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Starters and appetizerrs Maid Course and Meals

Pulpon Cesarinó $76.000
Patí Raní $10.000 octopus accompanied by cesar salad and dressings
marinated and fried frog legs
Papilio memnon $149.000
Ostrí Champiñone $25.000 Spaghetti with butterflies in special sauce
five oysters in mushroom sauce
Coccinella $253.000
smoked ladybugs with salad, dressing and cheese

Desserts and Sweet bites Drinks and Refreshments

Came with snakes $182.000
Fat ice cream $20.000 red wine with African servant
worm ice cream (various flavors)
Scorpion Vodka $48.000
African Moundbuilding $45.000 strong alcoholic beverage
termites, wasps and ants covered in caramel
$62.000 Exotic coffee $14.600
Chóco tulá coffee with beetle extract
chocolate coated tarantulas and strawberry pieces
Bluetropic asiático $15.000
soda accompanied by a worm larva

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