Installation Instructions

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Installation instructions

1 - Start by installing Crossover Games in your Mac

2 - After installation, open Crossover Games. In top menu "Programs" - Choose
"Add New Software". Select "Unsupported Applications -> Other Application".
3 - Go to "Select installer" and browse to the downloaded folder and choose
4 - You can probably select "Proceed" (Bottom right) by now. But just in case it

doesn't allow you to, you have to select a bottle. Go to "Select a bottle into
to install" and choose "winxp". Leave the name of the bottle be the
mb_warband_setup_1134, or modify if you wish so.
5 - Proceed with installation. It will open a new window (the game installer)
proceed through installation as you would on windows. Let the folder be the
whatever the installer chooses it to be.
6 - OPTIONAL - After finishing installation, you can install Diplomacy Mod. It's
game changing module, which allows lots of cool stuff and adds quality to the
(in my opinion). Anyway, you can choose, in the beginning of the game Native for
original settings. For more information check out,116424.0.html#post_installation
Or for more mods,165.0.html
So, same steps as before (file is Diplomacy_3.3.2.exe) but make sure you install
it in the same bottle as the original game, otherwise, the installer won't be
able to
find the folder. Click on Proceed, go through the installation (once again don't

change folders), and you're done.

7 - Crack - The crack used by this version is a simple replacement of the
mb_warband.exe. The crack file, with that name, is in the folder downloaded.
You have to go to the game folder. For that, you need to go to "Manage Bottles".
In the Advanced tab, select "Open C Driver in Finder" and go to the application
folder, should be named "Mount&Blade Warband". Replace the folder's
with the crack version.

Ok, so, before anything else, you need to manually fix one tiny (HUGE) bug that
simply won't allow you to properly play the game. The problem is that, as you've
installed the game in a window, if you use the mouse on the edges of the screen
(mostly in battles), you won't be able to see 360º. What does that mean? You'll
loose battles, because it gets really really hard. We need to fix that.
In order to do so, I must warn you that you'll create another bug in the game.
the campaign map, as soon as the mouse pointer reaches the edges, it will return
to the center. This means that it won't allow you to rotate the camera with the
mouse. No big deal, I think, way better than the original. So... (Next
are not mine, but I went through them and worked for me)

8 - Everything is perfectly installed. Let's fix the mouse problem.

9 - Go to the "Programs" menu in Crossover Games , then select Run Command.

10 - Type 'regedit' (minus the quotes) into the command box, and make sure that
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Installation instructions
Use Bottle has the appropriate bottle selected. Press enter or run.

11 - Navigate to*HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/AppDefaults/

12 - With AppDefaults selected, right-click Edit->New Key. Type 'mb_warband.exe'

(again, without the quotes) and press enter. The key will appear under

13 - Now, with mb_warband.exe selected in the tree, once again select Edit->New
Key. Call the key DirectInput and press enter.

14 - With DirectInput selected, go to Edit->New String Value. Name it

'MouseWarpOverride' (without quotes) and press enter. Now right click it, and
select 'Modify.'

15 - An Edit String box will appear with the value name 'MouseWarpOverride'. In
the blank Value Data box, enter 'force_edge' (without quotes). Click ok.

16 - With these changes, you can now exit the Registry Editor and close the Run
Command dialog. (Note: You may want to increase mouse sensivity little bit but
much, test it and you will find right sensivity level for you.)

17 - You can now go to Programs and Run the Mount&Blade: Warband if you like.
Single player should work like a charm. If you want, you can also choose to pick
the application and put it in the dock, or application folders. The original is
/Users/username/Crossover Games Games/Mount & Blade Warband.

18 - For multiplayer, there's an additional crack, which involves the file

(included in
the folder) mb_warband_dedicated.exe, and the instructions on guide_MP.txt. Just
replace the file as you did for the crack mb_warband.exe and follow the guide
instructions on how to edit registry.

I haven't tried it yet on multiplayer, so, let me know if it works. I can't

Still busy playing SP for now! So far, no problems... :-)

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