9 Mesopotamia Unit Review

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1) Question: How did Mesopotamian farmers irrigate their fields, and what were the names of the

rivers from which they built canals?

Answer: Mesopotamian farmers irrigated their fields by building canals from the Tigris and Euphrates

2) Question: List the five traits of a civilization, and describe each trait in a complete sentence.

Answer: The five traits of a civilization are: a) Advanced Cities - developed urban areas, b) Specialized
Workers - people with specific roles and skills, c) Complex Institutions - organized systems like
government and religion, d) Record Keeping - maintaining written records, and e) Advanced
Technology - innovations and tools.

3) Question: What does the word Mesopotamia mean?

Answer: Mesopotamia means "land between the rivers."

4) Question: Who was in charge of the irrigation drains and the surplus grain supply in Mesopotamia?

Answer: Those in charge of irrigation drains and surplus grain supply were often controlled by temple

5) Question: What does it mean to be a polytheist, and were the people of Mesopotamia polytheistic?

Answer: Being polytheists, the people of Mesopotamia believed in multiple gods.

6) Question: Whom did the Mesopotamians worship?

Answer: Mesopotamians worshiped a pantheon of gods and goddesses.

7) Question: Why were priests considered leaders in the Sumerian Civilization?

Answer: Priests were considered leaders due to their role as intermediaries between people and the
gods, ensuring divine favor for the city.

8) Question: Describe slaves in Mesopotamia, their rights, and how someone could end up a slave.

Answer: Slaves in Mesopotamia lacked rights, and individuals could become slaves through capture in
war or as a result of debt.

9) Question: What writing system did the Sumerians invent?

Answer: Sumerians invented the cuneiform writing system.

10) Question: What did the Sumerians use the writing system for?

Answer: Sumerians used cuneiform for record-keeping, including economic transactions, laws, and

11) Question: Besides a writing system, what other inventions did the Sumerians create? Provide

Answer: Other Sumerian inventions included the wheel, plow, and the arch.

12) Question: What was a "ziggurat," where were they located within a city-state, and what was their

Answer: A ziggurat was a stepped temple tower located in the center of a city-state, serving as a
religious center to connect the earth and the heavens, crucial for city protection and prosperity.

13) Question: Who was allowed inside a ziggurat, and could you draw a simple sketch of one?
Answer: Only priests were allowed inside a ziggurat. (Simple sketch not possible in text format.)

14) Question: Name the set of laws that King Hammurabi wrote, and provide two examples of his

Answer: King Hammurabi wrote the Code of Hammurabi, with laws covering various aspects of life.
Two examples are laws related to property rights and personal injuries.

15) Question: What was the class system in Sumerian society like?

Answer: The class system in Sumerian society was hierarchical.

16) Question: What were the different classes in Sumerian society?

Answer: Different classes included priests and rulers, free citizens, and slaves.

17) Question: Who made up these classes in Sumerian society?

Answer: Priests and rulers made up the upper classes, while free citizens and slaves comprised the
lower classes.

18) Question: How did a steady food supply affect the development of Sumerian cities?

Answer: A steady food supply led to the growth of Sumerian cities by supporting population increase
and urban development.

19) Question: What is another name for Hammurabi's Code?

Answer: Another name for Hammurabi's Code is "Codex Hammurabi."

Write an Essay
1. Describe the Sumerian invention that you think is most important and then back up your
answer with at least 2 supporting details explaining how or why this invention changed
people’s lives.
2. Suppose you lived in Babylon during Hammurabi’s reign. Do you think his Code of Laws was
fair? Explain why or why not using at least 2 supporting details that back up your answer.
3. Describe the importance of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the Mesopotamian by listing
at least 3 things these rivers gave them.

In the ancient lands of Mesopotamia, remarkable advancements shaped the course of civilization. The
Sumerians, with their ingenious invention of cuneiform writing, transformed the landscape of record-
keeping and communication, paving the way for societal organization and progress. As we explore life
in Babylon under Hammurabi's rule, the Code of Laws he implemented offers a glimpse into
governance, yet the balance between order and fairness is questioned due to the severity of
punishments. Amidst this historical tapestry, the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers emerge as lifelines,
providing essential resources and connecting communities through trade and communication.

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