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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Bindu Issue 563

The Paradox of Divine Loving Anger, part 4
Sri Krishna Kathamrita
तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 563 Śrī Paramā Ekādaśī 23 December 2023

• Transcendental Anger
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

• Beggar of Prema part 3

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

• The Parrot’s Secret

Raghunandan Goswami
• Sulkiness and Remorse
The Medieval Gaudiya Poet Balaram Das

T ranscendental A nger

His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
As far as māna, or anger, is concerned, there is the
following incident described in Gīta-govinda: “When
Srimati Radharani saw Krishna enjoying himself in
the company of several other gopīs, she became a
little jealous because her special prestige was being
dimmed. Therefore, she immediately left the scene
and took shelter in a nice flower bush where the black
drones were humming. Then, hiding herself behind
the creepers, she began to express her sorrow to one
of her consorts.” This is an instance of a seeming
disagreement. (From Nectar of Devotion chapter 44)
Radha Complains about Krishna
There is a statement in the Vidagdha-mādhava
wherein Srimati Radharani, in an angry mood,
Unknown photographer

addressed Paurnamasi after she had accused Radharani

of going to Krishna. “My dear mother,” Radha declared,
“what can I say to you? Krishna is so cruel that he often
attacks me on the street, and if I want to cry out very
loudly, this boy with a peacock feather on his head

Cover: Krishna in the dress of a yogi-sannyāsī tries to pacify the loving anger of Radharani. Unknown artist.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 2
Unknown artist. Punjab Hills, Himachal Pradesh.

Krishna fixes Radharani's belt

Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 3 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown artist.

Trying to pacify her anger at him, Krishna serves the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani

immediately covers my face so that I cannot cry. And An example of such anger was exhibited in a quarrel
if I want to go away from the scene because I am afraid between Jatila and Mukhara. Jatila was the mother-in-
of him, he will immediately spread his arms to block law of Radharani, and Mukhara was her grandmother.
my path. If I piteously fall down at his feet, then this Both of them were talking about Krishna’s unnecessary
enemy of the Madhu demon, in an angry mood, bites harassment of Radharani when she was walking on
my face! Mother, just try to understand my situation, the street. Jatila said, “You cruel-faced Mukhara! By
and don’t be unnecessarily angry with me. Instead, hearing your words my heart feels like it is burning
please tell me how I can save myself from these terrible in a fire!” And Mukhara replied, “You sinful Jatila, by
attacks of Krishna!” (From Nectar of Devotion chapter 47) hearing your words, there is aching in my head! You
cannot give any evidence that Krishna has attacked
Ecstatic Anger is a Symptom of Love Radharani, the daughter of my daughter Kirtida.”
Sometimes among contemporary personalities there Once, when Radharani was taking off the necklace
are signs of ecstasy in anger because of love for Krishna. given to her by Krishna, Jatila, her mother-in-law,
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 4

Unknown artist.
Krishna puts his head on Radharani's feet

told a friend, “My dear friend, just see the beautiful pahile dekhiluṅ tomāra sannyāsi-svarūpa
necklace that Krishna has presented to Radharani. ebe tomā dekhi muñi śyāma-gopa-rūpa
She is now holding it, but still she wants to tell us Ramananda Raya told Lord Sri Chaitanya: At first I saw
that she has no connection with Krishna. This girl’s you appear like a sannyāsī, but now I am seeing you as
activities have disgraced our whole family!” Shyamasundar, the cowherd boy. (Cc. madhya 8. 268)
[However] Natural jealousy of Krishna by persons Raya Ramananda saw Shyamasundar. As soon as the
like Sisupal cannot be accepted as ecstatic love in anger sannyāsī form disappeared, Krishna’s Shyamasundar
with Krishna. (From Nectar of Devotion chapter 47) form appeared. Raya Ramananda is Vishakha sakhī in
vraja-līlā, so he has seen these things.
tomāra sammukhe dekhi kāñcana-pañcālikā
B eggar of P rema tāṅra gaura-kāntye tomāra sarva aṅga ḍhākā
I saw you appearing like a golden doll, and your
entire body appeared to be covered by a golden
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja lustre. (Cc. madhya 8.269)
Part 3 tāhāte prakaṭa dekhoṅ sa-vaṁśī vadana
nānā bhāve cañcala tāhe kamala-nayana
Part 2 concluded with the story of how Krishna disguised
himself as a sannyāsī who could tell the fortune of Srimati Now I see that you are holding a flute to your mouth
and your lotus eyes are moving very restlessly due to
Radharani, and thus he gained entrance to Radharani’s
various ecstasies. (Cc. madhya 8.270)
kuñja where he revealed his Shyamasundar form. Gour
Govinda Maharaj continued: Krishna told Srimati, “O Radhe, you are kṛṣṇa-āhlādinī.
All your līlās are meant for my pleasure. You don’t want to
Krishna-lila — Gaura-lila touch the body of anyone but me. Similarly, I don’t want to
That is what Raya Ramananda saw when touch the body of any lady but you, Radhe. Sometimes I go
Mahaprabhu showed him his real form: to Chandravali’s kuñja just to heighten your vāmya-bhāva.
Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 5 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Painting by Navya Agrawal

Krishna dressed himself as a sannyāsī beggar

Thereby your leftist mood is heightened, and I get Your connection with me is beyond reproach. You have
some pleasure out of it. Now the highest mood has worshiped me, cutting off all domestic ties, which are
difficult to break. Therefore, please let your own glori-
been expressed today. I could not find any other means
ous deeds be your compensation. (Bhāg. 10.32.22)
to break your sulkiness. Therefore, I put on this
sannyāsa-veśa and became a beggar, prema-bhikṣārī.” Here, Krishna says, “I cannot pay back the debt. O
Previously, when Radharani was crying, Lalita told gopīs, you have such love for me that you broke all
Krishna, “One day you’ll have to cry like that!” And so rules and regulations, all Vedic regulative principles.
now he is always crying in the form of Mahaprabhu. At the dead of night you have come running to me.”
This is rāgānugā-bhakti, no rules and regulations.
So Krishna has become indebted. And to pay
This is how Krishna has to cry. Krishna has to cry back this debt he came in the form of a sannyāsī. A
and become a sannyāsī, begging for rādhā-prema, the completely different form; not bent in three places,
love of Radharani. “Otherwise I cannot pay back the no nice curling hair. Now his head is shaved, his
debt — na pāraye, na pāraye.” Krishna says. “I have yellow garment is saffron color, and he is begging for
become indebted.” rādhā-prema. That is rādhā-bhāva. He had to come in
na pāraye ’haṁ niravadya-saṁyujāṁ this sannyāsa form, otherwise he could not pay back
sva-sādhu-kṛtyaṁ vibudhāyuṣāpi vaḥ the debt. Now Krishna is moving in that form, which
yā mābhajan durjaya-geha-śṛṅkhalāḥ
is the combination of Radha and Krishna, rasarāja-
saṁvṛścya tad vaḥ pratiyātu sādhunā
mahā-bhāva. That is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
O gopīs, I am not able to repay my debt for your spot-
— From chapter 2 of The Embankment of Separation. Bhubaneswar.
less service, even within a lifetime of Lord Brahma. Gopal Jiu Publications. 1998.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 6

Painting by Kshitindranath Mazumdar. West Bengal. 1891-1975

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu having darśana of Lord Jagannath from beside the Garuda Stambha
Unknown artist
Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 7 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु

Radharani's parrot
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 8

Unknown photographer
The ancient deity of Suryadev at Suryakund in Vraja is actually Krishna

Lalita began feeding the parrot pomegranate

seeds and stroking it. While fondling the bird,
T he P arrot ' s S ecret it suddenly started repeating some things that
Krishna had said to Chandravali, “I will meet you
tomorrow for kālī-pūjā at the Kali temple.” Lalita
From Śrī Rādha-mādhavodaya and the others are aghast, and at once left for the
by Raghunandan Goswami Sun temple where Krishna had promised to meet
Raghunandan Goswami was born in the Nityananda Vamsa Radha. Arriving there, Lalita, Vishakha, and Radha
in Maro village in the Barddhaman district of West Bengal in discover Krishna’s friend, the Brahmin boy Madhu,
the late seventeenth century. He made a notable contribution sitting alone. Lalita smiles and asks Madhu where
to the field of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava literature and attained his friend is? Madhu replies, as he was taught to by
widespread fame by writing the following works: Śrī Gaura- Krishna, that he has gone in search of a stray cow,
pada-taraṅgiṇī (see excerpts in Bindu 271), Gaurāṅga- and as such he may be somewhat delayed. Lalita says
virudāvalī (see Bindu 297) Gaurāṅga-campū; Rāma- that she had already heard from Chandravali that
rasāyana: Rādhā-dāmodara Kavya; Gītā-mālā; Deśika- he will accompany her for kālī-pūjā. Madhu says that
nirṇaya; Saṁśaya-śatāni ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam; Chandravali did her pūjā at dawn that morning and
and the Vyākhyāna-mañjarī ṭīkā on Chando-mañjarī. will surely have returned back home by now. Lalita
The gopī Chandravali had a pet parrot whom she says she will go the Kali temple anyway, to which
found to be far too talkative and who sometimes told Madhu says she need not make a futile journey,
her lies as well, which she found annoying. Finally, she besides, continues Madhu, Chandravali is our sworn
asked her friend Padma to release the parrot from its rival and it is not proper that we even see her face.
cage. Padma did that, and after flying here and there Despite Madhu’s attempts, Lalita and Vishakha go to
for some time, the parrot arrived at Radha’s palace. the Durga temple (leaving Radha and Madhu at the
Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 9 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Painting by by Nilambari Dasi.

Srimati Radharani

Sun temple) where Krishna is immersed in dalliance that Radha had carefully made for Krishna the night
with Chandravali. Krishna disappears into another before, and also notices Krishna’s footprints, and
kuñja (without being seen by them) and Lalita and the swarms of bees buzzing around his footprints.
Vishakha approach Chandravali and ask her if she is This upsets them, and they leave for the Sun temple.
waiting for a pūjārī to conduct her pūjā? Lalita then Krishna soon arrives at the Sun temple and attempts
sees that Chandravali is wearing the flower garland to say that he was away looking for a cow and has
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 10
now arrived for their sūrya-pūjā. Lalita tells Radha Radha, Lalita, Vishakha and Sumati enter the
how Chandravali was wearing the garland she had inner chambers. When Sumati askes Radha for
made for Krishna and Radha leaves in a state of a loving embrace, Lalita tells him to go the Kali
māna. Krishna now asks Madhu how he can break temple and embrace Chandravali, who wears
Radha’s māna, and Madhu suggests that he disguise Radha’s garland. Lalita then brings the parrot
himself as the female pūjārī called Sumati. Krishna, who recites what Krishna had said about meeting
now in disguise, approaches Abhimanyu and says Chandravali at the Kali temple which causes
that his chaste wife must be upset with him, for at Radha to burst into tears. Krishna then falls at
the end of the sūrya-pūjā she did not bestow upon Radha’s feet and begs forgiveness saying that
him her customary loving embrace, or sit with him it breaks his heart to see her sad and indignant
for a while and exchange some friendly words. countenance; and eventually succeeds in wiping
Krishna then gives Abhi a necklace asking him to Radha’s tears away with the border of his own
give it to Radha, confiding that he hopes she is not cloth as he tells Radha that although she is as
upset with him. Abhi is shocked to hear of Radha’s soft and pleasing as the lotus, māna has made her
discourteous behaviour and personally escorts heart as hard as a thunderbolt. Radha is consoled,
Krishna into Radha’s chamber and asks Radha why and on the pretext of picking flowers they all
she did not lovingly embrace the yogini; further enter the sweet-scented love bowers.”
adding that Sumati should spend the night with — Raghunandana Goswami. Śrī Śrī Rādhā-mādhavodaya. Published by
Radha. Abhi leaves and goes to the goshala, and Niradachandra Chakravarti. Kolkata. 1312 Sal. (1905 CE) Bengali.

Unknown artist. Himachal Pradesh, ca. 1760

Krishna decorates Srimati Radharani's lotus feet

Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 11 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown artist. ca. 1780 -1790_Punjab Hills

Under the stormy skies of Radharani's sulky anger, one of her intimate girlfriends tries to pacify her
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty Three, Page — 12

S ulkiness

Unknown artist. Pahari early 19th century

and R emorse

māna o kalahāntaritā
The Medieval Gauḍīya Poet Balaram Das
For more about the poet Balaram Das, see Bindu issue 562.
sundari aba tuhuṅ tejasi kāna
sukhamaya keli nikuñje yaba paiṭhabi
taba kāhāṅ rākhabi māna

[A sakhi speaks to Srimati Radharani:] O Sundari,

all beautiful one, you have disowned Krishna! Now Some of Radha's intimate gopīs try to placate her anger
when you stay in your all-pleasing kuñja, how will has entered there. You are singing about all the faults
your purpose be fulfilled? of Krishna instead of his virtues. It seems that there
iha nāgara-bara rasika-kalā-guru is not even a drop of compassion left in this place!
caraṇa pākaḍi gaḍi yāya iha alakhī yaba tohe chāḍi yāntaba
laghutara dokhahiṅ rokha bāḍhāyasi taba guṇa-gaṇa soṅarāba
caraṇahiṅ ṭhelasi tāya roi puna hāmāri bāhu dhari sādhabi
The great hero Krishna, who is the guru of all rasas, taba koī niyaḍa nā yāba

is now holding your lotus feet, crying and rolling in the When this misfortune will leave you, then you will
dust. You have become too angry over a small offense. remember the qualities of Krishna. Then you will cry,
prema-lachimi hiya choḍala bujhi aba holding my arms, and no one will take you closer to him.
māna-alakhi parabeśa sahacari etahuṅ bacana nāhi śūnaye
guṇa bichūrāi dokha saba ghoṣa-i
ārati choḍāyala deśa kope bharala saba aṅga
kaha balarāma camaka moha lāgala
Prema-lakshmi, the source of all fortune, has left your
sakhika bacana bhela bhaṅga
heart, and sulky anger, the source of all misfortune,
Not listening to these words of her sakhī, all Radharani’s
limbs became full of anger. Balaram Das says, “That sakhī
Publishers Information
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu became spellbound and was unable to speak.”
A free bi-monthly service provided by — Balarām Dāsera Padāvali. Song 143. Edited by Manu Jana. M.A. PhD.
Published by University of Calcutta. 1988. Translated by Prabhupada
Gopal Jiu Publications Priya Sevak Das and Jagannath Misra Das.
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Gopal Jiu Publications is a section of the International

Unknown artist. Ca. 1800-1820. Brooklyn Museum

Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-

Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada.
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures
of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. All
other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON
Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved.
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Lalita tries to calm Radha's anger

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