (i) (i) (i)
lim Pr{Zn < 2−2 } = I(W ). Then, WN is degraded w.r.t. W ′ N and Z(WN ) ≥ Z(W ′ N ).
IV. S ECURE T RANSMISSION OVER W IRETAP C HANNEL length |Fe | − |Fm | vector v̄m and uFm , we define the
A discrete memoryless wiretap channel with is denoted by frozen vector for the eavesdropper, denoted by uFe (v̄m ), by
choosing (uFe (v̄m ))Fm = uFm and (uFe (v̄m ))Fe \Fm = v̄m .
(X , W (ym , ye |x), Ym × Ye ), Note that, denoting Ce (v̄m ) , C(N, Fe , uFe (v̄m )), the en-
for some finite sets X , Ym , Ye . Here the symbols x ∈ X semble ∪v̄m ,uFm Ce (v̄m ) is a symmetric capacity achieving
are the channel inputs and the symbols (ym , ye ) ∈ Ym × Ye polar code ensemble for the eavesdropper channel We (if
are the channel outputs observed at the main decoder and at the eavesdropper channel is symmetric, any frozen vector
the eavesdropper, respectively. The channel is memoryless and choice will work [8], and hence the code achieves the capacity
time-invariant: of the eavesdropper channel for any v̄m , uFm ). This implies
that the code for the main channel can be partitioned as
p(ym i , ye i |xi1 , ym i−1 i−1
1 , ye 1 ) = W (ym i , ye i |xi ). Cm = ∪v̄m Ce (v̄m ). This observation, when considered over the
We assume that the transmitter has a secret message M which ensemble of codes, enables us to construct secrecy achieving
is to be transmitted to the receiver in N channel uses and polar coding schemes, even if the eavesdropper channel is not
to be secured from the eavesdropper. In this setting, a secret symmetric, as characterized by the following theorem.
codebook has the following components: Theorem 5: For a binary-input degraded wiretap channel,
1) The secret message set M. The transmitted messages are the perfect secrecy rate of I(Wm ) − I(We ) is achieved by
assumed to be uniformly distributed over these message sets. polar coding.
2) A stochastic encoding function f (.) at the transmitter Proof:
which maps the secret messages to the transmitted symbols: Encoding: We map the secret message to be transmitted to
f : m → X1N for each m ∈ M. v̄m and generate a random vector v̄r , according to uniform
3) Decoding function φ(.) at receiver which maps the distribution over X , of length |Ae |. Then, the channel input
received symbols to estimate of the message: φ(Ym N is constructed with xN N
1 = u 1 BN F , where uFm is the
1 ) = {m̂}.
The reliability of transmission is measured by the following frozen vector of the polar code Cm , uFe \Fm = v̄m , and
probability of error. uAe = v̄r . The polar code ensemble is constructed over all
different choices of frozen vectors, i.e., uFm .
1 X
Pr φ(Ym N

Pe = 1 ) 6= (m)|(m) is sent Decoding: The vectors v̄m and v̄r can be decoded with
(m)∈M the SC decoder described above with error probability Pe =

We say that the rate R is an achievable secrecy rate, if, for O(2−N ) (averaged over the ensemble) achieving a rate R =
|v̄m |
any given ǫ > 0, there exists a secret codebook such that, N = I(Wm ) − I(We ) for sufficiently large N .
Security: Lets assume that the vector v̄m is given to
log(|M|) = R the eavesdropper along with uFm . Then, employing the SC
N decoding, the eavesdropper can decode the random vector v̄r
Pe ≤ ǫ β

1 with Pe = O(2−N ) averaged over the ensemble. Utilizing


I M ; Ye 1 ≤ ǫ (6) the Fano’s inequality and average it over the code ensemble
seen by the Eve, i.e. over V̄m and UFm , we obtain
for sufficiently large N .
Consider a degraded binary-input wiretap channel, where, H(V̄r |V̄m , UFm , Ye N
1 ) ≤ H(Pe ) + N log(|X |)Pe ≤ N ǫ(N ), (9)
for the input set X = {0, 1}, the main channel is given by
where ǫ(N ) → 0 as N → ∞.
Wm (ym |x) (7) Then, the mutual information leakage to the eavesdropper
and the eavesdropper channel is averaged over the ensemble can be bounded as follows.
X I(M ; Ye N N
1 |UFm ) = I(V̄m ; Ye 1 |UFm )
We (ye |x) = Wm (ym |x)Wd (ye |ym ). (8)
ym ∈Ym = I(V̄m , V̄r ; Ye N N
1 |UFm ) − I(V̄r ; Ye 1 |V̄m , UFm ) (10)
Here, the degradation is due to the channel Wd (ye |ym ). = I(U1N ; Ye N N
1 ) − H(V̄r ) + H(V̄r |V̄m , UFm , Ye 1 )(11)
Note that, due to degradation, polar codes designed for the (b)
eavesdropper channel can be used for the main channel. For ≤ I(X1N ; Ye N N
1 ) − H(V̄r ) + H(V̄r |V̄m , UFm , Ye 1 )(12)
a given sufficiently large N and β ∈ (0, 12 ), let (c)
≤ N I(We ) − |Ae | + H(V̄r |V̄m , uFm , Ye N
1 ) (13)
(i) 1 β
Am = {i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : Z(Wm N ) ≤ 2−N }, (d)
N ≤ N I(We ) − |Ae | + N ǫ(N ), (14)
(i) 1 β
Ae = {i ∈ {1, · · · , N } : Z(We N ) ≤ 2−N }. where in (a) we have U1N each entry with i.i.d. uniformly
N distributed, (b) follows from data processing inequality, (c) is
Now, consider a polar code Cm , C(N, Fm , uFm ) for the N N
due to I(X1N ; Ye N I(X1N ; Ye i |Ye i−1
main channel with some uFm . Due to Lemma 4, we have 1 ) = 1 ) ≤ H(Ye i ) −
i=1 i=1
Ae ⊂ Am and hence Fm ⊂ Fe . Now, for any given H(Ye i |Xi ) = N I(Xi ; Ye i ) with a uniformly distributed Xi ,
and (d) follows from (9) with ǫ(N ) → 0 as N → ∞. As Eve’s total observation over all super blocks is denoted by
Ye∗ = Ȳ¯e = {Ȳ¯e , · · · , Ȳ¯e }.
|Ae | (1···L) (1) (L)
N → I(We ) as N gets large, we obtain
1 Main and eavesdropper channels are binary erasure channels
I(V̄m ; Ye N
1 |UFm ) ≤ ǫ (15) (i) (i)
and are denoted by Wm and We , respectively. Here, the
channels Wm and We are random, outcome of which result in
for a given ǫ > 0 for sufficiently large N . As the reliability and the channels of each block. Instantaneous eavesdropper CSI is
secrecy constraints are satisfied averaged over the ensemble, not known at the users, only the statistical knowledge of it is
there exist a polar code with some fixed uFm achieving the assumed. The channels are assumed to be physically degraded
secure rate I(Wm ) − I(We ). w.r.t. some order at each block. 2 Note that, in this setup,
Note that in the above result, the code satisfying the reliabil- eavesdropper channel can be better than the main channel on
ity and the secrecy constraints can be found from the ensemble the average.
by an exhaustive search. However, as block length increases,
We utilize the proposed secrecy encoding scheme for the
almost all the codes in the ensemble will do equally well.
wiretap channel at each fading block. Omitting the block
If the eavesdropper channel is symmetric, then the secrecy
indices, frozen and information bits are denoted as uFm and
constraint is satisfied for any given frozen vector uFm and
uAm , respectively. Information bits are uniformly distributed
the code search is only for the reliability constraint. If the
binary random variables and are mapped to uAm . Secret and
eavesdropper channel is not symmetric, a prefix channel can
randomization bits among these information bits are denoted
be utilized to have this property.
by V̄m and V̄r , respectively. Frozen bits are provided both to
Corollary 6: For non-symmetric eavesdropper channels, the
main receiver and eavesdropper at each block. (We omitted
channel can be prefixed with some p(x|x′ ) such that the
writing this side information below as all zero vector can be
resulting eavesdropper channel
chosen as the frozen vector for the erasure channel [8].) Note
X (i)
We′ (ye |x′ ) = p(x|x′ )Wm (ym |x)Wd (ye |ym ) that Alice and Bob do not know the length of V̄m at fading
ym ∈Ym block i. In particular, there may not be any secured bits at a
given fading block.
is symmetric. Then, using the scheme above, the secret rate
Considering the resulting information accumulation over a

R = I(Wm ) − I(We′ ) block, we obtain the followings.

is achievable, where Wm ′
(ym |x′ ) = p(x|x′ )Wm (ym |x). 1
H(V̄m(i) ) (i)
= [C(Wm ) − C(We(i) )]+
Finally, we note that the scheme achieves the secrecy capacity N
and any code in the ensemble, i.e., any fixed uFm , will satisfy 1
H(V̄r(i) ) (i)
= min{C(Wm ), C(We(i) )},
both the reliability and secrecy constraints, if the main and N
eavesdropper channels are symmetric. where the former denotes the amount of secure information
Corollary 7: For a binary-input degraded wiretap channel generated at block i (here the secrecy level is the bound
with symmetric main and eavesdropper channels, polar coding on the mutual information leakage rate), and the latter de-
achieves the secrecy capacity, i.e., C(Wm ) − C(We ), of the notes the remaining information. Note that these entropies are
channel. random variables as channels are random over the blocks.
We note that the stated results are achievable by encoders Remarkable, this scheme converts the fading phenomenon
and decoders with complexity of O(N log N ) for each. In to the advantage of Alice and Bob (similar to the enabling
addition, if the channels are binary erasure channels (BECs), observation utilized in [12]). Exploiting this observation and
then there exists algorithms with complexity O(N ) for the coding over LM fading blocks, the proposed scheme below
code construction [8]. creates advantage for the main users: As L, M, N get large,
V. S ECRET K EY AGREEMENT OVER FADING W IRETAP information bits, denoted by W ∗ , are w.h.p. reliably decoded
C HANNELS at the Bob, H(W ∗ ) → LM N E [C(Wm )], and H(W ∗ |Ye∗ ) →
LM N E [[C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ ]. This accomplishes both ad-
In this section, we focus on the following key agreement vantage distillation and information reconciliation phases of a
problem: Alice, over fading wiretap channel, would like to key agreement protocol [13], [14]. Now, a third phase (called
agree on a secret key with Bob in the presence of passive as privacy amplification) is needed to distill a shorter string
eavesdropper Eve. We focus on the special case of binary K from W ∗ , about which Eve has only a negligible amount
erasure main and eavesdropper channels, for which the code of information. The privacy amplification step can be done
construction is shown to be simple [8]. with universal hashing as considered in [13]. We first state the
Fading blocks are represented by i = 1, · · · , LM and each following definitions and lemma regarding universal hashing,
block has N channel uses. Random variables over blocks are and then formalize the main result of this section in the
represented with the following bar notation. Ȳe denotes following theorem.
the observations of Eve over the fading block m of the super
block l, the observations of Eve over super block l ∈ [1, L] 2 Remarkable, a random walk model with packet erasures can be covered
is denoted by Ȳ¯e = Ȳe
(l) (l;1···M) (l;1) (l;M)
, {Ȳe , · · · , Ȳe }, and with this model. Also, parallel channel model is equivalent to this scenario.
Definition 8: A class G of functions A → B is universal if, Ŵ ∗ . We obtain that, there exist N1 , M1 , s.t. for any N ≥ N1
for any x1 6= x2 in A, the probability that g(x1 ) = g(x2 ) is and M ≥ M1 , we have
at most |B| when g is chosen as random from G according to
H(W ∗ ) ≥ LM N (E [C(Wm )] − ǫ∗ ) (18)
the uniform distribution. β
There are efficient universal classes, e.g., to map n bits Pr{W ∗ 6= Ŵ ∗ } ≤ LM 2−N , (19)
to r bits, class of linear functions given by r × n matrices
for some β ∈ (0, 21 ) due to polar coding and the union bound.
needs rn bits to describe [15]. Note that hash function should
Considering Ye∗ , Ȳ¯e
at Eve, we write
have complexity as 1) it will be revealed to each user, and 2) L
Alice and Bob will compute g(W ∗ ). There are more efficient ∗ ∗
H(W |Ye ) =
P ¯ (l) ¯ (l)
H(W̄ |Ȳe )
classes with polynomial time evaluation complexity and O(n) l=1

description complexity [15]. LM

Generalized privacy amplification, proposed in [13], is = H(V̄m(i) |Ȳe(i) ) + H(V̄r(i) |Ȳe(i) , V̄m(i) ). (20)
based on the following property of universal hashing. i=1

Lemma 9 (Theorem 3, [13]): Let X ∈ X be a random Focusing on a particular super block, omitting the index (l)
variable with distribution PX and Rényi entropy (of second ¯ (l) , Ȳ¯ (l) ), and using (16) and (17) in (20), we obtain
in (W̄ e
order) R(X) = − log2 E[PX (X)]. Let G be a random choice M N (E [[C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ ] − ǫ4 ) ≤ H(W̄ ¯ |Ȳ¯ )
(according to uniform distribution) of a member of universal  +
≤ M N E [C(Wm ) − C(We )] + ǫ5 , (21)
class of hash functions X → {0, 1}r , and let Q = G(X).
Then, we have where ǫ4 and ǫ5 vanishes as M, N get large.
In order to translate H(W ∗ |Ye∗ ) to Rényi entropy, to use
H(Q|G) ≥ R(Q|G) ≥ r−log2 1 + 2r−R(X) ≥ r− . Lemma 9 in our problem, we resort to typical sequences,
ln 2 as for a uniform random variable both measures are the
Exploiting the proposed coding scheme, which creates ad- same. Considering (W̄ ¯ (1) , · · · , W̄
¯ (L) , Ȳ¯ (1) , · · · , Ȳ¯ (L) ) as L
e e
vantage in favor of Bob over the fading channel, we use the repetitions of the experiment of super block random variables
hash functions described above and obtain the following result. ¯ , Ȳ¯ ), we define the event T based on typical sets as
(W̄ e
follows [16]: Let δ > 0. T = 1, if the sequences w̄ ¯(1···L) and
Theorem 10: For any ǫ, ǫ∗ > 0, let ¯ (1···L) ¯(1···L) ¯ (1···L)
(w̄ , ȳe ) are δ-typical; and ȳe is such that the
probability that (w̄¯′ (1···L) , ȳ¯e ) is δ-typical is at least 1 − δ,
n = L M N (E [C(Wm )] − ǫ∗ ) , ¯ ′ (1···L) |ȳ¯(1···L) ).
which is taken over w̄ ¯′ (1···L) according to p(W̄ e
r = L M N E [C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ − ǫ∗ .
Otherwise, we set T = 0 and denote δ0 , Pr{T = 0}. Then,
by Lemma 6 of [16], as L → ∞
Then, for sufficiently large L, M and N , Alice and Bob can
w.h.p. agree on the random variable W ∗ , W̄ ¯ (1···L) of length Lδ0 → 0, Lδ → 0, and (22)
n over LM fading blocks (i.e., Pr{W 6= Ŵ ∗ } ≤ ǫ, where

¯ (1···L) |Ȳ¯ (1···L) = ȳ¯(1···L) , T = 1)
Wˆ ∗ denotes the estimate at Bob); and choose K = G(W ∗ ) e e
as their secret key (here G is chosen uniformly random from ≥ L(H(W̄ ¯ |Ȳ¯ ) − 2δ) + log(1 − δ). (23)
universal class of hash functions {0, 1}n → {0, 1}r ) satisfying
We continue as follows.
R(W̄¯ (1···L) |Ȳ¯ (1···L) = ȳ¯(1···L) , T = 1)
I(K; Ye∗ , G) ≤ ǫ, e e
¯ ¯
≥ L(H(W̄ |Ȳe ) − 2δ) + log(1 − δ)
where Ye∗ , Ȳ¯e
denotes the Eve’s total received symbols. 
Proof: ≥ LM N E [C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ − ǫ4
We repeat the described scheme over LM fading blocks. 
Due to the construction above, we have 2δ log(1 − δ)
− +
1 1 1 MN LM N
H(V̄m(i) ) − ǫ1 ≤ H(V̄m(i) |Ȳe(i) ) ≤ H(V̄m(i) ), (16) = LM N E [C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ − δ ∗ ,
∗ ∗
(i) (i) (i)
where N1 H(V̄m ) = [C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ and ǫ1 → 0 as where δ → 0 as M, N → ∞. Thus, for the given ǫ , there

N gets large (follows from the fact that conditioning does not exists M2 , N2 s.t. for M ≥ M2 and N ≥ N2 , ǫ2 ≥ δ ∗ . We let
increase entropy and the security of V̄m ), and r = LM N (E [[C(Wm ) − C(We )]+ ] − ǫ∗ ) and consider the
following bound.
1 H(K|Ye∗ , G) ≥ H(K|Ye∗ , G, T )
H(V̄r(i) |Ȳe(i) , V̄m(i) ) ≤ ǫ2 , (17)
N (a) X 
where ǫ2 → 0 as N → ∞ (follows from Fano’s inequality). ≥ (1 − δ0 ) H(K|Ye∗ = ye∗ , G, T = 1)
We now consider the total information accumulation and ye∗ ∈Ye∗
leakage. Let W ∗ = W̄ ¯ (1···L) , {V̄ (l;m) , V̄ (l;m) , ∀l ∈ 
m r
P (Ye∗ = ye∗ |T = 1)
[1, L], ∀m ∈ [1, M ]} and denote the estimate of it at Bob as
∗ ∗ 
2−LMN (ǫ −δ )

≥ (1 − δ0 ) r − , (25) VI. D ISCUSSION
ln 2 In this work, we considered polar coding for binary-input
where in (a) δ0 is s.t. Lδ0 → 0 as L → ∞, (b) is due to DMCs with a degraded eavesdropper. We showed that polar
Lemma 9 given above and due to (24) and the choice of r. coding can be utilized to achieve non-trivial secrecy rates
Here, for the given ǫ > ∗0, there exists M3 , N3 s.t. for M ≥ M3 these set of channels. The results might be extended to
ǫ )
2−LM N ( arbitrary discrete memoryless channels using the techniques
and N ≥ N3 , ln 2
≤ 2ǫ . Hence, we obtain
given in [17]. The second focus of this work was the secret
I(K; Ye∗ , G) = H(K) − H(K|Ye∗ , G) (26) key agreement over fading channels, where we showed that
∗ ∗ Alice and Bob can create advantage over Eve by using the
2−LMN (ǫ −δ )
≤ δ0 r + (27) polar coding scheme at each fading block, which is then
ln 2
ǫ∗ exploited with privacy amplification techniques to generate
(a) 2−LMN ( 2 ) keys. This result is interesting in the sense that part of the
≤ δ0 LM N + (28)
ln 2 key agreement protocol is established information theoretically
(b) ǫ
≤ δ0 LM N + , (29) over fading channels by only requiring statistical knowledge
2 of eavesdropper CSI at the users.
where (a) holds if M ≥ M2 and N ≥ N2 and (b) holds if R EFERENCES
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