Group 5

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for Telephoning
Could you spell
that for me?
could you spell that
for me?
how to be less direct?
Could you spell that for me?

(.) : period or dot

(,) : comma
(/) : slash
(\) : backlash
(@) : at
(-) : dash or hyphen
(_) : underscore
( : open bracket
) : close bracket
For example

“_”: undercore
“@”: at
“-”: dash
“/”: slash
How to be less direct?
Giving reasons for calling Exchanging information
I’d like you…, please.
• I’m calling to ask about/discuss/2 clarify… • Could you ask…to…for me?
I’m calling to ask about your current printing • Could you…, please?
promotion. • Do you think you could…?
• I just wanted to ask… • Would you mind V+ing…?
I just wanted to ask if you need any more • I want to speak with someone about V+ing/noun/
articles for next month’s magazine. • Who could I speak to about V+ing/noun?
• Could you tell me…? • Could you put me through to someone who deals
Could you tell me the address of Friday’s with…?
networking event? • I was wondering if you could…?
• Could you send me information about…?
How to be less direct?
Exchanging information
for answer
- Sure.
• Certainly, I’d be glad.
• I’d be happy to do that.
• My pleasure.
• I’ll do that now.
• I won’t be able to…because…
• I’m sorry, but…
• I’m afraid that’s not possible, because…
How to be less direct?
Checking information
- May I check a couple of points with you?
- Could you clarify a couple of things for me?
- Could I ask you a couple of question about your
- Did you m... Could you possible speak a little
- Excuse me ? I didn't catch that
- Sorry, could you repeat that?
- Could you plain explain that to me again, please?
- Sorry, how do you spell that?
- Can you speak up a bit?
- Do you mean ...?
For example
Let me get back
to you on that
It's important to structure your message clearly when you speak
on an answering machine.
Here is one way to do it.
• Say who you are and (if necessary) who you are leaving the message for. Hello, this is ...
calling for ...
• Explain the message step by step. I'm calling about ... / I just wanted to confirm...
• Say what action you would like the other person to take (if any). Maybe you could get
back to me ... /
Could you call me back ...?
• Make sure the other person knows how to contact you. Here's my number ... / You can
reach me on ...
Don't forget to keep your message as short as possible and to talk slowly and clearly.
Taking a mesage Leaving a message
I'm afraid [name] isn't here at the
This is [name]. I'm calling about ...
Would you like to leave a message for
[name] asked me to call her/him (back).
I just wanted to check/conFirm/ask if ...
Let me just check (that) I've got that right.
Could you ask her/him to call me back?
Shall I tell [name] to call you back?
I'll be in the office today until ...
Does [name] have your number?
I'll make sure [name] gets your message.
I'll tell him/let him know that you called.
What to Say in a Voicemail Greeting
Here’s what you should say in a professional
voicemail greeting:
• A greeting
• Your name
• Your company
• A simple explanation for missing the call (e.g you're
away from the phone or are on holiday)
• A rough estimate of when you’ll get back to the
• An alternative person to reach out to (if you’re out
of office)
• An alternative mode of communication (if you
prefer email or text)
• A call-to-action such as “Leave a message” or “Send
me an email ai”
For example

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