True Observing India 11 December 2023

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UPENG/2016/69825 Volume-08 Issue-79

On December 11th, International Mountain Day aims to in- "The best way to predict the future is to
crease awareness about the importance of mountains. The create it."
conservation of mountains is a key factor in sustainable de- - Peter Drucker
velopment. Mountains cover 27% of the earth's landmass.

English Daily Youth E- Newspaper LUCKNOW, 11 DECEMBER, 2023 Price Rs 2.00


stronaut Frank Rubio cultivat-

A ed one of the initial toma-

toes in space in March.
To everyone's surprise, the

unique space tomato van-
ished, leading to speculation
that Rubio might have con-

sumed it. Despite securing
it with Velcro as instructed,
Rubio found it missing upon
his return. The mystery unraveled

during a livestream commemorating
the Space Station's 25th anniversary when members dis-
closed the discovery of the absent space tomato. Hence,
Rubio's space-grown tomato escapade took an unforeseen
turn, adding an element of surprise to his extraterrestrial
agricultural achievement.


ussia experienced extremely cold weather on Tuesday!

R In Siberia, temperatures dropped

to minus 58 degrees Celsius.
Even Yakutsk, a very cold city
east of Moscow, was covered
in freezing clouds and fog. A
person named Danila came
to enjoy the intense cold and
mentioned he wasn't too cold
because he dressed warmly.
The extreme cold made his coat
Rishika Kukrety angles and plan for the future. The eagle's ability to stiff, and his phone's battery drained
n eagle is a large bird of prey known for its fly high inspires us to think big and work hard for quickly. In another area called

A strong build, keen eyesight, and powerful

flying abilities. It is a symbol of strength in
different cultures, has a fascinating story of rebirth
our success and the success of everyone around us.

Timeless Lessons
Oymyakon, it was minus 58 degrees Celsius, feeling like
minus 63 degrees Celsius due to humidity and wind. At the
Yakutsk market, they sold frozen fish without using freez-
that holds important lessons for us all. ers, and the women selling them wore large fur hats.
The eagle's symbolic rebirth teaches us important
A Symbolic Transformation things like being tough, adjusting to changes, and
having a clear view of things. As we go through life's
In myths, the eagle goes through a special change, ups and downs, let's be open to changes, learn from STUDY SAYS, SECOND
shedding its old feathers and com-
ing back stronger. This process is
tough times, and aim to achieve great things with a
clear idea of where we're heading. The eagle's
like a rebirth, teaching us how Gold- story is a reminder that, like this amazing REBELLION AND LEGAL ISSUES
crucial it is to embrace change and
en ea- bird, we can go through a rebirth and
adapt to new situations. reach new heights as we grow individ- conomist Joseph Doyle's research

Lessons for Humans

gles wield ually and as a group.
talons, seizing prey
E uncovered that second born
children, especially boys,
are prone to more rebellious
We can learn a lot from the eagle's sym- much larger than behaviour, leading to increased
bolic rebirth, especially about resilience. them. school suspensions and legal
Just like the eagle, we face challenges that involvement. Examining data
need us to adapt and grow. If we accept change from Denmark and Florida,
and learn from our experiences, it's like going through the study reveals consistent pat-
a rebirth, making us stronger and wiser. terns across diverse locations. Doyle
suggests that second-borns may imi-
The Eagle's Sharp Vision tate their older siblings, who, serving as role models, occa-
sionally exhibit irrational behaviour, influencing their younger
The eagle's amazing eyes are like a way of talking siblings. This investigation enhances our comprehension of
about seeing things clearly and thinking ahead. In how sibling dynamics impact behaviour, providing insights
our lives, it's smart to look at things from different into the reasons behind certain patterns observed in school
and legal matters among second-born individuals.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023

Navayuga Radiance Senior Secondary

School, Rajendra Nagar, Hosts Grand
Annual Sports Day

True Observing India ered in large numbers to applaud the

n a grand spectacle of athleticism young sports stars. Chief Guest Upendra

I and camaraderie, Navayuga

Radiance Senior Secondary School,
Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow orchestrat-
Agarwal took the salute during the open-
ing inter-house march past, and, in addi-
tion to distributing prizes to the victo-
ed its annual athletic meet and sports rious participants, extended heartfelt
display on December 9th, 2023, at the congratulations to the students for their
Northern Railway Stadium. The commendable achievements.
esteemed event witnessed the presence The event served as a continuous
of Sudhir S. Halwasiya, the school man- reminder of the importance of sports
ager, and Chief Guest Upendra Agarwal, in a child's life, emphasizing both phys-
IPS, IT CP Lucknow Police. ical and mental development. It was a
Symbolizing peace and goodwill, the day brimming with sportsmanship,
commencement of the event was marked enthusiasm, and created enduring mem-
with the release of coloured balloons ories.Expressing gratitude, B Singh,
and pigeons. The day unfolded with an the races commenced, the air resonat- Adding to the spectacle, a spectacu- the school's Principal, proposed a vote
amalgamation of track and field events, ed with cheers and encouragement for lar mega drill involving students from of thanks to everyone involved in mak-
coupled with engaging and entertain- the budding athletes, who enthusiasti- classes III to V unfolded, centered around ing the event a resounding success. The
ing races featuring the school's juniors. cally participated in events such as the the theme "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam," meticulously organized Sports Day
The students captivated the audience Ball race, Hockey race, Hopscotch race, emphasizing the unity of mankind. received widespread appreciation, leav-
with a mesmerizing display of yoga, Football race, and Golf race, exhibit- The event garnered enthusiastic sup- ing an indelible mark on the school's
showcasing their energetic prowess. As ing remarkable skills. port from zealous parents, who gath- legacy.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023

Ekatvam : Jagran Public School Gomtinagar

celebrates 16th Annual Function
True Observing India
n a splendid showcase of artistic

I prowess and academic excellence,

Jagran Public School hosted its Annual
Function "Ekatvam" and an enthralling
Annual Exhibition on 9th December 2023.
The event was nothing short of a feast
for the senses, with Chief guest Rajat
Pandey, an eminent figure with a rich back-
ground as the Ex-Station Superintendent
of Indian Railways and the current Circle
Officer (Excise) in Rampur, gracing the
The exhibition unfolded a mesmeriz-
ing panorama of creativity. From the intri-
cate artistry of pot decoration to the vibrant
hues of Plaster of paris art, flower mak-
ing, DIY bags, kalamkari, madhubani, and
warli art, the displays were a testament
to the students' artistic finesse. The exhi-
bition's pièce de résistance was an awe-
inspiring Aerospace Space Centre, where
young minds envisioned Chandrayaan's
majestic landing on the lunar surface,
adding a celestial flavour to the entire
The Annual function kicked off with
the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, cast-
ing a warm glow on the occasion. Floral
tributes were paid to the late founder,
Pooranchand Gupta and Ex Chairman late
Y M Gupta, setting a poignant tone for
the evening. The presence of Chief Guest
Sukhlal Bharti , Special Secretary Secondary
Education, elevated the event's prestige.
Accompanying him were Guests of Honour,
adding their distinguished touch to the
festivities - Kapil Jaiswal, Manager Dainik
Jagran; J K Dwivedi, General Manager
Dainik Jagran; Pramod Srivastava, Chief thanked the esteemed guests for their pre-
Finance Officer, Jagran Education cious time and presence. The celebrations
Foundation; and Dr. JN Gupta, Chief drew to a close, the echoes of the National
Executive Officer, Jagran Education Anthem reverberated, symbolizing not
Foundation. just an event's conclusion but the collec-
The program unfolded like a well-script- tive pride and unity of a vibrant school
ed symphony, featuring soul-stirring community.
Vandana, a welcome address to parents,
students, and other dignitaries by Dr. JN ance, followed by an English play, 'The spellbinding performances
Gupta, and a motivational speech by Sukhlal Dear Departed,' that left hearts touched of Bharatanatyam, yoga,
Bharti. and spirits lifted , Hindi group song, 'Garv and lavni, leaving the audi-
The cultural kaleidoscope continued Mera Bharat,' and a charming dance drama ence captivated and spell-
with glittering prize distribution ceremo- portraying "Bachpan Ki Yaadein" by the bound. Finally, the Vote of
ny, and a captivating orchestra. Following pre-primary kids. The primary section Thanks was delivered by
the orchestra, an annual report was pre- took the audience on a mythological jour- the School Head Boy
sented by the Principal Dr. V. J. Nagesh, ney with a dance drama on Ramayana, Shashwat Pandey and Head
providing a comprehensive overview of while the English group song 'Hasta Girl Reet Dubey . They
the school's achievements and milestones. Manana' echoed sentiments of joy and acknowledged the efforts
The pre-primary kids enthralled the audi- camaraderie. of the Students, Teachers,
ence with a delightful Kathak perform- The evening reached its crescendo with and Supporting Staff and

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023


he Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC)

T gave an important warning about the painkiller

mefenamic acid, often
called Meftal. It can cause T
he meal of a 75-million-
year-old tyrannosaur
has been discov- E
quatorial Guinea's President Teodoro
ObiangNguema holds the
record for the world's
a serious condition called ered to be two small longest-serving leader,
Drug Reaction with feathered dinosaurs with a 44-year rule.
Eosinophilia and called Citipes. Following him are
Systemic Symptoms Scientists found fos- Cameroon President
(DRESS) Syndrome. silised remains of Paul Biya (41 years),
If anyone experiences Gorgosaurus, a meat- Republic of Congo
this reaction, doctors and eating dinosaur approxi- President Denis
patients should tell the IPC. mately five to seven years SassouNguesso (39 years),
This alert is to make sure every- old and measuring about 15 feet Uganda President Yoweri Museveni (37 years), and
one is careful when using Meftal, and it highlights long. This marks the first-ever tyrannosaur skeleton Tajikistan President EmomaliRahmon (31 years).
how important it is to report any problems with it. found with preserved stomach contents. The finding Eritrea President Isaias Afwerki also features, empha-
The IPC wants to make sure doctors and the public provides unique insights into the dietary habits of sizing the extended tenures of these leaders. Their
know about the potential risks linked to this com- these ancient predators, offering a glimpse into pre- prolonged presidencies highlight the challenges tied
mon pain medicine. historic life by revealing what the Gorgosaurus ate to political transitions and the prevalence of endur-
before fossilisation occurred. ing leadership in these nations.

St. Mary Public Inter College, Amberganj organises

Taekwondo Presentation Under Mission Shakti

True Observing India informed Jameel and Mohini, the coach- Dixit was awarded district gold medal in students. Aamir Siddiuqi (School Director
t. Mary Public Inter College, es and gave praise for moving young Taekwondo championship and was pre- and Manager), Kausar Husain Rizvi

S Amberganj held Taekwondo

Presentation Under Mission Shakti.
Ajay Dixit (Corporator Labour Colony
minds for self defence. The coaches demon-
strated Taekwondo Presentation by stu-
dents which focused on fundamental ,
sented with medal and certificate by the
chief guest . Ajay Dixit congratulated chil-
dren for their excellent efforts and explained
(Principal) and H.O.D Senior Amita Pandey
were also there to uplift the young minds.
Priyanka Sarbahi (H.O.D) Junior and
Ward RajajiPuram Lko) was the chief flower kick , attack defence, Poomsae , them to live with dignity and respect. He Kusum Shukla (Senior teacher) present-
guest. He presented medals to participants twist kick , round kick and last but not further appreciated the manager for his ed mementoes to the chief guest.
and pupils as a token of appreciation. He the least tiles breaking with flame. Akshara continuous efforts for the upliftment of

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023


n the Lok Sabha, officials shared a list of the top irgin Atlantic achieved a milestone with the cool space show is happening on Monday

I five countries where many

Indians work. The United
Arab Emirates (UAE) has
V inaugural commercial
flight from London
to New York fuelled
A night! An asteroid called Leona is going to
pass in front of the big, red
star Betelgeuse, making a
the highest number, with entirely by 100% special eclipse. People
around 35.54 lakh Indian Sustainable Aviation from central Asia to
workers. Following that, Fuel (SAF). This Mexico, like in
Saudi Arabia has 22.19 unique journey, pow- Tajikistan, Armenia,
lakh, Kuwait has 8.29 lakh, ered by SAF derived Turkey, Greece, Italy,
Qatar has 8 lakh, and Oman from waste, results in Spain, Miami, the
has 5.30 lakh. This information a remarkable 70% reduc- Florida Keys, and some
indicates that a significant number of Indians are tion in CO2 emissions com- parts of Mexico, can see it.
employed in these nations, illustrating the close ties pared to regular jet fuel. The sig- Betelgeuse, a famous star in Orion's
between India and these countries for job opportuni- nificant flight was a collaborative effort led by Virgin group of stars, will disappear for a short time dur-
ties. This situation is noteworthy, emphasizing the Atlantic, with contributions from Boeing, Rolls- ing this. The asteroid, Leona, hangs out between
substantial presence of Indian workers contributing Royce, Imperial College London, University of Mars and Jupiter, spinning slowly and looking a bit
to the workforce in the Gulf countries and strength- Sheffield, ICF, and Rocky Mountain Institute. stretched. Scientists hope to learn more about
ening connections between these regions and India. Betelgeuse and Leona during this quick 15-second

Kunwars Global School Students Explore

the Wonders of Space at ISRO's Vikram
Sarabhai Space Exhibition
True Observing India
and national security.
tudents of Kunwars Global School Educational Workshops: The visit

S in Lucknow embarked on a capti-

vating journey into the cosmos as
they visited the Vikram Sarabhai Space
included workshops where the students
could interact with scientists and experts
from ISRO. This direct interaction
Exhibition organized by the Indian Space enhanced their understanding of space
Research Organisation (ISRO) in science and technology.
Ahmedabad at CMS. The enlightening Inspiration for Future Explorers: The
expedition was made possible under the students left the exhibition with a renewed
leadership of Swati Agarwal and sense of curiosity and inspiration.
Debashree Mukherjee, who guided the Witnessing the vast possibilities of space
students through a profound experience exploration and India's significant con-
of space research and missile technolo- tributions in this field has ignited a pas-
gy. sion for science and technology among
Interactive Displays: The students were young minds.
treated to a series of interactive displays Dr Dheeraj Mehrotra, Principal of
that showcased the evolution of India's Kunwars Global School, expressed his
space program from its inception to the delight at the enriching experience, stat-
present day. Engaging exhibits allowed ing, "Experiences like these play a cru-
them to grasp the intricacies of satellite cial role in shaping the holistic develop-
technology and space missions. ment of our students. We are grateful to
Space Research Insights: The exhibi- ISRO for providing such a wonderful
tion provided invaluable insights into platform for our children to explore the
ongoing space research, including recent marvels of space science." He thanked
achievements, upcoming missions, and and remote sensing. cutting-edge developments in missile the organisers, particularly Dr V Kamran,
the role of satellites in various fields such Missile Technology Showcase: The technology and gaining a deeper under- Principal, CMS Kanpur Road, for host-
as communication, weather forecasting, students had the privilege of exploring standing of the advancements in defence ing the event.

Babbel Highlights
2023's Most
Mispronounced Words
abbel discovered some words that people often pronounce incorrectly

B in 2023. For instance, singer SZA should be pronounced as SIZ-uh.

Other challenging words include Saturn's moon Enceladus (En-seh-luh-
duhs), actor Cillian Murphy (KI-lee-uhn), Mexico's volcano Popocatépetl (Poh-
poh-kah-TEH-peh-til), Hawaii's volcano Kilauea (Kee-lou-EY-uh), Psammophile
(Sam-uh-file), and Vivek Ramaswamy (Vih-VAKERah-mah-SWAH-me).
Understanding the correct pronunciation of these terms can enhance commu-
nication and prevent common language mistakes during conversations.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023

Drake Hits 90 Billion

Spotify Streams,
Breaks Records!
rake recently achieved a remarkable feat by becoming the first artist to

D reach a whopping 90 billion streams on Spotify. Originating from

Toronto, the rapper had previously set records with 50 billion and 75
billion streams. This accomplishment indicates widespread global appreciation
for his music, establishing Drake's prominence in the music streaming arena.
It reflects the immense enjoyment people worldwide find in his songs, making
him a significant figure in the music streaming community.

Apple Tops $3 Trillion

Mark Again, Set to
Lead for Fifth Year
pple is doing really well! They're worth more than $3 trillion again and

A are set to be the world's most valuable company for the fifth year in a
row. This shows that Apple is super strong in money and is a big leader
in the tech world. People really like what Apple does, making it a huge deal in
technology and finance. Reaching the $3 trillion mark is a big deal and proves
that lots of people trust and like Apple's products and services.


hemotherapy becomes less effective as

C healthy cells encourage cancer cells to

grow more slowly, according to two stud-
ies from UCL and Yale.Researchers used mini-
tumours' and the newest single-cell analysis
technology to begin to unravel the conundrum
of why healthy cells in a patient's colon cancer
tumour may contribute to poor outcomes in the two
experiments, which were funded by Cancer Research
UK and published in Cell.In the second study, the team sought
to confirm their findings in human cells, using over 2,500 mini-tumours grown
from donated tissue from bowel cancer patients who had undergone surgery.


hen Suryakumar Yadav's

W men will take on South

Africa in the first T20I at
Kingsmead in Durban on Sunday, Team
India will be returning to a venue where
they are yet to lose a game in the short-
est format.India's long tour of South
Africa consists of 3 T20Is, 3 ODIs and
2 Test matches and like as always a good start will matter. A victory will set
India for the rest of the tour in a country where they are yet to win a series.India's
first match of the tournament at Durban was against Scotland, but it was a
washout.India next faced Pakistan at the same venue. The match was a tied
affair and India registered a famous triumph by winning the bowl out.

student'sCorner LUCKNOW
11 DECEMBER, 2023

Savour the Flavour: Cheesy Veggie Quesadillas in Minutes!

Ingredients: quesadilla for 2-3 minutes on each side or until
the cheese is melted and the tortilla is golden.
1. Flour tortillas 6. Serve with salsa for dipping. Your savoury and
2. Shredded cheese bite-sized treat is ready to eat!
Sautéed Vegetables
Salsa (optional)
1. Place a flour tortilla on a flat surface.
2. Sprinkle shredded cheese on half of the tortilla.
3. Add sautéed vegetables on top of the cheese.
4. Fold the tortilla in half to create a half-moon
5. Heat a skillet over medium heat and cook the

Crafty Creatures: Upcycled Egg Carton

Animals Unleash Imagination!

1. 11% of people are left


Materials Required: 2. August has the highest per-

2. Paint the egg carton cups with vibrant craft
paint. centage of births.
1. Empty egg cartons 3. Allow the painted cups to dry completely.
2. Craft paint 4. Attach googly eyes to give your critters person- 3. Unless food is mixed with
3. Paintbrushes ality. saliva you can not taste it.
4. Googly eyes 5. Use pipe cleaners to create legs, tails, or anten-
5. Pipe cleaners nas for your adorable animals. 4. An average person falls
6. Glue 6. Glue the pipe cleaner appendages to the paint-
ed egg carton cups.
asleep in 7 minutes.
Instructions: 7. Let everything dry thoroughly before display-
5. Lemons contain more sugar
ing your crafty critters proudly!
1. Cut individual cups from the egg carton to cre- than strawberries.
ate animal shapes.


2. The study of numbers, quantities and shape
5. The study of celestial objects
6. The study of living organisms

7. The study of matter, energy

1. The study of the Earth's ecosystems
2. The study of the Earth's atmosphere
3. The study of chemical and their behaviour
4. The study of past events
knowledgeHub 11 DECEMBER, 2023

A Simple Guide to their
Shapes, Protectors,
and Vital Parts
Rishika Kukrety
Seed Coat: The Protector Embryo: The Heart of the growth.
eeds, important for flowering plants,

S come in different shapes, colours,

and sizes; round, wrinkled, winged,
or hairy. While they're waiting in a quiet
The Seed Coat has two layers, the tough
outer testa and the inner tegmen. It shields
the seed from sunlight, prevents water
The Embryo is the most important part
Seed Types:
Monocotyledonous and
state, they need sunlight, water, and soil loss, and keeps away potential pests, stop- of a seed, developing from a fertilised egg.
to start growing into a new plant. A seed ping the seed from growing in harsh con- It has key parts like the Epicotyl, Hypocotyl,
is made up of three main parts: the Seed ditions. Some seed coats have features Radicle, and Cotyledons. The Epicotyl Seeds can be divided into two types;
Coat, Endosperm, and Embryo. like the micropyle and hilum, resem- turns into the whole plant shoot system, Monocotyledonous, like rice, with one
bling openings and the navel in humans. the Hypocotyl anchors the plant in the cotyledon, and Dicotyledonous, like toma-
soil, the Radicle is a small root, and the toes, with two cotyledons. This classifi-
Endosperm: The Nutrient Cotyledons nourish different parts of the cation shows the intricate and diverse
Storage embryo, appearing as tiny leaves during nature of seed life cycles.

Located below the seed coat, the Endosperm

stores nutrients like starch, carbohydrates,
and proteins. These nutrients support the
embryo during germination. There are dif-
ferent types of endosperm, like mealy,
continuous, or ruminated. Corns and cere-
als have a lot of endosperm, while in beans,
it helps the embryo grow, and in seeds like
coconut, it's in liquid form.

Taniya Dyson
eneration Alpha, born from 2010 onwards,
is set to become the most technologically

immersed and globally connected genera-
tion in history.

Digital Natives:

Generation Growing up surrounded by smartphones, tablets,

and smart devices, Generation Alpha is truly dig-

Alpha on the
ital-native, seamlessly integrating technology into
their daily lives from an early age.

Global Citizens:

Entrepreneurial Spirit:
With unprecedented access to information, Generation
Alpha is more globally aware than any generation Empowered by the gig economy and the accessi-
before. This exposure to diverse cultures and per- bility of online platforms, Generation Alpha is
spectives is shaping them into true global citizens. expected to have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
They may redefine career paths and embrace diverse,
Educational Evolution: non-traditional work models.

Traditional education is undergoing a transforma- Health and Wellness Focus:

tion for Generation Alpha. Technology-based learn-
ing, virtual classrooms, and interactive education- Growing up in an era where mental health aware-
al tools are becoming the norm, fostering a new ness is on the rise, Generation Alpha is likely to
approach to acquiring knowledge. prioritise holistic well-being, emphasising mental
and physical health.
Climate Activism:
Tech-Savvy Innovators:
Raised in a world increasingly conscious of envi-
ronmental issues, Generation Alpha is passionate Given their early exposure to emerging technolo-
about sustainability and environmental conserva- gies like AI, virtual reality, and blockchain, Generation
tion. They are likely to drive and demand eco-friend- Alpha has the potential to be at the forefront of
ly practices and policies. technological innovation, driving advancements in
various fields.

Owner Publisher and Printer Krishan Singh Printed at Samar Printers, Barfkhana, Udayganj, Lucknow and Published from 516A.Laxmanpuri Extension Colony, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.)
English Daily EDITOR— Geeta Saini Mobile - 9415080475 Email - (All subjected to Lucknow Jurisdiction.)

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