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Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola

Member of the IAJS (International Association for Jungian Studies): August 2012-2017 (present)

Author, poet, writer, creating Jungian analytic essays focused in much of C. G. Jung's genuine
Thought and psychoanalytic ideas

Riconoscimenti e premi internazionali

Diego Pignatelli's Il Risveglio dell'Intelligenza: Verso una nuova psicologia dell'Essere (Montedit
editrice Milano 2007) reviewed in The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Vol. 40 n 1, 2008 and
in the AHP Perspective August/September 2008 (by Natale Teodoro MACP LFPT) and Il Risveglio
dell'Intelligenza: Verso una Nuova Psicologia dell'Essere: Le religioni orientali alla volta delle
nuove teorie transpersonali: Per una scienza oltre i confini (UNI Service 2008) featured into the
(JTP) Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 41, n.1 (Reprinted or Revised Books) 2009 Palo Alto

Krippner, S., (2010 September) review of the book The Awakening of Intelligence: Toward a new
Psychology of Being: Eastern psychologies in the direction of the New Transpersonal Theories by
Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola., in AHP Perspective p. 27.

Review: Madman or Mystic?: Primordial Psyche: A Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors, A

Jungian and Transpersonal View by Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola
Reviewed Work: Primordial Psyche: A Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors, A Jungian and
Transpersonal View by Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola., Review by: Bonnie Bright Jung Journal:
Culture & Psyche Vol. 6, No. 2 (Spring 2012), pp. 133-137

Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola's book "Psiche Primordiale una visione a orientamento junghiano-
transpersonale" (Persiani 2013) Bologna-featured and listed into the JAP, (books received) Journal
of Analytical Psychology, 2014, 59, 143–146 (compiled by Dr. Hessel Willemsen).
Primordial Psyche: A Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors by Pignatelli Spinazzola, Diego (pages
429–430) reviewed by Fiona Ross, (JAP) Journal of Analytical Psychology vol. 60, 3, June 2015.

Member publications IAJS International Association for Jungian Studies (featured, member
publications, news, Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola, Alchemy, Analytical Psychology)
Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola's books featured into the IAJS website Jungianstudies (International
Association for Jungian Studies IAJS):

The Soul and Mystery After Death: From Transition to the Mythological Nucleus to the Symbolic
Language of the Soul After Death., published in the AHP Perspective December/January 2013 (free
bimontly newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Psychology) pub. by APA division 32
(American Psychological Association) and published in the Journal of Archetypal Studies, February
Pignatelli Spinazzola D., Divine Madness: Unveiling the Myth of Psychosis, published in the AHP
Perspective p. 18, April/May 2010 Tiburon CA USA

Stan Grof and Ken Wilber’s Spectrum Model of Psychology: a Transpersonal Synthesis, published
in AHP Perspective December 2007.
Stan Grof: Journey into the Holodeck of the Unconscious., published in the AHP Perspective June/
July 2008.

Psiche e materia, sophia et hyle: l’uomo di massa e la fuga dagli abbaglianti messaggi
subliminari di Hermes., Il Minotauro n. 2 Dicembre 2011.

L’occidente razionalistico e l’anima rettile: il serpente represso., Il Minotauro n. 1

Giugno 2012.

Il linguaggio alchemico nella prassi e nella psicoterapia junghiana., Il Minotauro, n. 2

Dicembre 2012.

Il compimento dell'artifex e l'alchimia come processo compensatorio alla diallettica

dell'otherness, il Minotauro n. 2 dicembre 2014.

La villa dei coralli e l'oro dei savi: percorsi alchemici e immaginali di un'infanzia
archetipica, il Minotauro n. 1, Giugno 2015.

C. G. Jung: La secolare arte del pescatore, il Minotauro n. 1, Giugno 2014.

Homo, Serpens, rotundum e lapis. Progressione e regressione nello schema di

Ascensus e Descensus: Un'ulteriore elaborazione sull'Aion di C. G. Jung, il
Minotauro n 2 Dicembre 2016.
dic 2015

scholarly citation
Diego Pignatelli's Transpersonal contributions of the "visionary metaphor of the holodeck within
Transpersonal and nonordinary states of consciousness" mentioned by Schroll, Mark A. (2013)
"Understanding Bohm’s Holoflux: Clearing Up a Conceptual Mistunderstanding of the Holographic
Paradigm and Clarifying its Signifigance to Transpersonal Studies of Consciousness," International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies: Vol. 32: Iss. 1, Article 13., it is now a PhD program dissertation
Program PhD at CIIS California Integral Studies University sponsored by California Instititute of
Integral Studies now with an online PhD in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology by International
Journal for Transpersonal Studies of San Francisco.
data riconoscimentofeb 2016
riconoscimento rilasciato da:cited in the book of Mark A. Schrool's "Transpersonal Ecosophy vol.
1: Theory, Methods and Clinical Assessments (Volume 1)" 2016

Il Risveglio dell'Intelligenza: Verso una Nuova Psicologia dell'Essere AndMyBook 2010) di Diego
Pignatelli citato alla Bibliografia di "Psiche e cambiamento. Miti, percorsi e processi della relazione
psicoterapeutica" (e riferimento a p. 152 cap. 5., "La relazione tra i miti e i fantasmi originari nel
cambiamento psichico").
Autori e curatori Piero Petrini , Giulia Iolanda De Carlo
Contributi Annamaria Mandese
ArgomentiPsicopatologie e tecniche per l'intervento clinico - Psicoanalisi e psicologia dinamica
LivelloTesti per psicologi clinici, psicoterapeuti
Datipp. 208, 1a edizione 2013 (Codice editore 1219.3)


Il Risveglio dell'Intelligenza: Verso una nuova psicologia dell'Essere (Montedit editrice Milano
Il Risveglio dell'Intelligenza: Verso una nuova psicologia dell'Essere., Editrice UNI Service Trento
Mondi Invisibili: Visioni oltre la Soglia., UNI Service Trento 2009
Endorsed by Stanley Krippner Ph.D.
Endorsed by Stuart Sovatsky Ph. D.
Mondi Invisibili: Esperienze straordinarie dalla Dimensione Transpersonale., & MyBook 2010
Vasto (CH) Italy.
Diario di un Cercatore, Guida, Napoli 2004.

Alchimia Junghiana: Riflessioni teoriche di psicoanalisi junghiana e psicologia del profondo:

Attraversando l'Opus alchemico di C. G. Jung
Persiani 5 luglio 2015
Autori: Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola
Jung e l'alchimia: Introduzione all'alchimia junghiana
Persiani 12 dicembre 2014
Autori: Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola
Psiche Primordiale: Il misterioso richiamo dell'anima degli antenati, & MyBook Vasto (CH) 2010.
Psiche Primordiale: Una visione a orientamento junghiano-transpersonale
Persiani 31 agosto 2013
Autori: Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola
Primordial Psyche: A Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors: A Jungian and Transpersonal Worldview
iUniverse 19 dicembre 2011
Author: Diego Pignatelli Spinazzola; Foreword by Cheryl Fracasso
Endorsed by Joseph Cambray
Endorsed by Veronica Goodchild Ph.D.
Endorsed by Stanley Krippner Ph.D.
Endorsed and recommended by Stuart Sovatsky Ph.D.
Endorsed and reviewed by Bonnie Bright Ph.D
Endorsed and recommended by James Hollis
Reviewed by Fiona Ross (SAP)

“This is an important book for our time, if for no other reason than, like Jung’s Red Book, it invites
Jungian scholars and practitioners a look back to their ancestral roots.
His book is a return for a new beginning that reverses the current regression in much of Jungian
thought to psychoanalytic ideas. It offers a move into the depths ofspirit that is fraught with both
danger and opportunity. Pignatelli challenges us to heroically and creatively engage the living
primordial psyche as part of a deeply needed renaissance of Jung’s original vision in our time.”
~Veronica Goodchild, PhD, Professor of Jungian and Imaginal Studies at Pacifica Graduate
Institute, and author of Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century (2012),
and Eros and Chaos: The Sacred Mysteries and Dark Shadows of Love (2001, 2008).

“A fresh new, lyrical voice has emerged in the writings of Diego Pignatelli. The Primordial Psyche
carries the reader from theory to imagination, a fascinating read"
Joseph Cambray, Past IAAP President, Author of Syncronicity: Nature and Psyche in an
interconnected Universe.

Primordial Psyche is a remarkable book, covering a range of spiritual phenomena from indigenous
folk psychologies and pagan rituals to visionary revelations and magical thinking. It is rooted in
Jungian thought but supplements it with a cogent analysis of disruptions in the modern psyche that
are apparent in contemporary religious dogmas. Diego Pignatelli demonstrates the insights that have
made him one of today's most original writer;s on the complexities of the human psyche.-
- Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University ,Co-author, Extraordinary
Dreams and How to Work with Them

"I find Diego Pignatelli's work a fine synthesis of transpersonal psychology, the mystical tradition,
and analytic psychology. I am grateful that people like Pignatelli are doing the hard work of
bringing these critical threads together in an analytic, synoptic perspective on modern personal and
cultural life".

James Hollis Ph.D., internationally renowned Jungian analyst and Author,Vice-President Emeritus
of the Philemon Foundation, and director Jungian study program at Saybrook University,San
Francisco CA.

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