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Open doors ;

The revelation about keys ;

In life when your door is not opened then is closed. It is revelation and light
that opens doors. Every inheritance of the believer is in the Bible, when you see
it your hands will il handle it . When you keep apply the secrets in the Bible your
door will certainly open.
What is Open door- It simply means unhindered access . Psalm 24:7-9. There is a
door leading you to the place you want to go. If there is a door then there is a
key. Every door has a key.
NB- Knowledge is the Key- Luke 11:52- what you don’t know is the reason for your
frustration. Every revelation you get is a key. Get connected to the Bible and
books .

When you have the keys , you don’t struggle with the door. Favour is a master key
to open doors . When a man is favored doors opens to the person.When you disconnect
you will be disfavored. A man shall receive nothing unless giving to him from above
. Rev 3:7-8- living by the owed and keeping the name of Jesus , it secures your
open doors .

Characters ;

1. Esther walked through open doors - Esther 4:16, 5:1-3.

2. Joseph- Gen 41:1-14- From a slave to become a prime minister .
3. David - 1samuel 16:14-18,21- David was introduced into the palace.
4. Solomon- 1kings 3:13- Solomon received what he didn’t ask. 1kings 4:29- The door
of wisdom,
1kings 10:21 - Door of Riches verse 23.
5. Open door of healing - John 5:1 -9- After 38yrs was visited by Jesus himself and
he was healed.
Isaiah 45:1-3.

How to get open Doors

1. Associate with Jesus by being born again-
John 3:3-5, Rev 3:20, Matthew 16:19
2. Prayer and Fasting - Esther 4:16, Mark 9:29
3. The keys of praise by shouting - Joshua 6:1
4. Giving- Giving is partnering with God
5. Soul winner - John 4:36

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