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AIM: Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound

Experiment observation Inference

1. Physical state Liquid -

2. Ignition test: Non sooty flame

Take a little quantity of give was observed May be aliphatic
compound in a spatula and heat compound
on flame

3. Test for unsaturation: Decolourization

i) Bromine water: was observed
Take a quantity of given Unsaturation might be
compound in a test tube present
add 2-3 drops of bromine

ii) KMnO4: Decolourization

A little quantity of given was observed
compound taken in a test Unsaturation might be
tube add 2-3 drops of present
potassium permanganate.
Orange or yellow
4. Test for carbonyl group: precipitate is
2,4- Dinitrophenyl hydrazine Carbonyl group is present
(2,4 DNP) Test:
Take a little quantity of given
sample in a clean and dry test
tube, add rectified spirit until the Silver mirror
compound just dissolves. Now formed on inner
add a few drops of 2,4- side of test tube.
Dinitrophenyl hydrazine Aldehyde is confirmed
solution. Shake the solution and
allow it to stand for 5 min.
Red colour
Test for aldehydes and ketones: precipitate is Aldehyde is confirmed
i) Tollen’s test:
Take a little quantity of
given sample in a test
tube and add Tollen’s
reagent and warm it in a
water-bath for 5min.

ii) Fehling’s test:

Take a little quantity of
given compound in a test
tube and add fehling’s
reagent and warm in hot
water bath for 4-5 min.

Result: The given organic compound contains aldehydic function group

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