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Computer Architecture And Organization

Unit No 1
1) What in general terms is the distinction between computer organization
and computer architecture?
2) Explain the computer the top level structure with structural component
with neat sketch diagram
3) Describe the structural overview of computer .
4) What is the difference between computer architecture and Computer
5) Explain functional view of computer.
6) Explain structure of computer.
7) Explain structure of control unit.

Unit No 2
1) Enlist and explain any two addressing modes. Given the following
memory values and a one- address machine with an accumulator,
what values do the following instructions load into the accumulator?
 Word 20 contains 40.
 Word 30 contains 50.
 Word 40 contains 60
 Word 50 contains 70.

2) Convert the following instruction into Accumulator based CPU, Register

based CPU. Instruction :(A*B)-(R+Z)/T.

3) Is RISC better than CISC? Illustrate your answer with example of


4) List assembler directives? Assuming any assembler, give the necessary

directives required for any program

5) Explain in detail different types of addressing modes.

6) Explain RISC & CISC.

7) Write the characteristics of instructions and what are the types of

8) What are the development tools used for assembly language program

9) Draw register indirect addressing mode and explain it.

10) Explain instruction Format.

11) what are the types of instruction

12) Explain machine state and processor status

13) Explain instruction execution

14) Explain machine state and processor status

Unit No 3

1) Convert (100.125)10 in IEEE-754 single precision floating point

2) Sketch and explain flowchart for multiplication of floating point
3) Given x=1011 and y=1001 in twos complement notation (x=-5 and y=
-7) drawn and compute p=x*y with booths algorithm flowchart.
4) Show how the following floating point additions are performed .show
the results in normalized form a.5.566x102x7.777x103
c. 6.21x105/8.877x101

5) Draw the flowchart for Booths Algorithm

6) Draw the flowchart for restore division Algorithm
7) Explain various signed and unsigned number representation for
8) Explain ALU
9) Explain integer representation
10) Explain integer arithmetic
11) Explain floating point representation
Unit No 4

1) Explain DRAM.
2) Explain RAID .
3) Compare SRAM and DRAM.
4) Explain virtual memory system.
5) Explain cache memory system.
6) Explain External memory
7) Explain semiconductor main memory
8) Explain error correction
9) Explain characteristics of magnetic disk, magnetic tape, RAID

Unit No 5

1) Explain Instruction Pipelining .

2) Discuss Interrupt Driven I/O. Compare it with programmed i/O & explain
types of interrupts

3) How does instruction pipelining enhance system performance? Elaborate

your answer using RISC instruction stages.

4) What is the meaning of each of the four states in the MESI protocol? Can
you foresee any problem with the write once cache approach on bus based
multiprocessors? IF so, suggest a solution

5) In virtually all systems that include DMA modules, DMA access to main
memory is given priority than CPU access to main memory. Why?

6) Explain the need of I/O module

7) What are major requirements for an I/O MODULE?
8) Compare pipelined vs. non-pipelined system.

9) Write short on Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O and DMA based I/O

10) What is instruction pipelining? What are advantages of pipelining?

11)What is the difference between a hardwired implementation and a micro
programmed implementation of a control unit
12)Discuss Micro operations to execute an instruction MOV R1,R2

13) Compare hardwired control unit over micro programmed control unit

14) Explain the block diagram of control unit

15) Explain the micro operations of fetch cycle step by step

16) Discuss the cache coherence with the help of write through and write back

17)What is microprogramming? What are the applications of


18 ) Explain MESI protocol

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