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< Insert Institution Name >

< Insert Town/City, State >

< Insert Date(s) of Review >

Candidacy Review Report
< Insert Customer Number >
Cognia Candidacy Review Report
This report is designed to reflect your institution’s capacity to meet the requirements for accreditation.
Cognia representatives have conducted a thorough review of your Candidacy Diagnostic, collected data
and examined practices in relation to the Cognia Performance Standards.

Cognia Performance Accreditation and the Candidacy Review

Accreditation is a continuous improvement process that leverages standards to improve educational
quality in benefit to its learners and the school community. Using a set of rigorous research-based
standards, the accreditation process examines the whole institution—the program, the cultural context,
and the community of stakeholders—to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of
learners. During the Cognia Candidacy Review, highly skilled and trained representatives gather first-
hand evidence and information pertinent to determining the institution’s capacity to meet the accreditation
requirements including the Cognia Performance Standards. Based on the criteria, a recommendation is
made to move the institution to Candidacy status or remain at Applicant status.

Summary of the Candidacy Review

Results of the Candidacy Review

The Candidacy Review Lead Evaluator and Team (if applicable) arrived at findings of the institution’s
capacity to achieve accreditation. The sections below describe the institution’s capacity to successfully
achieve accreditation, including meeting Standards and Assurances.



Assurance # 1

Assurance # 2

Assurance # 3

Assurance # 4

Assurance # 5

Assurance # 6

Assurance # 7 < NOTE: Add rows for more assurances where necessary. >

Candidacy Review Report vol. 08272022

Additional Areas for Candidacy
The responses to the following questions are the Cognia representative’s evaluation of additional
requirements for Candidacy.
1. Is the governing authority and leadership supportive of the institution’s decision to pursue

2. Does this institution have financial and human resources necessary to achieve and
maintain accreditation?

3. Does the institution have the necessary organizational infrastructure to engage and
sustain the accreditation process?

Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the results of the Candidacy Review, the recommended status for the institution is:

Remain as an Applicant for Accreditation

Reason (List Required Steps – Delete if Approved)
Approve as Candidate for Accreditation

The following tasks should be completed before the Accreditation Engagement Review will be scheduled.
Cognia representatives stand ready to help you achieve these tasks.

Complete the Orientation Meeting with a Cognia Representative.

Complete mandatory training for Self-Assessment.

[list other tasks related to Standards or Assurances—remove if not needed]

Regional Accreditation Evaluator Date

Cognia Representative Date

Candidacy Review Report vol. 08262022


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