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Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts

Book · December 2013

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4409.1685


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4 authors:

Yashwant Ramma Ajeevsing Bholoa

Mauritius Institute of Education Mauritius Institute of Education


Hemant Bessoondyal Savila Thapermall

Mauritius Institute of Education Mauritius Institute of Education


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Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 1


he purpose of this pedagogical integration manual is to bring to the attention of
physics and mathematics Educators how their knowledge of the relationships between
mathematics and physics concepts as well as their collaborative endeavour can make
a significant difference in the effective teaching and learning of physics and mathematics.
For too long it has been assumed that students, on having learnt concepts in mathematics,
will, by themselves, create related links during the physics lessons. Unfortunately, such an
assumption cannot be considered valid in its entirety for obvious reasons. Each student
constructs meaning of concepts depending on a number of factors within the physical and
social environment s/he evolves in, and on the interactions between them. That is why the
teacher-centred approach, which is a unilateral type of approach, cannot favour conceptual
development in all learners, and within the same classroom set-up.
This manual targets the teaching and learning of physics and mathematics at Form III
level, and provides Educators with appropriate knowledge of the relationships between
physics concepts to be taught at Form III and the related mathematics concepts at Form I, II
and III levels. It is necessary that Form III physics students have developed the appropriate
building blocks in mathematics to be able to construct purposeful knowledge structures in
physics. Meaning associated with mathematics concepts when developed at lower secondary
level should bear the same meaning when used in physics at Form III level (and higher). Both
the mathematics and physics Educators, when working collaboratively, can ensure that
during the process of knowledge construction by the students, the same meaning making
of concepts is taking place. Integration of knowledge from different subject areas is not a
straight forward process, as students, if left on their own, can construct bridges that, in the
long run, may interfere with current understanding and hinder long-term learning. Integration
of knowledge should be understood as a process rather than a product, and the collaborative
role of Educators is an important facet in ensuring the development of purposeful knowledge
structures by learners.
A comprehensive analysis of the mathematics curricula (NCF, 2009) at Form I, II & III levels,
in conjunction with the physics curriculum (NCF, 2009) at Form III level has been made in
order to situate the links among related concepts. Together with the adoption of the Thinking
Process Model, appropriate strategies, backed by research, have been proposed to guide the
mathematics and physics Educators to engage students to integrate concepts meaningfully.
It is expected that the mathematics and physics Educators will join hands and become the
agents of change for extending this model of knowledge integration at national level. The
authors would wish to have regular feedback on the process of integration for continuous
review of the thought-provoking approach.

Please submit your views and suggestions by email to:

Professor Y. Ramma
page I 2 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level


Professor Y. Ramma
Team Leader
Head, School of Science and Mathematics

Dr A. Bholoa
Senior Lecturer
Mathematics Education Department

Dr H. Bessoondyal
Associate Professor
Head, Mathematics Education Department

Mrs S. Thapermall-Ramasawmy
Mathematics Education Department


Ms J. Ramasawmy for proofreading this manual

Dr Martin Samy, Senior Lecturer,Leeds Metropolitan University
Mr O. Nath Varma, Director, MIE
Mrs O. Cudian, Registrar, MIE

Graphic Designer: Mrs K. Ernest, MIE Graphics Section

Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 3


INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 5
CONCEPT OF INTEGRATION .................................................. 6
Integration - Physics and Mathematics ............................................................. 8
MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Length ..................................................... 12
• Whole numbers ................................................................................. 14
• Fractions .......................................................................................... 14
• Decimals ........................................................................................... 15
• Integers ............................................................................................ 15
• Real numbers .................................................................................... 15
• Indices .............................................................................................. 16
MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Volume .................................................... 17
MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Mass & Time ............................................. 19
MOTION > Linear Motion .............................................................................. 22
MOTION > Proportion, ratio, rate ................................................................... 24
MOTION > Equations and Equations of straight lines ........................................ 26
MOTION > Gradients and Equations of lines .................................................... 29
MOTION > Vectors and Subject of formula ...................................................... 35
ENERGY > Work, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Power ........................... 39
OPTICS > Reflection and Refraction ............................................................... 43
THE CONCEPT OF ELECTRICITY ...................................................................... 47
ELECTRICITY > Electric current, Potential difference, Ohm’s law and Power ....... 50
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 55
REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 55
INDEX ......................................................................................................... 60
page I 4 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 5


T he integration of concepts from two subject areas, namely physics

and mathematics demands that a careful analysis of the contents in
the two subject areas be carried out to identify common concepts
that are directly or indirectly related with each other. A concept introduced
in mathematics should not create confusion in the mind of the students
when the same concept is learnt in physics, and vice versa. That concept
should bear a similar terminological interpretation (this will be developed
later), be it in physics or in mathematics. Such a correlation has to be drawn
in order to ensure that learners do not construct an erroneous meaning to
the same concept introduced in the two different subject areas. Wicklein
and Schell (1995) acknowledge that the way the curricula are developed
does not enable learners to assimilate the concepts taught in different
subject areas into something consistent and coherent. In order for the
brain to make connections between and among concepts taught in different
subject areas, the appropriate conditions have to be created by educators.
Teaching is a matter of ensuring that learners are constructing purposeful
knowledge in their minds. For conceptual understanding, lessons have to
be made interactive to set learners in situations of cognitive dissonance
(Festinger, 1962; Aikenhead & Jegede, 1999; Egan, Santos & Bloom, 2007) or
of cognitive conflict (Cantor, 1983; Limon, 2001; Lee et al., 2003). Festinger
(1962) introduced the term cognitive dissonance to illustrate a change in
behaviour as a result of certain imposed conditions related to a given
situation. Engaging learners in situations of cognitive conflict (or cognitive
dissonance), which entails exposing them to a multitude of data which
could either be anomalous or contradictory (Limon, 2001), compel them to
activate knowledge (prior knowledge) acquired in various disciplines to make
sense of the new situation. The moment the newly acquired knowledge
is consistent with existing knowledge, there is conceptual change, that is,
learning has taken place. The more learners have the opportunity of being
engaged in developing appropriate dispositions, the more knowledgeable
and skilful they become (Carini, Kuh & Klein, 2006; Kuh, 2003). Moreover,
page I 6 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Carini, Kuh & Klein (2006) stress on the positive engagement towards
desirable learning outcomes, in the form of critical thinking and grades.


urriculum integration is a term commonly used in education when it
concerns teaching and learning of subject-specific disciplines. It is
referred to as ‘a way of thinking … about the sources of curriculum and
about the uses of knowledge’ (Bean, 1995, p. 616). Songer & Linn (1991) provide
more information on the integration of knowledge, which ‘involves distinguishing
ideas that may seem at the onset to “make sense” of events’ (p.763).

Badley (2009, p. 115) offers a wider definition of curriculum integration:

“Integration involves curriculum or instruction that combines, draws

upon or encourages students to see connections between the contents
of two or more academic disciplines.”

The way the curriculum is developed does not offer opportunities for
integration and Illeris (2003) highlights that in school, emphasis is laid on
learning content which is discipline-based. It is therefore assumed that
students will combine the separate parts of the curriculum into something
holistically coherent (Zhou, Kim & Kerekes, 2011). It rests upon teachers
to ensure that new knowledge is connected to existing knowledge of
the learners (Limon, 2001). Because teachers have not been involved
in a pedagogical programme, they tend to assume that integration of
mathematics will be done by learners in the physics lessons. As such, the
divide which exists between content and pedagogy results in fragmented
teaching (Ball & Bass, 2000). The authors contend that if the link between
subject matter knowledge and pedagogy is not made, there is the possibility
that integration might never take place. Shulman’s (1986) conception of
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has brought much of an insight into
the notion of integration of content, pedagogy and curriculum. The author
maintains that:
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 7

“Teachers must not only be capable of defining for students the accepted
truths in a domain. They must also be able to explain why a particular
proposition is deemed warranted, why it is worth knowing, and how it
relates to other propositions, both within the discipline and without,
both in theory and in practice” (p. 9).

However, a large number of researches undertaken subsequently fail to

provide much of an insight into how the integration should be made and
how contents, both within and without, and pedagogy should be organized.
Illeris (2003) holds the view that though learning is ‘assimilative’ (p. 402),
learners frequently encounter difficulty to apply knowledge acquired in one
area to other areas, especially outside school.

This pedagogical booklet thus aims to offer an insight into how the
integration of mathematics in physics lessons at Form III level should be
undertaken by both physics and mathematics teachers. The physics and
mathematics educators are required to work collaboratively and as Brownell
at al. (2006) advocate, there is every possibility that they will be able to
bring adequate adjustments to their practices and eventually such practices
will pave the way towards an on-going means of professional development.

Physics Mathematics
Content Content
Knowledge Knowledge

Knowledge -
Physics and

Physico-mathematical constructs
Figure 1: Integration of physics and mathematics
page I 8 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Our intention is to help physics and mathematics educators develop the

appropriate dispositions so as to facilitate learners’ development of conceptual
understanding as a means to bridge the gap between mathematics and physics.

Integration - Physics and Mathematics

t secondary level, most of the physics concepts taught, starting
from Form III, heavily rely on mathematics concepts introduced in
mathematics lessons as early as Forms I and II. The integration of
physics and mathematics demands that educators of the respective subject
areas work in collaboration to implement an appropriate integrative strategy
so that learners visualise the mathematics-related concepts during physics
lessons (or mathematics lessons) in a specific context. Figure 1 illustrates
a pedagogical dimension that considers physics content knowledge,
mathematics content knowledge in intersection with each other and with
their respective pedagogical content knowledge. This pedagogical dimension
is termed ‘physico-mathematical constructs’. Students with a poor
understanding in mathematics will certainly develop poor understanding in
physics (Toka & Askar, 2002) and the ability to solve numerical problems
in mathematics is not a necessary and sufficient condition for functional
understanding in physics (Ramma and Bessoondyal, 2001; Kim & Pak, 2002).

For the authors to come up with the integration process of physics and
mathematics concepts, the following questions acted as guides:

• To what extent do physics educators make direct reference to the

mathematics concepts when introducing a physics concept which has as
basis a mathematics concept?
• Is the mathematics educator aware of the application of the mathematics
concepts in physics?
• To what extent does the mathematics educator make the link between
mathematics concept and its related application in physics?
• To what extent does collaboration between the mathematics and physics
educators ensure coherence in learning physics concepts by learners?
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 9

In order to guide both the physics and mathematics educators to offer

adequate pedagogical physico-mathematical support to physics students,
the Thinking Process Model (Parmessur et al., 2005) will be adapted to
develop concepts in physics and in mathematics. It should be noted that the
thinking paradigm from Novak’s (1998) concept map is most appropriate in
enabling both the teachers and students to situate the links among concepts
but does not offer opportunity to decide on the strategies. In our model,
the Thinking Stage (TS) is an important element which ensures thinking is
done prior to retrieving a concept from memory within and across physics
and mathematics.

Figure 2 gives a snapshot of the Thinking Process Model (TPM) and which will,
henceforth, be used to develop the integration of physics and mathematics
concepts leading to the development of physico-mathematical constructs.
In this model, the main physics concept, (a), is assumed to be dependent
upon a mathematics concept, (b).
(c) Sub phy conc. 1-n
Sub phy concepts 1 (h)
(f) (k)
(a) (d) Sub phy conc. 2-n
Main Physics Concepts TS 1 Sub phy concepts 2 TS 2 (i)
Sub phy conc. 3-n
Sub phy concepts 3
Sub phy conc. 4-n
(l) Sub maths conc. 1-n
(b) (o) Sub maths conc. 1 (t) (q)

(m) Sub maths conc. 2-n

Mathematics Concepts TS 3 TS 4
Sub maths conc. 2
Sub maths conc. 3-n
Sub maths conc. 3
Sub maths conc. 4-n

Figure 2: TPM - Integration of physics and mathematics concepts

page I 10 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

For a learner to construct purposeful knowledge about ‘(a)’, the learner

needs to critically retrieve the required physics concepts [illustrated as
three (or more) sub physics concepts – (c) – (e)] by going through a thinking
process (illustrated as TS – Thinking Stage). However, if any one of these
concepts depends upon one or more mathematics concepts, then the
learner should be able to shift from the physics level through the physics
Thinking Stages TS1 and TS2 to the mathematics Thinking Stages, TS3 and
TS4. Such transitions are of paramount importance to maintain consistency
and coherence in the relationship between mathematics and physics. The
learner can now retrieve any related mathematics concepts [illustrated
by (l) – (n) or more and by (p) – (s) or more]. It is also important that for
any concept, be it in mathematics or physics, the learner should undertake
the thinking stage before proceeding to a new stage to enable concrete
building blocks to be developed in the mind. For instance, for constructive
learning, if the learner is at level, (c), then to consider level (d), the transition
is done through TS1. Such a multimodal approach to knowledge acquisition
allows re-organization of existing knowledge structures rather than mere
enrichment of knowledge (Merenluoto & Lehtinen, 2004).

For the understanding of a concept and construction of purposeful

knowledge structures in relation to that concept, transition (thinking) from
one level to another should be undertaken through a given TS. Reference to
learners’ existing knowledge or prior beliefs is an important stepping stone
towards developing critical thinking (Stankovich & West, 1997; Davis, 2003).
Integration should not be understood as mere replacement of ideas, but as
a process which engages learners in cognitive conflict. In addition, Williams
et al. (2009) point out that when learners are led to scaffold newer concepts
with an already existing one, there is every opportunity for the concepts to
become linked in the mind.

When the role of the teacher shifts from ‘sage on the stage’ to ‘guide on
the side’ (Jones, 2006), learners become motivated, and eventually learning
takes a different course of action. It is also worth noting that integration
necessitates a collaborative culture to be established in such a way that there
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 11

is flow of information between departments (Ross and Hogaboam-Gray,

1998; Hatch and Smith, 2013). The authors confirm that students engaged
in an integration programme were more motivated and performed better
than students following normal courses. The collaboration between the
physics and mathematics departments is the key to adopting an integration
approach by educators as stipulated by Carson (1999, p. 46):

Mathematics courses can provide the tools needed to understand

physics; physics courses can provide contexts in which mathematics can
be applied. However, the connections between mathematics and science
departments are often weak, and teachers on both sides are unaware
of where and why there are differences. Students too have difficulty
transferring their knowledge between subjects. Where supplementary
mathematics courses are offered to students they do not always relate
well to the subjects they are designed to support. We need to work
hard in schools and colleges to build bridges between departments and
subjects, to look actively for opportunities to make connections, to have
time to work and plan with colleagues.

The Thinking Stage (TS) incorporates a multimodal set of processes whereby

learners are required to “explore a symbolic model of the task to determine a
course of action that should be the best (or at least be satisfactory)” (Gilhooly,
1996, p. 1). The multimodal set of processes encapsulates in addition to the
process of thinking, a multitude of strategies, such as inquiry, questioning,
concept formation, case studies, etc. The TS serves as a bridge, linking
the content disciplines, pedagogy and teaching strategies into a coherent
cluster to enable learners to create links towards developing appropriate
cognitive structures since an ‘integrated curriculum is apparently not a
necessary condition for integrated understanding’ (Badley, 2009, pp. 118).

For the purpose of this pedagogical instructional manual on the integration

of mathematics in physics at Form III level, the mathematics concepts will
cut across Forms I to III to ensure that learners are able to situate the
appropriate links with existing prior knowledge.
page I 12 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level


MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Length

he first physics concept (refer to NCF secondary, 2009) which is
introduced at Form III is Measurement. Figure 3 depicts the TPM for
the physics and mathematics building blocks for Measurement. It is
worth noting that reference could also be made to mathematics concepts
at lower levels (in this case, Form II or even Form I). In Figure 3, the target
physics concept is at Form III level, while the integration with mathematics
captures concepts at both Form III and Form II levels.

In order for students to develop understanding of the physics concept of

‘measurement of length’, learners should have a notion of the following
physics sub-concepts:
• Concept of length
• Physical quantity
• Magnitude
• Unit

It should be highlighted that the meaning of the terms ‘physical’ and ‘value’
also constitute the building blocks for understanding ‘measurement of
length’. Thus, any word that the physics teacher utters should be concisely
used and students should be put into cognitive conflict to enable them to
develop understanding of these terminologies.

The term ‘physical’ refers to something having material existence, and

that can be perceived by the senses.
‘Quantity’ refers to something that has magnitude or value.
The term ‘value’ refers to a numerical quantity which has been
obtained either by measurement, by calculation or by estimation.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 13

concept of length Physics building blocks

physical quantity meaning of ‘physical’

Measurement of TS 1 TS 2
length magnitude value


conversion - unit

fractional powers
Numbers TS 3
mult., div., indices

symbols <, >, =

real number

MATHS [F 2] decimals

Numbers TS 4

whole numbers

mult/div of indices

length in SI units

MATHS [F 1] conversion of SI
units of length
Numbers TS 4 Figure 3: Integration –
arithmetic oper.
involving length measurement of length
word probl. inv.

page I 14 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Students should be guided to make relevant links with mathematics concepts

learnt in Form II or Form I, namely whole numbers, decimals, integers, real
numbers and indices, as described below. For instance, when measurement
of length is done in physics, students’ thinking should be extended to whole
numbers, decimals, integers and real numbers learnt in the mathematics
lessons. The physics educator should be prepared to enable students to
create the required links.

When a length is measured it usually refers to how long or tall something is,
or how far apart two objects are. Length is also related, as appropriate, with
terms such as height, distance, etc. A length, when measured, is reported
using a number along with the unit in which measurement has been taken.
The number can be a natural number (a whole number without zero), a
number with a decimal, a positive integer or a positive rational number.
Students should be able to develop understanding that length, though a
physical quantity, does not take negative values because the reference or
initial point in measuring length is taken to be 0. However, it should be
pointed out that temperature, although also being a physical quantity, can
take negative values, representing temperatures below zero degrees Celsius.

u Whole numbers
Whole number (denotes something that can be counted) refers to
the following numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …
When counting whole numbers, the zero is omitted.
When zero is omitted, the numbers (1, 2, 3 …) are referred to as
Natural numbers.
No fractions are allowed.
u Fractions
A fraction can be viewed as a ratio of whole numbers which can be
thought of as denoting the number of equal parts out of a whole.
In measurement of length, for example, a length of 1/10 cm would
imply 1 of the ten equal parts of 1 cm. Fractions can be converted to
decimals (e.g. 1/10 = 0.1). The CIE Report June 2012, School Certificate,
Q.11 (paper 1) illustrates a common mistake:
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 15

Many correct answers were seen but were spoilt by converting
to or to .

u Decimals
Decimal refers to a number system constituting of a set of whole
numbers with ten as its base. This number system uses a decimal
point to numbers of all types and sizes. For example, 5.36 or 0.012,
the whole number parts (units, tens, hundreds…) and the fractional
part (tenths, hundredths…) are separated by a decimal point. 5.36
= 536 x 10-2 or 0.012 = 12 x 10-3.

With reference to School Certificate Mathematics CIE 2012 Report (Paper 1),
inability of students to correctly apply knowledge of decimals is evident as
illustrated below:

Question (a) Evaluate 8 + 2 x 1.3

This part of this question on the order of the four operations showed
that many candidates need to get an understanding of place value with
decimal numbers. Attempts at evaluating 8 + 2.6 yielded 3.4, 34, 11.4.
Some candidates seemed unaware of the rules regarding the order of
operations and obtained 13, from (8 + 2) x1.3.

u Integers
Integers are whole numbers but they include negative numbers as
well. Examples of integers are: …,-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…
No fractions are allowed.

u Real numbers
Real numbers are all numbers that exist. The following diagram
(Figure 4) illustrates all real numbers.
page I 16 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

1.7142857 …
Integers √2 π
Whole -3/4
-1 -1/2
1, 2, 3, … 0 -2 Rational

-3 1.25


Figure 4: Real Numbers

u Indices
8 = 2 x 2 x 2= 23. 2 x 2 x 2 is the expanded form (or product of prime
factor) of 8; 2 is the base; 3 is the index (or power).
1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 103

In physics, when the concept of ‘magnitude’ is introduced, students’

understanding of the relevant mathematics concepts (learnt in Form III)
about greater (>), less (<) or equal to (=) should be explored whenever the
need arises, especially for comparisons.

When the concept of length is introduced, mention should be made that

length is a physical quantity and that it can be expressed as a word problem
(with reference to mathematics Form I). In the word problems, terms
such as breadth, distance, or height characterise the concept of length
measurement. During the physics lesson, conversion of length in other
units than the SI unit should be undertaken and this should be related to
‘conversion of SI units of length’ learnt in mathematics in Form I. Here, links
with indices in mathematics should be made: l = 2 mm = 0.2 cm = 0.02 m
= 2 x 10-2 m. Knowledge about indices learnt in mathematics facilitates the
conversion of length into a standard form. The importance of conversion
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 17

also needs to be highlighted. There is a need to highlight that the CIE

(School Certificate) June 2012 (Paper 1) mathematics report emphasised
on the difficulties students at School Certificate level encounter in doing
calculations with indices as illustrate below:

Some correct answers were seen, but the initial approach by many
was to multiply out all the numbers and then attempt to simplify what
remained. This inevitably led to errors. Others resorted to some strange
regroupings of the numerator with terms such as 32×212=614 appearing.

Students’ existing knowledge (prior knowledge) should constantly be

challenged and meaning negotiated in learner-centred tasks. The physics
educator has to ensure that when the physics concept ‘measurement of
length’ is introduced, students’ prior knowledge of physics and mathematics,
which constitute the building blocks for understanding, is constantly tested.

MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Volume

n the learning of ‘measurement of volume’ pertaining to physics, it
should be ensured that the prior knowledge of the students in ‘solid’ and
‘liquid’ stands good. Basically, when reference is made to volume in the
mathematics lesson, it should be understood that it is the space occupied
by an object. For a regular solid, like a cube or cuboid, the volume can be
computed using a formula (length x breadth x height). For the volume of a
liquid, e.g. water, the volume of the container can be computed (if possible).
The volume of a liquid can also be associated to the concept of capacity, that
is, the amount of space inside a hollow object. For example, the volume of
water in a 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm cube can be transferred exactly to a 1 litre
bottle. Thus, the relationship 1000 cm3 = 1 L can be established. What is
important here is to enable the students to create the links in their minds.

It should again be pointed out that volume is reported in terms of a

magnitude (positive) and a unit of measurement. Using appropriate laws
of indices (learned in Form II), conversion between the units can be made.
page I 18 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Depending on the situation and specificity of the problems, students’

mathematics knowledge on the following should be referred to:

u Indices and indices involving fractional powers

u Volume of cube, cuboid
u Internal volume
u Units of capacity

In the calculation of volume of regular solids, for example the volume of

a cuboid, the volume is calculated as follows: length x breadth x height.
Students should be reminded to refer to their mathematics knowledge
about formulae and also to make sure the three quantities are in the same
unit before they proceed.
Volume, V = l (in m) x b (in m) x h (in m).

Using one of the laws of indices, it follows that the unit will be: m x m x m =
m1 x m1 x m1 = m1+1+1 = m3.

Both the physics and mathematics educators have the obligation to

collaborate and discuss on the topics to be introduced in the physics and
mathematics lessons so that each educator can facilitate the integration
of concepts by the students. Figure 5 illustrates the interrelationships
among concepts related to measurement in physics and mathematics. The
development of cognitive structures related to ‘measurement of volume’ in
physics is directly related existing knowledge of physics and mathematics
(see maths and physics building blocks - Figure 5). Teacher collaboration
is a determinant factor for enabling teachers to better perform their work
individually or as a team (Sawyer & Rimm-Kaufman, 2007). For instance,
Zhou, Kim and Kerekes (2011) explain how teachers of different disciplines
carried out observations of their colleagues’ teaching and afterwards
collegially discussed about avenues to link similar concepts found across
these disciplines.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 19

concept of volume Physics building blocks

volume of solid
PHYSICS [F 3] regular solids
Measurement of TS 1 TS 2
volume volume of
irregular solids liquid

volume of liquids

calc. of volume

Maths building blocks


MATHS [F 3] fractional powers

Measurement TS 3 volume - cube, etc

internal volume

units of capacity

Figure 5: Integration – measurement of volume

MEASUREMENT > Measurement of Mass & Time

he measurement of mass and time in physics is related to concepts like
matter, atoms, solid, liquid, gas and time. However, it is the following
concepts that form the building block for understanding: element,
molecules, change of state, duration and unit. Thus, the physics educator
should ensure that students have developed the appropriate links about
these building blocks in their minds. Firstly, this could be done by asking
students to refer to their Forms I and II science books before coming to class.
These concepts have been developed following a learner-centred approach.
Parents (using the students’ journal) could be asked to make a follow-up at
home, checking that the task has been done. Secondly, students could be
advised to refer to the mathematics concepts which have been developed in
page I 20 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Forms I and III. This approach is necessary to enable students to “organise

action knowledge into intuitive beliefs and ultimately into principles”
(Songer and Linn, 1991, p. 764). It is only then that students can be led to
extrapolate two apparently different processes from the same principle.

Students have learnt about matter, atoms, solid, liquid and gas in Science at
Form I and Form II levels. Now, the teacher has to relate mass to matter and
subsequently make appropriate links with related physics building blocks as
illustrated by Figure 6 before the physics lesson. When the word equation,
mass, m = 2 kg is developed, links with measurement of length (e. g., l = 3 m)
should be made. Moreover, mass and length should be related again to the
term ‘physical quantity’. It is important that new concepts introduced by
teachers are consolidated in subsequent lessons (Wenning, 2008) to enable
these concepts to be securely anchored in the mind, thus paving the way to
conceptual understanding.

Once again, reference to appropriate mathematics concepts which

constitute the mathematics building blocks should be made. For example,
students are introduced to the concept of mass in mathematics in Form I.
The physics educator may start the lesson by making a recapitulation of the
main ideas developed in that mathematics unit. Venville et al. (2002) calls for
interconnectedness among the strands of the subject areas to enable the
boundaries of the disciplines to become blurred. Learners tend to construct
their own meanings of the same concept (learnt in mathematics and physics)
in a very haphazard way when the boundary is prominent.

Moreover, in the case of the above concept of mass, care should be taken
as in the Form I mathematics (EOI) book, the definition of mass has already
been given without a context and this could interfere with new knowledge
in case they would have developed misconceptions.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 21

Physics building blocks



PHYSICS [F 3] solid
Measurement of TS 1 TS 2
mass & time change of state



Maths building blocks

Measurement TS 3
fractional powers

mass in current

MATHS [F 3] conver. SI units

of mass
Measurement TS 3
arth. oper. inv.

word prob. on


Figure 6: Integration – mass and time

page I 22 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

MOTION > Linear Motion

tudents come to class with lots of experience about motion and many
of them have developed alternative conceptions or ‘paraconceptions’
(Wenning, 2008) of processes. ‘Paraconceptions’ refer to conceptions
that may be correct or incorrect depending on external factors. For instance,
if air resistance is ignored, the time of fall of an object is equal to the time it
takes to move upwards. So, depending on the condition that has been put
forth, the relationship may or may not be correct and this situation cannot
be associated to a misconception.

Students have learnt the concept of motion in mathematics well back in

Form I (and Form II) as illustrated in Figure 7. Further, Figure 8 introduces the
relationship between physics and mathematics concepts related to motion.
Maths building blocks [F 1]
Maths building blocks [F 2] ratio/direct
grad. - straight,
parallel lines indices
eq. line: y=mx + c
numbers, geometry, eq. of lines paral.
TS 3 TS 4 to axes
straight line graph gener. points
from eq. of lines
vector qty
subj. of formula
graph. repr of

Figure 7: Mathematics building blocks

If the teacher thinks that students have not securely developed knowledge of
those mathematics concepts learnt in Forms I and II and if these concepts have
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 23

not yet been developed in Form III (mathematics), then group work could be
organised during the free time of the students to re-learn the concepts.

Students learn about ratio, proportion and direct proportion in mathematics

in Form I. In physics, in Form III, some still encounter difficulties to interpret
ratio or fractions (Behr et al., 1992; Mack, 1995; Heller et al., 1990; Keijzer
and Terwel, 2001), proportions (Cramer and Post, 1993; Post et al., 1988;
Hart, 1984; Lesh et al., 1988) and whether a given relationship refers to
being proportional or directly proportional. In Form I, students learn about
equations of lines parallel to the x-axis and y-axis at the very basic level and
this concept is learnt at a higher level within a spiral outlook. However,
during the last decade, emphasis is laid on considering the strand curriculum
(Snider, 2004) in mathematics. The design strand curriculum differs from
the spiral one as each ‘lesson is organised around multiple skills or topics
rather than around a single skill or topic’ (p. 34). Is it not high time to adopt
the strand curriculum to some extent?

Moreover, at Form II and III levels (mathematics), students learn these

mathematics concepts, but at a higher level. It is very important for students
to form adequate cognitive structures of these building blocks to be able
to operate effectively in physics. Francis (1996) clearly emphasizes that it is
“to create connections across content areas to improve student learning
in mathematics and science. The connection of mathematics and science
content increases the opportunity for students to establish their own
cognitive connections and build their own knowledge base of scientific
knowledge” (p. 76).

Students learn about rate since Form I and learning is extended to Forms II
and III. However, the link between what has been learnt is, unfortunately,
not made in the physics lessons and if students have not understood the
principle behind rate in mathematics, it will cause much difficulty for students
in the physics lessons at Form III, especially in this chapter, motion.
page I 24 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

MOTION > Proportion, ratio, rate

n Form I (mathematics), direct proportion is introduced with reference
to objects and the term directly proportional is introduced (however, in
the Form I matehmatics book, reference should have been made to when
there is no pen (0 pen), the cost will be zero). This is necessary as when
reference would be made to graphs later in Forms II and III, the coordinate
(0, 0) would be an important building block for understanding higher
order mathematics constructs, given that when two variables are directly
proportional to each other, the straight line graph should pass through (0, 0).
Ratio is introduced as a comparison by difference (in relation to quantities of
the same kind), whereas rate (in mathematics) is introduced as a comparison
of two quantities of different kinds. Furthermore, in mathematics at Form I
level, rate is referred to as exchange of currencies, and here it is necessary for
the teacher to allow students to understand that the currencies are different.

When rate is introduced in physics, for instance, speed is defined as the rate of
change of distance, the physics teacher has to support students and enable
them to make the logical connection between rate learnt in mathematics
with that to be learnt in physics. Most of the time, in physics, rate refers to
the relationship between how one quantity, say distance or displacement,
is changing with respect to the other, that is time. Enabling students to
relate symbols learnt in the mathematics lessons to their true meaning in
the physics lessons can prove to be quite challenging for both students and
teachers (Jones, 2010). On the other hand, Sherin (2001, p. 482) stresses
that “we do students a disservice by treating conceptual understanding as
separate from the use of mathematical notations”. The same view is shared
by Badley (2009) who clarifies that learners will “generate confusion about
and possibly engender resistance to integration” (p. 114).
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 25

linear motion
Physics building blocks

reference point

Motion TS 1 scalar, vector qties TS 2 rate of change

speed, velocity

instant. velocity
dependent var.

independent var.

distance-time graph

speed-time graph


Maths building blocks

grad - straight,
parallel lines
MATHS [F 3] indices
eq line y=mx + c
Numbers, geometry, TS 3 TS 4 eq of lines paral.
algebra to axes

straight line graph gener. points

from eq. of lines

vectors vector qty

subj. of formula graph, repr of


Figure 8: Integration - motion

page I 26 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Moreover, in physics, rate usually denotes a unit outcome. For example,

velocity is defined as the distance travelled in a specified direction
(displacement) per unit time (the term ‘per’ refers to a division of a quantity
by another), or it can simply be defined as the rate of change of displacement.
In this latter statement, it implies that rate of change of displacement means
a change in displacement for every unit change in time.

So, in order to maintain consistency among similar concepts used in physics

and in mathematics (Badley, 2009), the definition of speed (velocity)
or acceleration should not be referred to as a ratio (as ratio refers to the
division of two quantities of the same kind), but rather as rate (which refers
to the division of two quantities of different types).

MOTION > Equations and Equations of straight lines

s from Forms I, II and III, students solve significant amount of
problems (in mathematics) in the form of equations where they are
required to compute the value of an unknown quantity. Most of
the time, these equations are solved in a very mechanistic manner without
actually putting meaning to them. Kim and Pak (2002) claim that though
students solve a large number of problems in mathematics and physics, their
understanding in physics is limited, while Munier and Merle (2009) point out
that the engagement of learners in carrying out various tasks using different
perspectives would help them to cope with the conceptual difficulty.

The integration model that is being proposed intends to bridge the gap
between the two subjects by relating some of the mathematical equations
to the physics situations. Equation of a line is introduced in mathematics
in Form I in the form of y = k and x = k, and in Form II in the form y = mx +
c. In Form III, students learn about equations of straight line and gradients.
Before introducing the chapter motion, the physics teacher has to advise
students to make a recap of what they have learnt in their Forms I, II and III
mathematics lessons through a few group work sessions.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 27

During the physics lessons, the equation y = mx should be related to the

equation of motion v = at in the mathematics lessons and first stated variable y
related to the physical quantity v (velocity) while the second stated variable x
should be related to the physical quantity t. The letter m (and its corresponding
physical representation a (acceleration)) takes a fixed value (that is, a constant
or uniform). ‘m’ is also called the coefficient of the term in x.

In these equations, the convention is that whatever is on the left hand side
tantamounts to the dependent variable, while the physical quantity on the
right hand side refers to the independent variable. In case x= y/m, then x
becomes the dependent variable, while y becomes the independent variable.

Furthermore, the dependent variable should always be set on the vertical axis
of a graph, while the independent variable will then be on the horizontal axis.

Figure 9: directly proportional relationship

It should be noted that while in mathematics, the x and y axes are not
associated with a unit of measurement, for the case of the equation
v = at, the suitable units of measurement are specified as shown in the
graph. Now, this relationship linked to the equation of a straight line y = mx
or v = at should be related the concept ‘directly proportional’ learnt earlier.
y (or v) is directly proportional to x (or t) as the relationship is linear and the
line passes through (0, 0). When the physical quantities v and t are used,
their respective units should be attached to the physical quantities.
page I 28 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

When the term directly proportional is used, in the case of a graphical

representation, the straight line has to pass through (0, 0), which is referred
to as the origin. When the term proportional is used, the straight line may
or may not pass through the origin. Students should bear in mind that an
equal change in x (or t) will bring about a similar change in y (or v). Students
should be led to draw conclusions using concrete examples, for example,
when x changes from 2 units to 4 units (that is, ∆x = 2 units), the change in
y will be from 6 units to 12 units (∆y = 6 units). Similarly, when ∆x = 6-4 = 2
units, ∆y = 18 – 12 = 6 units again.

Figure 10: y is proportional to x

Students are introduced to equations involving one quantity in Form I
(mathematics). Students are to be encouraged to relate dependent and
independent variables to the if … then statement (Lake, 2004) to be able to
visualize a given process in its entirety.
In relation to the equation, y = mx + c or v = u + at (obtained from the definition
of acceleration, a = (v-u)/t , and converted to v = at + u for comparison with
the mathematics relationship, y = mx + c), students should be led to make
reference to the graphical relationship of the two variables – the dependent
and the independent one.

When the same equation is written this way: x = (y-c )/m, what can be said
about the dependent and independent variable?
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 29

MOTION > Gradients and Equations of lines

raphs and gradients are extensively used in physics and their
foundations lie in mathematics. Students learn about graphs and
gradients in Form I, and as from Forms I and II (chapter Coordinates)
and then taken up in Form III (chapter Coordinates). Students encounter
considerable difficulties in interpretation (and drawing of graphs) of graphs
in physics at the Form III level. Most of the time, at Form III (physics) level,
the chapter Motion is introduced well before students would have learnt
about gradients and equation of lines in mathematics at Form III level. In
such a situation, there are two possibilities:

• Either to postpone the teaching of the concept of ‘Motion’ to a

later stage after the concept would have been introduced in the
mathematics lessons
• Or a whole lesson (physics) would have to be spared to introduce
the concept of gradients and equations of straight line to students.

Whichever modality is chosen, the link between mathematics and physics

should neatly be made. It should again be stressed that the collaboration
of both mathematics and physics educators is of paramount importance.
However, it is advisable to start the teaching of ‘motion’ after ‘gradients’
and ‘equations of line’ would have been introduced in the mathematics

Students should be reminded to revise whatever they have learnt in Forms I

and II about equations of line.

In Form I (mathematics), students are introduced to:

(a) concept of coordinates, and

(b) equations of lines parallel to the y and x – axes. This concept is
reinforced at Form II level.
page I 30 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

At Form II level (mathematics), students are introduced to:

(a) equations of inclined lines, together with their graphical

representations; and
(b) plotting of lines on graphs.

At Form III level (mathematics), students are introduced to:

(a) gradients of lines (inclined, horizontal and vertical lines),

(b) equations of lines (parallel to axes and straight lines), and
(c) linear graphs.

In physics, at Form III level, students start learning about graphical

interpretation of motion with the assumption that they have already
developed the appropriate cognitive structures in mathematics in Forms I, II
and III. However, many students still experience difficulty to:

(i) identify the dependent and independent variables on the axes

Students should be reminded to visualise the equation y = mx + c to
identify which quantities are the dependent and independent variables.
From this equation, it is y that depends on x (since ‘m’ and ‘c’ are
constants) and therefore y becomes the dependent variable, while x is
the independent variable. Generally, the dependent variable (y) is the
subject of formula.

Moreover, students should be led to infer that in physics when the term
rate is used, most of the time, it implies that a given quantity is changing
with respect to time, but ‘more generally, the concept of rate of change
describes changes in the y variable relative to the corresponding changes
in the x variable; it essentially describes an aspect of the relationship
between two variables’ (Rogers, 1999, p. 38).
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 31

(ii) highlight the appropriate units alongside the physical quantities on

the axes

In physics, the type of physical quantity is pre-determined by its unit.

The symbol used for a given physical quantity may sometimes lead to
confusion. For example, s/m implies that s is distance (or displacement),
not to be confused with speed, which starts with letter ‘s’. The symbol
for time (t) may be confused for temperature (starting with letter ‘t’). To
avoid such confusion, students should be encouraged to, even for raw
graphs, write the appropriate physical quantity in association with its

(iii) determine the gradients of straight lines

Though students have learnt, in mathematics, that the gradient of
a horizontal line (graph of y against x) is zero, they fail to relate this
mathematics knowledge to physics. In Forms I and II, students learn that
the gradient of a horizontal line is zero but unfortunately this knowledge
is rarely referred to a given context.

Figure 11a & b: Inter-relationship – mathematics and physics

From Figure 11b, students should be led to infer similar conclusions as to
what has been leant in mathematics (Figure 11a). Based on Figure 11b,
students should reflect on the following:
page I 32 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

• the physical quantities and the units that can be derived from the axes
• the relationship between the two physical quantities, for example, how
the dependent variable depends on the independent one
• what meaning would gradient give for this particular relationship
• does this gradient (mathematics) entail a physical meaning in physics

In the interpretation of the equation of a straight line, students’ prior

knowledge of mathematics should be linked with the respective physics
interpretation. Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the inter-relationship between
knowledge learnt in mathematics and extended in the physics lessons.

Figure 12: Mathematics - equation of line

Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 33

Figure 13: Physics – linear motion

Gradients, introduced in mathematics or in physics, are related to a ‘slope’

(Woolnough, 2000). The steeper the slope, the harder it would be for
someone to climb. However, care should be taken to ensure that students
do not extend the intuitive rule ‘More A - More B’ (Papageorgiou, Monoyiou
& Pitta-Pantazi, 2006; Stavy & Tirosh, 2000; Tirosh & Stavy, 1999) to every
situation, though in this particular circumstance, it is applicable. There is
a need to highlight that in a research conducted by Planinic et al. (2013)
among university students, the authors found that transfer of knowledge
from mathematics to physics was very weak and that though some
students, in mathematics, would resort to ‘slope’ in the interpretation of
graphs, they would use a different approach in a similar task in physics and,
consequently, they came up with the wrong conclusion. What is important
in closely related subjects, such as mathematics and physics, is that students
should be encouraged to adopt a uniform and consistent approach in both
mathematics and physics to avoid confusion.
page I 34 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

Students should collaboratively be engaged to use acquired mathematics

knowledge to infer that the steepest line is the one in green colour as the
change in y (∆y) with respect to the other lines is the greatest. Students
should also infer that the gradients are positive since both ∆x and ∆y are

To determine the gradient of a line (either during the mathematics or physics

lessons), emphasis should be laid on the to mean the following:

In physics, gradient refers to a rate rather than to a ratio (as discussed earlier),
given that ratio (in mathematics) refers to the division of two quantities of
the same type, whereas in this particular situation (with reference to Figure
13 – physics) there are two physical quantities of different types as evidenced
by their respective units. However, it stands good to give more thinking to
ratio and rate.

Though gradient (physics conception) refers to a rate, in mathematics

it relates to the division of two quantities of the same type, that of x and
y, which may be confused with ratio. The confusion can be dissipated if
gradient is introduced as being calculated from two variables (which could
be of the same type) which are changing and are not two discrete values.
Consider the following situation: from the formula, C = 2πr, if C is divided
by r, we obtai . is a ratio; however, refers to a rate as it
tantamount that C = f (r), that is, C is a function of r.

(iv) plotting of good graphs (linear graphs)

In physics, students are required to plot good graphs, knowledge of which
they are expected to have been acquired during mathematics lessons.
Most of the time however, students are unable to transfer this mathematics
knowledge to the physics lesson (Planinic et al., 2013). For students to
develop the skill related to graphs, they have to be taught explicitly about
graphicacy (e.g. Roth, Pozzer-Ardenghi & Han, 2005) to be able to de-
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 35

compartmentalize graphs into something that has to become obvious. The

following situations provide some insight into graphicacy:

1. Setting a title in the form: Graph of s/m against t/s.

2. Identifying the dependent and independent variables and setting
the depending variable on the y-axis and the independent variable
on the x-axis.
3. Denoting the dependent and independent variables together with
their respective units.
4. Choosing a comfortable scale (avoiding awkward scales) so that
the line occupies at least 50% of the total space on the graph (on
an A4 page).
5. Using a cross (x) or a dot in a circle (o) .to represent coordinates,
occupying an area of about 0.5mm x 0.5 mm.
6. Drawing a line of best fit which provides a good balance across the
series of points. This is essential to balance the overestimates and
the underestimates to reduce the overall error.
7. Avoiding the extension of the straight line too much beyond the
last point as the linear relationship may not still prevail.
8. Avoiding the extension of the straight line beyond the limit of the
pre-determined scale as beyond the pre-determined scale, the
relationship may not necessarily hold.

MOTION > Vectors and Subject of formula

he chapter vector is learnt in Form II and III in mathematics, mostly in
term 3 of the respective levels, whereas in physics students encounter
vector quantities at the beginning of Form III. It is therefore necessary
that knowledge acquired at Form II (mathematics) constitute the building
blocks for learning about vector quantity in physics at Form III level. The
collaboration of the respective mathematics and physics educators is
recommended for students to develop the required cognitive structures for
understanding the relevant physics concepts. Nguyen and Meltzer (2003)
page I 36 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

confirm the persisting difficulty of physics students in understanding vectors

despite their previous exposure to these concepts in mathematics.

Vectors are introduced in mathematics in Form II and the concepts are

related to length and direction. However, care should be taken here as a
vector is not only associated to length, but also to other quantities, such as
force, velocity, acceleration, etc.

So, a vector gives two different information – magnitude and direction. For
example, in the case of length, if = , it should be stressed that ‘+’ and
‘-’ indicate the direction. By convention ‘+’ refers to the right of/above the
origin, whereas ‘-’ refers to the left/below of the origin. ‘2’ and ‘3’ refer to
the magnitude (the value). These conceptions should be clear for both the
mathematics and physics students.

In Form III (mathematics), students learn about scalar and vector quantities
as well as position vector. Though students at Form III level will not be
exposed to position vector, the mathematics educator can stress on its
importance in physics where students will have to situate a particular vector
(force, velocity or acceleration) with respect to a reference point (learnt in
physics at Form II level).

Both the mathematics and physics educators should be able to differentiate

between position vector and free vector.

Though in mathematics, at Form III level, mention is made of force, velocity

and acceleration being vector quantities, the subsequent numerical
exercises refer to two-dimensional position vectors only. The numerical
vector exercises in mathematics become alien to quite a significant number
of students. They find it difficult to understand the vector concepts during
the physics lessons.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 37

motion TS 1 TS 2

MATHS [F 1, 2, & 3]
numbers, geometry,
TS 3 TS 4

Figure 14: Integration – vectors

The collaboration between the physics and mathematics educators is

essential so that they can agree on a particular strategy within the Thinking
Process Model, in the introduction of vectors that can significantly improve
students’ cognitive understanding of vectors. For instance, when vectors
are introduced in mathematics in Form II, links should be made to a
displacement vector, highlighting its usefulness in physics (to be learnt in
Form III).

In physics, at Form III level, vector quantities will be introduced well before
vectors are introduced in mathematics (Form III). It is therefore imperative
that the physics educator discusses with his/her mathematics colleague
about what has been learnt in mathematics and to start the physics lesson
with a recapitulation of students’ prior knowledge of the mathematics

Concepts of vectors learnt in mathematics (Form II) are:

• Introduction to vectors
- Directed line segment
- Vector notation
• Column vectors
page I 38 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

• Operations on vectors
- Addition and subtraction of vectors
- Multiplication (scalar) of vectors
• Equal vectors
• Relationship between coordinates and vectors
- Position vectors
- Vector between two points
• Solving vector equations
• Vectors and Translations

At Form III level, physics students are required to make use of knowledge
acquired in mathematics concerning ‘subject of formula’, especially when
using the following formulae:

Following discussions between the mathematics and physics educators, the

mathematics educator, during the lesson (Form III) on ‘Subject of formula’
(or manipulation with formulae) will have, not only to allow students to
change the subject of formula of equations in a mechanistic way, but to
relate these equations to their respective physical meanings.

For example, from the second equation, a is the acceleration (which is

constant), measured in ms-2; v is the final velocity, measured in ms-1; u is the
initial velocity, measured in ms-1 ; and t is time, measured in s. Students can
be invited to verify that this equation is consistent in terms of the respective
units and the use of indices will significantly help.

In the physics lesson, the physics educator can further discuss with students
about subject of formula from the above equations, thus reinforcing the
mathematics knowledge. The process of making a variable the subject of
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 39

the formula (or expressing it in terms of other related variables) requires

prior knowledge on (i) arithmetic operations with algebra and numbers, (ii)
collecting and simplifying like terms, (iii) additive and multiplicative inverse,
(iv) factorisation, (v) squaring and taking square roots, amongst others.

Many students (in mathematics) continue to experience difficulty in ‘subject

of formula’ as illustrated below:

November 2010/P2/No.8

Make x the subject of the formula .

The usual error was not to put the square root symbol around both the
numerator and the denominator. Others omitted to take the square root, thus
obtaining an expression for x2 instead of x or gave as 2x. A few gave a
numerical answer, having “solved an equation”.

Students’ knowledge of linearity for the equation can be further

reinforced while taking v as the subject of formula (v = u + at) and comparing
it with y = mx + c (or more specifically, y = mx + c). Though in mathematics
little, or not at all, attention is paid to the physical meaning of the symbols
(y or mx or c), in physics each symbol has a physical meaning and each
component on the right hand side of the equation should be dimensionally
consistent. More precisely, [y] = [mx] = [c] or [v] = [u] = [at].

ENERGY > Work, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Power

igure 15 illustrates the relationship between physics and mathematics
concepts and their respective building blocks with respect to the
concept energy.

The understanding of energy in physics is quite problematic as students

tend to relate ‘energy’ to a thing. The concept of energy should be used
to illustrate a change happening in various processes instead of simply the
page I 40 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

capacity to do work. This latter definition of energy is problematic as it is

not always that energy is able to do work following the Second Law of
Thermodynamics (Domenech et al, 2007).

Additionally, Hecht (2007, p. 90) highlights that:

Energy is a relative, rather than an absolute, quantity.
Energy is a property of matter interacting with matter; not a thing
in and of itself. Physical entities (including light, …) can produce
change – and undergo change – and hence possess energy.

force Physics building blocks

displacement push & pull

distance, direction
PHYSICS [F 3] kinetic energy

TS 1 TS 2 velocity
work, K.E., P.E., power
potential energy
mass, height
work done
acc. due to gravity

Maths building blocks

eq. of straight line dependent var.

quadratic eq. independent var.

linear & quadratic eq. change of subj. gradient
subj. of formula TS 3 TS 4
of formula
equations - linear
parallel vector in quadratic
same direction
vectors - magn. &
parallel vectors in direction
opposite direction

Figure 15: Integration – work, energy and power

Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 41

The concept of work entails a combination of two vector quantities, namely

force and displacement (or distance in the direction of the applied force).
Work is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of force and displacement,
bearing in mind that at Form III level, students should be made aware that
the two physical quantities should be parallel (co-linear) to each other, that
is, from the definition, the force vector should be along the displacement
vector. Jewett (2008) adds that to avoid confusion about work, it is
imperative to mention that work is done on a system upon the application
of a force. Such an approach emphasizes the importance of the necessity
of a force for work to be done. There is also a need to emphasise on the
importance to engage students in identifying a situation in a particular social
context with the expectation that they will be devoid of thinking that physics
knowledge is only known through the knowledge of a very competent expert
(Minstrell, 1982).

In Form III (mathematics), students learn about parallel vectors in the same
and opposite direction, and the meaning of the negative sign, as highlighted
earlier. The mathematics educator should relate this knowledge of work
done during the mathematics lesson on vectors.

The physics educator, prior to starting the lesson on work done, should
make a recapitulation (testing of prior knowledge) of what has been learnt
on vectors after discussion with the mathematics educator. Moreover,
students should be guided to firmly anchor the inter-related mathematics
and physics concepts into coherent knowledge. Read (2004) explains that
a reorganization of existing knowledge is necessary for conceptual change
to happen in Iearners.

Furthermore, the equation for work done may take the following perspectives:
W = F x d and W = - F x d
The relationship between F and d should be clearly explored and students
should be gradually guided to develop understanding about the negative
sign within the mathematical and physical perspectives.
page I 42 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

The concept of kinetic energy (E = ½ mv2) involves a quadratic relationship,

which is learnt in mathematics at Form III level in the chapter ‘Quadratic
Equations’. This equation should be related to a similar mathematical
relationship, y = ½ kx2.

It should be highlighted that since velocity is a vector quantity, its square

will result in a positive value. Thus, the kinetic energy measured in joule, is
always positive. It therefore means that if an object is moving towards the
left of a reference point, its velocity will be negative, but its kinetic energy
will result in a positive value.

The concept of potential energy (E = mgh) is a linear relationship as E is

directly proportional to h, while ensuring that m and g are constants.
However, the potential energy is dependent on mass if g and h are kept
constant. So, the greater the mass, the greater the potential energy.

It should be noted that in this relationship, E = mgh, the potential energy

may take negative values, depending on where the reference point is
taken to be. Above a reference line, the height vector is positive, while it
is negative below that reference line. Again here, sign has an important
physical meaning - direction.

During the conversion of energy from potential to kinetic energy, students’

knowledge of equation should be reinforced while considering the ball-earth
system: ½mv2 = mgh. Students’ mathematics knowledge about subject of
formula will be reinforced during the physics lesson. In the physics lesson,
students are required to calculate the magnitude of the velocity. High ability
students could also be asked to convert this equation to a mathematics
linear equation in the form y = kx. In addition, students should be guided to
solve for v (from the equation ½mv2 = mgh) while paying attention to the
square root.

In physics, power is defined as the rate of doing work. However, Jewett

(2008) claims that this definition is incomplete and a more complete
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 43

definition would be “power is the rate at which energy is transferred across

the boundary of the system” (p. 212) to capture energy transformation in a
bulb of, say, 60 W. Again in both definitions, reference is made to the term
rate which should be linked to its mathematics meaning.

The mathematical relationship of power is given by: . It is

understood that the two physical quantities: work done and time, are of
different types, and that therefore this equation refers to a rate.

OPTICS > Reflection and Refraction

n this chapter, it is required that students’ understanding (pre-existing
knowledge) of angles, ratio, sine and equations, amongst others have
already been developed in mathematics. It should be pointed out that
Atwood, Christopher and McNall (2005) explain that even teachers do
experience difficulty in applying the laws of reflection and refraction in
specific contexts and that they should go beyond merely interpreting
results. The teachers are expected to connect the data and findings from
their experiments to an existing framework.

Figure 16 illustrates the relationship among the physics and mathematics


In learning the concept reflection, students’ pre-conception of angles in

mathematics is an important prior knowledge to enable them to carry out
the experiment to verify that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle
of reflection. Some of these pre-concepts include: (1) an angle is formed
when two lines intersect (which generate the idea of sides of a polygon), (2)
vertically opposite angles are equal, (3) angles (unlike bearing) are measured
in an anti-clockwise direction, (4) angles on a straight line add up to 180o.

Biber, Tuna and Korkmaz (2013) consider that angle is the basic element
of the chain in geometry and its knowledge is essential to develop higher
page I 44 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

order associated concepts. They infer that students focus on the physical
appearances of geometric figures rather than on geometric properties of
the figures. Hence, it may be a good idea that educators encourage students
to copy the diagrams appearing as exercises for example in textbooks. It is
therefore essential that the mathematics educator, during the mathematics
lesson (Form II), initiates and familiarises the students to use a protractor
to draw various figures for different angles. The line of reference may not
necessarily be horizontal so as to enable students to visualise different
perspectives for drawing various angles. It should be noted that in
mathematics, the angle is usually drawn with respect to a horizontal surface,
while in reflection and refraction, the angle is measured with respect to a
perpendicular line (normal).

normal/ Physics building blocks

PHYSICS [F 3] measurement
Reflection & TS 1 sine TS 2
Refraction of light

Maths building blocks

ratio & proportion

sine ratio
Sine TS 3 TS 4 decimals


Figure 16: Integration – reflection and refraction

Students should also be led to develop understanding of the unit of
measurement of angle, that is, degree. Moreover, the development of
measurement skills of students as well as the engagement of students in
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 45

hands-on activities to develop their understanding of accuracy and precision

have to be reinforced.

In learning about refraction of light, students are required to verify Snell’s

law. Snell’s law states that the ratio of sin (i) to sin (r) is a constant. Students
should then be able to transfer what has been learnt in mathematics
(about sine) to the physics classroom and the educator should ensure that
consistency of meaning is maintained.

From this law, it follows that:

The LHS refers to a ratio (and not rate) since it constitutes the division of
two similar values, for the sine of the angle of incidence (i) is a value.

Now, this relationship can be turned into a mathematical equation of the

form y = mx +c.
sin (i) = n sin (r)
or sin (i) = n sin (r) + 0 which is equivalent to:
y = m x + c, where c = 0
Students should therefore be led to infer that a graph of sin (i) against sin (r)
will result into a linear relationship and the gradient will be n.

Both the mathematics and physics educators should discuss about the
relationship between physical quantities and their representation on a
graph. Figure 17 illustrates such a connection among related physics and
mathematics concepts. It is required that the mathematics educator
discusses with the students about the interconnectedness of the concepts,
with the intention of tapping on the students’ prior knowledge and to keep
Occam’s razor principle1 in mind.
This principle infers that ‘The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be
page I 46 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

sin (i)/sin (r) = n

dependent var.

PHYSICS [F 3] independent var.

Snell’s law TS 1

linear relationship

non linear relati.



MATHS [F 3] sine of an angle

sin (i) TS 3
sin (r)
linear/non linear


Figure 17: Integration - Snell’s law

Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 47

Students’ knowledge of dependent and independent variables should

again be tested and reinforced and also related to the axes on a graph. The
mathematics educator can relate the graph of sin (i) against sin (r) during
the mathematics lesson to a linear relationship and how to situate when
the relationship is no more linear. For example, the graph of sin (i) plotted
against sin (r), as illustrated in Figure 18, can be used for discussion about
linearity and the limit of linearity and how to situate it.

Figure 18: Graph of sin (i) against sin (r)


his chapter is one of the most challenging ones at Form III and
School Certificate levels. The challenge is two-fold: conceptual
and mathematical. For students to be able to develop conceptual
understanding of concepts in the chapter ‘Electricity’, students should have
direct experience with circuits (Shaffer and McDermott, 1992; McDermott
and Shaffer, 1992). Researches (Shaffer and McDermott, 1992; McDermott
and Shaffer, 1992; Engelhardt and Beichner, 2004; Kucukozer and Kocakulah,
page I 48 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

2008; Marshall, 2008; Dorneles, Veit and Moreira, 2010) have demonstrated
that students hold misconceptions about key concepts in electricity and have
pointed to the need to adopt appropriate strategies to engage students
in experimentation. It is important to highlight that allowing students to
successfully solve problems in electricity does not predetermine conceptual
understanding (McDermott and Shaffer, 1992). The role of the educator is
to guide learners to shift from adopting the ‘spontaneous’ concepts to the
scientific ones (Viiri and Savinainen, 2008).

Some of the difficulties and misconceptions students hold in electricity are

displayed below:

• McDermott and Shaffer (1992) have documented that students:

- have not developed the notion of what a complete circuit is;
- have not developed understanding of a model of current and that
current is ‘used up’ in a circuit;
- do not have a functional understanding of voltage;
- refer to current, voltage and power inappropriately and
- hold the belief that a battery is a constant source of current;
- cannot discriminate between potential and potential difference; and
- do not associate an ammeter and a voltmeter as devices that
should be connected in a circuit and which should not affect the
current and potential difference respectively.

• Stocklmayer and Treagust (1996) put forth that:

- The electron-transfer model, commonly held by novices, has its
limitation, thus causing learners to develop alternative conceptions
and leads to difficulties in problem solving.
- Experts regard electricity as field-like phenomenon and they
consider the electron-model as limited and irrelevant.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 49

Figure 19 identifies the relationship among physics and mathematics

concepts necessary in problem solving situations.




Physics building blocks

potential differ.
work, K.E., P.E., power TS 1 TS 2 time
liner relationsh.

ohm’s law

resistors - series

resistors - parallel

linear eq.
Maths building blocks
subject of formula graphs
linear eq.,
subj. of formula TS 3 TS 4
graphs dependent/
independent var.


Figure 19: Integration - electricity

page I 50 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

ELECTRICITY > Electric current, Potential difference, Ohm’s law and Power

he concept of current has been introduced as the rate of flow of
charges which students should be able to relate to its mathematical
equivalence, that is, . Again here, the term rate considers the
division of two physical quantities of different types. Since the physical
quantity ‘charge’ is new, reference to knowledge acquired in chemistry
has to be related to. In this particular case, electron has to be referred to.
However, it is important to bring to the attention of students that it is wrong
to infer that the battery is the source of a constant supply of current and that
current is what is in the circuit. Moreover, current does not get used up in a

The unit of current is determined from the formula , which is Cs-1,

which in turn is equivalent to Ampere (A).

The concept of potential difference is defined at the work done in taking a

unit positive charge between two points in a circuit, in opposition to emf,
which relates to round a complete circuit instead. In both situations, it is
mentioned of ‘a unit positive charge’ which in mathematics means a charge
of unit value. Therefore,

A battery which is a source of energy maintains a constant potential

difference across its terminal. In addition, it is to be understood that potential
difference is a precondition for flow of charges (current). Again, the unit
of potential difference is determined from the above formula, JC-1, which is
equivalent to volt (V). Here also, potential difference refers to a rate.

In verifying Ohm’s law, good knowledge of mathematics is required,

especially in proportionality and graph plotting as well as its interpretation.
Ohm’s law states that the current (I) flowing in a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference (V) at constant temperature (T).
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 51

In many lower secondary textbooks, Ohm’s law is defined as the ratio V/I,
which may lead to the development of misconception as there is the division
of two quantities of different types which entails a rate. The mathematics
educator, during the mathematics lessons, should not restrict himself/
herself to general instructions only but should use this word equation to
guide students to write the appropriate equation. Hubbard (2003) and
Clement (1992) clearly emphasise the fact that students find it difficult to
make connections between concepts as the textbook limits students’
cognitive development to sequential instruction to solving word equations.

From Ohm’s law, it follows that the current, I, is the dependent variable,
while V is the independent variable. Therefore, in mathematical terms, it
follows that:

or ; K is referred to as the constant of

proportionality. In physics K is denoted as R, known as the resistance.

Converting then the above equation into an equation of the form or

. From this equation, it follows that if discrete values of V and I are
considered, then is a ratio. However, if continuous data is considered
(for example, data is obtained from a graph of V against I – Figure 20),
then refers to rate. Furthermore, it should be noted that if the
relationship is directly proportional, the graph should pass through (0, 0).

Students should be led to develop understanding that the value of the

constant, R (resistance) will change for different temperatures.

For temperature T1, the ratio will be: =R1

For temperature T2, the ratio will be: =R2

page I 52 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

The higher the temperature, the larger will be the resistance, R.

Figure 20 illustrates two relationships of potential difference against current

for two different temperatures. The following information can be obtained:

(i) Gradient = =Resistance and it implies that the red line has a greater
slope and therefore a larger gradient. At higher temperature, the
resistance is large.

(ii) From the graph, we should not be using individual values to calculate
the resistance, but to use gradient which is the change in V to the
change in I, that is, rate. Students should be led to infer that the two
lines in Figure 20, when extrapolated, will pass through (0, 0). This
confirms the direct proportionality relationship existing between the
two variables.

Figure 20: Ohm’s law

Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 53

(iii) It is worth noting that since the graph illustrates continuous (and
not discrete) data, the gradient will be determined from two sets of
coordinates which eventually entails determining a rate, in the form
of .

(iv) Most of the time, the data determined from an experiment would be
scattered and students should be taught to draw a line of best fit as
shown in Figure 21. As can be seen, the line provides a good balance
between the data.

Figure 21: Line of best fit

(v) When the relationship between the two variables refers to ‘directly
proportional’, in mathematics, it implies that y α x or y = kx. The
mathematics educator can vary the symbols so that V = RI (or V = IR,
where R is the constant of proportionality).
page I 54 Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level

In the calculation of resistors in parallel during the physics lesson, students’

mathematics knowledge about addition of reciprocals should be referred to.
Moreover, the mathematics educator should make reference to the addition
of the reciprocals of resistors in the mathematics lessons. It is expected that
the mathematics educator contextualises the mathematics lessons to make
the mathematics lesson meaningful for the learners so that they do not miss
the functional understanding of equations (Sherin, 2001). Redish and Gupta
(2009) clearly emphasise that though the procedures and manipulations of
equations are similar in mathematics and in physics, the way students use
maths in physics is somehow different. The authors further explain that to
do justice to both physics and mathematics ‘we not only use maths in doing
physics, we use physics in doing maths’ (p. 246).

The mathematics educator can introduce the addition of the reciprocal of two
unknown variables already in Form II (chapter – Algebraic expressions) in the
form so that students can eventually use the acquired mathematics
dispositions to relate the equations to resistors in parallel during the physics
lessons at Form III level. For instance, in the physics lesson, students learn
to convert this equation in the simple form: . However, students
tend to extend this ‘approach’ to more than two quantities. There is a need
for the mathematics educator to procedurally discuss the meaning of the
expression within the mathematics and physics domains. In mathematics,
R1 and R2 are referred to variables whereas in physics, they are connected to
a richer network of ideas and they are coined as physical quantities (they are
measureable consisting of a magnitude and a unit). The two components
can be added only if R1 and R2 are of the same type.
Integration of Physics and Mathematics Concepts at Form III level page I 55


he integration of mathematics in physics as well as physics in
mathematics is a laudable and challenging undertaking by both the
physics and mathematics educators. Knowledge construction has
never been a simple activity, more so when the same concept is viewed
from different angles. Coming to grips with a uniform approach to enable
learners to view the same concept from different angles and with the same
meaning will help learners to develop cognitive structures.

The Thinking Process Model is intentionally meant to bridge the gap between
mathematics and physics domains of learning and to offer learners the
opportunity to develop physico-mathematical concepts in its entirety. It is
envisaged that collaboration and mutual support from their mathematics
and physics educators can act as a catalyst to trigger higher order thinking
in learners.

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Mass 19, 20, 21, 42 Quantity 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26, 27,
Matter 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 40 28, 30, 31, 35, 40, 42, 50
Acceleration 25, 26, 28, 36, 38
Measurement 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, Rate 23, 24, 26, 30, 34, 42, 43,
Cognitive dissonance 5
20, 21,27, 44 45, 50, 51, 52, 53
Current 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Measurement of length 12, 13, Ratio 14, 22, 23, 24, 26, 34, 43,
Curriculum integration 6
14, 17, 20 45, 51
Decimals 13, 14,15
Measurement of mass & time Real numbers 14, 15, 16
Dependent variable 27, 28, 30,
19, 21 Reflection 43, 44
32, 35, 47, 51
Measurement of volume 17, 18, 19 Refraction 43, 44, 45
Direct proportion 23, 24, 52
Motion 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 35 Snell’s law 45, 46
Electricity 47, 48, 49, 50
Multimodal set of processes 11 Speed 24, 25, 26, 31
Equations 26, 27, 28, 38, 40,
Ohm’s law 50, 51, 52 Subject of formula 30, 35, 38,
43,51, 54
Paraconceptions 22 39, 42
Equation of a line 26, 29, 30, 32
Pedagogical content knowledge Thinking Process Model (TPM)
Energy 39, 40, 42, 43, 50
(PCK) 6, 7, 8 1, 9, 37, 55
Fractions 14, 15, 23
Physical 1, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 27, 31, Thinking Stage (TS) 9, 10, 11
Gradient 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, Value 12, 13, 14, 15, 26, 34, 36, 42,
45, 52, 53
45, 50, 54 45, 50
Independent variable 27, 28, 30,
Physico-mathematical constructs Vectors 35, 36, 37, 38, 41
35, 47, 51
7, 8, 9 Velocity 26, 27, 28, 36, 38, 42, 52
Indices 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 38
Potential difference 48, 50, 52 Volume 17, 18, 19
Integers 13, 14, 15, 16
Potential energy 39, 40, 42 Whole numbers 13, 14, 15
Kinetic energy 39, 40, 42
Power 39, 40, 42, 43, 48, 50 Word problem 16
Length 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 36
Proportion 23, 24, 27, 28, 42, 50, Work 39, 40, 41, 42
Magnitude 12, 13, 16, 17, 36, 41,
51, 53 Work done 41, 43, 50
42, 54
Quadratic equations 42

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