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Prueba de Evaluación de Bachillerato

para el acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura

Materia: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba: 1h. 30 min.

El alumno deberá escoger una de las dos opciones, A o B, y responder en inglés a todas las preguntas que se formulan
en la opción elegida, sin mezclar preguntas de una y otra. En el caso de la primera pregunta (la redacción), deberá
escribir tan sólo sobre uno de los dos temas propuestos.

But Mom, Video Games Are My Job!

Kyle Giersdorf is 16 years old. In July, he won the first-ever Fortnite World Cup, earning $3 million. Millions
of young teenagers are paying real money to watch other young people play video games. Tyler Blevins, known as
“Ninja,” earns $500,000 a month playing Fortnite. Does it make sense nowadays to support a teenager’s dreams
of being the next Tyler Blevins? Many parents do everything they can to support their children’s sporting dreams.
Is it any different if your child is staying up all night playing video games?
The University of California offers rather innovative scholarships to play e-sports just as many long
established colleges have always offered scholarships to play traditional sports such as rugby or football. In a phone
interview, I asked Mark Deppe, director of the e-sports program, “If you heard that one of your students was staying
up till 5 in the morning playing video games, missing classes, what would you say?” “That’s not what we want to
see,” Mr. Deppe told me. “That’s what we want to avoid. We teach time management and mental health. We have
a staff member dedicated to monitoring class attendance, assignments and grades.”
But, “what do you tell a student if he says he wants to be a professional gamer?”, I asked. “We’re pretty
straightforward. We show them the numbers”. Sure, some become professional players, but they don’t make
enough money playing video games to live off that. Even if they become pro, that career isn’t likely to last more
than a couple of years. They need to have a plan for what they will be doing after they hang up the mouse and
keyboard. “We believe that e-sports can’t be your final destination”, Mr Deppe states. The key for him is to teach
kids the skills they need to keep themselves from running into obstacles.
Adapted from The New York Times (

1. Write a composition of no less than 100 words about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):
a. Activision company is looking for a PS4 game tester for a new video game. Write a job application
letter in order to show you are the best candidate for this job.
b. Write an essay in which you discuss the following topic: “Teens are nowadays having socialisation
problems due to the excessive time they spend online using social media and playing games.”
2. Answer the following two questions and justify your answer with evidence from the text:
a. Are any institutions offering innovations in contrast to traditional universities? (maximum 1 point).
b. Is there in the text any piece of advice to students who want to become professional gamers?
(maximum 1 point).
3. Find one word in the text for each of the following definitions (maximum 0,5 points per word, total 2
a. To encourage or sustain someone’s ideas
b. To keep away from; to prevent from happening
c. The act or manner of handling, directing or controlling something
d. The abilities to do something well
4. Imagine your friend Luca is very good at designing game graphics. However, he doesn’t want to go to
university because he thinks he will miss his family and friends too much. Use just two or three
sentences to advise him to study at university and give him a good reason to do so. (maximum 1 point)
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in indirect style (reported speech), beginning with the words She asked
(maximum 1 point):
Does it make sense nowadays to support a teenager’s dreams of being the next Tyler Blevins?
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative-negative form of the future simple tense. Write only
one sentence (maximum 1 point):
They don’t make enough money playing video games to live off that.
Prueba de Evaluación de Bachillerato
para el acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura

Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba: 1h. 30 min.


Pregunta número 2: Comprensión de los textos

Pregunta 2.a:
La respuesta a esta pregunta ha de ser afirmativa y apoyarse en la información que se encuentra en la primera oración
del segundo párrafo: "The University of California offers cutting-edge scholarships to play e-sports just as many long established
colleges have always offered scholarships to play traditional sports such as rugby or football".

Pregunta 2.b:
La respuesta a esta pregunta ha de ser afirmativa y apoyarse en la información que se encuentra en las oraciones
cuarta y sexta del tercer párrafo:
“[...] they probably don’t make enough money playing video games to live off that.”
“They need to have a plan for what you will be doing after they hang up the mouse and keyboard.”
Se considerará válida la respuesta si se apoya en las dos oraciones o en una cualquiera de ellas.

Pregunta número 3: Localización de vocabulario

Las respuestas correctas son las siguientes:
a) support (líneas 3 y 4)
b) avoid (línea 10)
c) management (línea 10)
d) skills (línea 17)

Pregunta número 4: Situación

Se aceptarán como respuestas válidas para este ejercicio, merecedoras de la máxima puntuación (1 punto),
contestaciones que se asemejen a las siguientes, o cualesquiera otras que se adecuen a la situación y se formulen en términos

• Luca, how about considering it again? I’m convinced that you shouldn’t be afraid to be alone because you will meet lots of
people and make new friends at university.
• Let’s think about it again, Luca. If I were you, I would change my mind. Going to University is the best way to overcome
your fears. If you don’t, you won’t be able to fulfil your dream of becoming a graphic designer.
• Come on, Luca! Why don’t you try it? It’s a great opportunity to develop your skills and know how to live by yourself. Please,
think about it, it’s worth a try!
• I would recommend that you go to university. It is a good chance for you to become an expert in game designing and make
friends that share your likes. Do not waste it!
• I believe you should go to university, Luca. Think about it: that’s where the great experts are, the people you could learn a
lot of things from!

Pregunta número 5: Transformación gramatical

Se considerarán como respuestas correctas las siguientes:
a. She asked if / whether it made sense then / at that time to support a teenager’s dreams of being the next Tyler Blevins.
b. Won’t they make enough money playing video games to live off that?
Will they not make enough money playing video games to live off that?

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