BOOKLIST - Books For Submissives and Slaves

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Books for Submissives and Slaves

Influential Erotic Fiction

The Marketplace Series by Laura Antoniou
The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Ann Rice
The Story of O by Pauline Reage
The Original Sinners by Tiffany Reisz
The Gorean Saga by John Norman
Within the world of erotic fiction, there are a handful of titles mentioned over and over for their influence
on the genre and their historical potency. These books have created entire subcultures, and shaped the
expressions of desire of happy, healthy kink folk the world over. In the spirit of education, the most well
known and seminal titles are listed above. I suggest that you read any of these books that appeal to you,
and if you find a deep love of one or more, that it can provide clues to the overall direction of your
explorations deeper into your wants and desires, where you feel most at home. Enjoy!

Much of this content will mirror the Dominants list, as being a Dominant requires a broad and deep
knowledge, while a Submissives knowledge is often a subset of that combined with a lot of training on
how their particular Owner likes things done. As a Submissive, your purpose in life is to serve and be
useful to your Dominant. However, the more skills you can bring to the relationship, the more valuable
you will be and these books cover the real fundamentals and basics of being a useful Submissive.
The two books on the Required List are non-negotiable, they will teach you how to take care of yourself,
set boundaries, and be a healthy and pleasing submissive, as well as how to truly serve and be at peace
with your service in a meaningful way.
The path of a submissive is sometimes hard, and often joyful. You are special, you are chosen, and whom
you choose to serve gives your life tremendous meaning and importance. You have so much to
contribute, and you will find the place where you belong.
I believe in you.

Foundational Books
These are ESSENTIAL for every relationship.

Care and Nurture for the Submissive by Elizabeth Cramer

Real Service by Joshua Tenpenny
Specialised and Optional Books
Tidying and Decluttering a Home
Spark Joy by Marie Kondo
Cooking Basics
The Four Hour Chef by Timothy Ferris
Domestic Service
Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson
Readers Digest Fix-It-Yourself Manual by Readers Digest
Caring for Houseplants
Complete Houseplant Handbook by Peter Mchoy
Sewing Basics
Sewing Basics by Sandra Bardwell
On the Nature and Transfer of Control
The Control Book by Peter Masters
Massage Techniques
Lingam Massage: Awakening Male Sexual Energy by Michela Riedl

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