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DMwEoL Midterm Test Sample November 2023

Good luck! ,
Q1 Which of the following are logically equivalent? Justify your answer.

(a) p ⇔ ¬q (b) p ⊕ ¬q (c) ¬p ⊕ q

Q2 Describe the relation between the following two sets:

L := A \ (B △ C) and R := (A \ B) △ C.

Choose one option from:

(a) L ⊂ R; (b) R ⊂ L; (c) L = R; (d) L ∩ R = ∅;

(e) none of the above. In this case determine L ∩ R

Q3 Illustrate A × B and B × (R \ A) for

A := R \ {3}, B := [2, 4].

Q4 Describe the closed (i.e. endpoints included) line segment in R2 joining points (2; 3) and (−2; 5)

(a) as Cartesian product of two sets, (b) using set-builder notation,

if possible. If not, explain why.

Q5 Determine the truth set of

∀y (x · y = 0),
where x, y are from the universe of real numbers.

Describe A and A, where A is the collection of all line segments with one end in (−∞; 0] × {0}
and the other in {2} × [2; +∞).

Q7 Given the relation

x ∼ y, when xy = 1, x, y ∈ R
determine if ∼ is

(a) semi-connex (b) connex (c) serial

(∼ ∪ ∼−1 ⊃ R2 \ idR ) (total, ∼ ∪ ∼−1 = R2 ) (∼ ◦ ∼ ⊂ ∼)

Q8 Decide if
(R × {2} \ {(1, 2)}) ∪ {(1, 1)}
is a function.

Q9 For f : Z → Z such that f : x 7→ (2x − 1) mod 5 g : R → R such that g : x 7→ 2x − 11

(a) check if f|A = g|A , where A = Z ∩ (5; 8)

(b) find f [[−2; 1] ∩ Z], g −1 [(−3; 1]].

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