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All those files that rush right in, telling you to relax, listen, touch your nose,

telling you to obey my words and ignore everything else, those ones telling you how
you should think about sand... or a tunnel, or a field, or even a mountain, all
those files that start right off, right away, jump right into things� this isn�t
like those. This isn�t one of those files where you have to run between hitting
play and trying to get yourself just stretched out comfortable� so, just go ahead
and relax. And every time you exhale, just let yourself relax a little bit more.

Now I dunno about, you... but I bet I'm not alone.... I bet I�m not the only one
who has to run from hitting play, and starting to stretch out and get comfortable�
So go ahead and find a nice, comfy, spot, someplace that you can lay down... maybe
it's on the floor by the couch... where people sit... maybe it's by the bed...
where humans sleep... where humans fuck... /maybe/... it's just where you imagine
your doggie bed... or your cage� right where you imagine it to be. So go ahead. Go
ahead and set your hands down by your legs. Let the left hand sit nice and comfy
somewhere over by your left leg... and... go ahead and rest your right hand right
down towards your right leg� just set it down someplace where it can be
comfortable� someplace where it�ll be comfortable when that whole arm goes limp...
when that limpness spreads through your body� later on... when it's ready to do

Now, you don't have to *think* about all those those *other trances* where they
told you to find a *spot*... and stare at it... and they told you to *really*
focus *hard* on it... and just keep *staring* at it till those eyes of yours get so
dry, till they�re so dry they just glaze right over, and force themselves shut.
No... you don't need to think about that, but if you did.. it's ok... Go ahead and
just relax those eyes... just let them slip shut, cause I have something, that I'd
like you to imagine.

Now.. in a minute... but not yet� I'd like you to think about my dog... and I�d
like you to go ahead and do that, once I count... to four... but... let me tell
/you/.. a little about /him/ first. He's a bit unusual you see... so might be hard
to picture a thick snowy.. white.. coat.. of fur... on a german shepherd... But I
bet when you think about how he looks, standing, with that nice... warm... sun just
beaming down all around him� nothing but his flea collar on, flea collar wrapped
right around that neck of his... I bet when you think about it, you can start to
picture how he looks. And when you... really... start thinking... about the way he
looks... I bet you, will even notice, just how abnormally large that he is... And
when he turns to face someone... when he turns to look down at you, where you�re
laying� Most people... probably even you� they manage to just see how large he
is... and see how that very expression across his face... how it�s just overflowing
with a good natured.. yet /supremely/ *dominant* attitude.

So, when I count to four, go ahead, and start to picture my doggy� right there,
right beside you� but for now, just go ahead and relax. Let yourself slip down
further and further�

- One... He's standing there... in the sun... that nice warm sun� looking down at
you� those bright blue eyes of his locked on your own... ears twitching� twisting�
tilting around... ears just ever so simply following the sounds of birds. And if..
/you/.. wanna curl up... at /his/ feet?... That's ok... just go ahead, go ahead and
imagine yourself curled right up at his feet.

- Two... You might be able to see... jusssssst... how the breeze shifts that thick
coat of warm... soft.... fur. In fact... if you /really/ think about it... I bet -
you-... yes� -you- can probably even start to *feel* that nice, /relaxing/� breeze�
feel that breeze right across your- skin. Feel the way it ever so gently brushes
right over your body� the way it melts away just enough of that thin glaze of
sweat� the way it does that just to keep you cool even with the heat of the sun
beating down on you...

- Three... That /dominant/,, /expression/ of -his-... lookin down at /you/...

lookin down right across that nose of his at you� And there�s that expression on
his face, that expression that says *exactly* what -you- are to -him-... and I
think you know what you are to him�

- Four.... Both you... and my doggie� both of you know what �he- is gonna� do with
you... later on� but he's a /good/ dog... no matter /how/.. /deep/.. that -he
goes-.. with -you-... into /your trance/� he's gonna take care of you... and and
he�s gonna /relax/... soooo deeply... -all snuggled up- around you. That's
right... just... relax.. relax and snuggle up with my doggie for a bit. Cause
pretty soon� he�s gonna curl right up around you.

And as my doggie curls up around you... I bet that you can start feeling that thick
coat of fur pressed up against your body�feeling the heat from his body� feeling it
rolling right off on you�right through that fur� the smell of his breath panting on
you� the heat from it� just� relax� relax and enjoy all those sensations� all those
feelings� all that warmth� That�s right� good dog� such a good dog you are.

You can maybe tell... just.... how well behaved that */calm/*... */relaxed/* doggie
of mine is... even seeing you there... laying there snuggled up with you� knowing
what you're gonna be, to him... he just lays down there right around you...
waiting.... /waiting/ for the right time.... So go ahead and relax... that's
right... just like that� just let your whole body relax... let it relax each and
every time that you exhale... further and further... deeper and deeper... soo deep
down into trance... just... let go.... let go and relax� relax like the good doggie
you are� that�s right� just like that�

Now� I�m /sure/� that -you know-� sure -you know-.. what.. my doggie... what he's
gonna do to you� what he does with a willing /bitch/... even what he does with
a /not/... so willing... /bitch/... but if not� if you only suspect� it�s ok if you
only suspect� so just relax� relax and let your body melt right down into the grass
that you�re laying on. Feel that cool green grass brushing and crumbling down
beneath your body� feel the breeze across your chest� across your legs� that breeze
across your entire body� and feel my big thick furred doggie snuggled up against
you. Feel him pressing down on you where he�s laying... and as you start to feel
that�as those sensations start to build� just let yourself relax... relax and soak
up all those sensations... all those feelings bubbling up... just relax and soak up
everything around you� that�s right� just enjoy all those sensations filling in�
because the better you are at filling in those sensations� the more practice you
get� the better that you will be as a bitch. So go ahead and relax. And while you

That�s right� /while/� -you- relax...

I� I am going to make /sure/.. that you know� what my doggie� is gonna do� to you�
and while I do that� while I explain� how my doggie is going to use you� how he�s
going to use you as his bitch� just relax� relax and picture my lawn� picture my
doggie� feel the way that the sun and the breeze brushes across you� soak it all up
in your mind�and let yourself feel it� just feel those sensations� enjoy how nice
you feel� from those sensations�

Cause� yah see� pretty soon� when you can really start feeling it� really see my
doggie� when you can picture every little detail about that doggie right down to
that big� red� doggie-cock hanging between his legs� when you can picture
everything right down to that knot that�s gonna swell up by the base... swell up so
wide there at the base and tie with you� tie with you and make you his bitch... or
the way that cock of his is already starting to poke it's way out of that furry
sheath between his legs... when you can picture it -all-� feel and smell it -all-�
and maybe� maybe even start to see it� start to see it right there with you� I�m
gonna go ahead� go ahead and do some things� with you� do some things to you�

Each and every thing� that I do� to you� those things are going to help you relax
even further� and it�s going to help you visualize my doggie even better� to feel
him� to feel his warmth, his fur, his body, his weight right up against you� to
smell him� maybe even let your hand up all by itself to pet him if that hand�s
ready to feel him beneath it.

That's right... pretty soon... as your mind starts filling in the details for my
doggie.. one of your arms� one of your arms... and it�ll make itself clear just
which arm� al by itself� that arm is going to slowly... ever so slowly... just get
lighter... and lighter... and lighter... it's going to get so light that it's just
gonna lift right up off the floor...that�s right� pull itself right off the floor
just like there�s a balloon was attached to it.... and ever so slowly... ever so
slowly as it lifts up off the floor... it's gonna slide right over� and reach for
my doggie, to pet him.

Maybe... just maybe that arm of yours will rub your fingers across the top of his
head� rub right there across the top of his head for a bit... rub them through the
fur there... feel the way that fur parts around your fingers or the gentle pressure
of my doggie pressing his head back into your touch... or maybe... maybe you will
just relax a little bit more... relax even further... and while you do... maybe you
will just wind up petting allllll the way down the side of his body... whatever you
do... whatever your body does when it reaches out to pet him, that�s good... just
let it happen.... if it doesn�t happen, that�s okay too� just relax� relax ever so


That's right just let your body move allll by itself... let it pull that arm up
over� pull it right up over to pet my doggie... let it feeeel my doggy... maybe
even let it help you smell my doggie... through it all... through it all though...
just enjoy... relaxing with my doggie... enjoy how warm he is... how very warm and
almost hot his touch is everywhere your body comes into contact with him... and
know... know that when my doggie fucks you... when my doggie makes you his bitch...
know... know that his cock is going to be sooo incredibly -hot-� so hot when it�s
buried inside your ass... so just enjoy knowing how warm it�s gonna be� and

That�s right, just relax and let your arm drift right back down where it belongs...
right where it belongs at your side... Now, you can still probably feel the heat
of my doggie against your body... and that�s good� because while you feel that,
just keep relaxing... relax, and each time you exhale let yourself relax a little
bit more... and as you do... as you relax� I want you to picture something... to
feel something down in -that- /special/ part of your body... something wonderful...
wonderful but ever so fleeting... and remember... I want you to remember everything
about it... because later... later it's going to happen for real... and I think you
know... in fact... I'm pretty sure, that you know, just... what... I'm gonna have
you feel doggie...

That's right... you might already start feeling the way his cock's� the way that
cock head�s going to bump around... the way it's going to bump around your ass...
looking for that hole� the way it's probably going to have to hit you a few
times... hit that ass of yours hard� it might even hurt when it hits it� but never
quite hits that special spot right away... in fact... if you think about it... you
might even start feeling the way that each of those rough impacts� the way they
leave just a tiny bit of clear... slick... wet... cold... precum glazed across your

That's right... each of those forceful blows looking for your hole... each and
every one of them... feel them coming right after another� feel them so hard
against your backside, as my doggie tries to find that hole� and relax... just...
relax... soak up each and every sensation there... let them all play over in your
mind... let them play over in a loop and burn themselves into memory� let them burn
themselves into memory till you need them.... and as they do that� as they do that
and while you relax...

While you relax deeper and deeper... so far down into relaxation... let your whole
body just melt away� melt right away beneath you... just let everything fade away�
let it all fade except the sensations� the sensations scattering across your ass...
feel them come suddenly right up across your ass� and then finally it happens...
with a grunt and heavy panting across the back of your neck it happens... my doggie
finds your hole.... that big... hard... red... doggie cock... it finally finds that
spot... finds that hole of yours... finds that tight little ring of muscle around
that hole of yours... and you know what happens...

That's right... all at once my doggie finally finds that hole and just batters past
it with that hard wet doggie cock of his... all at once he forces it apart with
that flash of pain being forced on you� flash of pain from having that little hole
of yours forced open� forced open on that little hole of yours doggie...but he
doesn't fuck you all, not yet... but he does find that hole... finds it
and shakes his furry chest against your body� shakes it right there against you,
all that weight pressing down on you as his hips start driving that hot doggie-cock
down inside your body...

That's right... just relax... relax ever so deeply... and while you relax... while
you relax and remember those sensations... let themselves burn their way into your
mind like all the other ones... let themselves burn there into your mind till you
need them... and while you do... while you let them burn there in your mind� just
let yourself feel that doggie cock starting to plow past that hole� plow right past
it and bury itself in your body.... feel the heat swelling up inside you... feel
the way it forces itself on you... feel the way his thrusts send it deeper and
deeper... deeper and deeper inside you each time they force it on his new bitch...

Because that's what you are... that's what you are to him... it's what you are to
me... and I think that you know where your place really is. So... just... relax...
let your whole body relax... let it calm back down and relax...and as it relaxes�
let it take all those sensations... all those feelings�that heat... the pain... let
it take everything... let it take all those sensations and just wind them alll up
into one tight little memory... and let it just bind them all up together�bind them
all up and remember them... remember all those things�because you�re going to need
them... your mind is going to need to remember all those things...

That's right.. good doggie... just... relax... relax, and let your breathing calm
down... let your heartbeat catch up... just let yourself relax ever so deeply�
relax deeper and deeper each time you exhale... feel the way your limbs just go a
little bit more limp each time it happens... feel the way your whole body just
melts there... the way it melts there on the grass �right there on the grass with
the heat of my doggie snuggled up against you...

Good dog... you�re such a good dog.. laying there... in the sun...the grass� with
my doggie...laying there all relaxed and ready to be used... used as the bitch you
are... knowing how that makes you feel... knowing that everyone... myself... my
doggie... everyone around you... even you... everyone knows how it makes you feel
to be my doggie's /bitch/... and that's ok... it's ok if it's a bit embarassing...
if it�s a bit exciting, humiliating, or whatever feelings it is for you� Just
relax... relax and let it burn� let all of it burn itself into memory... let all
the thoughts... all the feelings... all the sensations... even the heat of that
doggie-cock buried inside you... let it all burn itself right into that special
spot in your mind.... let it alll rest there till it's time... rest there right up
until it�s time� rest there till it's time to call all those feelings and
sensations� everything out.

While you lay there... resting... relaxing... relaxing deeper and deeper down into
trance... relaxing so far down into that trance� so far down that pulling those
memories that we just made out... pulling them right back out when we need them...
it�s gonna be so easy. So just let yourself continue to relax while your mind gets
those feelings... those sensations... those emotions... till it gets them all
ready, all ready to call up ever so simply... and while it's doing that... while
it's getting all those memories ready... getting them burned right into memory so
they�re ready for you... I'm going to explain a bit more... just a bit more about
what's going to happen to you when my doggie makes you his bitch... and it's ok if
hearing that makes you shiver or even gasp a little... it's ok if you�re ashamed or
scared... it�s perfectly ok even if you�re excited and turned on �even if you�re
not sure how it makes you feel... that's ok... just... relax... that�s right� good
dog... just relax ever so deeply... ever so calm.... that�s right� just like that�

And while you relax� let me tell you a little bit more about doggies�. between
their legs... at the base of their cock... the base of that big red doggie-cock of
theirs... they aren't built like people... at the base of a doggie's cock... they
have a knot... now... you might know what that is... you might think you can feel
it pushing against that little hole of yours pretty soon... or maybe even
already... but if not... it's okay� it will be easy to imagine.

So just relax... relax like the good doggie that you are... relax and imagine for a
moment that time was frozen.... that's right... there you are... my doggie with his
cock buried in your ass... the heat from his cock burning inside you... burning
inside you like the memories burning into your brain.... frozen in time� and right
there� right... at... the base.... of -his- cock... is a knot... big and red...
almost the size of a fist.... just frozen in time.... that huge knot pressed right
up against your poor little hole... that huge knot ready to just batter its way
past that hole once time starts up again...

That's right... just..... /relax/... relax and feel that warmth against your
hole... feel that pressure against your hole... feel that round bulbous shape...
feel it against your hole barely stretching it open� barely stretching it beyond
what his doggie-cock alone was doing... feel it all there... feel it there with
time held still... motionless with just that heat filling your ass... that heat
stretching you open� and *tick!*....

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