Aluminium Ferrosilicon Powder

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Aluminium ferrosilicon powder, UN No 1395

Precautions: (1) Cargo dangerous when wet: contact with water, cargo
gives off hydrogen, a flammable gas, which may form
explosive mixture in air. Under similar conditions, impurities
present may produce highly toxic gases (phosphine and
arsine). Otherwise, i.e., kept dry, cargo is non-combustible or
has low fire risk. (2) Bulkheads between cargo spaces and the
engine rooms shall be gastight, inspected and approved by
competent authority. (3) During loading and discharging
operations, "No Smoking" signs shall be posted on decks and
in areas adjacent to cargo spaces and no naked
lights permitted in these areas. (4) Provide 2 sets (minimum)
of self-contained breathing apparatus further to those required
by SOLAS regulation II-2/10.10 (Fireman's outfit).
Trade Names/Synonyms: N/A
Description: Fine powder or in briquettes form.
IMO Classification: Group B, IMSBC Code - a chemical hazard (produces highly
flammable and toxic gases). IMO Class: 4.3 (substances
which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases),
Subsidiary Risk: 6.1(Toxic substances - substances that are
liable either to cause death or serious injury or to harm human
health if swallowed or inhaled, or by skin contact), IMDG Code,
UN No: 1395.
Required cargo certificates: Manufacturer or shipper should produce, PRIOR TO
LOADING, a certificate stating that cargo, after manufacture,
was stored under cover but exposed to the weather in the
shipment size, for not less than 3 days prior to shipment.
Required ship certificates: As per SOLAS Regulations II-2/19.4 (or II-2/54.3) and VII/2,
1974 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea), a
Document of Compliance is required when a ship carries or
intends to carry dangerous goods except class 6.2 (infectious
substances) and class 7 (radioactive materials).
Cargo: Bulk and packings.
Carriage: (1) "Separated from" foodstuffs and all class 8 liquids (see
section 9 of IMSBC Code). (2) According to IMSBC Code,
continuous mechanical ventilation required during voyage for
the cargo spaces carrying this material. This may be
interrupted if maintaining such ventilation will endanger the
cargo or ship unless there risks an explosion or other danger
should such ventilation be interrupted. In any event,
mechanical ventilation shall be maintained for a reasonable
period prior to discharge. (3) Have on board, suitable detectors
for quantitative measurements of the toxic gases (i.e.,
hydrogen, phosphine and arsine) to be made regularly as well
as record keeping of such measurements to be kept on
board. Certified safe for use in explosive atmosphere type of
detectors shall be used.
Size: N/A
Angle of repose: N/A
Stowage Factor m3/t: N/A
Hold Cleanliness: According to the IMSBC Code, it shall be clean and dry as
relevant to the cargo's hazards. Recommended: thoroughly
clean and dry. No residues or remnants of previous cargoes.
Loading: Trim cargo in accordance with the relevant provisions required
under sections 4 and 5 of the IMSBC Code.
Weather Precautions: Shall not be handled in wet weather. Shall be kept dry as
practicable. All non-working hatches of cargo spaces into
which this cargo is loaded or to be loaded shall be closed
during handling of this cargo.
Discharge: No special requirements according to the IMSBC Code. See
Clean up: Double sweep clean. Do NOT use water due to nature of
cargo's reaction with water, producing dangerous gases.
Emergency Response: First aid measures:(1) Inhalation: move to fresh area. Artificial
respiration to be given if victim is not breathing. Give oxygen if
there is breathing difficulties. Seek medical attention. ( 2) Eye
and skin contact: remove contaminated clothes and shoes.
Flush skin or eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes.
Seek medical attention if condition does not improve. Fire
fighting measures: Wear self contained breathing apparatus,
batten down (ie close/seal all hatches) and use carbon dioxide.
Do NOT use water (according to IMSBC Code). Spill/leak
measures: remove all ignition sources. For small spills - cover
with dry earth, dry sand, or other non-combustible material
followed with plastic sheet to minimize spreading or contact
with rain. Dike for later disposal; do not apply water unless
directed to do so. For powder spills - cover powder spill with
plastic sheet or tarp to minimise spreading and keep powder
dry. No cleaning up or disposal without supervision of a
Hazards (Occupational See "precautions".
safety etc):
Origin of cargo: Norway
Additional Information: N/A

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