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Learning targets ...............................................................................................................................

Parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Storage locations ............................................................................................................................. 4
Data storage .................................................................................................................................... 7
Parameter view ................................................................................................................................ 14
Parameter comparison ..................................................................................................................... 16
Alarms: Faults and Warnings ........................................................................................................... 17
Diagnostics with LEDs ...................................................................................................................... 18
Overview of diagnostics ................................................................................................................... 19
Diagnostics with BOP-2 ................................................................................................................... 20
Diagnostics with IOP-2 ..................................................................................................................... 21
Diagnostics with Startdrive ............................................................................................................... 23
Exercises ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Exercise 1: Data backup in the drive ................................................................................................. 27
Exercise 2: Data backup with Startdrive ........................................................................................... 29
Exercise 3: Data archiving with Startdrive ......................................................................................... 32
Exercise 4: Data backup with memory card ...................................................................................... 33
Exercise 5: Diagnostics with Startdrive ............................................................................................. 36

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-1 Data Backup and Diagnostics
SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM
Training Document 4-2 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Parameters Parameters are used to adapt the inverter to individual applications. Each
parameter is identified by a parameter number, a parameter text and by specific
attributes (e.g. read, write, BICO attribute, group attribute, and so on). The
parameter number is completely unique within a drive system.

Display parameters Read only, "r" parameters

These parameters are used to display internal variables such as states or actual
values, for example. They are absolutely essential for performing diagnostics.

Notation: r0002 Display parameter 2

r0052.3 Display parameter, 52 bit 03
r0947[2] Display parameter 947, index 2
r0964[0...4] Display parameter 964, with 5 indices (index 0 to 4)
parameters Read/write parameters, "P" parameters
These are activated or deactivated in individual functions, or have a direct
influence on the behavior of a function. Their values are written to a non-volatile
memory (EEPROM) if the corresponding option has been selected (non-volatile
data storage). Otherwise, these values are written to the processor's volatile
memory (RAM) and will be lost in the event of a power failure or restart.

Notation: P0927 Adjustable parameter 927

P0748.1 Adjustable parameter 748, bit 01
P0719[1] Adjustable parameter 719, index 1
P0013[0...19] Adjustable parameter 13, with 20 indices (index 0 to 19)

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-3 Data Backup and Diagnostics
PG / PC For commissioning and diagnostics, either a special programming device (PG)
or, increasingly frequently, a personal computer (PC) is used.

Screen The screen display is always a "window" into a parameter list.

Changing from offline to online changes the window to a view of the PG / PC
RAM to the drive RAM.

Saving Changes must always be saved separately. With processes where the user
would normally want to save changes, a dialog box is automatically displayed:
e.g. when the user disconnects an online connection to the drive.

Abbreviations RAM = Random Access Memory = volatile storage

(data are lost after Power Off)
ROM = Read Only Memory = non-volatile storage, abbreviation of EEPROM
EEPROM = Electrically Erasable ROM = in this case, memory for backing up
parameter settings in the drive

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-4 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirement Existing parameter settings must be transferred to a drive.
Typical cases:
- Another identical plant/machine is to be constructed.
- Defective device has been replaced.

Procedure 1. Open project

2. Select the required drive
3. Select Download to device

RAM to ROM To ensure that data remain stored when the device is switched off, the data
must be saved to the ROM

Procedure 1. Open project

2. Select the required drive
3. Select Download to device
4. Copy from RAM to ROM on the device

p0971 When p0971= 1, the values are transferred from the RAM to the EEPROM.
The parameter is then reset to 0.

p0014 For individual drives it is possible to specify an interface via which parameter
settings will always be transferred directly to the EEPROM.
This is a characteristic of the G120 (but not of Startdrive!) and is selected in
parameter p0014 on the G120.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-5 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirement The existing parameter settings of a drive must be transferred to a project.

Procedure 1. Open project

2. Select the required drive
3. Choose “Upload from device”
4. Save

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-6 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirement Data storage to the drive or the PG/PC can be done either by using the toolbar
(“Online” menu) or the context menu (right mouse button on device).
Here you can also restore the factory settings and do a copy RAM to ROM.

1. Open the project
2. choose the drive
3. connect to the drive
4. open the context menu by using the right mouse button
(alternatively choose the “Online” menu from the toolbar)
5. choose the desired function

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Training Document 4-7 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Power up When the CU powers up, the data are copied from the ROM to the RAM.
When a project is opened, the data are copied from the hard disk to the RAM of
the PG/PC.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-8 Data Backup and Diagnostics
MMC / SD The MultiMediaCard (MMC) is a small, removable, low-energy flash memory
that allows you to save inverter data sets. An SD memory card (secure digital
memory card) can also be used.

Memory cards Siemens recommends that you use memory cards with the order number:
• SD order number 6SL3054-4AG00-2AA0
These memory cards have been tested with the components and are especially
suitable for use in industrial environments.
If you want to use memory cards from other manufacturers, please note the
information in the operating instructions.

Data backup The MMC / SD provides a means of non-volatile data storage for which no
power supply is needed to retain the data stored on the card. Only complete
parameter files can be renamed, copied, or deleted via a card reader with an
MMC slot. The contents of the parameter files cannot be edited in this way.
Procedure for automatic backup:
1. The inverter power supply has been switched off.
2. Insert an empty memory card into the inverter.
3. Then switch on the inverter power supply.
4. After it has been switched on, the inverter copies its settings to the memory

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4-9 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Load data Procedure:
1. The inverter power supply has been switched off.
2. Insert the memory card into the inverter.
3. Then switch on the inverter power supply.
4. If the memory card contains valid parameter data, the inverter accepts the
data from the memory card.
commissioning This function for automatically loading data into the inverter is extremely
suitable for series commissioning of drives of equal power and functionality.

Several data sets On the memory it is possible to store more than one data set.
The files are named by numbers.
The easiest way to handle it is to use Startdrive.

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Training Document 4 - 10 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Data storage To store the data from the drive or to the drive Startdrive offers a menu to select
the place to store the parameter set.
>> Commissioning > Backup/Restore >

Parameter set In Startdrive there are two ways of storing data:

• load data from memory card to drive
• back up data on memory card
In the masks you can select which parameter set should be copied on which
parameter set.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 11 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Procedure Data backup can be initiated via the specified menus. For further information,
see the operating instructions.

Data sets The data sets are stored on the panel.

One data set can be stored on the BOP-2.
Up to 16 data sets can be stored on the IOP-2.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 12 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Procedure Loading of the data can be initiated via the specified menus. For further
information, see the operating instructions.

Note regarding BOP-2 After data have been uploaded from the BOP-2, the inverter must be rebooted
to transfer the data:
switch the power supply off and on again.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 13 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Parameter view The parameter list provides a clearly organized display of the parameters
available for the device. To facilitate the locating of parameters, they are sorted
according to topic.
How to open the parameter view:

1. Click the "Parameter View" tab in the working area.

2. Choose from the secondary navigation for calling the parameter groups
sorted according to topic is in the left-hand area.
3. You can either display all parameters or select special groups.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 14 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Finding a parameter There are different methods in finding a parameter

Parameter number If the parameter number is already known, you can select the “Number” column
and type in the number (without the preceding letter).

Individual filtering Instead of using the predefined parameter groups you can search for a
parameter by filtering the parameter view in each column available.
You can use plain text (e.g. “motor current”) or the parameter unit (e.g. “A”).

Tooltip If you move the mouse cursor over a parameter a tooltip is displayed and can
be enlarged for further information. If the displayed information is not enough
you can directly open the online help for this parameter.

Online Help To display the online help, click the parameter and open the online help for the
parameter via the displayed tooltip.
The online help will show you all available information for this parameter.

Export displayed list You can export the displayed list in a csv file.
This is only possible in offline mode.

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Training Document 4 - 15 Data Backup and Diagnostics
comparison You can compare the current values of the parameters
• to the factory settings
• online - offline

The differences are displayed with icons in the Comparison column.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 16 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Alarms Alarms have the following properties:
• They do not have a direct effect in the converter and disappear once the
cause has been removed
• They do not need have to be acknowledged
• They are signaled as follows
− Status display via bit 7 in status word 1 (r0052)
− At the Operator Panel with a Axxxxx
− Via Startdrive, if you click on Tabs “Diagnostics” and “Alarm display” at
the bottom of the Startdrive screen
In order to pinpoint the cause of an alarm, there is a unique alarm code and also
a value for each alarm.

Faults A fault displays a severe fault during operation of the inverter.

The inverter signals a fault as follows:
• At the operator panel with Fxxxxx
• On the inverter using the red LED RDY
• In bit 3 of status word 1 (r0052)
• Via Startdrive
To delete a message, you must remedy the cause of the fault and acknowledge
the fault.
Every fault has a clear fault code and also a fault value. You need this
information to determine the cause of the fault.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 17 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Ready The Ready LED indicates whether the inverter is ready; a control word is sent
for this purpose. It does not show whether the drive is running or not. An OP is
more suitable for this purpose. The information of interest is the actual speed
that can be displayed on an OP and that can be easily inserted or removed at
any time during operation.

Bus fault The Bus fault LED indicates the occurrence of a fault on the bus.

Safety functions The LED for the safety functions indicates whether
• One or more safety function is enabled but not active
• is active or
• errors in the safety functions are detected and a STOP reaction is

PROFINET The LEDs of the diagnosis of PROFINET indicate the status of the PROFINET

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 18 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Overview Different displays are available for diagnostics:

LEDs The LEDs provide approximate orientation. Operating states such as "Ready" or
"Fault" are indicated by steady light or flashing. The signals are explained in the
operating instructions or in "Getting Started".

BOP-2 and IOP-2 All fault numbers can be read out with the operator panels. A help text can be
inserted and the history of previous faults can be displayed. Ultimately, all the
information is stored in read parameters. The operator panel accesses these

Startdrive The commissioning tool Startdrive also accesses these read parameters.
In addition, Startdrive can display the detailed help texts from the manuals.
All in all, the graphical interface provides a good overview.
panel of plant Fault messages can also be displayed on the HMI (= human machine interface)
of the plant. This must be planned accordingly when configuring the
visualization system. Frequently, only information useful to the user is
displayed. For example:
• Drive 4: Motor blocked
(this can be remedied)
• Drive 7: Fault 01205 - Call Service
(the fault number can be interpreted by service personnel)

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 19 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Acknowledge fault If a fault condition occurs in the inverter/motor system, the system is stopped by
the inverter. All faults must be acknowledged before restarting the system.

Active faults When a fault condition or an alarm is detected, the inverter saves a list of all
currently active faults and alarms. Please refer to the relevant parameter list for
a precise description of the displayed fault or alarm number.

Fault memory In the diagnostics menu, the trend option saves a list of the last 64 faults
occurring in the inverter/motor system. Please refer to the relevant parameter
list for a precise description of the displayed fault or alarm number.
Control and
status words The status option is used for displaying the actual status of the control and
status words used for controlling and monitoring the different inverter functions.
Information on the control and status words can help in diagnosing inverter
problems. The status option is used for displaying the actual status of the
following control and status words:
• Control word 1
• Control word 2
• Status word 1
• Status word 2
The different screens shown in this menu option can only be read and not

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 20 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Status display A series of screen symbols showing different statuses appears in the upper right
area of the IOP-2 display. These symbols are explained in the table above.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 21 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Active faults/alarms This area shows all not yet acknowledged active faults and alarms. The
individual faults and alarms can be selected.
By pressing the INFO or OK key, an explanation of the relevant fault or alarm is
displayed. If the INFO, OK or ESC key is pressed again, the list is displayed.

History All previous faults and alarms as well as their times of occurrence are displayed
here. The INFO or OK key shows an explanation.
maintenance Technical information on the Control Unit and Power Module is displayed here.

I/O status This area shows a list of the digital and analog inputs and outputs of the inverter
as well as their current status.
Communication The status of the fieldbus interface is displayed here.

I/O simulation Digital and analog inputs and outputs can be simulated here without external
signals. This function is extremely useful, especially during commissioning and
troubleshooting since any situation can be simulated without wiring, tools or
external devices.

WARNING! When I/O simulation is active, the inverter can only be stopped via this

Drive enables A list of all current inverter enable signals is displayed here.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 22 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Startdrive In Startdrive the alarms and the warnings are shown in the window “Alarm
display” which is available if Startdrive is in the online mode.
You can also access the information via
>> Online & diagnostics > Diagnostics > Active alarms

The alarm windows shows:

• Source: the name of the drive or component
• Date and Time (appeared)
• Status of the alarm
• Level: fault or warning
• Event text: message number and text

Function buttons There are also buttons to acknowledge the faults and to get more information
about the warning and the faults.

Online help The online help contains further information about the event in addition to
information about the fault response and the conditions for acknowledging.
In this way, fault causes can be limited and solutions found more quickly.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 23 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Fault buffer The inverter saves the time, fault code and fault value for every fault it receives.
r0949 and r2133 contain the fault value - important for diagnostics - as "fixed
point" or "floating point" number.
The "fault time received" is in parameter r2130 (in complete days) as well as in
parameter r0948 (in milliseconds referred to the day of the fault). The "fault time
removed" is written into parameters r2109 and r2136 when the fault has been
The inverter uses its internal time calculation to save the fault times.
If an additional fault occurs before the first fault has been acknowledged, then
this is also saved. The first alarm remains saved. The fault cases that have
occurred are counted in p0952. A fault case can contain one or several faults.
The fault buffer can accept up to eight actual faults. The next to last fault is
overwritten if an additional fault occurs after the eighth fault.
Alarm buffer For each incoming alarm, the converter saves the alarm, alarm value and the
time that the alarm was received.
r2124 and r2134 contain the alarm value - important for diagnostics - as "fixed
point" or "floating point" number.
The alarm times are displayed in r2145 and r2146 (in complete days) as well as
in r2123 and r2125 (in milliseconds referred to the day of the alarm).
As soon as the alarm has been removed, the converter writes the associated
instant in time into parameters r2125 and r2146. The alarm remains in the alarm
buffer even if the alarm has been removed.
If an additional alarm is received, then this is also saved. The first alarm is still
saved. The alarms that have occurred are counted in p2111.
The alarm buffer can contain up to eight alarms. If an additional alarm is
received after the eighth alarm - and none of the last eight alarms have been
removed - then the next to last alarm is overwritten.

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Training Document 4 - 24 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Control/status words The status of the control or status words is displayed here for diagnostic

Missing enables Here you can view a summary of the enable signals necessary for operation
that are still missing.

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Training Document 4 - 25 Data Backup and Diagnostics
SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM
Training Document 4 - 26 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirements You have completed exercise 5, chapter 3 (basic commissioning).

Task Study the behavior of the volatile memory (RAM) and the non-volatile memory
(ROM) in the drive.
1. Go online.
2. Find out the current setting for the ramp-up time of the ramp-function
generator. To do this, use the expert list
>> G120_ > Parameter > Parameter view > Ramp-function generator
and then search for "Ramp-up time".

Or use the input screen in the setpoint channel

>> G120_ > Parameter > Functional view > Setpoint channel
> Ramp-function generator > button "Extended ramp-function generator“
and then move the mouse pointer over the input field until the parameter
number appears.
3. Make a note of the parameter number and its current value:

4. Test the current ramp-up time setting.
5. Change the ramp-up time to 10 s and then test the new setting.
6. Switch the drive off and on again by the mains switch.
Which ramp-up time setting is operative now?



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Training Document 4 - 27 Data Backup and Diagnostics
7. Now change the ramp-up time again to 10 s and then test the new setting.
8. Save the changed setting to the ROM:
>> G120_ > Commissioning > Backup/Restore> Save
9. Switch the drive off and on again by the mains switch.
Which ramp-up time setting is operative now?



Note Any change done by the use of the BOP-2 or IOP-2 operator panel is saved
immediately to the non-volatile ROM.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 28 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Task Test the data backup functionality provided in Startdrive by changing a

1. Go online.

2. Change the current setting for the ramp-up time (p1120) of the ramp-function
generator. To do this, use the input screen in the setpoint channel, for
>> G120_ > Parameter > Functional view > Setpoint channel
> Ramp-function generator > button "Extended ramp-function generator“
Change the ramp-up time setting to 5 seconds, for example, and then test
the new setting.

3. Close the ramp-function generator screen and go offline.

4. Open the ramp-function generator screen again in offline mode and

check the value. Parameter p1120 has been reset to its original value again
(before you changed it) or to the value which is stored in the
offline project.

5. Since the changed ramp-up time setting (p1120) is now stored only in the
RAM of the G120, it would be lost if you were to switch off the drive.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 29 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Task Since the changed ramp-up time setting (p1120) is now stored only in the RAM
of the G120, it would be lost if you were to switch off the drive. For this reason,
changes are now going to be stored consistently in all four memory areas (drive:
RAM, ROM; project: RAM, hard disk).

Note When saving settings to the hard disk, remember not to overwrite the basic
commissioning settings (which you will need to use again and again), and save
under a different project name.

1. Go online again and check whether the changed setting is still stored online.
If it is not, change the setting again.
2. Copy the changed setting to the ROM of the drive.
3. Now go offline and
4. load the change to the PC,
either by
- selecting the drive and clicking on the
“upload from device" button
>> G120_ > right-click > upload from device
5. Save the data to the hard disk. When doing this, don't forget to save the data
under a new project name if necessary.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 30 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Task You are now going to restore the ramp-up time (p1120) to its original setting.
To do this, you are going to work offline first and then download the change
to the target device.

1. If you are not already offline, then go offline.

2. Restore the parameter settings for the ramp-function generator (RFG) to
their basic commissioning values:
- Ramp-up/ramp-down time: 3.0 sec
OFF3 ramp-down time: 1.0 sec

To do this, use the input screen in the setpoint channel

>> G120_ > Parameter > Functional view > Setpoint channel
> Ramp-function generator > button "Extended ramp-function generator“
Save these changes to the hard disk.
3. Now download the offline project to the drive.
Either by clicking on the button “Download to device" or by using the
corresponding menu command.
4. If you check the box “Save M in The EEPROM”, you will save yourself time
by not having to copy from RAM to ROM in a separate step.
5. Go online and confirm that the changes have taken place.

Note The box for "After loading, copy RAM to ROM" is checked per default.
However, always consider whether you want to make changes permanent
immediately, or whether you want to test them first. But do not forget to copy
from RAM to ROM afterwards.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 31 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirements Startdrive project is open

Task Archive your project.

First compress the Startdrive project into a zip archive.
You can then use Windows tools to move or copy this file or attach it
to an e-mail.

1. If you are not already offline, then go offline.

2. Save the project to the hard disk.
3. Archive the project
>> Project > Archive
4. Select the project you want to archive in the "Archive" screen and confirm
your choice with OK.
5. Specify a storage path, e.g. C:\TMP\
6. Rename the file if necessary and then store it.
7. Delete your project in Startdrive
>> Project > Delete project
8. Retrieve the project that you have just archived
>> Project > Retrieve from archive...
9. Check whether the project has been completely restored.

Note You can use this function to store and transfer projects as one file.
Normally projects contain several folders and files which makes it much more
difficult than to use such an archive.

SITRAIN Page Course DR-G12-PM

Training Document 4 - 32 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirement You have completed exercise 5, chapter 3 (basic commissioning).

Task You are going to save the parameter settings to an empty memory card
(MMC, SD).

1. First make sure that no parameter sets are stored on the memory card.
To do this, insert the MMC into the card reader of the PC, open Windows
Explorer and open the MMC drive MMC (MMC_G120).
2. Select all folders and files already stored on the card and delete them.
3. Switch off the inverter.
4. Insert the empty memory card (the right way round!) into the slot.
5. Switch the inverter on.
The parameter set will now be copied to the memory card.
The RDY LED lights up green when the copy operation is complete.

Attention! Data backup via operator panels not possible while a USB connection
with PG/PC is established.
If the drive is connected to a PG/PC you cannot use an operator panel to store
data to a memory card. To do so you first have to disconnect the drive from
Note You can use either SD or MMC cards. The SD card must be formatted to
FAT32, and the MMC to FAT16 (see also operating instructions).

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Training Document 4 - 33 Data Backup and Diagnostics
6. Now use a safe method to remove the MMC.
Either switch off the inverter first
follow the instruction below regarding "Safe removal" of memory cards
before you take the card out of the inverter.
7. Now use the card reader to check the file structure on the MMC. You will
now see that a folder named "USER" has been created. Now open the
subdirectory "USER\SINAMICS\DATA" and you will find the files (with file
extension .ACX) which contain the parameter settings.

CAUTION! The file system on the memory card can be destroyed if the memory card is
removed while the inverter is switched on without first requesting and confirming
this using the "Safe removal" function. The memory card will then no longer
Safe remove
memory card can be executed in different ways in Startdrive or with the BOP-2 or IOP-2.
For details, please refer to the operating instructions.

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Training Document 4 - 34 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Task You are going to copy the parameter settings from the memory card into the

1. In order to simulate the replacement of a Control Unit, restore the factory

settings. (cf. previous tasks)
2. Actuate the digital and analog inputs to test whether the inverter is restored
to its factory settings and is no longer responding.
3. Switch off the inverter
4. Insert the prepared memory card.
5. Switch the inverter on.
The parameter set will now be copied from the memory card and the CU will
boot using these data.
6. Once the CU has booted, check that the original basic commissioning
settings are active again.

Note The automatic upload and download functions can also be activated manually.
You can also save additional parameter sets to the memory card.
(See operating instructions)

Note on
safety functions On inverters with enabled safety functions, you also need to confirm the safety
function settings. (See operating instructions)

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Training Document 4 - 35 Data Backup and Diagnostics
Requirement You have completed exercise 5, chapter 3 (basic commissioning).

Task You are going to monitor the control and status words with Startdrive.
1. Go online.
2. Open the diagnostics screen for control and status words with
>> G120 > Online & diagnostics > Diagnostics > Control/status words
The control and status word display screen opens.
3. Also use the screen for the Drive enable signals
>> Diagnostics > Drive enable signals
4. Watch how “Control word 1" and "Drive enable signals" change when you
switch the G120 on and off.
5. Which enable signals are missing before you switch on?



6. Which values change in “Control word 1” and in “Status word 1”?






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Training Document 4 - 36 Data Backup and Diagnostics
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Training Document 4 - 37 Data Backup and Diagnostics

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