Mis Tunis Business School Summeries

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Securing Information Systems

Why Systems are Vulnerable - Rogue access points.

- Accessibility of networks. Malicious Software

- Hardware problems: breakdowns,
confg errors, damage from improper Malware
use... Programs exploiting computing system
- Software problems: programming vulnerabilities.
errors, installation errors, ⇒ We differentiate between
unauthorized changes. software threats that:
- Use of networks/computers outside of - Do not replicate: activated by a trigger
the firm's control. (e.g., logic bombs, viruses)
- Loss and theft of portable devices. - Do replicate/propagate itself: (e.g.,
bots and worms)
Internet Vulnerabilities
- Network open to anyone. Malware Terminology
- Size of the Internet means abuses can - Virus: A piece of code that inserts itself into
have a wide impact. a host program (infects it). It cannot run
- Use of fixed Internet addresses with independently. It requires that its host
cable/DSL modems creates fixed program be run to activate it.
targets for hackers. - Worm: A program that can run indep and can
- Unencrypted VOIP. propagate a complete working version of itself
- Interception. onto other hosts on a network.
- Attachments with malicious software. - Logic bomb: A program inserted into
software by an intruder. It executes on a
specific condition (trigger).
Wireless Security Challenges
⇒ Triggers for logic bombs can
- Radio frequency bands are easy to
include change in a file, by a
- SSIDs (service set identifiers): Identify particular series of keystrokes,
or at a specific time or date.
access points, broadcast multiple
- Trojan horse: Programs that appear to have
times, and can be identified by sniffer
programs. one (useful) fct but actually perform another
- (malicious) fct, without the user’s knowledge.
War driving: Eavesdroppers drive by
- Backdoor (trapdoor): Any mechanism that
buildings and try to detect SSID and
bypasses a normal security check. It is a code
gain access to network and resources.
⇒ Once access point is that recognizes for example some special
breached, intruder can gain input sequence of input.
access to networked drives
and files.

Hackers and Computer Crime - Expected annual loss.

- Activities include: System intrusion //

System damage // Cybervandalism Security Policy:
(Intentional disruption, defacement, Ranks info risks, identifies security goals and
destruction of website or corporate mechanisms for achieving these goals + drives
information). other policies.
- Denial-of-service attacks (DoS). - Acceptable use policy (AUP):
- Distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS). Defines acceptable uses of firm’s
- Botnets. info resources and computing eq.
- Spam. - Identity manag:
- Computer crime: Computers may be targets ● Identifying valid users.
of crime/instruments of crime. ● Controlling access.

Software Vulnerability: The Role of Auditing

- Information systems audit:
Commercial software contains flaws that
● Examines firm’s overall security
create security vulnerabilities:
envt as well as controls
- Bugs (program code defects).
governing indiv info systems.
- Zero defects cannot be achieved.
- Security audits:
- Flaws can open networks to intruders.
● Review tech, procedures,
Patches: Small pieces of software to repair
documentation, training, and
● May even simulate disaster to
What is the Business Value of
test responses.
Security and Control?
- Failed computer systems can lead to
significant or total loss of business fct. Tools and Techs for Safeguarding
- Firms now are more vulnerable than IS:
ever. - Identity manag software:
- A security breach may cut into a firm’s ● Automates keeping track of all
market value almost immediately. users and privileges.
- Inadequate security and controls also ● Authenticates users, protecting
bring forth issues of liability. identities, controlling access.
- Authentication: Password systems //
Risk Assessment : Tokens // Smart cards // Biometric
authentication // Two-factor
Determines level of risk to firm if specific
activity or process is not properly controlled:
- Firewall: Combination of hardware and
- Types of threat.
software that prevents unauthorized
- Probability of occurrence during the
users from accessing private networks:
● Packet filtering.
- Potential losses, value of threat.

● Stateful inspection. with the recipient's public key.

● Network address translation ● Recipient decrypts with private
(NAT). key .
● Application proxy filtering. - Digital certificate: Data file used to
- Intrusion detection system: Monitors establish the identity of users and
hot spots on corporate networks to electronic assets for protection of
detect and deter intruders. online transactions.
- Antivirus and antispyware software: ● Uses a trusted third party,
● Checks computers for presence certification authority (CA), to
of malware and can often validate a user's identity.
eliminate it as well. ● CA verifies user’s identity,
● Requires continual updating. stores information in CA server,
- Unified threat manag (UTM) systems. which generates encrypted
- WEP security: digital certificate containing
● Static encryption keys are owner ID information and copy
relatively easy to crack. of owner’s public key.
● Improved if used in conjunction - Public key infrastructure (PKI): Use of
with VPN. public key cryptography working with
● WPA2 specification: Replaces certificate authority.
WEP with stronger standards.
● Continually changing, longer Security Issues for Cloud
encryption keys.
Computing and the Mobile Digital
Encryption and Public Key
Security in the cloud: Responsibility for
Infrastructure: security resides with the company owning
Encryption: Transforming text or data into the data.
cipher text that cannot be read by unintended - Firms must ensure providers provide
recipients: adequate protection: Where data are
- Methods for encryption on networks: stored // Meeting corporate reqs, legal
● Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and privacy laws // Segregation of data
successor Transport Layer from other clients // Audits and
Security (TLS). security certifications.
● Secure Hypertext Transfer - Service level agreements (SLAs).
Protocol (S-HTTP). Securing mobile platforms:
- Symmetric key encryption: - Security policies should include and
● Sender and receiver use a cover any special reqs for mobile
single, shared key. devices.
- Public key encryption: Uses two, - Mobile device manag tools:
mathematically related keys: public Authorization // Inventory records //
key and private key. Control updates // Lockdown/erase
● Sender encrypts the message lost devices // Encryption.

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