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competitor, confidence, contest, draw (n), focus (n), personal best, selective, stand a chance,
emigrate, immigrate, coexist, cohabit, intraspecies, interspecies, ecosystem, import, export,
include, exclude
anxiety, block out, cope, high-pressure situation, let your nerves get the best of you, rise to a
challenge, under pressure, underperform
an archaeologist, archaeological, an artifact, a collection, an exhibit, on display, to display
Nouns and verbs:
admiration, civilization, dedicate, excavate, inspection, interpretation, justification,
permission, preserve
Learning from mistakes:
consequence, courage, honesty, to admit a mistake, to blame something/somebody, to come
up with a solution, to cover up an error, to get defensive, to obsess about something

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words into the blanks.
Good afternoon. Welcome to Matrix Printing. I’m John Smith. How can I help
Good afternoon. I’m here to reprint a (1)…………. for our hotel. There are some
pages that need revising.
Employee: Sure, how may I address you?
Oh, I’m Mary Jane from Central Hotel Chains. Nice to meet you. I’ve got
samples of the previous version.
Employee: I (2)………….. it is your company’s advertising brochure?
Customer: Yes.
Employee: What exactly is the problem?
Well, it was (3)……….. the year before, so some of the information is already (4)
…………. There are also a couple of problems with the layout. Firstly, the letters
of the address on the front page are far too small . It’s hard to see when glancing
at the cover.
Employee: How big do you need it to be?
Customer: Increase the letters by 3 font (5)…………...
Just a minute. Let me take notes of your requirements... OK, what else needs
The information regarding the pool should be deleted, because it is currently
under (6)………………. and is not available.
So all of the relevant (7)………………….. on page 2 should be removed? What
do we replace it with? We can't just leave the whole page blank.
Customer: Just fill it in with the introduction of our newly-opened gym. I’ve included all the
(8)……………….. information here in this flash drive.
Employee: Let me check...Um. I see. No problem then.
What is also bothering us is that the description under the top photo on page 4 is
incorrect. The wore (9)………….. needs to be replaced with reception.
Employee: Fully noted. Is that all?
No, there is more. Turn to page 5. We feel that showing merely the picture of our
exterior and interior (10)……………… does not fully represent the appeal of our
hotel. On second thought, we’ve decided to use a picture with the view of the
Employee: Do you have the original copy of the picture?
Customer: Yes, it is also enclosed in the flash drive.
Employee: OK, we’ll reedit the whole layout of the photos.
Customer: Great.
Customer: Let’s turn to the next page.
Employee: Yes, what’s wrong with that? It seems perfectly fine to me.
At first sight, it seems fine. But according to the feedback of the customers, the
Customer: prices do not stand out, so we want to change the print from black to red to make
it pop out.
Employee: OK. I’ve made notes of all your (11)………….. Is there anything else?
I appreciate it. Just one final request. Could you translate the whole brochure into
Customer: Spanish ? We have customers worldwide, you know, especially those from Latin
No problem. What about other languages, like Japanese, Chinese or German?
These are our most popular target languages.
I have to ask the manager about the Chinese version. There’s been a surging
number of Chinese (12)…………….. during recent years. However, we don’t
need German or Japanese translations as we currently don’t have many customers
from those two countries.
Employee: Sure. Just keep me updated.
So roughly when could we get the revised print? We need it before the end of
It’s late June now. Roughly it’ll take 3 weeks to (13)……………., so it will
definitely be ready before the (14)……………. .
Customer: Great.
Employee: To where shall we send the samples?
Customer: The address is No. 9 Green Drive, Cliffion, NY21300.
Employee: How do you spell Cliffion?
Customer: C-L-I-double F-T-O-N, Cliffion.
Employee: And the telephone number?
Customer: It’s 9-0-3-0-3-6-6-0-2 . Also, if you have any further questions, you
Employee: can reach me through this number. OK.
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the words into the blanks.
A: So, Ken, did you always want to be a (1)……………..?
B: Oh yes!
A: Really? Even though it’s so dangerous? I mean ... firemen need to be really (2)
B: That’s true, but it’s really (3)…………….. .
A: I’m sure it is! What's your father’s job again?
B: He’s a maths teacher.
A: Oh ... He must be very (4)…………….. , right?
B: I don’t know about that ... what’s important is that he still loves his job ... even after 20
years ...
A: You mean he’s (5) …………. ... I see ... yes ...
B: And you? Did you always want to be a (6) ……………..?
A: Yes. It’s quite hard work, but it’s worth it.
B: What do you think is the hardest job?
A: Hmm ... I think being a (7)…………… must be very difficult. You have to be very tough
to go through all the training ...
B: That's true. The people I really admire though, are (8)…………….. I wish I were talented
like that...
A: Some everyday jobs are very difficult too. For example, a (9)………….. ...
B: Yes, imagine having to be (10)……………… to everybody all the time ... no matter how
you feel...
A: I see why you say that, but a secretary, above all, has to be
very organised to do her job. That’s why I could never do that.
1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
competitor confidence contest draw selective victory

1 A singing competition is an example of a .

2 An individual in a race is an example of a .
3 In soccer, a final scoreline of 1–1 or 2–2 in a game means it is a .
4 A personal quality that winners need is .
5 If you win a race, you can celebrate it as a great .
6 If a tennis player carefully chooses which competitions to compete in, he
or she is being .
2 Complete the text with the words and phrases below.

competitor confidence focus personal best stand a chance victory

When eighteen-year-old Australian swimmer Kyle Chalmers, a 1

in the men’s 100 meter freestyle at the 2016 Olympics, came home with an Olympic gold
medal, even his school friends were surprised. Nobody thought he could win, and he was
only in the race for experience. His main 2 was on the next
Olympics in 2020. Kyle, however, swam the race of his life, winning in 47.58 seconds. This
was a 3 and the fastest time ever by an Australian teenager!
The secret to winning was Kyle’s own 4 : he knew he would
win even when everybody else thought that he didn’t 5
Vocabulary practice
Prefixes (1)
3 Look at the example. Then complete each group of words 1–7 with one of the prefixes below.
1 a migration b mit c vade
2 a national b species c net
3 a clude b port c hale
4 a pilot b -exist c -operate
5 a logy b -friendly c system
6 a hale b clude c vasion
7 a plode b port c migration

4. Complete each sentence with two words from exercise 3 that are opposites.
1 The government’s economic figures show that of luxury goods from
other countries went up while went down in the last year.
2 figures show that over 100,000 people came to live in this country
from overseas. At the same time, to North America has
continued to rise.
3 Employees are using the company’s to send emails to fellow
workers in our main offices, and using the to contact clients around
the world.
4 Our policy is to students from a range of backgrounds in our
summer school. Everybody is welcome. We don’t want to anybody.
5 If you have difficulty breathing when swimming, remember to
when your head is out of the water, and then go under the water with your lungs full of air. When
your head next comes out of the water, .

Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question.

Every four years people all over the world watch the Olympic Games. It is a time for all kinds of
people to unite in peace. Some of them join together to compete for gold medals. Millions of other
people watch them on television.
Why do we have the Olympic? How did they begin?
The first Olympic Games were in Greece in 776 B.C. There was only one event. People ran a nice the
length of the stadium. The Games lasted one day.
Slowly people added more events. The Games were only for men, and women could not even watch
them. Only Greeks competed. They came from all parts of the Greek world. The time of the Games
way; a time of peace, and government let everyone travel safely. The winners became national heroes.
The first modern Games were in 1896 in Athens. The Greeks built a new stadium for the competition.
Athletes from several countries competed. Then there were Olympics every four years in different
cities in Europe and the United States until 1952. After that they were in Melbourne, Tokyo, Mexico
City, and Montreal besides in European cities. Each year there were athletes from more nations. The
first Winter Olympics were in 1924. The athletes compete in skiing and other winter sports.

1. How often do people all over the world watch the Olympic Games ?
A. every 4 years B. 4 years C.2 years D. every 4 year

Vocabulary practice

2. Where were the cities where the Olympics were held between 1896 and 1952?
A. In European and South American countries.
B. In European countries only.
C. In European countries and the United States.
D. In Japan, Australia and North American and European countries.

3. How long after the founding of the modern Olympics were the Winter Olympics introduced?
A. 20 years B. 24 years C. 28 years D. 32 years
1. Match the definitions with the words below.
archaeological archaeologist artifact collection exhibit

1 a historical object on display in a museum

2 a person who looks for historical objects in the ground
3 an object, usually very old, made by a human being
4 a number of objects that a museum has, but that may not be on display
5 an adjective that describes anything connected with the study of ancient
2. Complete the text with the words below.
archaeological archaeologists artifacts collection exhibits on display

The National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

The National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City contains a significant number of ancient
1 from Mexico’s pre-Columbian heritage. These include
masks, decorated skulls, and statues. The museum houses most of the major
2 discoveries of recent centuries, including a remarkable statue of the
god Xochipilli, which was dug up and put 3 for the
first time almost 200 years ago. The museum’s enormous
4 of Aztec works of art is particularly amazing, including, as it does, the
Stone of the Sun, which is an Aztec
calendar, and the Disc of Mictlantecuhtli, which is a
circular stone object, connected to the god of the Aztec
underworld. Among the permanent 5

Vocabulary practice
on the ground floor of the building are giant stone
heads of the Olmec civilization, recovered by 6
carrying out excavations in the regions of Tabasco and
Reported speech
1. Complete the reported speech.
1 “I never tell lies.”
She said that .
2 “I’m exhausted.”
He told me that .
3 “Jerry bought a new phone.”
He told me that .
4 “We weren’t watching TV.”
She said that .
5 “Sam is playing volleyball.”
Howard told us that .
6 “My sister fell out of bed yesterday.”
He told me that .
7 “We’re going away on vacation.”
Irene said that .
2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 She asked me how much money I have / I had / do I have / did I have.
2 He asked me if Karen lost / had lost / did lose / did she lose her bag.
3 She asked us whether we are playing / are we playing / we were playing / were we playing
soccer later.
4 He asked me if he can stay / he could stay / can he stay / could he stay for a night.
5 She asked me where did you go / you went / had I gone / I had gone the previous weekend.
6 She asked him if he will write / will he write / he would write / would he write to her
Indirect questions
3. Rewrite the questions as indirect questions.
1 Is there a bus station near here?
Could you tell me ?
2 Where can I find a shoe store?
Do you know ?
3 Whose phone is this?
I’d love to know .
4 Is everybody here yet?

Vocabulary practice
I was wondering ?
5 What time does the next train leave?
Please can you let me know ?
6 How long have they been here?
I’d like to know .
7 Why do they keep making so much noise?
Do you have any idea ?
8.“Where did you spend your holiday last year?”
John asked Mary __________________________________________________.

Speculation about the past, present, and future

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. There is one extra word.
1 been / Andy / may / being / there / have / before
Andy .
2 Tina / yet / have / her homework / can’t / finished / be
Tina .
3 in the backyard / be / have / They might / sitting
They .
4 Shelley / paying / may not / her ticket / have / for / paid
Shelley .
5 be / Rebecca / have / upset / could / feeling
Rebecca .
6 have / being / been / This building / in the nineteenth century / must / built
This building .
7 by now / arrived / will / at the airport / be / They / have
They .
8 waiting / She / have / long / can’t / been / wait
She .
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 It can’t / mustn’t be Diana’s birthday today. I went to her birthday party last month!
2 Susie may / must win the race if she gives it a try. She has as much chance as everybody else.
3 Everybody is wearing T-shirts and sunglasses in the picture. It must / might be very warm.
4 Adam looked a bit pale and tired yesterday. He could / can have been sick.
5 We should have entered the competition. You never know – we might / must have won.
6 I haven’t decided whether to study math at college. In fact, I might not / could not go to
college at all.
7 We won’t / can’t be able to go to the beach tomorrow because it’s going to rain.
8 Jimmy won’t / mustn’t be sleeping now. He’s too excited!
3.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

Vocabulary practice
1 It is possible that Joe lost his wallet at the nightclub.
Joe at the nightclub.
2 I am sure that we drove past the town about an hour ago.
We past the town
about an hour ago.
3 There is no chance that the artifact is from the eighteenth century – it is made of plastic!
The artefact
from the eighteenth century – it is made of plastic!
4 I am sure that the children are waiting outside.
The children outside.
5 It is possible that we will miss the next train.
We the next train.
6 It is possible that Graham didn’t do as well as he hoped in the competition.
Graham as well as he hoped in the competition.
Topic 1. Write paragraph of about 120 to 150 words about the ways for students to reduce/ get over
stress and pressure.

Topic 2. Write paragraph of about 120 to 150 words on the topic “A visit to a museum”



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