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Managed Services
Pricing Guide
2475 MeadowbrookPkwy
Duluth,GA 30096

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IT Calculator3000

Product/Service # Users $ Unit Break/Fix A la Carte Managed IT

* Ransomware Prevention 0 55.00 0.00 0.00

* Antivirus 0 32.00 0.00 0.00

* Firewall 0 3,461.00 0.00 0.00
Data Back-Up 0 3,000.00 0.00 0.00
Email Filtering 0 48.40 0.00 0.00

IT Manager Salary 0 120,888.00 0.00 0.00

CIO Salary 0 162,188.00 0.00 0.00

Per Workstation Device 0 420.00 N/A 0.00

Per Server Device 0 1,200.00 N/A 0.00

Per Network Device 0 600.00 N/A 0.00

** Total Workstation Users 0 1,800.00 N/A N/A 0.00

Service Call # Hrs/Yr $/Hr

Workstation Service 0 135.00 0.00 0.00

Server Service 0 135.00 N/A 0.00

Remote Support Call 0 100.00 0.00 0.00

Annual Totals 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 mo.

* Pricing based on users: up to 25, up to 50 and up to 100 users

** Services include all line items, plus additional non-listed services
Managed Services Pricing Guide

Important Note: As we stated in the introduction, the pricing calculator isn’t designed to be
a definitive resource for determining pricing. Many factors are considered
when determining a managed services price, as each business brings its
own unique challenges. Likewise, break-fix services and a la carte provid-
ers (who are sometimes also managed service providers) will base their
pricing on several factors. Costs in the pricing calculator are based on re-
tail figures that you can expect to pay if you attempt to outfit your business
on your own.

Furthermore, managed service providers often use premium brands with

fully loaded equipment. The costs in the calculator for break-fix and a la
carte options are basic package prices, unless otherwise noted. The result
is typically a higher pricepoint for managed services.

IT ServiceS Models

It is important to understand the subtle and not-so-subtle differences

behind the different service provider models. To help you understand, we
have offered a short description of each, below:

Managed Services: The most comprehensive packages and most expensive (at face value)
fall into this category. Managed services serve as a compliment to an al-
ready existing, in-house IT support, or can serve in lieu of in-house IT. A
comprehensive managed services plan would include all the line items
in the pricing calculator, including a 24/7 help desk and a host of other
benefits. Managed services companies are typically also responsible for
staying abreast of the latest technology trends, evolving security threats,
new government regulations and technology vendor management.

Break-Fix: A method of providing information technology services to a business on a

fee-per-service method. Customers are charged on an as-needed basis.
On the surface, this is often seen as the most cost-effective model be-
cause you only pay when something goes wrong. All other services, like
antivirus and ransomware protection, as well as email filtering and equip-
ment maintenance, is an additional cost to the customer.

A la Carte: This method of service is an interim between break-fix and managed ser-
vices. A la carte is often used by companies who want IT services but feel
they can’t afford managed services. Plans typically include a set number
of support hours that can be purchased, with other features being added
as desired.
Pricing Calculator Glossary of Terms

Ransomware Prevention Designed to augment existing endpoint security or antivirus soft-

ware, giving you next-generation anti-virus, anti-ransomware, root
cause analysis, and advanced system cleaning technology.

Ransomware: a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that

threatens to publish a victim’s personal data or perpetually block
access to it unless a ransom is paid. Ransom is often paid in the
form of bitcoin. Most ransomware attacks occur months or years
after the ransomware was loaded and once a company pays a ran-
somware, the likelihood of a repeat attack increases.

Antivirus Software designed to destroy viruses and protect computers. The

most common form of this is a “trojan.” These are viruses embed-
ded in links or downloads, disguised in a manner that encourages a
user to download them by mistake. Today, phishing techniques are
commonly used to lure unsuspecting individuals into downloading
malware without their knowledge.

Phishing: The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to

be from reputable companies to induce individuals to reveal per-
sonal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Firewall A physical piece that is part of your network system, designed to

block unauthorized access while permitting outward communica-
tion. This is separate from your antivirus. Many personal computers
have a virtual firewall that is hosted by a software company.

Data Back-Up The copying of physical or virtual files or databases to a secondary

site for preservation in case of equipment failure or other catastro-
phe (such as a fire). Data back-up can come in the form of physical,
external hard drives or cloud storage. Cloud storage is ultimately
safer because of the data being stored off-site, which avoids the
risk of a fire destroying information. Data back-up allows for sim-
pler disaster recovery, in the event something should harm original
data files.

Email Filtering Email filtering allows a user to manage and organize the flow of
incoming email messages, including spam filtering.
IT Manager Salary A position in a company that focuses on keeping an organiza-
tion’s infrastructure current and functioning. Other responsibil-
ities may include managing an IT staff, vendor management,
organizing and evaluating IT and electronic data operations.
Average salary for this position as reported on for
Atlanta, GA

CIO Salary Chief Information Officer (CIO) is an executive job title commonly
given to the person at an enterprise in charge of IT strategy and
the computer systems required to support the organization’s
unique objectives and goals. Average salary for this position was
taken from data gathering.

Per Workstation Flat, monthly-rate support for user workstations. For A La Carte
Device IT and some Managed Services providers, service is limited to a
pre-determined number of hours for on-site and remote support.

Per Server Device Flat, monthly-rate support for servers located within a company.
Server support is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance
of a company’s servers on-site, and in some cases, remotely.
Server support is limited to a pre-determined number of hours
for on-site and remote support with A La Carte IT companies and
some Managed Services providers.

Per Network Device Flat, monthly-rate support for non-workstation devices that are
connected to a company’s network. For A La Carte IT and some
Managed Services providers, service is limited to a pre-deter-
mined number of hours for on-site and remote support. (Ex: wire-
less access points, switches, routers, etc.)

Total Workstation The total number of computer workstations (desktop and lap-
Device tops) used by users. This can be calculated by the quantity of
physical equipment used by the company or by the total number
of company email addresses. What qualifies as a workstation
user varies from provider to provider.

Standard Office Systems

2475 Meadowbrook Pkwy
Duluth, GA 30096
Workstation Service The per-hour rate for
service when issues
arise with an individual
user’s computer worksta-
tion. Other factors to con-
sider - not included in pricing
calculator – are if the com-
pany sends two specialists
(which can include ones who
are being trained, doubling the
rate) and travel time fees, which
be up to an additional $100 per
hour. The national industry aver-
age for this type of service call is
1 hour charged per work station
that needs service (+ travel fees).

Server Service The per-hour rate when issues arise

with on-site servers for your company.
Other factors to consider – not included
in pricing calculator – are if the company
sends two specialists (which can include
ones who are being trained, doubling the
rate) and travel time fees, which can be
up to an additional $100 per hour. The na-
tional average for this type of service call is
2 ½ hours per server (+ travel fees).

Remote Support Call The per-minute rate for working with a support
technician remotely. This may include time spent
with a call center that is responsible for connect-
ing you with a support technician. Some A La Carte
IT and Managed Services providers offer packag-
es with a specified number of minutes/hours per
month that can be used for remote support calls.

Standard Office Systems

2475 Meadowbrook Pkwy
Duluth, GA 30096
Did you know that downtime is more than just an inconve-
nience for your business? It can also cost you a fortune! You
may be aware that downtime can be expensive, but you may
not know how much it really costs you. It’s difficult to manage
an IT network, but without it, your organization can’t function.
You may be surprised to see how truly expensive downtime is
for your company.

The True Cost of Downtime

More companies than ever are turning to Managed IT Ser-

vices to guard against network downtime. It’s not hard to see
why when you review the numbers. Recent estimates suggest
that downtime costs nearly $10,000 per hour for a retail busi-
ness, over $5,000 per hour for banks, over $4,000 per hour
for media companies, and an astonishing $14,836.80 per
hour for insurance companies (Source: Schneider Electric, as-
suming 40 employees).
Other estimates, like the study commissioned by the Ponemon Institute, are even more
staggering. Their 2016 report states the average median cost of unplanned downtime at
$7,003 per minute, with the cost ranging from $137 to $17,244 per minute. As noted in
the figures above, this number can range dramatically based on company size and indus-

The news is better, but not great for small businesses. According to a study by IDC,
downtime for small businesses ranged between $82,200 to $256,000, per instance.
Most small businesses can’t afford downtime of that scale more than once in a single

These numbers are staggering, but how are they determined?

The most challenging part of determining these figures for your business is determining
the often-forgotten intangible costs, such as the cost of a damaged reputation. Addition-
ally, your business model will often affect these results, as well. For instance, a business
that provides most of its services through online channels will experience higher down-
time costs.

Use these formulas to assist in determining an estimated cost of downtime for your

Revenue Loss

(Gross Revenue/Total Annual Business Hours) x Percentage of Impact x Hours of Down-


Productivity Loss

Number of Employees Affected x Average Cost of Employees Affected per Hour x Hours
of Downtime
How Managed Services Changes the Story
Managed services allow you to outsource your network management, giving you a team of
experts monitoring your IT for optimal operation around the clock. You stop spending most
of your IT budget on basic maintenance, and instead allow your staff to focus on strategic

Managed services have grown exponentially over the years, and with good reason: compa-
nies are quickly seeing the benefit of outsourcing tasks to save time and money. Managed
services never go on vacation and offer a large portfolio of technical talent and knowledge at
your disposal.

Choosing to ignore the potential for downtime and malware attacks by attempting to save
money in the short-term is like rolling the dice on healthcare. When you are healthy, you don’t
need it. But if you aren’t covered when something goes wrong, it will cost a small fortune to
get the help needed. An IBM study determined that there is an average of 4,000 cyber attacks
per day in the United States. Of the companies who were attacked, 60% of small businesses
went out of business within six months of the attack.

The most alarming statistic of all…

90% of small businesses don’t use any data protection at all for company and customer infor-
mation, and two-thirds of all attacks target small businesses.

What Can Be Done?

If you downloaded this e-book, you understand the value of a secure network. Hopefully, this
guide and pricing calculator has also helped you understand the cost benefits of being fully
protected. The peace of mind of knowing you are protected is worth the investment alone. If
you are looking for more information, you can easily pick-up the phone or go to the SOS web-
site by visiting: s o s c a n h e l p . c o m for a free consult.

If you still aren’t sure if managed services are the right investment, here are some sugges-
tions by UPS CapitalTM and VerizonTM that can help your company become better prepared:
o Get cyber liability insurance
o Develop a data breach response plan that includes a communications response plan
o Regularly test your data security systems and procedures
o Invest in physical security (not all data theft is online driven)
o Encrypt sensitive data
o Enable two-factor authentication
o Train staff to learn to easily identify phishing threats

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