Double Taxation

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Public Disclosure Authorized


Impact of Multiple-
Taxation on Africa Trade Policy Notes
Competitiveness in Nigeria
Note #16
Nihal Pitigala and Mombert Hoppe
Public Disclosure Authorized

March 2011


Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country a challenging business environment. In

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and second largest economy after South addition to continuing scant electricity
Africa. By virtue of its size, improved supply, multiple-taxation is one of the major
economic management and strong economic impediments to doing business in Nigeria
growth in Nigeria would generate (FIAS, 2008, DFID, 2008).2
substantial prospects for growth and
The Nigerian Federation comprises three
spillovers for the whole West African
tiers of government—the federal
region. But the challenges facing the country
government, 36 State governments and the
are formidable—despite its oil wealth and
Federal Capital Territory, and 774 local
sustained economic growth during the last
governments. The exact number of ‘taxes’
decade, more than half of its population still
levied on businesses seems to vary
lives in poverty. Given the low employment
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significantly between various states and

capacity in the oil sector, economic
local governments throughout Nigeria and
diversification is important for sustainable
“businesses may be subject to as many as
growth, job creation, and poverty reduction.1
100 different taxes, charges, fees and levies,
However, Nigerian firms, the engine of
and in some instances taxed for the same
growth and diversification, continue to face
Multiple-taxation is often referred to when same
Export Diversification and Economic Growth. In R. asset or event is taxed multiple times by different
Newfarmer, W. Shaw, & P. Walkenhorst, Breaking jurisdictions in a federal system. We extend the
into New Markets: Emerging Lesson for Export definition to include and ‘nuisance taxes’ as they can
Diversification (pp. 55-80). Washington, DC: World exacerbate the burden through administrative costs to
Bank. both the government and businesses.
event or asset” that are levied by the three Multiple taxation is understood to include
ties of government (FIAS, 2008). In an both incidences of double-taxation, whereby
environment where trade taxes, surcharges the same asset or event is taxed multiple
and a plethora of other levies add to the times by different jurisdictions, and the
operational and transaction costs of multiplicity of small “nuisance taxes”. By
businesses, their arbitrary implementation auditing the burden of multiple taxes, fees
heightens the uncertainty to Nigerian and levies at each jurisdiction and on the
enterprises and further increases the cost of transportation of goods and people, and
doing business. The impact of multiple- assessing the associated administrative costs
taxation on competitiveness, and therefore at enterprise level, the current study
external integration, can be profound; in demonstrates the real burden of taxation,
addition the multitude of taxes on the fulfilling a vacuum acknowledged by recent
transportation of producer and consumer studies.4
goods in particular impairs the integration of
internal markets and the establishment of a Multiple-Taxation: Findings
fully integrated economic space within The firm-level findings suggest that the
Nigeria, implying much broader economic current system of taxation is characterized
and social impacts, including on poverty by a high incidence of ‘nuisance taxes’, on
levels. By impairing the integration of the mobility of goods and people across states
national market, these mobile levies also and the prevalence of double taxation. The
reduce competition between companies direct burden of official taxation on firms in
located in different States in Nigeria. Such Figure 1: Prevalence of Nuisance Taxes in
increased competition could bring down Nigeria
prices for consumer goods produced by 45 Other Taxes,

these companies and increase efficiency.

Education Tax, 2.4%

This Note is based on a study of the effect of Stamp Duties, 2.7%

Customs Tariff,
ECOWAS Levy, 2.8%

multiple levels of taxation at different

jurisdictions (federal, state and local as well Corporate Income
Tax, 15.4%

Port Development
as Ministries, Departments and other Levy, 16.0%
Net VAT, 15.6%

Authorities) on enterprises, especially

traders, in Nigeria.3 It focuses on medium-
size enterprises in selected states and
municipalities within those states. The study Nigeria is compounded by the
demonstrates the degree to which multiple- administrative burden to comply with these
taxation burdens businesses and traders, taxes which is significantly higher than
reducing their ability to compete competitors. While our findings are based
domestically with imported products and to
compete successfully in export markets. The FIAS (2008), DFID (2008), and CIPE (2010)
studies on taxation in Nigeria primarily focused on its
The States chosen were Lagos, Ogun and Anambra. direct burden.
on primary data collection focusing on a few Presence of high ‘nuisance taxes’: In the
locations and using a small sample, we are aggregate, firms pay the overwhelming
confident that the findings are representative share of taxes to the federal government
of reality as they are supported by anecdotal (about 87 percent of the total tax burden),
evidence. and only a relatively small share of taxes are
collected at the state, local and MDA levels
Direct tax burden is comparable to SSA in the form of numerous smaller taxes that,
counterparts but variation is high across at less than one percent of total tax revenues,
states. On average, firms paid around 31 are tantamount to “nuisance taxes” (Figure
percent of their pre-tax profits on taxes, 1). The administrative burden of collecting
corresponding to Doing Business findings. nuisance taxes by different jurisdictions and
This is comparable to other Sub-Saharan classifications often tends to outweigh any
African countries,5 but the burden varies benefit both to the private sector and to tax
strongly by State. Firms in Ogun, and Lagos authorities- especially when the tax system
paid around 17 and 23 percent respectively, is plagued with weaknesses in assessment
while they paid as much as 51 percent of including lack of understanding of the tax
pre-tax profit in taxes in Enugu (see Table payer rights and by the government
1). This is partly a composition effect— appointed agents as well as private assessors
traders in Lagos are relatively larger in appointed on their behalf, as found in
terms of turnover. Despite being subjected Nigeria (FIAS, 2008, CIPE 2010).
to a relatively higher number of tax events,
traders in Lagos were also more Small traders are penalized even more:
knowledgeable of the tax system and better Sector analysis suggests that the agriculture
able to challenge any policy perceived to be sector comprises relatively smaller firms
offensive and injurious to their interests. within the sample, but they paid relatively
higher incidence of pre-tax profits around 54
Table 1: Summary of Tax Costs in Nigeria, by
percent, which is indicative of the regressive
impact of taxes. Manufacturing enterprises
paid around 43 percent. Firms active in the
services sector were exposed to only limited
imports of goods and had to pay few import
taxes. This created a lower overall burden of
around 34 percent as immobile factors and
assets make up the majority of such firms’
operations; and those tend to escape the
portion of the tax net penalizing cross-
World Bank’s Doing Business survey revealed border (and internal) movements, such as
Nigerian businesses on average paid around 32 transport and vehicle tax, radio tax, road tax
percent in pretax on profits, compared to 41 percent and haulage fees.
in Ghana, 49 percent in Kenya, 31 percent in Rwanda
and 30 percent in South Africa.
And taxes on mobility are particularly countries.6 “Gifts and unofficial payments”
high: Traders with mobile factors (inputs or to the authorities and tax consultants account
outputs) are subjected to road related taxes for around 6 percent of pre-tax profits,7 half
and/or levies, which accounted for of which are incurred when complying with
approximately 10 percent of their pretax high trade-related taxes (customs duty and
profits on average, and as much as 24 obtaining duty drawback). The plethora of
percent of the pretax profits of some firms. taxes and documentary requirements along
Most traders incurred road taxes through the transport corridors and at the border leaves
transportation of inputs or finished goods substantial room for arbitrariness, creates
from and to the main entry or exit points in opportunities for rent-seeking, and increases
Nigeria (Lagos primarily) to factory or direct costs to companies. While duties and
outlet—implying additional costs to VAT are refundable, traders face long
exporting, reducing margins of locally delays in receiving refunds from the Federal
produced goods and making them less government, exacting additional costs on
competitive in world markets. However, firms in the short-run.
these mobile fees are levied indiscriminately
on goods transport within Nigeria and High tariffs, non-tariff levies and charges
therefore also substantially affect domestic increase the cost of importing: Finally,
trade. These mobile fees include mobile Nigeria applies import duties similar to
advertising fees for marked vehicles, radio those of other West African countries with
levies, and other (in)formal payments at which it is negotiating a Common External
road blocks along main and secondary Tariff. However, its highest tariff exceeds
roads. that of other countries in the region
substantially at 35% and Nigeria argues that
Compliance costs are high: Compliance its neighbours should also adopt this high
costs consist of costs of filing and tariff band as part of the CET. In addition,
complying with taxes, resources spent on Nigeria levies a number of product specific
external tax consultants, and “gifts and levies (including excise levies on alcohol
unofficial payments” to government
appointed “tax consultants and other 6
In Doing Business Rankings Nigeria ranked 178th
officials”. Compliance costs account for an of the 183 countries and the worst among all Sub-
Saharan African countries, with a staggering 938
average 11 percent of an enterprise’s pre-tax
hours of an average medium sized company devoted
profits, implying that the total tax and per annum to complying with taxes at the 4 tiers of
related administrative burden is around 42 government (equivalent to roughly =40 days = 120
percent on average for medium sized firms, working days = 24 staff weeks).
a measure that was not captured in previous 7
Lack of information on taxpayer rights and
studies. This relatively high cost of tax responsibilities, lax enforcement of the law, and
compliance places Nigerian firms at a rampant illegality in use of unofficial “tax
distinct disadvantage compared to other consultants” to assess and collect taxes on a
commission basis on behalf of local and state
governments are all attributed to this outcome.
and tobacco) ranging from 5 to 100 percent reported an average effective tax rate of
of the import value, and resulting in tariff- business in Nigeria approximately 33
like duties of 5 to 135 percent. Only 118 percent and a marginal effective tax of
product lines are duty free. In addition to approximately 40 percent. The current
these high tariffs, Nigeria also continues to study, based on firm-level data, highlights
apply import bans on 218 categories of that associated administrative costs amplify
agricultural and non-agricultural goods (at the tax burden substantially, accounting for
HS four-digit level), though a limited as much as 42 percent of pre-tax profits of
number of products is currently (February traders and businesses in Nigeria. These
2011) being removed from this list. This costs, which seem to be even higher for
translates into roughly 10% of tariff lines at smaller and more remote enterprises, place
the 6-digit level. Moreover, Nigeria applies firms at a distinct disadvantage compared to
a variety of para-tariffs on imports, such as a competitors in the international market. This
7 percent Port Development Levy on the high tax burden occurs in an environment
duties payable, a one percent where the State fails to deliver reliable
Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme access to electricity in exchange, and where
[CISS], or a 0.5 percent National Import security concerns abound.
Supervision Scheme (NISS). A consignment
with 35 percent duty would translate into to High taxation levels and compliance costs
nearly 46 percent ad valorem duty once have significant implications for Nigerian
other taxes and fees are paid.8 A number of businesses, reducing incentives to expand
other charges, often duplicating what has production, leading to higher prices, and
been rendered under the administration, distorting factor incomes. As firms take
clearance and port handling, are allegedly investment decisions based on long-run
being charged, magnifying the effect of returns to capital, the costs of multiple-
trade taxes. taxation reduce the size of the capital stock
and aggregate output in the economy and
Implications of Multiple-taxation in discourage investment in productivity-
Nigeria enhancing measures. This ultimately leads to
lower returns to human capital and lower job
The foregoing results reveal new insights on
creation. Addressing the issue of multiple
multiple-taxation in Nigeria, complementing
taxation and nuisance taxes would increase
previous studies. The first is the overall
expected returns to entrepreneurs and would
magnitude of the burden. The recent CIPE
encourage capital accumulation, investment,
study (2010) estimates that all tiers of tax
and job creation.
cost firms on average about 40 percent of
production costs. The World Bank (2008) The presence of mobile fees and levies
8 extracts a punitive measure on traders
In principle VAT portion does not create a wedge
between domestic and international goods they are
across local and state boundaries,
applied to both goods the nominal protection would preventing the development of cross-state
be thus be about 38.7 percent. value-chains and causing the segmentation
of the national territory into smaller advantages. In tandem with low quality and
economic sub-units. Critically, an internal high costs logistics services, the tax-related
common market such as a federation only barriers to an efficient internal market stifle
functions efficiently if all resources (labor, domestic linkages that could exploit vertical
capital, goods, and services) are free to linkages in international markets, limiting
move from one jurisdiction to another the prospects for export growth and
without policy or physical impediments. diversification.
This likely to be an important factor to the
absence of vertically specialized production High trade taxes—specifically the higher
sharing within Nigeria, whereby different tariff bands and import prohibitions—raise
steps of the production process are located domestic prices for protected goods and
in areas that have a competitive advantage in distort both consumption and production by
the special tasks required. Moreover, it is altering the relationship between domestic
regressive as these barriers to intra-national and world market prices. Where imports
movements have an “isolating” effect on represent essential inputs into final goods
small traders and businesses in remote production (for domestic sale or export),
regions (mostly rural), and the households such barriers increase the costs for
they support—this aspect has not been businesses and make them less competitive
emphasized adequately in previous on world markets. High import taxation also
literature, and may suggest a broader socio- distorts the incentives to invest in export
economic impact of the current system of activities and therefore reduce the export
taxation on the ability of Nigeria to promote base. Reforming trade taxes and in particular
inclusive, trade-led growth. replacing import bans with tariffs would
reduce incentives to smuggle. The overall
In addition, the segmentation of markets welfare benefit is likely to far outweigh the
resulting from artificially high transport cost to producers who have thrived behind
costs limits the potential for different States protection.
to compete for investors by simplifying and
improving the business climate, as investors From the government’s point of view, our
will tend to locate close to their markets. analysis suggests that the three tiers of
Likewise, the artificial barriers between government are overexploiting the existing
States limit competition among companies tax base. Taxing a specific tax base will lead
across Nigeria which could lead to lower to increasing revenues up to a specific point,
consumer prices. after which the overall tax revenue will
decline because companies go out of
Compounded by high trade taxes, this business, or evasion increases significantly.
geographic segmentation also prevents the The results of the exercise suggest that the
integration of Nigerian enterprises into government could likely generate higher tax
international supply chains, where low and revenues with lower compound tax rates.
high income countries are specializing in
tasks based on respective comparative The low tax compliance level in Nigeria is
likely to be due to the high compliance
costs, limited transparency, as well as the Conclusion and Guidance on Reform
incidence of double taxation. The high
The design and application of Nigeria’s
incidence of “gifts and unofficial payments”
federal tax system represents a significant
reflects this lack of transparency. Firm-level
impediment to formalize and grow a
interviews validated the apparent lack of
business, and to compete in international
information on taxpayer rights and
markets. Our findings suggest that the direct
responsibilities. Moreover, the high tax
tax burden may not be insurmountable
incidence and the associated administrative
relative to SSA counterparts and that
burden encourage informality to reduce
double-taxation is a relatively small share of
visibility to tax authorities (as reported in
the overall burden. However, the
World Bank, 2007, and numerous anecdotal
multiplicity of taxation, and the
administrative burden created by the
The high prevalence of informal enterprises uncoordinated and lax enforcement
in the Nigerian economy, in turn, mechanisms across different levels of
discourages efficiency gains from the jurisprudence has given rise to significant
economies of scale that are required to costs, particularly penalizing smaller and
compete domestically or internationally, more remote businesses. The large amount
lowering returns to human and physical and magnitude of taxes on mobile factors
capital. Consequently, reforming taxes and lead to the economic isolation of distant
reducing the burden could lead to an areas, prevents the establishment of national
expansion of scale and greater economic supply chains, and reduces competition
efficiency. This is particularly important as among companies located in different States
trade in the global market place dominated within Nigeria, as well as competition
by competition with China for standard among States for investors through
industrial goods is characterized by small improvements in the investment climate.
margins. In such circumstances, even small
The following provides key
additional costs due to policy barriers such
recommendations and guidelines for these
as taxes or other structural impediments can
reforms, based on international best
impede firms that could otherwise
practices and lessons learned, to inform
efficiently produce from competing in an
future tax reform efforts:
infinite global market altogether. This means
that small additional costs can have an Eliminate “nuisance taxes” and align tax
enormous impact on the performance of bases. To reduce the multiplicity problem
otherwise competitive companies. It is likely and therefore the administrative costs they
that multiple-taxation, nuisance taxes, and create, the federal government should enter
the high administrative burden in Nigeria are into a dialogue with the other tiers of
major factors in the poor performance of government to reduce the overall number of
manufacturing businesses, which has taxes – without necessarily reducing the
resulted in a high number of reported amount of tax revenue collected. Taxes
closures in recent years. could be regrouped at the municipal level
and levied consistently. This would also government. The aim would be to eliminate
increase transparency, provide greater the incidence of multiplicity of taxation by
legitimacy to taxes that businesses have to clarifying relevant legal texts and strict
pay and prevent opportunities for collecting assignment of tax bases, or harmonization of
additional “taxes” by illegal tax collectors. key tax policies across levels of government
Similar reforms have been undertaken in to guard against over-taxation and to lower

Box 1: Tax Reform to Reduce the Multiplicity of Taxes

Prior to the 1990s, the Russian Federation was characterized by a system of complexity that
resulted in levies and charges at different levels of government, which amounted to approximately
100 different taxes. Reforms initiated to deal with tax avoidance began with a reduction of the
corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 24 percent and a flat-rate small business tax. Other tax
reforms included replacing separate taxes for pensions, social insurance, medical insurance and
unemployment with a unified, lower social insurance tax rate; and eliminating most small
nuisance taxes and tax privileges. Between 2001 and 2003, income tax revenues under the flat tax
system increased by 28 percent in the first year after reform and by more than 80 percent within
three years after reform as compliance increased and economic growth expanded the tax base.

The main elements of reform initiated by Tanzania in 2003 were the abolition of “nuisance taxes”,
the flat rate development levy and of business license fees for enterprises below a certain size, and
capping the latter for larger enterprises. According to a Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of the
World Bank (2006), Tanzanian businesses recorded a 14 percent decrease in tax burden overall.
Within this, medium businesses recorded 11 percent less tax, and small businesses 36 percent less
tax. The reforms were particularly beneficial in remote regions where many firms have seen a
reduction of 28 percent in total taxes paid. All councils were enterprising in replacing income lost
from the development levy and market dues by intensifying collection of taxes that remained on
the permitted schedule.

In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the tax regime comprised a complex array of taxes and fees
on commercial activities, including hundreds of nuisance taxes, many disguised as fees that were
promulgated through dozens of laws and different government agencies. In an attempt to reduce
the burden on the private sector and reduce the administrative costs to the Government of Jordan,
in 2009, embarked on an ambitious fiscal reform program to eliminate such nuisance taxes and
unify them through a flat corporate income tax regime. A temporary tax law entered into force in
January 2010 unifying several categories of taxes making Jordan more attractive for foreign

Russia, Tanzania, and Jordan, where tax the administrative and compliance costs
revenues actually increased as a result of associated with the implementation of
these simplifications (see box 1). multiple taxes. The Russian Federation,
Tanzania, and Jordan, all provide example
Ideally, the government should undertake a of eradicating multiple taxes through rapid
top-down reform from the Federal level that and comprehensive reform programs.
reduces and clarifies responsibilities of tax
authorities at lower levels of government, Alternatively, the federal government could
while addressing the issue of revenue initiate pilot reforms of “willing” State and
distribution among the three tiers of Local jurisdictions with the aim of revenue
neutrality, increased transparency, and number of beneficiaries that nevertheless
simplicity. Such an approach could be seem to be very well connected politically.
supported by disbursement of funds from the
federal government towards the state level Improve transparency in the tax system. A
and municipal level to cover any ‘shortfall’ well understood tax system eliminates the
of revenues.9 Alternatively, simplification chances of corruption and harassment by tax
and the introduction of single municipality officials and consequently of non-
taxes could help in reducing the number of compliance by tax payers. A critical step
taxes, while keeping revenue constant. would be to publicize the tax payer rights
Demonstrating beneficial effects could then and responsibilities. Specifically, there is a
lead to be replication through a gradual need to provide adequate awareness to
approach to roll out reform across the rest of taxpayers on the list of approved taxes at the
States. Such an approach would also permit federal, state, and municipal level to check
reform-minded States to compete for arbitrariness in assessment by properly
investors and businesses though the defining the tax base, tax rate and other
simplicity and transparency of their tax aspects of tax administration – and to
systems. establish an independent yet powerful
complaint body that taxpayers could turn to
Eliminate mobile levies. To achieve when treated in violation of their rights.
competition among states for investors
through improvements in the business These reforms would increase economic
climate or simplifications in the tax system, efficiency and reduce inequalities in the tax
however, it will be critical that the federal burden between states and between small
government, in collaboration with the state and large enterprises. They would also
governments, enforce a single economic make enforcement simpler. Eliminating
space in Nigeria by abolishing all kinds of double taxation of specific tax bases,
fees and levies on mobile factors and reducing the total number of taxes paid,
removing roadblocks on internal traffic. increasing transparency as to how and what
Such a measure would likely meet to pay, and facilitating procedures for filing
substantial resistance from municipal taxes, will be essential to reducing the high
governments and related lobby groups that compliance costs in terms of man hours that
are currently benefiting from these were identified by our study. Streamlining
arrangements and close coordination with and simplifying the tax system would reduce
the States. Starting strict enforcement of the regressive nature of the current tax
such policies on selected priority corridors system that puts additional burden on
first could help create strong support from agricultural companies, small companies,
civil society that could create a and companies in remote areas of Nigeria. It
counterweight to vested interests of a limited would directly benefit those companies that
are the potential engine of growth and are
The methodology for calculating such shortfalls likely to create the largest number of jobs,
would have to be agreed beforehand. particularly the small- and medium-sized
companies. Additional efforts could be waste and increase Nigeria’s standing and
undertaken to reduce trade-related political leverage in the region. Fiscal
compliance costs by simplifying and making revenue losses resulting from tariff reform
payments more transparent. Given the could be addressed by specific
delays in obtaining duty and VAT refunds, compensation mechanisms that have been
the introduction of alternative systems by used elsewhere. For example, the EU has
the Federal government, such as suspension compensated Burundi and Rwanda through
schemes, could bring down companies’ a trust fund for revenue losses incurred
capital costs of funds that are currently tied when acceding to the CET of the East
up in federal accounts. African Community.

Realign trade taxes and barriers. The

current structure of Nigeria’s import regime
distorts economic activity and reduces the Mombert Hoppe is a Consultant in the
Africa Poverty Reduction and Economic
competitiveness of Nigerian firms, both at Management unit. Nihal Pitigala is a
home and abroad. Removing the import Consultant in the PREM International Trade
bans on the remaining products and taking Department. The authors would like to
the lead in agreeing to a regional common thank Ifeanyi Chukwujekwu for able
external tariff within ECOWAS are key research assistance This work is funded by
issues the Federal government should the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Trade and
Development supported by the governments
pursue. Agreeing to a CET close to the
of the United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden
current CET of UEMOA, without a large list and Norway. The views expressed in this
of products to be included under the 35% paper reflect solely those of the authors and
tariff band, would ultimately be in Nigeria’s not necessarily the views of the funders, the
interest as these reforms would reduce the World Bank Group or its Executive
distortionary effects of the current tariff Directors.
policy, reduce the scope for corruption and

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