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Munich Airport

Munich Airport

Setup................................................................................................................. 2
Installation ....................................................................................................... 2
Other meshes ................................................................................................. 2
Overview ........................................................................................................... 2
Features .......................................................................................................... 2
Scenery Load Order ........................................................................................ 3
Special Features ............................................................................................... 4
Static Aircraft ................................................................................................... 4
Animated Jetways ........................................................................................... 4
Animated Hangar Doors .................................................................................. 4
Winter version ................................................................................................. 4
Common Issues ................................................................................................ 5
Unusually low fps ............................................................................................ 5
Floating objects ............................................................................................... 5
Scenery not visible .......................................................................................... 5
About................................................................................................................. 5
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... 5
License ........................................................................................................... 5
Contact ........................................................................................................... 6
Other sceneries ............................................................................................... 6

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Munich Airport

 Unpack the .zip file you downloaded
 Copy the folders “ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport” and “z - ShortFinal - EDDM -
Mesh” from “Custom Scenery” to “X-Plane 11/Custom Scenery”. IMPORTANT:
Make sure you copy both individual folders, not just the parent folder. Otherwise X-
Plane will not find the scenery
 Remove any other EDDM sceneries that you may have installed
 Enable the “Runways follow terrain contours” checkbox in your X-Plane settings
(under “General”)
 Please note that due to the way X-Plane’s scenery system works, the mesh will
hide all other airport scenery in the same area. This is due to the fact that newly
installed scenery gets the highest priority by default. Please refer to the “Scenery
Load Order” section of this manual to readjust your scenery load order
 Make sure you have Scenery Animation Manager (SAM) installed

Other meshes
If you are using photoscenery that comes with its own mesh (e.g. Ortho4XP), taxiway
bridges will not display properly and objects might be sunk into the ground or floating.

To remedy this, I have included a patch file for Ortho4XP in the scenery folder, which will
allow you to regenerate your Ortho4XP tiles with the mesh changes for EDDM. See the
“Ortho4XP Patch” folder for instructions.

 Accurate models for all buildings with baked Ambient Occlusion
 Dynamic reflections on objects and ground textures
 Custom high resolution ground textures
 HDR night lighting
 Animated airport vehicles (using GroundTraffic by Jonathan Harris)
 Custom animated jetways and DGS (using the SAM plugin)
 High resolution photo scenery (30cm/px)
 Randomly placed static aircraft, can be toggled off in the X-Plane settings
 Taxi network and gate assignments – WorldTraffic 3 ready

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Munich Airport

Scenery Load Order

It is important that X-Plane loads your custom sceneries in the correct order, or else this
scenery might look faulty or is missing entirely.

Inside your “Custom Scenery” folder, you will find a file called “scenery_packs.ini”, which
defines the order in which your sceneries are loaded. You can open this file with any text
editor. If you ran X-Plane at least once after installing this scenery, you will find an entry for
both of the scenery folders. After installing, the entries for the airport and the mesh are
placed at the top of the list, which is not ideal since the mesh will hide all airport scenery in
the vicinity. Here is where the two entries should ideally be:

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport/

You can just leave this entry at the top. It should always be above any other EDDM
sceneries, especially the default “Global Airports”. It should also always be above any
meshes or overlays, including the mesh for this scenery.
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/z - ShortFinal - EDDM - Mesh/

This entry should be below all airports, but above any other meshes (like the freeware “HD
Mesh”). For example, you can place it right under “SCENERY_PACK Custom
Scenery/Global Airports/”.

See the example below for a correctly ordered scenery_packs.ini file:

1000 Version


SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport/

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/z - ShortFinal - EDDM - Mesh/

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_hd_global_scenery3/

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Munich Airport

Special Features
Static Aircraft
Important: You have to enable the “Draw parked aircraft at airports” checkbox in
your X-Plane display options to see any static aircraft!

X-Plane 10.50 introduced a new way of managing static aircraft. Instead of actually placing
objects, a scenery author can set up gates with an airline code, an aircraft type, and a size
category. X-Plane will then randomly place static aircraft objects that fit those parameters.

Please note that X-Plane only ships with a very limited amount of static aircraft, with many
big airlines missing. To fix this, I have built the MisterX Library, which expands X-Plane’s
static aircraft pool with lots of high-quality models, featuring most airlines present at
Munich. Follow the instructions on the download page to install this library.

Animated Jetways
This scenery uses custom jetway models that can drive up to your plane, as well as
various Docking Guidance Systems (DGS) that will guide you into your parking position. It
uses the new Scenery Animation Manager (SAM) plugin, which you need to download and
install. The SAM plugin supports multiple jetways for large aircraft, as well as the ability to
use every parking position at each gate.

Jetways will activate when you switch off your engines and beacon light.

Animated Hangar Doors

The doors of all large maintenance hangars can be opened using the SAM plugin. You can
open it via the X-Plane menu: Plugins -> SAM -> Show Interface

Winter version
This scenery includes a winter version. If you have the “TerraMAXX” plugin installed, the
scenery will switch accordingly. If you use other seasonal plugins, you can manually switch
to the winter version. Go inside the “ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport” folder, and switch
the “library.txt” file with “library_Winter.txt”.

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Munich Airport

Common Issues
Unusually low fps
Make sure that your texture resolution is not set to “Maximum (no compression)”. This
setting can cause excessive VRAM usage and has almost no benefit for you as a user. It
is best to leave it at “Maximum”, or try lower settings if you are still having performance

Floating objects
If you are not using the included mesh, make sure to read the “Other meshes” section.

Scenery not visible

Please read the “Scenery Load Order” section, as this scenery might be hidden by others
if your load order is incorrect.

Thanks to:
Jonathan Harris (marginal) for his GroundTraffic plugin

Matthias Seewald (maps2xplane) for creating the custom mesh

This software is protected by copyright laws. Buying this software only grants you a license
to use it. This license is for personal, non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to
redistribute any part of this package.

The orthoimagery used in the scenery is owned by Valtus Imagery Services and may
not be extracted or redistributed.

The included mesh uses elevation data from the government of Bavaria.

Datenquelle: Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung –

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Munich Airport

Most of the problems you might experience can be resolved by reading this manual. Make
sure you have read the “Common Issues” section. If you want to report a problem to me,
please attach the “log.txt” file from your X-Plane folder (when applicable).

If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach me at

You can send your message in English or German.

Alternatively, you can also message me on, my username is „MisterX6“.

Other sceneries
Follow my latest projects and see an overview of all my released airports on this page!
You can also download many free airports that I released in the past.

Follow my Facebook page to get the latest updates on my projects!

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