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The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury

1. What is the setting of "The Pedestrian"?

a. 2053 AD
b. A chilly November evening
c. In the middle of a densely populated city
d. All of the above

2. How does Mr. Mead's profession act as a threat to society in "The Pedestrian"?
a. Writing no longer exists as a profession and is therefore irrelevant
b. Writing involves creativity and individuality, traits clearly not welcomed in this
c. Mr. Mead can potentially reveal the secrets of the society in which he lives
d. All of the above

3. What do phrases such as "grassy seams," "buckling concrete walk," and

"lumpy walk" imply?
a. The entire city is old and falling apart
b. No one uses the sidewalks much and they are therefore untended
c. There was a recent earthquake that damaged much of the walkways
d. All of the above

4. How does Mr. Mead contrast with his surroundings?

a. He appears to be creative and personable whereas his surroundings are dull
and lifeless
b. His house is lit up whereas the surrounding houses are described as "tomb-
like" buildings
c. His lungs "blaze like a Christmas tree inside" whereas the night is cool and
d. All of the above

5. Why were the police suspicious of Mr. Leonard Mead?

a. He was wearing sneakers
b. He's not married
c. He was outside at night
d. He tried to run from the police car

6. How many police men were in the police car?

a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. It's not mentioned

7. The citizens in "The Pedestrian" are __________________ by the television.

a. Captivated
b. Excited
c. Made unintelligent
d. Controlled
8. If "The Pedestrian" is a satirical piece, what might the author, Ray Bradbury, be
commenting on?
a. Society's lack of interest in personal interaction
b. Society's complete dependence on technology and the resulting dangers
c. Society's laziness
d. All of the above

9. Antiseptic means
a. Lessening
b. Used to sterilize or prevent infection
c. Bare boned
d. Like a skeleton

10. Intermittent means

a. Appearing from time to time
b. Become evident
c. Manifest
d. Metallic

11. What ominous fact about this futuristic city is suggested by the following
quote: "To enter out into the silence that was the city at eight o'clock of misty
evening in November, to put your feet upon that buckling concrete walk, to step
over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets through the silence...he
was alone in this world..."
a. the city is abandoned
b. a war has destroyed the city
c. people are hiding from the police
d. Leonard Mead is crazy

12. Leonard Mead chooses to walk instead of watching television because he

a. dislikes television quiz shows
b. owns only a black-and-white television set
c. is secretly plotting against society
d. wants to experience life firsthand

13. honest in what is said is

a. murmur
b. fickle
c. allude
d. candid
14. suggest or refer means
a. allude
b manifest
c callous
d antiseptic

15. Why does the author refer to the people in their homes as “gray phantoms?”
a.he’s implying that they are full of life
b he’s implying that they are lifeless
C. he’s implying that they are curious
D. he’s implying that they are scared

16. Why does the police car respond “No profession” when Mead says that he is
a writer.
A. He doesn’t make enough money for it to be considered a career.
B. He isn’t a well-known author.
C. Reading and writing isn’t valued in their society.
D. The police car didn’t hear his response.

17. Identify the figurative language in this sentence: “It was not unequal to
walking through a graveyard.”
a. alliteration
b. personification
c. simile
d. metaphor

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. D
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. D

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