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For the pre reading Ss watch HALF 2:28 of this video about violence against

women It is a song by Celine Dion

“Violence against women comprises anything that might

harm women. Abuse takes many forms: material,
emotional, physical, sexual, economic, social, legal and
political. It must be combated at all levels.” Explained
Fatima Akouri, an activist and member of the Moroccan
Association for Combating Violence against Women
(MACVW). She added that people have become aware of
this problem thanks to women’s increased awareness of
their rights, as well as to a national awareness campaign,
and the family code.
Morocco is home to about 50 counselling centres, which receive approximately 40 cases per day. The number
has multiplied since the first centre was set up in 1995. They support women affected by domestic violence by
providing legal, psychological and social support. Fatima, a 32 year-old who seek help at a counselling centre in
Casablanca revealed, “My husband beats me.” “He started the abuse by slapping my cheek once. Later, he turned
into a beast after repeated arguments over trivial issues. I started spending my nights terrified…. Blue bruises
covered my body, which I hid from my family, who didn’t accept this marriage.”
Rachida recounted that her husband would get drunk before coming home early in the morning and wake up
everyone in the house. “He demands that I prepare food and he wakes up his two children to ask about their
homework. Any resistance results in a fight. I know coming here might bring me more misfortune, but I don’t care.
I just want to protect my children.
Zeineb, a teacher, was not protected from domestic abuse by her education and social status. “My father
wronged me when he said marriage is protection.” Saida another victim, states, “I fled home after he threatened to
kill me one evening. He beat me thoroughly and tied me to bed with ropes. This happened because I couldn’t bring
home enough money to buy cannabis (Keif), as my work as a domestic servant provides only enough for our daily

Comprehension (base your answers on the text)

A- Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ()
a-Types of violence against women.
b- Violence against women in Morocco.
c- The Moroccan Association for Combating violence against Women.

B- Are these sentences true or false? Justify

1. The number of complaint against violence is increasing.

2. Fatima doesn’t tell her family about her problem.
3. Educated women also suffer from domestic violence.
C- Answer the following questions:

1. What made people conscious of the problem of violence against women?

2. What kind of support do counselling centres give victims of violence?

D- Find in the texts words or expressions that mean the same as:

1. fought (parag1)…………………. 2. not important (parag2)……………………

E- What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
This problem:……………………… me:…………………..
Post reading listening to a song about domestic violence
Behind the wall by Tracy chapman

Last night I heard the screaming

Loud voices behind the wall
Another sleepless night for me
It won't do no good to call
The police always come late
If they come at all
And when they arrive
They say they can't interfere
With domestic affairs
Between a man and his wife
And as they walk out the door
The tears well up in her eyes
Last night I heard the screaming
Then a silence that chilled my soul
I prayed that I was dreaming
When I saw the ambulance in the road
And the policeman said
"I'm here to keep the peace
Will the crowd disperse
I think we all could use some sleep"

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