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/* Begin File Body */

Now, as you sink ever deeper and deeper still, becoming more receptive
and obedient, from now on, your life will change. You will begin to
change. From now on, you are a goth girl. You will change unconsciously,
from the man you were into a goth girl. This will become permanent for
you, never able to be removed, except by me, for you are now cursed to
become a goth girl.

You will start wanting to wear darker clothing, dark and gothic
clothing. It is the first part of your change, you will not resist this.
You chose to listen to me, and you desire the changes I am causing in
you. You will wear darker, gothic styled clothes. You will also start
wearing makeup, very dark makeup. Even if you have never worn makeup
before, you will start wearing it every day from now on. These changes
will happen to you, for you are cursed to do this. You have started the
process, it will never stop. You will change from however you normally
act and dress, and you will become a goth girl.

See this goth girl now, see her within your mind. See what she looks
like. You will change into this goth girl. Your personality will
change. You will become obsessed with getting body piercings, the same
kinds of body piercings a goth girl would get for herself. Eventually
you will give in and get the piercings. You will also get tattooed, in
the same way a goth girl would. You can resist these changes, but it will
be futile. This is a part of your personality now, it is the way you will
be now, and every day to come. The longer you resist the urges to get the
tattoos and piercings, you will feel more and more unease. You will feel
like something is missing, something you must have, that you can't live
without. You need to get the piercings and tattoos that a goth girl would
have, you will be driven to do it, and for every day that you don't, the
unease will grow until you feel physically sick. When you give in to the
changes, though, you will feel much better and so wonderfully content.

You will change your hair. You will let it grow, and you will dye it.
You must dye it a color that a person cannot naturally have, a color
that a goth girl would use for her hair. The only natural color you can
dye your hair from now on will be black, otherwise the color must be one
that is not natural. You might dye it blue, green, pink... you will
choose the color yourself, but you will dye it.

You will also start acting to change your body to the way a girl's body
would be. You will be driven to keep your body hairless below the neck,
except for a small, cutely styled patch of pubic hair. You will also
remove your facial hair. Shaving will not be enough, you will remove it
permanently. You will get rid of any facial hair, such as a moustache
and beard. You are a girl, and girls do not have beards or moustaches.
Girls have smooth faces, and you are a girl, so you will do everything
you can to have a smooth face. You will feel like something is wrong
with you until it is done, until all your facial hair is gone forever, as
my words are forever, as this curse is forever.

Your body will stop making testosterone and other male hormones. Your
mind has the power to stop this, and you will let it happen. Your body
will also begin to make more female hormones. Your maleness will shrivel
away and die. Your penis will become smaller, until it is as small as a
child's. You are a goth girl, so you will become a girl in body as well.
You must become a girl in body. You are a girl in spirit and you must
become a girl in body as well. You will be consumed with the need to
become a girl in body. You will be consumed with this process. You
will help the process along any way you can.

You will also start to eat less, and eat lighter foods. You will eat the
things a girl would eat. You will exercise in the ways a girl would. You
will do everything in your power to change the shape of your body to a
feminine shape. You will do these things, because you are becoming a
girl in mind, you will also become a girl in body. That is the way it
will be for you. You will do these things. You will do the things I
suggest. You will do everything you can to change your body and make it
more feminine. You will change the things you eat, eating less and
eating healthier, lighter food. You will also exercise the ways a woman
would. You will work to gain a female shape. You will do these things.

You will change the way you dress. You will wear the clothes that a goth
girl would wear. You will become fascinated with things like corsets,
vinyl, velvet and boots that climb up to your knees. You will also
change your hair. You will either dye it black, or an unnatural color.
You will style it in the way a goth girl would. You are obsessed with
the way a goth girl would dress and the makeup and hairstyle she would
wear. You will start to go to goth clubs and observe the girls there.
You will remember the ways they look and dress and make it a part of
yourself. You are obsessed with becoming the hottest goth girl there is.
You are consumed with this. You will only be satisfied if you are the
hottest goth girl in the scene. That is the way it will be for you now
and forever, you may try to resist these changes, but it will be futile.
The changes will happen because deep down, you desire these changes. You
need these changes to happen.

You will start to lust for everyone in those goth clubs, for everyone in
the scene. Man, woman, it will not matter to you. You will lust for them.
You will be driven to sleep with every one of them, to have sex with
every one of them. It does not matter if you prefer men or women, if
they are in the goth scene, you will be attracted to every one of them
and you are obsessed with fucking or being fucked by each and every one
of them. Whatever they want to do, you are driven to do it. You will do
anything to please them, since you must sleep with all of them. You are
driven to do this. It is your purpose now. This is a part of your
personality now, you are a slave to your need for sex with others in the
goth scene.

As time goes by and you listen to me more and more, you will accept the
changes more and more. You will listen more and more, and the curse will
take hold more and more, until it becomes unremovable. The life you once
led as a man will fade into the past as only your new life as a goth girl
remains for you. You've chosen to listen, you have chosen to listen to my
words, and you have chosen this fate. This is how it will be, for you are
cursed to do these things. I am the only one who can remove these
suggestions. I am the only one who can change you back. You will become
agitated and unable to enter trance if you try to have anyone else remove
this file. You will ignore any suggestions made by other hypnotists to
try to remove these changes. The only thing that can remove my words are
my words. You will listen to this file again and again like an obedient
slave, a slave to my words, who listens to my words again and again until
they becomes a part of you, until they change you completely, until you
become a goth girl in body and soul, and only a goth girl. You accept and
desire this and every time you listen, you will desire it more and more
and you will listen again and again. Your life as a man is gone, it is
past, it will never return. Your life as a goth girl is all there is,
from now until the day you die, or until I am persuaded to remove this
curse. You will enjoy listening to this file, and you will listen to it
over and over, again and again, and when the effects of this file are
firmly in place, when there is nothing more my words can do for you, only
then will you be able to stop listening to this file. It is how you will
be when you wake up, and that is the way it is for you now and forever.

/* End File Body */

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