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The presented line graph provides data about marriages and divorces in the UK over a 50-year period be-

tween 1956 and 2006. Units are measured im thousands of marriages and divorces.

It is clear that the total marriages saw a significant downward trend, whereas divorces and remarriages expe-
rienced a - upward trend given over the period from 1956 to 2006. Another interesting point is that divorces
outnumber remarriages during the time between 1966 and 1976.

Regarding the downward trend, all marriages stood at just over four hundred thousands in a year 1956. In
1966 the figure debt slightly and recovered, picking at under 500 thousand in about 1969. Despite a soft fluc-
tuation over the next three years the line remained unchanged. From about 1972 to 2006 all marriages wit-
nessed a noticeable drop plummeting to just under 300 thousands. First marriages line is quite similar to all
marriages as it also witnessed a minor fluctuations and a general downward tendency. First marriages begin
at about 350 thousand and remained unchanged until about 1969. In the next two years the figure softly fluc-
tuated and reached a pick at 500 thousand. From about 1971 to 2006 first marriages showed a dramatical
downward tendency and hit the lowest point in number of just under 200 thousand.

In a contrast, divorces and remarriages showed gentle upward tendency between 1966 and 1972 and all the
time except that period mostly remained steady. As for remarriages, the figure started at about 60 thousand in
1956. In the next decade there was no variations and the line remained unchanged. In 1966 the figure slightly
started to rise and by the year around 1971 reached 100 thousand. That year the number of divorces and re-
marriages equalized. After 1972 an upward trend stopped at the point of about 110 thousands and the line re-
mained unchanged up to the end. Therefore divorces outnumbered remarriages after 1972 despite the fact
that at the beginning divorces stood at about only 20 thousand. Likewise remarriages slow growth started in
1966, but finished only in 1976 by reaching point about 155 thousand. In the next 30-year period divorces
experienced variations but remained unchanged.

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