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Name________________________ class V

Unit 2 & 3

I. Напиши го името на професиите под сликата 5/_______

_____________ __________ ____________ ______________ _______________

II. Употреби ги придавките: Small, Big, Beautiful, Terrible, Cheap, Expensive. 5/_____

 This car costs 50000£. Waw, it’s really ________________. I don’t have so much money.

 Gloria is a ______________ girl. Her dresses are modern and she always wears make up.

 The weather was really ___________. There were many clouds and it was rainy all day.

 Their flat is very _________. It has even 5 rooms: one big living room with kitchen and a dining room, two bathrooms and a
big terrace too.

 I need to buy some oranges. They cost one 1 pound. They are ___________.

III. Во следните реченици употреби WAS, WERE, WASN’T, WEREN’T 10/____

 Sophie ___________ at a concert last night. 
 _______ she there with her friends? Yes, she _______
 They _______ very happy with the presents from their parents. 
 My brother _________ at the football match at the playground. X He _________ at the cinema. 
 ___________ they at school yesterday? No, they ________
 ______the baby hungry? No, it _________

IV. Употреби MUCH MANY A LOT OF 5/_______

 I don’t have ______________ time to talk about the same thing.

 He is very happy, because he has ________________ friends.

 Is there ____________ cheese in the pizza? It’s a little bit salty.

 Do you need ____________ oranges for the cake? No, only two.

 ________________ children use mobile phones every day.

V. Употреби SOME/ANY 5/_____

 There are _____________ color pencils on the desk. Are they yours?

 I don’t drink ________ coffee. I like to have __________ tea.

 There is __________ ice cream in the fridge. Do you want to have a plate of ice cream?

 Do you want to buy __________ of these flowers?


 _________________ two girls from Spain in my class last year. 

 _________________ any people who I know at the wedding. X

 _________________ a big tree in my grandparent’s garden.

 _________________ a birthday cake at all. Only some muffins and a glass of juice X

 _________________ an old bag on a bench in the park

Total score-40 points Your score___________ Grade_______________________

0-15=1 16-20=2 21-26=3 27-33=4 34-40=5

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