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Nama : Theo Reza Putra

NPM : 40622200026

Kelas : S1 Kelas Karyawan B2 Teknik Informatika

Analyze the Job

Job Title : Software development

Job Requirement : • Strong proficiency in programming languages
such as Java, C++, Python, or other relevant
• Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a
related field.
• Solid understanding of software development
principles and practices.
• Experience with software development tools,
libraries, and frameworks.
• Problem-solving skills and the ability to work
collaboratively in a team.

Your Strength (skills, qualities, : • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

certifications, experiences,
professional qualifications, • Proficiency in Java, C++, Python, and other
abilities, computer skills, and relevant programming languages.
knowledge bases)
• Strong problem-solving skills.
• Previous experience in software development
• Familiarity with software development tools
and best practices.
• Effective communication and teamwork
• Relevant certifications in programming
Research the Company

The Company’s Name : Agate's Indonesia

The Company’s Location : Bandung, West Java

The company’s team size : 300++

The company’s history, : • Agate's Indonesia is a renowned game

major successes, and development company based in Indonesia,
defining moments founded in 2009.
• The company has achieved significant success
in the gaming industry, with several award-
winning game titles.
• Key defining moments include the launch Earl
Grey and this Rupert Guy Flash 2010

The company’s : • Agate's Indonesia caters to a global audience of

customers/clients or target gamers and clients in the gaming industry.
• Their clients include major gaming companies,
publishers, and platforms.

The industry the company : • Agate's Indonesia operates in the video game
operates in development and software industry.

Products or services that : • Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2

the company has recently

The company's mission, : • Agate's Indonesia's mission is to create

aims, objectives, or goals innovative and enjoyable gaming experiences.
• Their objectives include expanding their market
presence and delivering high-quality games and
software solutions.

Company’s website :

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