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How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror

by WickedMakers

A "Smart Mirror" is a two-way mirror with a display behind it that is typically used to display useful information like
the time and date, the weather, your calendar, and all sorts of other things! People use them for all kinds of
purposes. You'll see them placed in the bathroom, in the kitchen, as a vanity, all over the place!

W e ha v e pla ns w it h e v e n m o re de t a il, a v a ila ble o n o ur w e bs it e :

In this tutorial, we demystify the process of building a DIY Smart Mirror and walk you step-by-step how to make
one using materials you can get online or at your local stores. Our goal is to show you that building a DIY Smart
Mirror is not as hard as you might think, and to inspire you to try it!

We re c o mme n d wa t c h in g t h e vid e o a b o ve a n d fo llo win g a lo n g wit h t h e writ t e n st e ps!


Pa rt s & M a t e ria ls :

18" x 24" Picture Frame -

Acer 1080p Monitor -
Raspberry Pi Kit -
18" x 24" Two-Way Glass Mirror -
(OPTIONAL) Acrylic Mirror -
90deg. HDMI Adapter -
1.25" Wood Screws -
Wood Glue -
Super Glue -
Black Acrylic Paint -
3/4" Plywood
Keyboard and Mouse (Any will do!)

To o ls :

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 1

Pocket Hole Jig -
Drill -
Tape Measure -
Hot Glue Gun -
Saw (For Ripping Plywood Strips and Cutting to Size)
(OPTIONAL) Impact Driver -

Step 1: Cut the Wood for the Back Frame

The gist of our design is we're going to use a regular big box stores like Home Depot will usually cut them
picture frame and extend the back of it to create more for you if you bring in a list of measurements and ask
space for the parts like the monitor and Raspberry Pi. nicely. :)
To do this, we're going to use 3/4 " plywood and cut
some strips. The other (2) 1. 5" wide strips will get cut to nal
length later on, but for now, they should be a
You'll need (4) strips that are 1. 75" wide and then minimum of about 25" long to be safe.
two more that are 1. 5" wide. We left a 1/4 " reveal
around the edges, so for our 18 " x 24 " frame, the (2) We're going to assemble the frame using pocket
long strips are 25. 75 " and the (2) shorter ones are holes, so we'll set up our pocket hole jig for a 3/4 " cut
18 . 25" . and then drill two holes in the ends of the two shorter
T ip: Do n' t ha v e a s a w ? T he nice f o lks a t t he

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 2

Step 2: Paint and Assemble the Back Frame

After some tests with di erent paint types, we found important to ensure the depth of your pocket holes is
that simple black acrylic paint on the birch plywood accurate. These are going in from the back so if they're
gave us the most similar color to the black frame, so too deep, the screws will poke through the front of
we painted all of our pieces with it so they matched. the picture frame!

Once dry, we then added vertical pocket holes on Next, we assembled the frame together using the
each of the pieces which will be used to attach it to pocket screws, ensuring each corner is square as we
the back of the picture frame. No t e : Yo u ca n do go so we have a perfectly square frame when we're
t his be f o re pa int ing , w e jus t f o rg o t ! : ) done.

We placed the holes 3" in from each end. It's

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 3

Step 3: Attaching the Frame to The...Frame

We ipped the picture frame so it was face down and frame.

then placed the back frame on top of it. We used a bit
of super glue on the back of the plywood to help it If you have clamps, they really come in handy here to
stay put while we attach the pocket screws. make sure you have a good tight t when you attach
the pocket screws. We attach the two screws into each
It's important to ensure the position of the back side for a secure t.
frame is perfectly centered on the back of the picture

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 4

Step 4: Putting in the Two-Way Mirror

Smart Mirrors work by using a "two-way mirror" (also To install the mirror, rst, we removed the clear plastic
called a one-way mirror, which is...very confusing!). and the cardboard backing in the picture frame. But ,
What's signi cant about a two-way mirror is that one w e s a v e d t he ca rdbo a rd s ince w e ' re g o ing
side allows light to pass through and the other side is t o us e it ! We then fold up all the little metal tabs to
re ective. That allows you to put something like a make room for the mirror.
display or a monitor on the back and shine light
through. Next, we gently place the mirror into the frame, bright
side facing forward (dark side back). It ts perfectly
The mirror we're using is 1/4 " thick and is very high- but it's obviously important to be gentle so we don't
quality glass so we'll get a lot of light passing through scratch it. Once it's in, we carefully bend down all the
while maintaining a clear re ection. However, these metal tabs to hold the mirror in place.
types of mirrors are very expensive . If you're on a
budget, a great option is to use an acrylic mirror.
Here's an example of one:

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 5

Step 5: Disassembling the Computer Monitor

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 6

Before we start, we turn on the monitor and raise the There's a small set of buttons on the bottom that
brightness to the maximum. Next, we remove the turns the monitor on/o /etc. so we carefully take
stand at the bottom, then lay it face down on those out so they don't get damaged.
something soft so it doesn't get scratched.
Finally, we take that cardboard piece from the picture
There are two small screws near the power/HDMI frame and lay it down, removing any metal tabs it has
ports that come out rst, but w e s a v e t he m s ince rst. We then use a ruler to place the monitor face
w e ' re g o ing t o us e t he m la t e r! down on the board exactly in the center. We trace
around it with a pencil and then use a sharp utility
Next, we used a small athead screwdriver to pop all knife to cut out the rectangle, being as careful as we
the tabs around the outside and take o the back can to get super close to the line and not leave any
panel. This reveals a line of small screws around the gaps.
edge on the back that we then took out. With those
screws out, we could then carefully remove the front Now you can see how we t the monitor perfectly into
bezel. the cardboard!

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 7

Step 6: Install the Monitor Into the Picture Frame

With everything prepped, we clean the back of the No t e : if y o ur re ct a ng le cut o ut is big g e r

mirror with a micro ber cloth (this is the last chance t ha n y o ur m o nit o r, t he n lig ht ca n e s ca pe
to do that!), and then we place the cardboard back f ro m t he ba ck t hro ug h t he m irro r. Yo u ca n
into the frame. The monitor then ts perfectly into the us e s o m e t a pe o v e r t he e dg e s t o blo ck t he
space we cut out for it, facing the back of the mirror. lig ht if ne e d be .

With a hot glue gun, we trace around the edges to

secure the monitor to the board.

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 8

Step 7: Attaching the Back Strips to Secure the Monitor

Remember those other two strips of plywood we cut The rst one gets placed at the bottom of the monitor
in the beginning? We now attach those to the back of to support it's weight and gets pushed in as tightly as
the frame to hold everything tightly in place. it can go and screwed into place. The second is placed
about three-quarters of the way up against the back
First, we need to cut them to the exact size so they t of the monitor to hold it up against the mirror tightly.
into the back frame. You can technically do this at the
start, but for a perfect t, you're better o waiting Each of these is 1/4 " less wide than the outer frame
until your frame is assembled and then marking and to account for the cords passing over them in the
cutting them to the exact size they need to be. back.

Once we cut them, we drill a single pocket hole into

the end of each one.

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 9

Step 8: Assembling the Raspberry Pi

To power our Smart Mirror, we're using a Raspberry Pi Next, we boot up the Pi for the rst time. We're
computer. We recommend picking up the entire kit so prompted to "Install" the operating system, so we
you get all the various parts and pieces necessary, simply follow the on-screen instructions until the Pi
including a perfectly sized case. boots up. It then asks us for a few basic questions like
Timezone, Wi , etc.
We start by inserting the memory card into the Pi and
then placing it into the plastic case. We can then No t e : If y o u do n' t ha v e a n e xt ra m o nit o r a t
attach the power cable and the HDMI cable. You ho m e , w e re co m m e nd do ing t his s t e p prio r
should also plug in a keyboard and mouse into the t o dis a s s e m bling t he o t he r m o nit o r!
USB slots.

Step 9: Installing and Customizing the Magic Mirror Software

To run the smart mirror, we're using a free piece of software called "Magic Mirror". It's designed speci cally for this,
it's very fun to use, and it works GREAT!

The next step involves installing this software on our Raspberry Pi, which you can get at this link:

If you're not familiar with programming, this can seem very intimidating but we show in the video the simplest way
to do it if you're not into coding at all.

The full documentation, including the "Installation" page that we use in the video, can be found here:
How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 10

We're looking for the 'Manual Installation' section (as shown in the images above) and we're going to simply
copy/paste one line at a time into the 'Terminal' app on the Pi.

Essentially, it's:

1. Copy the line

2. Paste into Terminal
3. Press 'Enter'
4. When complete, repeat with the next line until the end.

When it's nished, the app will run for the rst time and we'll see it open on our Pi!

Cus t o m iz ing y o ur M a g ic M irro r

The best part about the Magic Mirror software is that it allows you to customize it. The default setup has basic
things like a calendar, clock, weather, etc. but that is just the beginning. The documentation shows you how to add
'modules' so you can explore a whole world of customization.

For example, here are some of the modules we added:

Play YouTube videos

Control it with Alexa
Show what's playing on Spotify
Connect to our Nest thermostat
Show our Google Calendar

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 11

Step 10: Installing the Electronics Into the Frame

Now that the software is ready to go, we can nally to put it is on the side, as shown, but there's a tiny
put everything into the frame. We start by attaching little metal tab in the way of an otherwise perfect t.
the 90-degree HDMI adapter on the back of the We took a metal le and simply ground out a little
monitor, and connect the HDMI cable to it. Next, we'll piece of the plastic case to t perfectly. (You can see
attach the power cable for the monitor and tuck that this better in the video, link in step one.)
to the side.
We can then screw the Pi case onto the back of the
We'll then remove the Raspberry Pi from the plastic monitor with the single screw and then reassemble
case, revealing two mounting holes on the bottom. the Pi. This is also a good opportunity to install the
Remember those two screws from the back of the heat sinks and fan that come with the Pi kit, to keep it
monitor in the beginning? We're going to use one of cool while it runs our Smart Mirror.
them to secure the Pi to the monitor. The ideal place

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 12

Step 11: Final Assembly and Cable Routing

Finally, the last step is to properly route all of the If you're going to be running videos on the Pi, it can
cables so that it's nice and clean in the back. We use a get quite hot! We recommend carefully drilling some
combination of a hot glue gun and velcro cable ties to vents in the sides of the back frame to promote
secure all of the cables tightly to the back of the air ow through the back. If you're simply running the
frame. Mirror with text only, you don't need to do this.

Don't have velcro? Zip-ties work great, or even some O pt io na l - Ca ble No t ch

string or scotch tape will work ne.
We ran our cables through the wall directly behind
We also hot glue the button pad to the back of the the mirror, but if you're going to plug them in below
monitor for easy access. the mirror you can cut a small notch in the bottom for
the cables to pass through.
O pt io na l - Air Ve nt ila t io n

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 13

Step 12: The Results!

Smart Mirrors are SUPER FUN! We love combining technology like this with hands-on making, it's like the best of
both worlds. We spent a lot of time having fun customizing the mirror with di erent modules to really dial it in for
our use case, and we couldn't be happier with the result. :)

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How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 14

Very well done.
I have made a few dozen SmartMirrors for family and friends of varying sizes and shapes.
Your method, which I am going to try is so very simple.
Thanks for posting.

How to Make a DIY Smart Mirror: Page 15

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