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Part of speech

We can categorize English words into 8 basic types called part of speech.


ARTICLES Tells if a noun is general or a specific
NOUN Thing or person
ADJECTIVES Describe nouns
VERBS Action or state
ADVERBS Describe a verb, adjective or adverb
PRONOUNS Replace a noun
CONJUNCTION Join clauses, sentences or words
INTERJECTION Short exclamation

What is an article?

An article is aword used before a noun that indicates whether or not the reference
is to a specific entity or entities ora n unspecific one.

THE: The actor were really good.

A: I need a lot of money.
AN: I want an Apple
English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite.
The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular
For example, your friend might ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?”
The definite article tells you that your friend is referring to a specific party that
both of you know about.
The definite article can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns.
Below are some examples:

● Please give me the hammer.

● Please give me the red hammer; the blue one is too small.

● Please give me the nail.

● Please give me the large nail; it’s the only one strong enough to hold this
● Please give me the hammer and the nail.

Nouns/ sustantivos
Visita el siguiente link y después de ver el video contesta lo que se te pide

1.- ¿Cuantos tipos de sustantivos hay en inglés?

Comunes, propios, abstractos, colectivos, sustantivos
2.-Escribe tres enunciados de cada uno de los tipos de sustantivos que hay.
People like to go yo the beach
The classes begin at ten o`clock
The children play in the garden every afternoon
I like to eat potatoes


Are words that describe a noun. Tell us about characteristics of someone or


Copy to your notebook and traslate/ copia a tu cuaderno y traduce

Hansome / intelligent/ inteligente
Pretty/ bonita excellent/ eccelente
Intelligent/ inteligente amazing / increible
Nice/agradable short/ corto
Tall/ Alto well shaped/ bien formado
Body description: big, tall,short, thin.
Eye color: blue, Brown, gray, Green.
Hair color: black, blond, Brown, dark, red.
Other features: beard, glasses, mustache.

Read the descriptions and answer the questions in your notebook /lee las
descripciones y contesta las preguntas en tu cuaderno.

She is Emma. She is a famous actress. Emma is tall and skinny. Her
hair is red. She has Brown eyes and beautiful gaze. She is a nice person and love
Description 2. My dad, Mark is 45. He is a good dancer, he can breakdance. He is
tall and thin. He has brown hair and Green eyes.
Description 3. Andy Harmer is a British actor and performer. He is Slim and has
blond hair. He is handsome and Smart and has a beautiful Green eyes.

1.- What color is the hair of Emma? Is red

2.- What is Mark hair´s color? brown
3.- What is Andy eyes´s color? green

Verbs are words tha express action or state.

Investigate the following verbs in english and write in your notebook/investiga los
siguientes verbos en inglés y escríbelos en tu cuaderno.

Venir_come Dejar__leave Poner__put Hacer__do Cantar__sing Decir__say

Envia__send Estudiar___study
Tener __have dormir___sleep bailar__dance amar__love
Find the verbs from the above list in english /encuentra los verbos de la lista de
arriba en ingles

S T u d y q d d a n c e d D

I c x n y b f n p i l l v o

n j o u t h t e o p e k k p

g o t m d t a s u y a h p l

R A m m e e x s t q v a t o

g t o c d x z y g d e t y v

u e y o y x a a v g y u r e

h a v e a l u s l e e p a x

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