Kalaa Sharira

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कला शारीर


कला खल्वपि सप्त भवन्ति धात्वाशयान्तर मयाा दा I


कला are the limiting or separating membranes between

धातु and आशय or Lining of the आशय. Which means कला

refers to structural and functional boundaries or membranes,
which lining the Aashayas (cavities), Viscera, Blood vessels,
Fibrous capsules of Joints etc. आशय is the Cavity which gives

आश्रय (Shelter or Protection) to the दोष, धातु , मला etc.


 Ayurveda deals with the composition of structural &

functional aspect of human body particularly based on
practical observation
 The body is made up of different systems and every
system has got its own structural limit.
 To ascertain the vicinity of a particular system, there is a
need of compartmentalization. This is not possible without
help of limiting membranes.
 To separate one cell or tissue from another, there is
need of limiting membrane (कला).However every membrane
is having its own distinctiveness in the structure & function.
 Just as the pith is seen when the stem of a tree is cut,
similarly when the Dhatu such as Mamsa are cut, Kala
becomes visible.
 While describing the physics of the membranes there is
a characteristic example that is given. Oil and water are
added in a beaker and shaken up. Though the two liquids do
not mix there is a layer that is formed between the two
immiscible liquids, which is neither water nor oil. This is
compared to the membrane or कला.


 शोषण – Absorption of Nutrients

 स्रावण – Secretion
 पववेचन – Selectivity or Division

 संरक्षण – Protection

Types of कला

धात्वन्तरे षु या सप्त कलााः संिररकीपतातााः ।(सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

कला are 7 in number. They are,

1. मां सधर कला

2. रक्तधर कला

3. मे दोधर कला

4. श्ले ष्मधर कला

5. िुरीषधर कला

6. पित्तधर कला

7. शुक्रधर कला

1. मांसधर कला

तासां प्रथमा मां सधरा, यस्ां मां से पसरा स्नायु धमनी स्रोतसां

प्रताना भवपत । (सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

According to Acharya Sushruta, first कला is माां सधर

कला. In this कला, ससरा स्नायु धमनी स्रोतस् are present. Just

like the lotus stem and stalk located in the mud water of

the pond, like that the Blood vessels, nerves etc lies in

the माां सधर कला.

माां सधर कला maybe correlated to membrane of

Fascia, which is present in between the skin and muscle

fibres. Its main function is to separate muscle tissue

from the dermis and acts as a shock absorber for the

muscles. It presents with many structures like Nerve

fibres, Blood vessels, Lymphatic vessels etc.

2. रक्तधर कला or असृग्धर कला

पितीये रक्तधरा मां सस् आभ्यन्तरताः, तस्ां शोपणतं पवशेषतश्च

पसरासु यकृत् प्लीह्नोश्च भवपत । (सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

The second कला is रक्तधर कला, which exist inside the

माां स generally & in the blood vessels particularly, also in the

Liver and Spleen.

Sushruta has explained that like milky exudates comes out

by cutting trees or shrubs, in the same way by injuring
mamsadi dhatu, the blood oozes out immediately as
Rakthadhara Kala is cut, and that beholds rakta.

Rakthadhara Kala maybe correlated to Endothelium of

Blood vessels. All blood vessels contain 3 layers of coverings.

1. Tunica intima
2. Tunica media
3. Tunica externa

The Endothelium present in the Tunica intima. The

internal surface of all blood vessels are lined by a layer of
flattened cells called endothelium. The endothelium is
supported, on the outside by varying amount of muscle and
connective tissue. In the prenatal life blood formation is first
seen in the wall of the yolk sac and around the allantoic
diverticulum. Later the Liver becomes an important site of
blood formation. Some blood formation also occurs in the

3. मेदोधर कला

तृतीये मे दोधरा, मे दो पि सवाभूतानां उदरस्थम् अण्वस्स्थषु च,

मित्सु च मज्जा भवपत । (सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

The 3rd kala is मेदोधर कला, which is usually found in उदर

– Abdominal wall – and in small bones. In case of Long bones,
it’s found as मज्जा.

It maybe correlated to Adipose tissue, which is

deposited in abdominal wall, greater omentum, lesser
omentum, mesentery etc.
4. श्लेष्मधर कला

चतुथे श्लेष्मधरा, सवासस्िषु प्राणभृतां भवपत । (सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

The 4th kala is श्ले ष्मधर कला, present in all the joints. Just
a like the wheel moves easily when its axle hole is lubricated
with oil or grease, similarly the joints move freely, lubricated
with Shleshma.

It maybe correlated to Synovial membrane. It’s a

specialized connective tissue that lines the inner surface of
capsules of joints. It helps for free movements and reduces
friction between bones.

5. िु रीषधर कला or मलधरकला

िञ्चमे िुरीषधरा नाम, या अन्ताःकोष्ठे मलमपभपवभजते

िक्वाशयस्था । (सुश्रुत/शारीर/4)

5th kala is पुरीषधर कला located within the कोष्ठ,

particularly in the पक्वाशय. The Sthana of Purishadhara Kala
has a very close relation with viscera like Antra and is in close
proximity with yakrit.

The Mala Vibhajana (Separation or formation of faecal

matter) process is carried out especially in the Unduka.

It maybe correlated to the Mucous membrane of Large

intestine which helps in the formation of faeces. As the fluid
chyme passes from Small intestine to Large intestine, in the
first half of large intestine most of the water (90%) gets
absorbed by the mucous membrane and it results in
transformation of fluid chyme to solid consistency and passes
down to the rectum.

6. पित्तधर कला

षपष्ठ पित्तधरा, या चतुपवाधमन्निानं आमशयात् प्रच्यु तं

िक्वाशयोिस्स्थतं धारयपत । (सु श्रुत/शारीर/4)

6th kala is Pittadhara Kala , that extends from amashaya

to pakwashaya and helps in dharana of pitta for digestion and
absorption of चतु सवि धमन्नपान (असशत (Chewable), खासदत

(Swallovable), पीत (Drinkable), लीढ (Lickable).

It maybe correlated to the Mucous lining of Small

intestine extending from pyloric region to ilio-cecal junction
(especially duodenum), where the chyme mixed with
different gastro intestinal secretions like bile juice, pancreatic
juice, intestinal enzymes etc which helps in easy digestion
and absorption.

7. शुक्रधर कला

सप्तमी शुक्रधरा नाम, या सवा प्रापणनां सवा शरीरव्यापिनी ।


7th kala is शुक्रधर कला, which present all over the

body of all human beings, just like ghee is present in the

milk or sugar in sugarcane.

It maybe correlated in 2 different views,

 Functional view -Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis

 Involvement of Major Systems
 Influence of physiology is seen on reproductive
 Structural view – covering of seminal vesicles, vas
deference and ejaculatory duct
 Production of sperms in testis
 Secretion of seminal vesicles, prostate glands, bulbo-
urethral glands

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