Test Bank For Cognitive Psychology 8th Edition Solso

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Test Bank for Cognitive Psychology,

8th Edition: Solso

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Cognitive Neuroscience

L Instruction Tip
Arrange to have a physician, technician, or psychologist working with imaging techniques
give a guest lecture on the topic (and/or arrange for a visit at their location to see a session
in progress).

Discussion Topics

Modern imaging techniques have allow researcher to 'see' the where and when of brain functioning,
but some might argue that this is modern phrenology in that it tells us little about the underlying
psychology. Do you agree?

Some might argue that cognitive psychology is a thing in the past and that it should now be called
cognitive neuroscience. Do you agree with this?

Many of the cognitive neuroscience results are based on blood flow studies. What is the rationale
for the use of blood flow? Do you agree with this assumption? What are some other assumptions
made using these methods?

Some research has found that when a person develops expertise for a task, less blood flows to
that area. Does this create problems for the assumption that blood flow equates with cognition?
Chapter 2 Cognitive Neuroscience




1. Randomly select an even number of males and females from the class (should have at least 15
of each).
2. Have the students sit on the floor in a single file (males in one line, females in the other), with
their right hands on the right shoulder of the student in front of them.
3. Have everyone close their eyes as the first person in the line is cued to squeeze the shoulder of
the person they are facing. As soon as a person feels the squeeze, they are to squeeze the
shoulder of the person in front of them, passing on the squeeze signal, like neural signals in the
4. Using a stopwatch, record the time required to complete the circuit. The procedure may be
repeated to improve efficiency and time.
5. Next, have the students turn shoulder-to-shoulder and place their right hands on their
neighbor’s ankle.
6. Repeat the signal transmission and compare the times required to complete the circuit. Compare
differences within gender group trials and between groups


This is actually an example of a quasi-experiment, since gender is a quasi-experimental variable

(subjects cannot be randomly assigned to either condition). Cause is difficult to surmise in quasi-
experimental designs due to the fact that subjects are not randomly assigned to groups, opening
up the possibility that factors other than the manipulated ones may be correlated with the
experimental groups. In this example, for instance, there may be aspects of being male or female
other than biology that affect the subjects’ performance here. While comparing within group
inter-trial differences, you should find that transferring the signal using ankle-to-hand
transmission requires more time to complete. This is an indicator of the increase in time required
for neural transmissions from the ankle to the head, compared to shoulder to the head. To
calculate an estimate of the speed of sensory neural transmission, divide the increase in elapsed time
by the number of students, and then divide this figure by the average of the distance from the
ankle to the shoulder (around 3 or 4 feet).
Instructor's Manual and Test Bank

Internet Sites

This site is a course outline for an Introductory Neuroscience course. There are some useful
black and white images and some good links. This may be more useful to the instructor than to
the students.
This tutorial covers the basic aspects of MRI and includes a search engine for topics of interest.
What does handedness have to do with brain lateralization? This is an interesting but long,
handedness questionnaire.
This experiment gives the student exposure to how lateralization studies are conducted. The
instructions are detailed and need to be read in full before beginning the experiment. A Java
enabled browser is required and you can log in as “guest.”


World Wide Web sites of basic and clinical neuroscience journals, as well as some key basic science
and medical journals, are included in the pages of this section. Some sites offer the full text of the
journals. By viewing the neuroscience journals students can begin to develop an idea of what topics
are studied under neuroscience.


This is a site with outlines on a broad range of neuropsychology topics.
Chapter 2 Cognitive Neuroscience


Awakenings (1990) Based on the true story of medical researcher Dr. Malcolm Sayer (Robin
Williams), who attempts to treat a group of patients who've laid comatose in a Bronx hospital
for 30 years. Sayer prescribes an experimental drug, and it works. Robert De Niro co-stars as a
patient unconscious since adolescence who must come to terms with life as an adult.

Digging to China (1998) A troubled young girl, ignored by her alcoholic mother and
preoccupied sister, befriends a mentally handicapped man in the neighborhood. When her mother
dies in a car accident, the girl learns a terrible family secret and attempts to run away.

Face/Off (1997) When an antiterrorism agent (John Travolta) wants to get the bad guys, he goes
under the knife to acquire the face and voice of a captured terrorist (Nicolas Cage). When Cage
escapes from custody, he turns the tables and takes on Travolta's face. Oscar-worthy
performances? No! But you will get an explosive cat-and-mouse pursuit of the utmost lethal

I Am Sam (2001) Emotional drama chronicles a mentally disabled father's legal fight to keep
custody of his young daughter after a social worker recommends that the girl be placed in foster

Lorenzo's Oil (1992) Parents seek cure for son's illness in this affecting drama. Sympathetic
performances and richly satisfying resolution raise this above disease-of-the-week teleplays,
appealing to fans of humanistic, emotionally involving drama.

Phenomenon (1996) An ordinary man experiences a mysterious light and becomes capable of
extraordinary mental powers in this uplifting must-see story.

Regarding Henry (1991) Henry (Harrison Ford) is a wealthy and successful lawyer whose life
with his wife (Annette Bening) and daughter seem perfect, but in reality, Henry is cold-hearted and
bitter. But all that changes when he's shot in the head during a robbery and must endure a slow
and grueling recovery. As he relearns even the most basic of tasks such as walking and tying his
shoes, a loving, caring man appears, much to the shock of his family and friends.
Instructor's Manual and Test Bank


El-Hai, J. (2005). The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and his Tragic Quest to Rid the
World of Mental Illness. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
“Jack El-Hai has written an absorbing, unsettling and cautionary story of the man who sold
the lowly ice pick as the surgical solution to the mental illness of tens of thousands of people….
The author, a respected science journalist, started his research assuming that Freeman was akin
to Josef Mengele. He ends this book with a nuanced, haunted view of his subject… With The
Lobotomist, El-Hai gives his readers a first-class biography and, without saying so, a tutorial in the
sober need for professional humility.” (Karen R. Long, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Firlik, K. (2006). Another Day in the Life of the Frontal Lobe: A Brain Surgeon Exposes Life on
the Inside. NY: Random House.
“It doesn't take a brain surgeon to wonder what it's like to poke around beneath somebody's
cranium. It does take a brain surgeon, however, to explain what makes a person want to drill into
another person's skull. At that Firlik excels in her sometimes grisly, sometimes amusing (in a
dark-humorous way), always informative, personal (father was a surgeon), and professional
("part scientist, part mechanic") story of becoming a neurosurgeon. In many ways she is what
you might expect, but in others she is the rarest of the rare. There are a mere 4,500
neurosurgeons in the U.S., and a scant 5 percent of them are women. While Firlik has had some
of the predictable and standard hassles and worries (what to wear to a job interview?), she has
never had to storm out of a room because of male chauvinism. From a day-in-the-life sketch of
a neurosurgery residency to an astonishing report on a performance-enhancing procedure to
improve brain function, Firlik maintains a highly personal and engaging style.” Donna Chavez

Gazzaniga, M. S. (2005). The Ethical Brain. NY: Dana Press.

"The Ethical Brain is an extraordinary book. Michael Gazzaniga asks profound questions
about life, ethics, the brain, reason, and irrationality. His discussion of these issues—ones that
perplex ethicists, philosophers, and psychologists—is lucid, provocative, and deeply interesting.
This is an important and fascinating book.”—Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D., professor of
psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Gazzaniga, M. S. (1999). The New Cognitive Neurosciences. The MIT Press.

“Gazzaniga has arrayed some of the world's leaders in one of the most exciting areas of
neuroscience -- cognitive neuroscience -- and has woven their contributions into a comprehensive and
well-documented, yet accessible and provocative, overview. This book belongs on the shelf of any
reader interested in the brain and behavior." -- Stephen G. Waxman, Chairman, Department of
Neurology, Yale Medical School
Chapter 2 Cognitive Neuroscience

Koenig, O. & Kosslyn, S. M. (1995). Wet Mind : The New Cognitive Neuroscience.
“In this first comprehensive, integrated, and accessible overview of recent insights into how
the brain gives rise to mental activity, the authors explain the fundamental concepts behind and
the key discoveries that draw on neural network computer models, brain scans, and behavioral
studies. Drawing on this analysis, the authors also present an intriguing theory of consciousness.
In addition, this paperback edition contains an epilogue in which the authors discuss the latest
research on emotion and cognition and present new information on working memory.”

Ramachandran, V. S. (1999). Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind.
“Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran is internationally renowned for uncovering answers to
the deep and quirky questions of human nature that few scientists have dared to address. His
bold insights about the brain are matched only by the stunning simplicity of his experiments --
using such low-tech tools as cotton swabs, glasses of water and dime-store mirrors. In Phantoms
in the Brain, Dr. Ramachandran recounts how his work with patients who have bizarre
neurological disorders has shed new light on the deep architecture of the brain, and what these
findings tell us about who we are, how we construct our body image, why we laugh or become
depressed, why we may believe in God, how we make decisions, deceive ourselves and dream,
perhaps even why we're so clever at philosophy, music and art.”

Sacks, O. (1998). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales.
Touchstone Publishers.
“Oliver Sacks's The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat tells the stories of individuals
afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberrations: patients who have lost their
memories and with them the greater part of their pasts; who are no longer able to recognize people
and common objects; who are stricken with violent tics and grimaces or who shout involuntary
obscenities; whose limbs have become alien; who have been dismissed as retarded yet are gifted
with uncanny artistic or mathematical talents. If inconceivably strange, these brilliant tales
remain, in Dr. Sacks's splendid and sympathetic telling, deeply human. They are studies of life
struggling against incredible adversity, and they enable us to enter the world of the neurologically
impaired, to imagine with our hearts what it must be to live and feel as they do. A great healer,
Sacks never loses sight of medicine's ultimate responsibility: "the suffering, afflicted, fighting
human subject."

Squire, L. R. & Kosslyn, S. M. (1999). Findings and Current Opinion in Cognitive Neuroscience.
The MIT Press.
“Because researchers come to cognitive neuroscience from a variety of fields, researchers
and students alike find it difficult to ascertain the core literature. This volume, which contains
forty-six review articles from recent issues of Current Opinion in Neurobiology, provides easy access
to the current state of theory and findings in the field. The book is organized into five sections:
Perception and Attention, Neuronal Plasticity and Memory, Cognition, The Organization of
Action, and Development and Structure. The articles contain bibliographies to enable the reader
to pursue individual topics in greater depth.”
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
will allow. Hold all these folds flat and close, and with a small
pinching cord give one turn round the middle of the cracker and
pinch it close; bind it with pack thread as tight as you can, then in the
place where it was pinched prime one end and cap it with touch-
When these crackers are fired they will give a loud report at every
turn of the paper: if you want a great number of these, you have only
to cut the paper longer, or join it on to a greater length; but if they are
made very long you must have a piece of wood with a groove in it
deep enough to let in half the cracker, which will hold it straight while
you are pinching it.

Roman Candles and Stars.

These are best made with the following ingredients: 1 ounce of
powder, 1 ounce of sulphur, and 2 ounces of niter. Some persons,
however, prefer 1 part sulphur, 1 charcoal, 1 iron filings, 4 of powder,
and 8 of niter. The composition being made, in filling the cases fill the
contrary way to a squib—stop up the choke by driving down a piece
of paper. Put in 1 quill of gunpowder loose and 1 star made in the
following manner: 1 ounce of camphor, 1 of sulphur, 2 of meal
powder, 1 ounce of the colored fires, moisten them with oil of
turpentine, and work them into little round balls. Having placed a star
within the case, put in above it 3 quills of the composition, ram down,
then powder, star, and composition alternately, till the case is full.
Paste touch-paper round the top and twist to a point.

There are several recipes for making rockets, the best of which is 3
ounces of charcoal, 6 of sulphur, 8 of niter, 32 of meal powder.
Another very good one is, 3 ounces of iron filings, 4 of powdered
charcoal, 8 of sulphur, 16 of niter, and 64 of meal powder. If a
smaller quantity is wanted divide each proportion by 2, if a still
smaller divide by 4.
Sometimes gold or silver rains are added to rockets, which give them
a very beautiful appearance. A gold rain is made of 2 parts sawdust,
4 sulphur, 4 meal powder, 6 glass dust, 16 niter, in all 32 parts. A
silver rain may be made of 2 parts salt prunella, 8 sulphuret of
antimony, 8 sulphur, 8 meal powder, and 14 niter, in all 32 parts.

Catherine Wheels.
These are very pretty fireworks, and are made to turn on a pivot.
There are many recipes for the composition of which they are
formed; 1 part camphor, 1 sulphur, 1 niter, 2 meal powder. Another
is, 3 parts iron filings, 4 sulphur, 12 niter, 16 meal powder. This
composition is to be rammed into small cases, and bound round a
small wheel having a hole for a pivot in the center.

Various Colored Fires.

The following recipes will give the young firework maker a great
variety of the most beautiful fires. They should never be fired in a
room, however, and always away from a dwelling.

Crimson Fire.
The principal ingredient in this is nitrate of strontium, of which 40
parts are taken, with 13 of sulphur, 15 of chlorate of potass, 4 of
sulphuret of antimony, and 2 of lamp-black. These, as all the
ingredients for the other fires, should be rubbed in a ladle, and they
may be used in a ladle or iron dish set on the ground.

Blue Fire.
The ingredients of blue fire are 20 parts; 12 of niter, 4 of sulphur, 2 of
sulphuret of antimony, and 2 of lamp-black.

Green Fire.
The ingredients for green fire are in 54 parts; 42 of nitrate of barytes,
8 of sulphur, 3 of chlorate of potass, and 1 of lamp-black.

Purple Fire.
The best recipe for purple fire is of 60 parts; 25 of niter, 25 of nitrate
of strontium, 7 of sulphur, 2 of realgor, and 1 of lamp-black.

White Fire.
The best and purest white fire is made of 24 parts of niter, 7 of
sulphur, 2 of red arsenic, and one of lamp-black.

Spur Fire.
9 parts of niter, 4 of sulphur, and 3 of lamp-black, well rubbed

Blue Lights.
These are made of 4 parts of sulphur, 2 of niter, and 1 of powder,
and are rammed into squib-cases the contrary way.

Port or Wildfires.
Saltpeter 4 parts, meal powder 6 parts, and sulphur 3 parts. The
composition to be moistened with linseed-oil.

Slow Fire for Wheels.

Saltpeter 4 parts, sulphur 2 parts, and meal powder 2 parts.

Dead Fire for Wheels.

Saltpeter 5 parts, sulphur 1 part, lapis calaminaris 1 part, and
antimony 1 part.
Such are the principles and methods by which fireworks may be
made; but we would advise our young friends to be very cautious,
and never to attempt making any fireworks by candlelight; always to
select some outhouse for their operations; to see that no iron or steel
implements are about the place in which their fireworks are being
manufactured, or they may go off before they wish it; to use wooden
or brass implements in the bruising, grinding, and sifting of their
mixtures; and never to bring the fireworks, or any of their ingredients,
into the dwelling-house, or they may suddenly receive a
“Heavy blow and great discouragement.”

To Make an Illuminated Spiral Wheel.

Procure a circular horizontal wheel two feet in diameter with a hole
quite through the nave, then take four thin pieces of deal three feet
long each, and three-quarters of an inch broad each. One end of
each of these pieces is to be nailed to the felloe of the wheel at an
equal distance from one another, and the other end nailed to a block
with a hole in its bottom, which must be perpendicular with that in the
block of the wheel, but not so large. The wheel being thus made, a
hoop planed down very thin must be nailed to the felloe of the wheel,
and wound round the four sticks in a spiral line from the wheel to the
block at the top; on the top of this block a case of Chinese fire must
be fixed, and on the wheel any number of cases, which must incline
downwards and burn two at a time. The axis of the wheel must be a
little longer than the cone, and made very smooth at the top, on
which the upper block is to turn and the whole weight of the wheel to

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Transcriber’s Notes:
The one footnote has been moved to the end of its section.
Punctuation has been made consistent.
Mathematical notation has been standardized to current conventions. For
example, the notation 1-2 for fractions has been changed to 1/2.
Variations in spelling and hyphenation were retained as they appear in the
original publication, except that obvious typographical errors have been
p. 14: There is no illustration in the original book (This illustration represents)
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p. 7: 2 changed to 3 (No. 3, it)

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