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Requirements for Transportation

Selected Cargo(es)
Bulk cargo shipping name Group IMO Class


Reference Description of Equipment


Fire-Extinguishing System
Gas 20 The ship may be exempted by the Administration from the requirement of a fixed gas fire-
extinguishing system protecting the cargo hold(s).

Water Supplies
Water 30 Quantity of water delivered by the main fire pumps shall be capable of supplying four jets of
water simultaneously.
Water 30.1 Fire hydrants shall be arranged such as to reach any part of the empty cargo hold(s) with four
jets of water not emanating from the same hydrant, two of which are from a single length of
hose each.

Personnel Protection
Protect 20 Two sets of full protective clothing resistant to chemical attack shall be provided.
Protect 40 Two sets of self-contained breathing apparatus with spare air cylinders for at least two refills for
each set shall be available.

Doc 10 The update edition of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code shall be
available on board.
Doc 10.1 The Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) shall be
available on board.
Doc 10.2 The approved Trim and Stability Information and the approved Loading Manual, if applicable,
shall be available on board.
Doc 10.3 The Bulk Cargo Booklet including all information according to regulation VI/7.2 of the SOLAS
Convention shall be available on board.

Warning Signs
Warn 10 "NO SMOKING" / "NO NAKED FLAME" signs shall be posted in the vicinity of cargo hold(s) and
in areas adjacent to cargo hold(s).

Sources of Ignition
Ex 10 Electrical equipment provided for the cargo hold(s) shall be of certified safe type or shall be
capable of being isolated from the electrical supply and of being safeguarded against
unintentional reconnection.
Ex 10.1 Cables within the cargo hold(s) shall be protected against damage from impact.
Ex 10.2 Cable penetrations of decks and bulkheads shall be gastight.

Explosion Group
ExGroup 30 IIA

Temperature Class
TClass 40 T3

Degree of Protection
DegProt 30 IP55

Machinery Space Boundaries

Bound 20 Bulkheads between machinery spaces of category A and cargo holds shall be insulated to A-60
standard or cargoes are to be stowed at least 3 m distance to engine room bulkhead.

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provided by Germanischer Lloyd

Reference Description of Equipment


Adjacent Fuel Tanks

FuelTemp 70 Not to be stowed adjacent to fuel tanks heated to more than 50°C.

1. The information contained in this publication is provided by Germanischer Lloyd for general guidance and is
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provided by Germanischer Lloyd

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