Highway Drainage

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Chapter 8

Highway Drainage

Revision 97
(Limited Revision with Errata issued by EB 22-022)

June 9, 2021
Issued by Engineering Bulletin 21-030
Effective with Design Approval on or after September 1, 2021

Section Changes

Throughout Reformatted chapter for legibility, updated document references,

removed obsolete references, and incorporated hyperlinks. Exhibits
renumbered to accommodate new exhibits in revised Section
§ Allowable Section has been updated to meet guidance from the New York State
Headwater Flood Risk Management Guidance for Implementation of the
Community Risk and Resiliency Act.
Exhibit 8-3 (formerly “Design Flood Frequencies (in years) for Drainage Structures and
Table 8-2) Channels” table has been revised to reflect community risk and
resiliency standards for local roads.

Appendix 8B Appendix renamed to remove SPDES Permit number. Updated

document references, removed obsolete references, and updated
Appendix 8B, Exhibit 1 Removed “Streambank restoration projects” as an example since they
are no longer included in the SPDES Permit list of routine maintenance

Appendix 8B, Exhibit 3 Values revised to reflect 2015 Stormwater Design Manual updates.

Appendix 8B § Kinderhook Lake watershed added to list of Phosphorus Restricted

Appendix 8B § Stormwater Management Design Manual page references corrected.

Appendix 8B § Removed reference to inspections after rain events to reflect the current
SPDES Permit and NYSDOT MURK 6 forms.

Appendix 8B §2.4 (22) Removed reference to Draft NYSDOT Stormwater Management

Practices Operation & Maintenance Manual (no longer on NYSDOT
website) and replaced with reference to NYSDEC Maintenance
Guidance for Stormwater Management Practices.
Appendix 8B §2.5 Section updated to include NYSDEC’s electronic NOI submission

Section Errata Corrected the standard sheets referenced for cut-off wall details.
issued with EB 22-022 Corrected minor typographical errors.

EB 22-022

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 6
LEGAL ASPECTS OF HIGHWAY DRAINAGE ................................................................................. 7
8.2.1 State Drainage Law ....................................................................................................................... 7
8.2.3 Connections to State Drainage Facilities .................................................................................... 15
8.3 HYDROLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 18
8.3.1 Type of Project vs Extent of Hydrologic Analysis........................................................................ 18
8.3.2 Hydrologic Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 19
8.4 HYDRAULIC PRINCIPLES............................................................................................................... 30
8.4.1 Types of Open Channel Flow...................................................................................................... 30
8.4.2 Energy of Flow ............................................................................................................................ 33
8.5 OPEN CHANNELS ........................................................................................................................... 34
8.5.1 Types of Open Channels ............................................................................................................ 34
8.5.2 Channel Design Criteria .............................................................................................................. 36
8.5.3 Hydraulics - Design and Analysis................................................................................................ 38
8.5.4 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 41
8.6 CULVERTS ....................................................................................................................................... 42
8.6.1 Hydraulic Design Criteria ............................................................................................................ 42
8.6.2 Pipe Design Criteria .................................................................................................................... 51
8.6.3 Culvert Design - Overview .......................................................................................................... 59
8.6.4 Site Considerations ..................................................................................................................... 67
8.6.5 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 69
8.6.6 Safety - Roadside Design ........................................................................................................... 70
8.6.7 Rehabilitation of Culverts and Storm Drains ............................................................................... 71
8.7 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................... 84
8.7.1 Planning and Coordination .......................................................................................................... 84
8.7.2 Hydrologic Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 85
8.7.3 Gutters ......................................................................................................................................... 86
8.7.4 Inlets ............................................................................................................................................ 87
8.7.5 Storm Drains ............................................................................................................................... 94
8.7.6 Drainage Structures .................................................................................................................. 104
8.7.7 Storage Facilities ....................................................................................................................... 110
8.7.8 Shared Costs............................................................................................................................. 110
8.7.9 Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 112
8.8.1 Determining the Need for an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and SPDES/NPDES
Stormwater Permits .................................................................................................................. 113
8.8.2 Erosion and Sediment Control .................................................................................................. 115
8.8.3 SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity ....................... 120
8.8.4 NPDES Construction General Permit ....................................................................................... 121
8.8.5 MS4 Stormwater Outfall Inventory Mapping ............................................................................. 122
8.9 DRAINAGE REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 123
8.9.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 123
8.9.2 Hydrology .................................................................................................................................. 123
8.9.3 Open Channels ......................................................................................................................... 123
8.9.4 Culverts ..................................................................................................................................... 124
8.9.5 Storm Drainage Systems .......................................................................................................... 124
8.9.6 Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management ................................................. 124
8.9.7 Special Considerations ............................................................................................................. 125
8.9.8 References ................................................................................................................................ 125
8.10 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 126
8.10.1 Plans ......................................................................................................................................... 126
8.10.2 Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 128
8.10.3 Special Notes ............................................................................................................................ 129

EB 22-022
8.11 DRAINAGE SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................ 130
8.12 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 131
8.12.1 References for Chapter 8 .......................................................................................................... 131
8.12.2 Topics Presented in the "Highway Drainage Guidelines" and the "AASHTO Drainage Manual"
.................................................................................................................................................. 134

Appendix A – Structural Materials for Various Pipe Materials and Shapes

Appendix B – NYSDOT Design Requirements and Guidance for State Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Construction Activity

EB 22-022


Exhibit 8-1 Areas of Environmental Concern ........................................................................................... 9

Exhibit 8-2 Flood Hazard Area ............................................................................................................... 13
Exhibit 8-3 Design Flood Frequencies (in years) For Drainage Structures and Channels ......................... 24
Exhibit 8-4 Values of Runoff Coefficient (C) for Use in the Rational Method ........................................ 26
Exhibit 8-5 k Values for Various Land Covers and Flow Regimes ........................................................ 27
Exhibit 8-6 Specific Energy Diagram ..................................................................................................... 32
Exhibit 8-7 Total Energy in Open Channels ........................................................................................... 33
Exhibit 8-8 Culvert Allowable Headwater ............................................................................................... 42
Exhibit 8-9 Methodology for Estimating Design Discharge Based on Drainage Area ........................... 43
Exhibit 8-10 Design Discharges Multipliers by County ............................................................................. 44
Exhibit 8-11 The Effect of Backwater Based on Terrain Upstream of the Culvert ................................... 45
Exhibit 8-12 Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Culverts ................................................................ 47
Exhibit 8-13 Culverts on Regulated Floodways vs. Other Streams ......................................................... 48
Exhibit 8-14 Projected Sea-level Rise ...................................................................................................... 50
Exhibit 8-15 Design Lives......................................................................................................................... 52
Exhibit 8-16 Metal Loss Rates for Steel by Geographic Location ............................................................ 53
Exhibit 8-17 Anticipated Service Life, in years, for Steel (with and without additional coating) ............................ 54
Exhibit 8-18 Additional Coating Options .................................................................................................. 55
Exhibit 8-19 Typical Anchor Bolt Details .................................................................................................. 58
Exhibit 8-20 Factors Influencing Culvert Performance in Inlet and Outlet Control .................................. 59
Exhibit 8-21 Flow Profiles for Culverts in Inlet Control ............................................................................. 62
Exhibit 8-22 Flow Profiles for Culverts in Outlet Control .......................................................................... 66
Exhibit 8-23 Anticipated Service Life, in years, for Steel (with and without additional coating) ............... 96
Exhibit 8-24 Headloss Coefficients .......................................................................................................... 99
Exhibit 8-25 Correction Factors for Bench Types .................................................................................. 102
Exhibit 8-26 Drainage Structure Pipe Entrance ..................................................................................... 106
Exhibit 8-27 Inside Dimensions of Drainage Structures (Types A Through U) ...................................... 106
Exhibit 8-28 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage Structures Based on
Skew Angle and Nominal Pipe Diameter (Concrete and Smooth Interior Corrugated
Polyethylene) ...................................................................................................................... 107
Exhibit 8-29 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage Structures Based on
Skew Angle and Nominal Pipe Diameter (Metal) ............................................................... 107
Exhibit 8-30 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage Structures Based on
Skew Angle and Horizontal Elliptical Concrete Pipe Dimensions ...................................... 108
Exhibit 8-31 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P DrainageStructures Based on Skew
Angle and Metal Pipe Arch Dimensions ............................................................................. 108
Exhibit 8-32 Maximum Size Round Pipe (Concrete and Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene) and
Skew Angle for Type Q Thru U Drainage Structures ......................................................... 109
Exhibit 8-33 Maximum Size Round Pipe (Metal) and Skew Angle for Type Q Thru U Drainage Structures .......... 109
Exhibit 8-34 Contributory Flow Formulas ............................................................................................... 111
Exhibit 8-35 Separate Flow Formulas .................................................................................................... 111
Exhibit 8-36 Software for Highway Drainage and Analysis.................................................................... 130

EB 22-022


Highway drainage is an important consideration in the design of many projects. The term drainage
is defined in several different ways, including the process of removing surplus groundwater or
surface waters by artificial means, the manner in which the waters of an area are removed, and
the area from which waters are drained. A project may alter the existing drainage. When this
occurs, drainage features should be provided which protect the highway, adjacent landowners,
and the traveling public from water, while maintaining water quality and protecting other
environmental resources.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the National
Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are the
predominant source of guides, manuals and other documents to aid in the design of highway
drainage features. In addition, "NYSDOT Guidelines for the Adirondack Park" provides information
for consideration when designing projects within the Adirondack Park. (Refer to Chapter 2, Section
2.3.4 of the Highway Design Manual for further information regarding the use of this guideline.)
AASHTO's "Highway Drainage Guidelines" presents an overview of highway drainage design.
Procedures, formulas, and methodologies are not presented in detail. AASHTO's "Drainage
Manual" provides procedures, formulas, methodologies, and example problems. FHWA's
"Hydraulic Design Series" and "Hydraulic Engineering Circulars" provide guidance, formulas, and
example problems on various subjects. The USACE, NRCS, and the USGS provide guidance
regarding specific hydrologic, and hydraulic methodologies.

Rather than repeat the detailed information in the publications mentioned above, this chapter
provides an overview of highway drainage which is consistent with these publications and refers
to them as necessary throughout the text.

Departmental drainage design criteria, Regional experience, and other guidance is given where it
may differ from the information presented in the referenced publications. Refer to Chapter 5,
Section 5.1.2 for guidance regarding deviation from other design elements (drainage design

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.1



The Department is obligated by State and Federal laws and regulations to protect:

• The highway from rainfall and runoff.

• Adjacent land beyond the highway from the discharge of artificially collected and
concentrated flow from highway channels.
• Floodplains.
• Water quality and natural resources.

Questions regarding our legal obligation to protect adjacent landowners from the Department's
alteration of existing drainage should be addressed to the Office of Legal Affairs for opinion.
Questions regarding water quality and protecting natural resources should be directed to the
Regional Environmental Contact.

The legal aspects of highway drainage are discussed at greater length in "The Legal Aspects of
Highway Drainage" (Chapter 5 of AASHTO’s "Highway Drainage Guidelines") and "Legal Aspects"
(Chapter 2 of AASHTO’s "Drainage Manual").

8.2.1 State Drainage Law

State drainage law is derived from common law based on two historical lines of thought: the old
English common law rule ("common-enemy rule") and the "civil law rule". These rules developed
into the "reasonable use rule". The law in New York seems to be based on the common law rule,
modified by the law of reasonable use. Common law is that body of principles which developed
from immemorial usage and custom and which receives judicial recognition and sanction through
repeated application. These principles were developed without legislative action and are
embodied in the decisions of the court. State drainage law is not located in "McKinney's
Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated".

State drainage law defines surface waters (runoff) and natural watercourses (natural channels)
and establishes the legal consequences of their alteration. Each situation is unique, and the
circumstances involved play a prominent role in determining legal liability, as well as rights and
duties. When in doubt, legal opinion should be sought from the Office of Legal Services.

Projects which alter existing drainage patterns should be progressed in accordance with the
following guidance which is based on "Drainage of Surface Waters":

1. Every effort shall be made to perpetuate the natural drainage pattern that existed prior to
the construction of the highway. Collection and diversion of flows should be avoided
whenever possible to limit the Department's liability from these actions.

2. When existing drainage patterns are disturbed by collection, diversion, elimination of

ponding areas, or increasing stream velocities, provisions shall be included in the contract
documents to return the drainage pattern downstream of the project to approximately the
conditions existing before the project, as quickly as is feasible.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


3. Whenever possible, the natural drainage pattern shall be re-established within the highway
right of way.

4. Downstream drainage easements (usually permanent easements as described in Chapter

5, Section 5.5.6) shall be taken for all drainage from the highway boundary (right of way)
to a point downstream where the pre-project drainage pattern has been re-established.
This point will usually be the location at which all collected waters would have entered the
stream had the project not been built. However, the point may be that place at which the
velocity returns to its natural state. At times, this may involve a considerable length which
should require special studies and investigations. Economics may dictate taking an
easement to a major water course without determining the point of re-established
conditions. (Note: It may be argued that in rough terrain there would be little chance of
downstream improvements being made and, therefore, there is no need to take
downstream easements. If land in these areas is inexpensive, it would cost little to protect
the Department from some future court action. There is no guarantee that a piece of
property will never have capital improvements.)

5. Upstream drainage easements (permanent easements) shall be taken where necessary to

provide adequate storage for headwater resultant from a drainage facility. These
easements should be large enough to accommodate access to adequately maintain the
drainage facility. Contact the Regional Maintenance Group to verify the size and location
of the easement before the appropriation map is scheduled to be produced.

6. Consider improving existing downstream structures, to protect downstream landowners

from increased flooding potential, when the flow reaching the structure is increased
significantly because of the proposed highway improvement. An equally acceptable
solution would be the creation of upstream storage areas.

7. Existing structures which become inadequate by the loss of their upstream storage areas
due to highway construction shall be improved.

8.2.2 State and Federal Environmental Laws and Regulations

The Environmental Manual (TEM) contains guidelines – prepared consistent with the various state
and federal laws and regulations – which should be followed during project development. This
guidance generally reflects State and Federal interagency concurrence on the most expeditious
methods for the progress of Department activities. Copies of the laws and regulations are
maintained by the Regional Environmental Contacts.

Refer to the Project Development Manual (PDM), Appendix 1, for a list of federal and state laws,
rules, and regulations related to the environment, and guidelines for their implementation.

Exhibit 8-1 lists areas of environmental concern associated with highway drainage and the
corresponding reference in the TEM.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


Exhibit 8-1 Areas of Environmental Concern

Area of Environmental Concern Location of Guidance in TEM

Wetlands 4.4.1
Wild, scenic and recreational rivers 4.4.3
Coastal zone 4.4.6
Floodplains See note 1
Water quality See note 2
Endangered species

Note 1. IPDG 24 Flood Plain Management Criteria for State Projects is still in force, although it is not in the EPM. A
copy of IPDG 24 may be obtained from the Regional Hydraulics Engineer or the Office of Structures
Note 2. Contact the Environmental Science Bureau for guidance on water quality and State Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (SPDES) regulatory requirements.

Sections to discuss these areas of environmental concern in greater detail. Wetlands

In addition to the discussion presented in Sections A through C, wetlands are also regulated
under water quality. Refer to Section

A. Executive Order (EO) 11990 Protection of Wetlands (May 24, 1977)

EO 11990 was enacted to minimize the destruction, loss or degradation of wetlands and to
preserve and enhance the natural and beneficial values of wetlands through proper
planning. FHWA NY Division has developed a programmatic wetland finding to streamline
the wetland findings process for simple/minor projects.

TEM 4.4.1 Appendix D includes information on when projects may use the programmatic
wetland finding and the additional information which must be included in Design Approval
Documents in order to qualify for this use. Additionally, TEM 4.4.1 includes information on
processing an individual wetland finding under EO 11990, public notification requirements,
approval by FHWA and requirements for the Design Approval Document.

B. Article 24 of the Environmental Conservation Law (Title 6 of the State of New York
Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations, 6NYCRR, Part 663-665)

This article establishes regulations to preserve, protect and conserve freshwater wetlands.
A New York State Department of Environment Conservation (NYSDEC) Freshwater
Wetlands Permit is required for any project activities, including excavation, erecting
structures, grading, grubbing, filling, draining, clear-cutting, or work on drainage structures
or channels within the established boundary of a state regulated wetland or within its
adjacent 100 ft. wide buffer area. NYSDEC jurisdictional wetlands are generally 12.4 acres
or larger and are mapped by NYSDEC.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


The Adirondack Park Agency regulates activities in and adjacent to freshwater wetlands
on all lands within the Adirondack Park pursuant to Article 24 and Adirondack Park Agency
Rules and Regulations (9 NYCRR 578). Within the Adirondack Park, all wetlands 1.0 acre
or larger are regulated (100 ft.) adjacent area) and all wetlands smaller than 1.0 acre are
regulated if there is a free exchange with open water (e.g., streams, ponds, lakes).
Regulated activities include any form of excavation, filling, draining, polluting, clearcutting,
and erecting structures.

C. Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law (6 NYCRR Part 661)

This article establishes regulations to preserve, protect and enhance tidal wetlands. A
NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit is required for all regulated project activities, including
dredging, grading, excavating or constructing bridges or drainage structures within tidal
wetlands areas and adjacent areas that extend up to 300 ft. inland from the wetland
boundary (up to 150 ft.) within New York City). Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers

A. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC 1271, 36 CFR 251, 297, and 43 CFR 8350)

The federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act requires consultation with the National Park
Service for any proposed federal activity affecting a "Listed, Study or Inventory River".
Department activities shall not affect the free-flowing character or scenic value of
designated rivers or affect the future designation of inventory or study rivers. Regulated
activities include expanding or establishing new river crossings or adjacent roads, clearing,
and filling.

B. Article 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law (6 NYCRR Part 666)

The Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Act was developed to protect and preserve, in a
free-flowing condition, those rivers of the state that possess outstanding natural, scenic,
historical, ecological and recreational values. Project activities within a designated river or
its immediate environs (generally 0.5 mi. each side, outside the Adirondack Park and 0.25
mi. each side, within the Adirondack Park) must be designed to prevent significant erosion
or direct runoff into the river. NYSDEC has jurisdiction over rivers on public lands within
the Adirondack Park and on lands outside the Park. The Adirondack Park Agency has
jurisdiction over rivers on private lands within the Adirondack Park. Coastal Zone

A. Article 34 of the Environmental Conservation Law (6 NYCRR Part 505), the Coastal
Erosion Hazard Act

This article requires a permit from NYSDEC for any project proposed within a coastal
erosion hazard area.

B. Article 42 of the Executive Law (19 NYCRR 600 and 601), The Waterfront Revitalization

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


and Coastal Resources Act

This article requires project activities in coastal areas to be consistent with NYS
Department of State's (NYSDOS) 44 coastal policies and, to the maximum extent
practicable, with approved municipal Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans (LWRP's).
NYSDOS coastal policies and LWRP's include provisions to protect wetlands and
surface water resources from erosion and sedimentation and other non-point source
pollution. Floodplains

A floodplain or flood prone area is any land or area susceptible to being inundated by water
from any source. A flood or flooding means a general and temporary condition of partial or
complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland or tidal waters, or
the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.

A. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

NFIP regulations are contained in 44 CFR Parts 59-77. The following acts describe the

1. The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (PL 90-448), as amended, was enacted to
provide previously unavailable flood insurance protection to property owners in flood-
prone areas.

2. The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969 (PL 91-152) added mudslide
protection to the program.

3. The Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (PL 93-234) added flood-related erosion to
the program and requires the purchase of flood insurance as a condition of receiving
any form of federal or federally-related financial assistance for acquisition or
construction purposes with respect to insurable buildings and mobile homes within an
identified special flood, mudslide, or flood-related erosion hazard area that is located
within any community participating in the program. (A community includes any State
or area or political subdivision thereof which has authority to adopt and enforce flood
plain management regulations for the areas within its jurisdiction.) In addition, the act
requires that on and after 7/1/75, or one year after a community has been notified by
the Federal Insurance Administrator (FIA) of its identification as a community
containing one or more special flood, mudslide, or flood-related erosion hazard areas,
no federal financial assistance shall be provided within such an area unless the
community participates in the program.

To qualify for the sale of federally subsidized flood insurance, a community must adopt and
submit to the FIA as part of its application, flood plain management regulations. New York's
regulations are contained in 6 NYCRR Part 502.

It is possible to comply with the federal requirements regarding the encroachment of a

highway on a floodplain and still be faced with future legal liabilities because of the impact of
the highway on the floodplain and the stream. The Regional Hydraulics Engineer should

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


review these potential liabilities and ensure that their evaluation is considered when the final
highway location is selected.

B. Executive Order (EO) 11988 Floodplain Management (May 24, 1977)

EO 11988 requires each Federal agency to take the following actions:

1. To reduce the risk of flood loss, to minimize the impact of floods on human safety,
health and welfare, and to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values
served by floodplains, and

2. To evaluate the potential effect of any actions it may take in a floodplain, to ensure
its planning programs reflect consideration of flood hazards and floodplain

These requirements are contained in the Federal Aid Policy Guide (FAPG) under 23 CFR
650 Subpart A, Location and Hydraulic Design of Encroachments on Flood Plains.

C. Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) - Participation in Flood

Insurance Programs, and Part 502 (6 NYCRR) - Flood Plain Management Criteria
For State Projects

This article establishes regulations (6 NYCRR 502) for Departmental and other State
agency implementation to insure that the use of State lands and the siting, construction,
administration and disposition of State-owned and State financed facilities are conducted
in ways that will minimize flood hazards and losses. As previously discussed, the
regulations are required for the State to continue its qualification as a participating
community in the NFIP administered by the Federal Insurance Administration of the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Projects which involve flood hazard areas shall be progressed in accordance with the
criteria in Section 502.4. A flood hazard area consists of the land in a floodplain within a
city, town or village subject to a one-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given
year. A Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM), or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is
available from the municipality, NYSDEC, or the Regional Hydraulics Engineer, for those
flood hazard areas which have been delineated by the FIA.

Exhibit 8-2 illustrates the flood hazard area and the 100 year flood plain.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


Exhibit 8-2 Flood Hazard Area

From FEMA 480 – National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP) Floodplain Management Requirements: A Study
Guide and Desk reference for Local Officials, February 2005 Water Quality

A. Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

This section (33 USC §1341) authorizes state environmental agencies to certify that
proposed dredge and fill disposal projects will not violate state water quality standards
before a federal permit is granted. NYSDEC administers Section 401 through its 401 Water
Quality Certification (WQC) Program. The issuance of any federal permit (e.g., U.S. Coast
Guard Section 9, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 10 and Section 404) is
contingent on receipt of a NYSDEC 401 WQC.

B. Section 402(p) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

This section (added in 1987; 33 USC §1342(p)) requires the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) to establish final regulations governing stormwater discharge permit
application requirements under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) program. NYSDEC implements the federal program through its State Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) program.

Under the NYSDEC SPDES Stormwater Construction General Permit, a Notice of Intent
must be filed and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be prepared as
discussed in Appendix B, Section 2.4 of this chapter, and Chapter 4.4.8 of The
Environmental Manual. Refer to Section 8.8, Erosion and Sediment Control and
Stormwater Management, and Appendix B, NYSDOT Design Requirements and Guidance
for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Construction
Activity for additional guidance regarding the need for coverage under the SPDES General

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


NYSDEC does not have jurisdiction on federal land within New York State. For projects on
Indian Lands, refer to the NPDES Construction General Permit in The Environmental Manual
(which references the Environmental Procedures Manual (EPM) Chapter 4.3, Attachment

C. Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

This section (33 USC §1344) prohibits the unauthorized discharge of dredged or fill
material, including incidental discharge from excavation activities, into waters of the United
States, including federal-jurisdictional wetlands. USACE Section 404 Permits are required
for the placement of fill materials into waters of the United States associated with the
construction, repair or replacement of highways, bridges and drainage structures and

D. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1879

This section (33 USC 403 and 33 CFR 320-325) prohibits the unauthorized obstruction or
alteration, including the excavation or deposition of materials in and the construction of any
structure in or over designated navigable waters of the United States without a Corps of
Engineers Permit.

E. Section 1424 (e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act - Sole Source Aquifers

This section, EO 12372, and a 1974 FHWA/EPA MOU requires certain Federally funded
projects over designated sole source aquifers to be coordinated with EPA and modified, if
necessary, to protect the water quality and quantity of the aquifer.

Projects over state primary water supply and principal aquifer areas should also consider
potential contamination of aquifers and include best management practices as appropriate.
Although no permitting program exists, other regulations such as SPDES, Protection of
Waters, Wetlands Act, etc. can also be used to require project modification.

F. Article 15 of the NYS Environmental Conservation Law

This section (ECL Article 15-0501 and 15-0505, and 6 NYCRR Part 608) regulates the
disturbance of the bed and banks of any protected stream (class CT or higher) and the
excavation and fill in any navigable water. The Department is exempt from permit
requirements. However, the Department is obligated through a 1996 MOU to coordinate
with DEC and modify projects if necessary.

G. Water Quality Classifications and Standards (6 NYCRR Part 700-705)

These regulations classify surface and groundwaters according to their potential best
usage (Part 701) and establish water quality standards to protect water quality (Part 703).
Department projects, whether or not a permit is required, cannot result in a violation of
established water quality standards (e.g., no increase in water turbidity that causes a

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


substantial visible contrast to natural conditions). Endangered Species

The Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, Section 7 (16 USC 1536) prohibits
federal agencies (e.g., FHWA, USACE, Coast Guard) from taking actions (e.g., approving
funding or issuing permits) that would be likely to jeopardize the continued existence of
endangered or threatened species. Projects with activities involving drainage, wetlands and
surface waterbodies must be evaluated for potential impacts affecting federally listed or
proposed endangered or threatened species. Fish and Wildlife

The Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 USC 742a et seq.), the Migratory Game-Fish Act (16
USC 760c-760g) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 USC 661-666c) express the
concern of Congress with the quality of the aquatic environment. The United States Fish and
Wildlife Service is authorized to review and comment on the effects of a proposal on fish and
wildlife resources under federal permit processes. It is the function of the regulatory agency
(e.g., USACE, Coast Guard) to consider and balance all factors, including anticipated benefits
and costs in accordance with the National Environmental Procedures Act, in deciding whether
to issue the permit (40 FR 55810, December 1, 1975).

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidance regarding attracting wildlife (prohibits

stormwater facilities that may attract waterfowl within certain distances of runways) can be
found in:



8.2.3 Connections to State Drainage Facilities

Sections and discuss the different types of connections to state drainage facilities
which shall be considered. Sanitary Sewer Connections

Private or municipal sanitary sewer connections may exist within our right of way.

A. Private Sanitary Sewer Connections

The discharge of private sanitary sewer systems into a state highway drainage facility is
illegal. Department representatives who suspect a private sanitary sewer connection to a
storm sewer, culvert, or open channel within the right of way should contact the local
representative of the Department of Health for their recommendation in removing the
subject trespass. If the sanitary sewer pipe terminates outside the right of way and the
effluent flows into a highway drainage facility, the Department's representative should

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


contact the Department of Health and request the necessary corrective action be taken.
(This arrangement has been agreed to by Memorandum of Understanding between the
Department of Transportation and the Department of Health dated 4/11/66.) The cost of
corrective action shall be paid for by the private owner.

B. Municipal Sanitary Sewer Connections

Existing sanitary sewer systems may be separate or combined with our existing storm
drainage system. The Department will participate in the relocation of separate, and
combined systems if our project affects them. If the municipality desires any improvements
to their system, this is a betterment and should be treated as such. Storm Drainage Connections

A. Private Storm Drainage Connections

1. Existing Connections. It is the Department's responsibility to maintain existing surface

water drainage across and along the highway right of way. Due to the nature of typical
section design for cuts, fill and curbed highways, the collection and redirection of the
flow of surface water will continue. In many corridors, the highway drainage system
has become the only way that the stormwater or groundwater discharge from adjacent
development can be conveyed to a natural watercourse. The Department's highway
work permit process, and a municipality's site plan approval process, generally ensure
that discharges from developments are designed in a manner that does not increase
flows that have the potential to damage the highway or downstream properties. If
adding discharge to a State system is unavoidable, the applicant shall assume the
cost of altering the downstream section of the State system to accommodate the
increased flow.

There will be locations where connections to the state's storm drainage system were
constructed without our knowledge or approval and where damage has occurred or
may occur in the future. In situations where designers suspect this to be the case,
they should first consult with the Resident Engineer for whatever historical information
may be available. If there is potential for damage, or if damage has occurred in the
past and it is clear that we cannot correct the situation at nominal cost, a coordinated
approach by the Department and the municipality is advisable.

2. Proposed Connections. Private development adjacent to State Highways will not be

allowed to significantly increase either the runoff velocity or rate of runoff as it enters
the State highway drainage system. This policy is administered through the highway
work permit process. (Refer to Procedure 7.12-2 of the "Manual of Administrative
Procedures", and the "Policy and Standards for Entrances to State Highways" for
additional guidance.) Generally, a retention or detention system is necessary to
restrict the flow rate of a development's drainage discharge to the pre-development
rate. In situations where the development is discharging near the downstream end of
a relatively large drainage area, an undetained connection may be appropriate. This
allows the increased flow from the development to pass downstream prior to the peak
flow from the watershed. Detention in these situations can actually increase the
watershed peak flow. Proper analysis of the watershed's characteristics is necessary.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2


Consideration shall be given to redevelopment projects in corridors with older storm

drainage facilities. There may be an existing development that was constructed with
stormwater discharge to the state's highway drainage facilities without proper
consideration of the effect on our system. If this site is being proposed for
redevelopment, any deficiencies in the design of the original development's storm
drainage system shall be corrected at the expense of the owner.

B. Municipal Storm Drainage Connections

Proposed storm drainage systems may be progressed in cooperation with a municipality.

The municipality shall participate in the cost of cooperative projects as discussed in Section

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.2



Hydrology is a science concerned with the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water. The
necessity and extent of the hydrologic analysis to be performed is based on the type of project.

Typically, a design discharge (usually the peak discharge) must be determined for a unique design
flood frequency and storm duration. On occasion, the peak discharge must be determined from
plotting a hydrograph. An overview of the process of performing a hydrologic analysis, including
criteria (design flood frequency) and methodologies for determining the peak discharge (with and
without the use of a hydrograph), are discussed in this section. The publications referred to in the
text regarding specific methodologies (i.e. "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (TR-55)”, ) are
necessary to guide the user through the process. Hydrology is discussed at greater length in
"Hydrology" (Chapter 2 of the "Highway Drainage Guidelines"), "Hydrology" (Chapter 9 of the
"AASHTO Drainage Manual"), and "Hydraulic Design Series" (HDS) No. 2, "Highway Hydrology".

8.3.1 Type of Project vs Extent of Hydrologic Analysis

The extent of the hydrologic analysis to be performed should be based on project type as follows
(Not every project will require a hydrologic analysis for all locations within the project limits.):

1. Construction on new alignment - A hydrologic analysis is required to determine the need

for, and necessary capacity of drainage features (culverts, open channels, storm drainage
systems, etc.).

2. Reconstruction on existing horizontal and vertical alignment - A hydrologic analysis shall

be performed for all drainage features located within the project limits having a history of
flooding, and for open and closed drainage systems with a remaining service life less than
the design life of the highway improvement.

3. Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (3R) - A hydrologic analysis is required for all
drainage features having a history of flooding, or in need of replacement or major repair.
Extension of a culvert to flatten side slopes usually does not require a hydrologic analysis,
but shall require a hydraulic analysis to establish the flow of water in the new drainage

4. Pavement Preventive Maintenance Projects - No hydrologic analysis is required.

5. Culvert replacement or relining project - A hydrologic analysis is required.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


8.3.2 Hydrologic Analysis

The overall process which should be used to conduct the hydrologic analysis for a given project is
listed below and discussed in Sections through

1. Conduct preliminary research.

2. Take an initial field trip to the project site.
3. Determine if the design discharge should be calculated with or without a hydrograph.
4. Select a methodology and design flood frequency, and calculate the design discharge.
5. Take a final field trip to verify the analysis/design and to recheck flood damage potential. Preliminary Research

Preliminary research should take place before conducting the first field trip in order to make
the trip more productive:

1. Obtain available topographic information, including USGS quadrangles, county or

municipal topographic maps or other recent surveys. Outline the drainage patterns and
areas on a contour map.

2. Determine soil characteristics of each drainage area for the project. This information may
be obtained from the NRCS County Soil Survey or from the Regional Geotechnical

3. The Regional Hydraulics Engineer, or appropriate Regional Design group, should be

contacted to determine if there is a Flood Insurance Study with an associated Flood
Insurance Rate Map, and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map for the area.

4. Determine if the site is at or near a location listed in the USGS publication "Maximum
Known Stages and Discharges of New York Streams 1865 - 1989, with Descriptions of
Five Selected Floods, 1913-85" or “Maximum Known Stages and Discharges of New
York Streams and their Annual Exceedance Probabilities through September 2011”. If
the site is listed, valuable hydrologic data may be provided which should be used to check
the reasonableness of the flow rate computations performed in accordance with Section In addition, the USGS publishes "Water Resources Data New York Water Year"
which contains flow rates and other data for streams. Three separate volumes are
published to cover the state (eastern excluding Long Island, western and Long Island).

5. Obtain available aerial photographs. These photographs can help determine lateral
migration of stream channels, land use, type of terrain, tree cover, etc. Recent aerial
ortho photographs are available as a part of the GIS datasets. GIS ortho images are
available dating back to approximately 1995 through the GIS group. The Office of
Technical Services is also a good source for earlier photos. NYSDEC has aerial ortho
images dating back to around 1940. Photogrammetric images are also now being
provided with highway projects. Google Earth may also be used as a source for aerial

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


6. Obtain any previous field reconnaissance notes. They may be of significant value in the
determination of drainage patterns and areas.

7. Check with the Resident Engineer's Office to see if they have historical records of high
water flow for the subject drainage area.

8. Check Highway Record Plans for the area. They can be used as a guide to size proposed

9. Perform preliminary flow rate calculations for cross drainage locations. Initial Field Trip - Data Collection

After the preliminary research has been completed, and preliminary flow rates calculated, the
initial field trip should be taken. (Be sure to bring a camera, take lots of pictures, and always
try to include a person or other item of known size in the picture to act as a visual scale.)

The main items to be investigated are:

1. Drainage patterns and drainage areas.

2. Land use.
3. Soil types.
4. Existing and previous flood conditions.
5. Location of natural and man-made detention features.

A. Drainage Patterns and Drainage Areas

Topographic information that covers the drainage areas should be taken into the field to
verify the drainage patterns and areas. In addition, aerial photographs, record plans, and
field survey or notes may be useful in the field. Cross culverts which carry water into or out
of the area being investigated should be noted.

In the initial phases of a design, especially for projects on a new alignment, the roadside
drainage patterns have normally not been determined. The proposed location of cross-
drainage can be determined by laying out the centerline of the proposed improvement on
a contour map. Drainage patterns and areas may have to be changed before the project
is finalized, however, and these changes may require redesign later.

B. Land Use

The type of land and land use should be considered. Note whether the land is wooded,
fallow (crop land kept free of vegetation during the growing season), plowed and planted
with crops, or developed (containing a high percentage of roof areas, paved parking lots,
grass lawns, etc.). Land use and cover have a large effect on peak flow rate.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


C. Soil Types

Confirm preliminary soils information. Attempt to verify the runoff characteristics of the soils
within the drainage area and their capabilities of resisting erosion. Look for locations where
soil erosion may become, or is a problem. These locations, which are frequently channel
banks, may need stone filling. The Regional Geotechnical Engineer should assist, if
deemed necessary, with this determination.

D. Existing and Previous Flood Conditions

The magnitude of previous flooding conditions at the location being investigated should be
determined. Evidence of past flooding may not be easily discernible since time will disguise
flood damage. Evidence may be gathered by checking the following sources:

1. Determine High Water Elevations in Channels and at Structures – Existing

stream channels (when there is a definite channel) show flooding effects in
various ways. These effects are visible as different degrees of erosion in the
stream bank or the stream bottom. Other indications which may be evident are
high water marks shown as mud lines on concrete surfaces or rock faces along
stream embankments, and debris which has been deposited along the channel
slopes. High water marks are only to be used as indicators. High water
elevation determination for an existing structure will enable the designer to more
accurately calculate a maximum flow rate at the structure. The information
needed is the slope, type and size of the existing structure and the estimated
maximum headwater and tailwater depths.

2. Conduct Personal Interviews – Personal interview of area residents may be

helpful in determining previous flooding conditions; however, the information
obtained by this method may be biased. The interviewer should ask if local
residents have photographs or a video taken at the time of the flooding.
Information obtained from interviews of local residents and local maintenance
personnel is usually helpful and can be used as an indication of high water
elevations in conjunction with field observations.

3. Deposition and Scour at Existing Structures – Signs of flooding conditions at

existing structures are deposition of stream bed material and scour holes near
structure inlets. Scour holes near structure outlets are not as indicative of flood
conditions since normal flows through a structure can cause scour and erosion
at the outlet. Deposition of stream bed material, which will consist of sand,
gravel and/or debris, can occur within the upper portions of a drainage structure
which does not have any significant outlet control. The deposition and scour
holes are indications of high headwater at the inlet. This indicates that the
culvert may be undersized.

4. Debris – The size and weight of deposited material is also a general indication
of the velocity of the stream during maximum flow conditions. As the stream
channel grade steepens and the flow rate increases, the velocity will be faster
and the heavier debris is more easily moved by the flowing water. By observing
these general characteristics of a stream and culvert, a better determination of
past velocities and flow rates can be made to confirm the design flow rate.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


5. Regional Department of Environmental Conservation Office – Some of these

offices have flood control staff who may provide information regarding flood
prone areas.

E. Natural and Man-made Detention Features

The existence of any detention features should be verified. Natural detention features can
take the form of wetlands, ponding areas, reservoirs, and lakes. Man-made features can
include flood control dams, highway embankments, and culvert locations. These all have
the effect of increasing the time of concentration, which may reduce the flow rate at the
point under consideration downstream. If the feature is near the headwater of the drainage
area, the effects will not be as great as the effects if the feature is closer to the point under
consideration. If the storage feature is close to the point under consideration, an analysis
may need to be performed using HEC-HMS "Hydrologic Modeling System" (Hydraulic
Engineering Center), or another similar method to determine the proper flow rate. In some
cases, detention features can reduce the required size of a downstream facility appreciably. Peak Discharge (With or Without a Hydrograph)

Discharge is the rate of the volume of flow per unit of time. The peak runoff rate, or peak
discharge, should generally be determined without calculating a hydrograph when the effects
of water storage are not considered. A hydrograph should be used to establish the peak
discharge when an analysis of the effects of water storage on the drainage area under
evaluation needs to be considered. Examples are ponds, reservoirs, or other water storage
areas within the drainage area, and when stormwater management needs to be considered.

A hydrograph is a graphical plot of discharge (flow) versus time for a specific location and
recurrence interval (design flood frequency). A unit hydrograph is a special hydrograph that
describes the discharge resulting from a one inch rainfall event. The height of a hydrograph is
the peak flow rate, and the time to the peak discharge is the time of concentration. The shape
of a hydrograph is dependent upon the watershed characteristics. A narrow, high hydrograph
describes a watershed that produces runoff quickly after a rainfall event, and a broad, short
hydrograph describes a watershed that produces runoff slowly after a rainfall event. The most
commonly used hydrograph is the NRCS dimensionless unit hydrograph. Flow Rate Determination

Several methods for determining flow rates are listed in items 1 through 4 below. Methods 1
and 2 are based upon rainfall effects and do not consider snowmelt. In some areas, runoff
from snowmelt will regularly exceed peak events due to rainfall. Each flow rate determination
method is unique. Users should be familiar with each method, and be able to select the most
appropriate method for each location and situation. Additional methods are presented in the
publications referenced in Section 8.3.

Other agencies, such as the USACE, have studied various larger streams and rivers in New
York State. Their flow rate calculations tend to be conservative because their purpose is flood
control on those rivers and streams. The FEMA has studied a large percentage of the rivers

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


and streams in the State through the NFIP. Flood study results should be closely reviewed
because they were developed by different consultants over several decades, using a variety
of methods, and they are of variable quality.

Recommended methods, which are briefly explained in sections A through D, include:

1. Rational Method. Computes a peak discharge.

2. Modified Soil Cover Complex Method ("Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", NRCS
TR-55, is the basis for this method). Computes a peak discharge directly using a
formula and by plotting a hydrograph.
3. Regression Equations. Computes a peak discharge.
4. Historical Data.

The design flood frequencies provided in Exhibit 8-3 are recommended for use with the
Rational Method, the Modified Soil Cover Complex Method, and the regression equations. The
design flood frequency is the recurrence interval that is expected to be accommodated without
exceeding the design criteria for the open channel, culvert, or storm drainage system.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


Exhibit 8-3 Design Flood Frequencies (in years) For Drainage Structures and Channels1
Road type or Functional Class Culvert2 Drainage Ditches 4
Interstates and Other
50 105 n/a 25
Principal Arterials 50 105 25 25
Minor Arterials 506 57 10 10
Major Collectors 506 57 10 10
Minor Collectors 506 57 10 10
Local Roads & Streets w/ AADT>400 506 57 10 10
A or B type highways (AADT < 400) 8, 10 506 57 10 10
C 8,9,10

1. The values in this table are typical. The selected value for a project should be based upon an assessment of the
likely damage to the highway and adjacent landowners from a given flow and the costs of the drainage facility.
Note: 100-year requirements must be checked if the proposed highway is in an established regulatory floodway
or floodplain.
2. The check flow, used to assess the performance of the facility, should be the 100 year storm event.
3. Relocated natural channels should have the same flow characteristics (geometrics and slope) as the existing
channel and should be provided with a lining having roughness characteristics similar to the existing channel.
4. Including lining material (All ditches should have a lining material and not be left untreated).
5. As per 23CFR650A, and Table 1-1 of HDS 2, a 50-year frequency shall be used for stormwater design at the
following locations where no overflow relief is available:
a. sag vertical curves connecting negative and positive grades.
b. other locations such as underpasses, depressed roadways, etc.
6. A design flood frequency of 10 or 25 years is acceptable if documented in the Design Approval Document, and
when identified after design approval, in the drainage report. A design flood frequency of 10 or 25 years should
be used in the design of driveway culverts and similar structures.
7. Use a 25-year frequency at the following locations where no overflow relief is available:
a. sag vertical curves connecting negative and positive grades.
b. other locations such as underpasses, depressed roadways, etc.
8. Dead end highways should use the Local Road Standard as a minimum for sizing, but the roadway and
structure should be armored to handle a larger event without washing out.
9. Existing structures are considered acceptable unless there are known flooding issues which require a more
detailed design. In such a case, the A/B standard should be followed.
10. See HDM Chapter 4, Table 4-1 for the definition of Type A, B and C Low Volume Highways.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


A. Rational Method

This method is recommended to determine the peak discharge, or runoff rate, from
drainage areas up to 200 acres. If a hydrograph is required to consider the effects of
storage, use the Modified Soil Cover Complex method, or a similar method.

The Rational Method assumes the following:

1. Peak discharge occurs when all of the drainage area is contributing,

2. A storm that has a duration equal to the time of concentration (Tc) produces the
highest peak discharge for the selected frequency,
3. Intensity is uniform over a duration of time equal to or greater than the Tc, and
4. The frequency of the peak flow is equal to the frequency of the intensity.

The rational method formula is:

Q = CiA , where:

Q = peak discharge or rate of runoff (cfs)

C = runoff coefficient
i = intensity (in/hr)
A = drainage area (acres)

1. Runoff coefficient. The runoff coefficient selected shall represent the characteristics
of the drainage area being analyzed. A weighted runoff coefficient (Cw) should be
used in the Rational formula for drainage areas having different runoff
characteristics. Cw should be calculated as follows:

Cw = ∑CiAi / A , where

Ci = runoff coefficient for subarea "i"

Ai = subarea

Refer to Exhibit 8-4 for recommended runoff coefficients.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


Exhibit 8-4 Values of Runoff Coefficient (C) for Use in the Rational Method

Type of Surface Runoff Coefficient (C)1

Rural Areas
Concrete, or Hot Mix Asphalt pavement 0.95 - 0.98
Gravel roadways or shoulders 0.4 - 0.6
Steep grassed areas (1:2, vert.:horiz.) 0.6 - 0.7
Turf meadows 0.1 - 0.4
Forested areas 0.1 - 0.3
Cultivated fields 0.2 - 0.4
Urban/Suburban Areas
Flat residential, @ 30% of area impervious 0.40
Flat residential, @ 60% of area impervious 0.55
Moderately steep residential, @ 50% of area 0.65
Moderately steep built up area, @ 70% of area 0.80
Flat commercial, @ 90% of area impervious 0.80
1. For flat slopes and/or permeable soil, use lower values. For steep slopes and/or impermeable soil, use the higher

2. Intensity. Determine intensity i.e., the rate of rainfall upon the drainage area, using
intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves developed for the area being analyzed, a
duration equal to the time of concentration (Tc), and a frequency equal to the design
flood frequency.

IDF relationships are based upon statistical analysis of rainfall data. They describe,
for a given flood frequency, the average intensity of rainfall for a storm of a given
duration (equal to the time of concentration). The statistical data for New York State
is based upon "Technical Paper No. 40" (TP-40) and the "NOAA Technical
Memorandum NWS HYDRO-35". The methodology for developing IDF curves is
presented in "Drainage of Highway Pavements", Highway Engineering Circular (HEC)
No. 12. To construct a set of IDF curves for a given location, HEC-12 uses six data
points from HYDRO-35: the 2-year 5, 15 and 60 minute rainfalls and the 100-year 5,
15 and 60 minute rainfalls. the 60 minute rainfall for each intermediate return period is
calculated from these points, and then the rainfall intensities for other durations are
calculated. IDF curves for some locations are available from the Regional Design
Group or should be constructed from known rainfall data.

To obtain the intensity, the Tc must first be estimated. The Tc is defined as the time
required for water to travel from the most remote point in the watershed to the point of
interest. The time of concentration path is the longest in time, and is not necessarily
the longest in distance. Various methods can be used to determine the Tc of a
drainage area. The method used to determine the Tc should be appropriate for the
flow path (sheet flow, concentrated flow, or channelized flow). The minimum Tc used
shall be 5 minutes.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


The velocity method can be used to estimate travel times (Tt) for sheet flow, shallow
concentrated flow, pipe flow, or channel flow. It is based on the concept that the travel
time for a flow segment is a function of the length of flow (L) and the velocity (V):

Tt = L/60V , where Tt, L, and V have the unit of minutes, ft, and ft/s.

The Tt is computed for the principal flow path. When the principal flow path consists of
segments that have different slopes or land covers, the principal flow path should be
divided into segments and the travel time associated with each flow segment should be
calculated separately and summed to determine the Tc.

Velocity is a function of the type of flow, the roughness of the flow path, and the slope of
the flow path. A number of methods are available for estimating velocity, and are based
on the type of flow. After short distances, sheet flow tends to concentrate in rills and then
gullies of increasing proportions, and is usually referred to as shallow concentrated flow.

The velocity of shallow concentrated flow can be estimated by using the following

V = 3.28k S 0.5 where

V = velocity in (ft/s)
k = Value from Table 8-4
S = slope (percent)

The value of k is a function of the land cover as shown in Exhibit 8-5.

Exhibit 8-5 k Values for Various Land Covers and Flow Regimes

k Land cover/flow regime

0.076 Forest with heavy ground litter; hay meadow/ overland flow
0.152 Trash fallow or minimum tillage cultivation; contour or strip
cropped; woodland/overland flow
0.213 Short grass pasture/overland flow
0.274 Cultivated straight row/overland flow
0.305 Nearly bare and untilled/overland flow
0.457 Grassed waterway/shallow concentrated flow
0.491 Unpaved/shallow concentrated flow
0.619 Paved area/shallow concentrated flow; small upland gullies

Manning's equation, provided in Section, can be used to determine flow

velocities in pipes and open channels.

3. Area. This is the drainage area contributing flow to the drainage feature under
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3

B. Modified Soil Cover Complex Method

This method is recommended to determine the peak discharge, and a hydrograph, from
drainage areas up to 1 mi2 (640 acres).

"Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", NRCS TR-55, applies the modified soil cover
complex method to determine a peak discharge and a hydrograph. Only a peak discharge
may be determined using the Graphical Peak Discharge method. A peak discharge and a
hydrograph may be determined using the Tabular Hydrograph method. (NRCS TR-55
methodology is taken from TR-20, "Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology").
TR-20 is capable of more complex hydrologic and hydraulic (routing) analyses. Users
should be aware of the limitations presented throughout NRCS TR-55.

Input requirements for both the Graphical Peak Discharge method and the Tabular
Hydrograph method include:

1. Q – runoff (in.). Estimating runoff is covered in NRCS TR-55 Chapter 2. Variables

used to calculate Q include P – rainfall (in.), Ia – initial abstraction (in.), and S –
potential maximum retention after runoff begins (in.). Values of P should be
calculated for the project site based on the 24 hour rainfall events as shown in
Technical Paper NO. 40. The other variables should be calculated as discussed in
Chapter 2.
2. Tc – time of concentration (hr.). Follow the procedure outlined in NRCS TR-55
Chapter 3. The minimum Tc for design is 6 min.
3. Am – drainage area (mi.2). This is the drainage area under consideration.
4. Appropriate rainfall distribution (Type I, IA, II, and III). This information is necessary
to compute the unit peak discharge, qu, for the Graphical method, and the tabular
hydrograph unit discharge, qt, for the Tabular method. All New York State counties
have a Type II distribution, except the following, which have a Type III distribution:

Bronx Kings New York Queens Richmond

Nassau Suffolk Dutchess Orange Putnam
Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester

The Tabular Hydrograph method requires Tt,, travel time (hr.), in addition to 1. through 4.
above. Follow the procedure outlined in NRCS TR-55, Chapter 3 to determine Tt.

C. Regression Equations

This method is recommended for calculating a peak flow rate for use in the design of a
natural channel relocation, and for culvert design (when the culvert is installed to pass a
natural channel (e.g., a perennial stream).

Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York, USGS Scientific Investigations Report
2006-5112, presents a series of regression equations for use to calculate the peak
discharge, for recurrence intervals of 1.25, 1.5, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 years,

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3


for six hydrologic regions in New York State. For urban streams, this method shall be
modified by the method recommended in Evaluation of Six Methods for Estimating
Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges of Urban Streams in New York, USGS
Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4350. USGS has also developed the
StreamStats tool for estimating stream flows utilizing regression equations.

Refer to Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York for details on limitations
(drainage area, etc.) for each hydrologic region. These regression equations are not valid
and should not be used for regulated streams, diversions, or other manmade changes,
unless supplemented with a routing procedure such as HEC-HMS “Hydrologic Modeling
System" or TR-20, "Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology".

D. Historical Data

Maximum Known Stages and Discharges of New York Streams 1865-1989, with
Descriptions of Five Selected Floods, 1913 - 1985, USGS Water-Resources Investigations
Report 92-4042, lists maximum known stages and discharges for 1280 sites on 863 New
York streams. The report lists the sources and categories of data, maximum stage and
discharge, and location data for each site. Data from this report should be used, as
appropriate, to check/verify peak flow estimates calculated by any of the other methods
discussed in Sections A through C above. “Maximum Known Stages and Discharges of
New York Streams and their Annual Exceedance Probabilities through September 2011”
list maximum known stages and discharges at 1,400 sites on 796 streams within New York.
Other historical data may be found in newspaper or other media accounts as well as a
number of other local sources. Final Field Trip to Verify Design

Sometimes not all of the design problems are immediately evident during the initial field trip.
The designer may have to request a more accurate field survey and/or prepare cross sections
to help identify other design parameters. Once the final hydrologic analysis has been
completed and the designer has selected some alternate solutions which meet the design
criteria, a final field trip should be taken to confirm the hydrologic and hydraulic design for the

During the final field trip, special consideration should be given to the effects of future potential
flooding upstream or downstream. The design high water elevations are now known, so
verification of the effects of these elevations can be accomplished more accurately than
previously. Changes to existing drainage patterns which may result in potential damage to
adjacent landowners should also be given close scrutiny at this time to avoid the potential for
legal problems or claims.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.3



Flow in any open or closed conduit (e.g., open channel or pipe) where the water surface is at
atmospheric pressure, or free, is termed open channel flow. The principles of flow in open
channels are discussed in many of the publications referenced throughout the text. One such
publication is Introduction to Highway Hydraulics, Hydraulic Design Series No. 4 (HDS 4).

8.4.1 Types of Open Channel Flow

Open channel flow can be characterized as:

1. Steady or unsteady. Steady flow occurs when the quantity of water passing any section
of an open channel or pipe is constant. Unsteady flow is characterized by variations in

2. Uniform or non-uniform. Flow is considered uniform if velocity and depth are constant,
and non-uniform or varied if velocity and depth of flow changes from section to section.

3. Subcritical, critical, or supercritical. These types of flow are related to depth of flow.
Subcritical flow is considered tranquil and occurs at depths greater than critical depth, dc
(velocity less than critical). Critical flow occurs at critical depth. Critical depth is defined
as the depth of minimum energy content. Energy of flow is discussed in Section 8.4.2.
Supercritical flow is considered rapid or shooting and occurs at depths less than critical
depth. The Froude number is used to define these types of flow. Refer to Section
for the equation used to calculate the Froude number.

The capacity of open channels and storm drains is determined assuming steady uniform flow.
Steady uniform flow is discussed further in Section

If steady flow is assumed to exist, but a change occurs in either the depth of flow, velocity, or cross
section, the conduit should be designed based on the principles and equations for steady
nonuniform flow. For nonuniform or varied flow, the energy equation should be used as the basis
for the analysis.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.4

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-31 Steady Uniform Flow

Steady uniform flow occurs when the conduit slope, cross section (size and shape), and
roughness are reasonably constant along the conduit. Manning's equation is used to calculate
the velocity and/or depth in an open channel or pipe under open channel conditions.

Manning's equation is:

 1.486  0.67 0.5

V = R S where:
 n 

V = Velocity (ft/s)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
R = Hydraulic radius = A/P (ft)
A = Cross sectional area of flow (ft2)
P = Wetted perimeter (ft)
S = Slope of the energy grade line, and the flow line, So (ft/ft). For steady uniform
flow, S = conduit slope.

Combining the Manning equation with the continuity equation, Q=VA, results in a commonly
used form of the Manning equation which is used as the basis to determine the capacity or
discharge (Q) of an open channel, or pipe.

 1.486  0.67 0.5

Q = A R S
 n 

For a given geometric cross section, slope, roughness, and a specified value of discharge, a
unique depth occurs in steady uniform flow called the normal depth (dn). This depth is primarily
a function of roughness. When dn is known, calculating the discharge is a matter of inserting
the appropriate values into the formula. When dn is not known, and this is generally the case
with open channels and pipes, the solution requires a trial and error procedure unless charts,
tables, nomographs, or computer software are used.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.4

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-32 Subcritical, Critical, and Supercritical Flow

The flow regime (subcritical, critical, or supercritical) is determined by solving for the Froude
number (FR).

FR = , where
V = Mean velocity (ft/s)
g = Acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)
D = Hydraulic depth (ft) = A/T
A = Cross sectional area of flow (ft2)
T = Top width of flow (ft)

FR < 1 Subcritical Flow
FR = 1 Critical Flow
FR > 1 Supercritical Flow

Open channel flows which result in flow depths within 10% of critical depth, or which result in
Froude numbers between 0.9 and 1.1, should be avoided because flow is unstable and may result
in either subcritical flow or supercritical flow. As the flow approaches critical depth from either limb
of the specific head curve, (as shown in Exhibit 8-6) a very small change in energy is required for
the depth to abruptly change to the alternate depth on the opposite limb of curve. If the unstable
flow region cannot be avoided, the least favorable type of flow should be assumed for design.

Exhibit 8-6 Specific Energy Diagram

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.4


8.4.2 Energy of Flow

Open channel flow contains energy in two forms, potential and kinetic. The potential energy is due
to the position of water above some datum, and is equal the water depth (d), plus the elevation of
the channel bottom above the datum plane (z). Kinetic energy is due to the velocity of water and
is represented by the velocity head (V2/2g). Specific energy or specific head (E) is equal to the
depth of water plus the velocity head (d + V2/2g). Energy can also be expressed in terms of total
energy or total head (E + z). Total head may be used in applying the energy equation, which states
that the total head (energy) at any section is equal to the total head (energy) at any section
downstream plus the energy (head) losses between the two sections. The energy equation is used
as the basis for determining minor losses in storm drainage systems, and in evaluating the
hydraulic performance of culverts operating under outlet control.

The energy (Bernoulli) equation is usually written:

V12 V 22
z1 + d 1 + = z2 + d 2 + + hL
2g 2g
V = Average velocity (ft/s)
g = Acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)
d = Depth of flow (ft)
z = Channel elevation (ft)
hL = Head losses due to friction, transition, and bends between sections 1 and 2.

In the equation, the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the upstream and downstream channel locations
respectively. Exhibit 8-7 illustrates these concepts.

Exhibit 8-7 Total Energy in Open Channels

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.4



Open channels may exist or be proposed within the roadside. Examples of existing channels
which may be encountered are natural channels or watercourses (streams, creeks, etc.), and man-
made (artificial, roadside) channels constructed as part of the original highway or a subsequent
rehabilitation. The need for roadside channels and natural channel relocation or protection are
influenced by the proposed location, terrain, and type of project.

Open channel design is discussed at greater length in "Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Open
Channels" (Chapter 6 of the "Highway Drainage Guidelines"), "Channels" (Chapter 10 of the
"AASHTO Drainage Manual"), and "Hydraulic Design Series" (HDS) No. 4.

8.5.1 Types of Open Channels Roadside Channels

Roadside channels are a broad category of artificial channels located within the highway right
of way which often parallel the roadway. Various types of roadside channels, some of which
are referred to as ditches, are discussed in Sections A through F.

A. Gutters

Gutters are one component of a storm drainage system, and are also used to minimize
embankment erosion. Gutters are:

1. Created when curb is placed at the edge of pavement. Refer to Chapter 3, Section
3.2.9, for guidance regarding types of curb, limitations on curb use, warrants for
curb use, curb alignment and typical section details, and curb material selection and
installation details.

2. Formed without curb as depicted on Standard Sheet 624-01, and illustrated in

Figure 3-2 of Chapter 3. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.10 for guidance regarding
gutter placement at driveways.

Gutter flow should be intercepted by a grate inlet or a combination inlet, and conveyed
through storm drains, or a chute to a point of discharge.

B. Chutes

Open (lined with stone filling, or paved) or closed (pipe) chutes should be provided to
convey water collected in gutters down steep embankments when curbing is used to
minimize embankment erosion. An appropriate pay item, selected from Section 620 - Bank
and Channel Protection of the Standard Specifications, should be provided at the chute
outlet to minimize or eliminate erosion.

Recommended pay items for flexible lined and rigid lined open chutes are located in
Section 620 – Bank and Channel Protection and Section 624 - Paved Gutters, respectively.
Closed chutes and their appurtenant structures should be provided by including the

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


appropriate pay items found in Section 603 - Culverts and Storm Drains, Section 604 -
Drainage Structures, and Section 655 – Frames, Grates and Covers. Chutes should be
detailed in the plans.

C. Roadway Ditches

Roadway ditches should be provided in cut sections to remove surface runoff from the
highway cross section. Refer to Chapter 3, Section and Chapter 10 for safety
considerations regarding roadway ditches.

D. Toe-of-Slope Ditches

Toe-of-slope ditches should be provided where it is necessary to convey water collected in

a roadway ditch, or from adjacent slopes, to a natural channel or another point of outlet.

Refer to Chapter 3, Section, for recommendations regarding the ditch location
within the roadside. Channels placed behind guide rail (installed for other reasons) should
have side slopes of 1:2 (vertical:horizontal).

E. Intercepting Ditches

An intercepting ditch should be provided where it is necessary to prevent runoff from

reaching the road section. These are normally locations with long, steep, backslopes.

Use a semi-circular cross section and relatively steep grades to dispose of the water
intercepted by these ditches as fast as possible. A trapezoidal or flat bottom shape will
tend to hold water for a longer time, resulting in potential saturation of the top of the slope
which could result in slope failure. A trapezoidal channel may be required if there is a large
volume of water. Side slopes of 1:2 are recommended and acceptable because these
ditches are not accessible to errant vehicles.

The Regional Geotechnical Engineer should be consulted to verify the necessity of an

intercepting channel and to determine if the channel may cause slope failure.

F. Median Swales (Ditches)

These ditches should be provided to drain portions of the roadway, and the median area
of divided highways. When median swales do not drain directly to a natural channel, a
grate inlet, drainage structure, and pipe, or a transverse ditch and culvert should be
provided to intercept the collected water and pass it underneath the embankment for further
conveyance or disposal. The grate inlet and drainage structure should be flush with the
approach ditch line. Existing drainage structures located in the median should be reviewed
for their impact on the roadside environment. Existing drainage structures may have
surface pipes connected to them which are intended to increase the hydraulic efficiency of
the inlet. If these surface pipes are existing and are not located behind guiderail installed
for other reasons, they should be modified with a commercially available safety slope end
section or a fabricated safety grate system to reduce the potential hazard to errant vehicles.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.8, for guidance regarding geometric criteria (median width,
etc.). Natural Channels

A natural channel is a surface watercourse created by natural agents, which is characterized

by the bed and banks that confine the flow of surface water. The flow in a natural channel may
be periodic (e.g., ephemeral stream, intermittent stream), or continuous (e.g., a perennial

Work in the vicinity of natural channels should be limited, because the best way to protect a
stream is to avoid disturbing it. When work in the vicinity of natural channels is unavoidable,
the natural channel shall be protected from the consequences of building and maintaining the
highway, and the highway shall be protected from the channel flow. It is not desirable for the
embankment to encroach upon, or to cause the relocation or alteration of a natural channel.
When these situations are unavoidable, temporary provisions to protect the channel from
construction operations, and permanent provisions to protect the embankment from the
channel, and vice versa, shall be provided. The Department's Regional Environmental unit
should be contacted to determine the stream classification (A, B, C, or D), the nature of the
aquatic community, and the need for permits. These issues will influence the conditions for
working in the channel.

Many of the legal aspects of highway drainage discussed in Section 8.2.2 will influence work
in the vicinity of channels.

8.5.2 Channel Design Criteria

Adherence to the following criteria is recommended:

1. Roadside channels.

a. Roadside channels should be lined to minimize or prevent erosion. Flexible linings are
preferred – turf, and stone filling, in order of preference. Rigid linings are acceptable
when conditions warrant their use (i.e., when increased channel capacity is needed and
channel geometry is fixed).

The flow in roadside channels should be subcritical whenever possible to avoid the
adverse characteristics of supercritical flow (erosion, etc.). An exception to this is
chutes. The flow in chutes is commonly supercritical because of the normally steep
channel slope.

To prevent deposition of sediment, the minimum slope for turf lined roadside channels
should be 0.5%.

b. The spread of water in a gutter and onto the traveled way should not exceed the spread
and puddle depth (if curb is used to create the gutter) criteria stated in Section

c. On long steep embankments where curbing is warranted to minimize embankment

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


erosion, a grate inlet, drainage structure, and closed chute is preferred to intercept and
convey gutter flow down the embankment and ensure that the water will be contained
within the channel. The minimum size round pipe for a closed chute should be 15
inches, except in unusual circumstances where a 12 inch round pipe may be used with
the approval of the Regional Design Engineer or NYSDOT Resident Engineer.

d. The design criteria for roadway ditches are presented in Chapter 3, Section
This includes the typical trapezoidal ditch cross section recommendations (fore slope,
back slope, depth, and width), and safety considerations.

2. Natural channels. The bed and banks of relocated natural channels shall be protected from
erosion by providing a lining material which is consistent with the roughness characteristics
of the remaining (not relocated) channel. Permit requirements may necessitate
coordinating lining specification with other agencies (Adirondack Park Agency, etc.). The
geometrics and alignment of the proposed channel should be consistent with the existing
channel. Provisions for fish passage shall be provided if necessary.

Where permanent stream relocation is required to meet project goals, channel work should
be kept to a minimum and stream conditions should be inspected early in the design
process, to determine the location and frequency of existing pools, percentage of overhead
cover, amount of in-stream structure (boulders, undercut banks, buried logs, etc.) and the
pool:riffle ratio. The new stream channel should be designed to replicate or improve these

To facilitate colonization of aquatic macro invertebrates, plants and algae, the original
stream bed material should be collected and relocated into the new stream channel. This
should not be done until immediately before flooding the new channel. The cross section
of the new stream channel should slope towards the center. For a stream up to 50 feet
wide, the center line elevation should be 8 inches below the edges of the bed. On curved
alignments, the slope should be towards the outside of the curve and the outside bank
should be appropriately stabilized to minimize erosion.

New channel banks should be sloped 1:3, vert.:horiz., (unless adequate woody vegetation
is already established) and stream banks should be planted with native trees and shrubs
as close to the stream channel as flow and flood considerations allow. When stabilizing
new stream banks, utilize, as appropriate, geotextiles and soil bioengineering measures
such as willow wattles, live willow stakes and native woody plantings or other mutually
reinforcing vegetative control measures in lieu of, or to supplement, stone fill or riprap.

In planning any new section of stream channel over 150 feet long, in-stream fisheries
habitat should be enhanced by proper placement of large boulders, singly or in
clusters(where no danger of scour or erosion is anticipated) to create pools and increase
in-stream habitat diversity. The groups of boulders should be placed at the intervals
necessary to establish a pool:riffle ratio matching the existing stream channel as closely as

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


8.5.3 Hydraulics - Design and Analysis

As discussed in Section, the rate of flow or discharge (Q), the depth of flow (d), and the
velocity of flow (V) depend on the channel's geometry (shape and size), roughness (n), and slope
(S). Roughness and velocity are of particular concern because the velocity in the channel will
influence the type of lining necessary, and the type of lining will define the roughness.

The design process involves establishing and analyzing a channel section – geometry (shape and
size), lining material and roughness, and slope – which will convey the peak discharge (Q),
determined in Section 8.3, at a depth which allows the water to flow within the selected geometry
at a velocity which will not cause the lining to be displaced by the flow of water.

Current peak flows shall be increased to account for future projected peak flows for culvert design.
Based on the USGS developed “Future StreamStats” tool, calculated flows in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8,
9, 10, and 11, and Cortland and Oswego Counties in Region 3 shall be increased by 20%. Current
peak flows in Regions 4, 5, and 6, and Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca and Tompkins Counties in
Region 3 shall be increased by 10%. These flow increases shall be applied for all methodologies
used to determine current flow rates. Geometry (Shape and Size)

Following are considerations regarding geometry:

1. Gutters are triangular in cross section. The gutter's cross sectional dimensions will
depend on the presence of parking lanes, shoulders, curb type and height, and whether
or not a formed gutter (from Standard Sheet 624-01) is used.
2. Chutes should be trapezoidal (open) or circular (closed).
3. Roadway ditches should be trapezoidal or V shaped. The geometrics of the roadway
channel should be determined based on the guidance in Chapter 3, Section
and Chapter 10.
4. Toe-of-Slope ditches should be trapezoidal.
5. Intercepting ditches should be semi-circular or trapezoidal.
6. Median swales and natural channels should be trapezoidal. The geometrics of a
median swale will depend on the width and side slopes (embankment slope or cut
slope) adopted for the median. Linings, Lining Preferences, and Roughness

If the underlying channel material is susceptible to erosion, either a flexible or rigid lining should
be provided to minimize erosion. Refer to Sections A and B for a list of the most commonly
used flexible and rigid linings, and the methodologies recommended for design. Refer to
Section C for a guidance regarding lining preferences, and Section D for suggested references
regarding roughness.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


A. Flexible Linings

Flexible linings include turf, stone filling (fine, medium, and heavy), and dry rip-rap.
Specifications covering this work are located in Section 610 and 620, respectively, of the
Standard Specifications.

Two methods are recommended for flexible lining design and analysis:

1. The permissible velocity approach – presented in GDP-10 "Bank and Channel

Protective Lining Design Procedures", and

2. The permissible tractive force (shear stress) approach – presented in "Design of

Roadside Channels With Flexible Linings" (HEC 15), HDS 4, and Chapter 10 of the
AASHTO Drainage Manual, "Channels".

These methods are not recommended when the discharge under consideration exceeds
50 ft3/s. "Design of Riprap Revetment", HEC-11, is recommended for discharges greater
than 50 ft3/s.

B. Rigid Linings

Rigid linings include grouted rip-rap, gabions, asphalt concrete, and portland cement
concrete. Specifications covering this work are located in Section 620 and Section 624,
respectively, of the Standard Specifications.

Rigid lining design and analysis are presented in HDS 4. The following provisions should
be incorporated into the design when paved (asphalt concrete or portland cement concrete)
linings are necessary:

1. Include cutoff walls at the terminal ends to minimize undermining.

2. Specify an apron of stone filling at the end of the paved channel to minimize erosion.
3. Depress the channel so that the lining is below the surrounding ground surface.
4. Specify underdrains where ground water flow is a problem. Underdrains are
described in Chapter 9, Section 9.3.8 and the Comprehensive Pavement Design
5. Detail superelevation or additional outer wall height at bends and junctions.
6. Specify a 1.5 ft wide strip of sod on each side adjacent to the paved lining.

C. Lining Preferences

Flexible linings – turf and stone filling, are preferred over paved linings for the following

1. Maintenance – historically, paved channels have presented a maintenance

problem. Paved linings:

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


a. Accelerate the velocity and flow rate of water which may cause
unacceptable erosion and undermining of the down stream channel section,
b. Are susceptible to frost damage as well as slope and bank settlement
because of their inherent rigid nature.

2. Cost – paved linings are more expensive.

3. Aesthetics – turf and stone filling are more aesthetically pleasing because they
blend into the roadside environment more readily than paved linings.

The following lining recommendations, in order of preference, are made based on the
statements above.

1. Chutes. Open chutes should be lined with stone filling, asphalt concrete, or portland
cement concrete. Turf is not acceptable because it will erode away. The outlet
area of a closed chute should be provided with an apron of stone filling to prevent

2. Roadway and Toe-of-Slope ditches. These ditches should be lined with turf, stone
filling, asphalt concrete, or portland cement concrete.

3. Intercepting ditches. These ditches should be lined with asphalt concrete because
it is desirable to remove water from the top of slope without infiltration to minimize
the potential for slope failure. Lining selection should be verified by the Regional
Geotechnical Engineer.

4. Median Swales. Median swales proposed for divided highways should be lined with
turf or stone filling.

D. Roughness

Each lining has a roughness associated with it which is represented by the Manning
roughness coefficient "n". Refer to HDS 4, or "Channels" (Chapter 10 of the "AASHTO
Drainage Manual") for recommended values of "n" for natural and roadside channels.
"Estimates of Roughness Coefficients for Selected Natural Stream Channels With
Vegetated Banks in New York", Appendix 1, USGS Open File Report 93-161 is also
available as a source of guidance to estimate Manning's roughness coefficient. Slope

The channel's slope will be dictated by adjacent terrain and right of way constraints. As a
result, the slope of roadside and natural channels will normally be as discussed in items 1
through 7.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5


1. Gutters. Slope will be the same as the vertical alignment of the traveled way.
2. Chutes. Slope should parallel the embankment.
3. Roadway ditches should parallel the traveled way. The slope may be greater than the
grade of the traveled way to outlet the roadway ditch to a natural channel or another
channel (culvert, etc.).
4. Toe-of-Slope ditches should parallel the toe-of-slope. The slope may increase in the
vicinity of the outlet to a natural channel or another channel (culvert, etc.).
5. Intercepting ditches should parallel the top of the cut slope.
6. Median swales should parallel the traveled way. The slope may be greater than the
grade of the traveled way to increase channel capacity or to outlet the swale to a natural
channel or another channel (culvert, etc.).
7. Relocated natural channels should maintain the existing channel slope.

Abrupt changes in slope will result in the deposition of transported material (when the proposed
slope is flattened from a steep approach slope) or scouring (when the proposed slope is greater
than the approach slope).

8.5.4 Maintenance

The following two maintenance activities should be considered during a field trip for inclusion as
part of the project.

1. Cleaning and reshaping turf lined channels. (Refer to Section 203 of the Standard
Specifications for a pay item covering this work.)
2. Repairing or replacing failed or inadequate linings.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.5



A culvert is usually a closed conduit (e.g., a pipe), but may be an open conduit (e.g., an arch),
installed to convey runoff collected in roadside channels, and natural channels such as streams,
underneath an embankment. Generally, a culvert is open at both ends and is not connected to a
drainage structure. Sometimes, a culvert is connected to a drainage structure located in the
median, or in a ditch. Work in natural channels should be performed consistent with water quality
standards. Best management practices to control erosion, sedimentation, and water disturbances
shall be provided consistent with Section 8.8.2, and recommendations from the Regional
Environmental Contact.

Any single structure with a span greater than 20 ft. is a bridge. These structures require a different
procedure for hydraulic analysis and should be coordinated through the Regional Structures

Culverts are discussed at greater length in "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts" (Chapter 4 of
the "Highway Drainage Guidelines"), "Culverts" (Chapter 11 of the "AASHTO Drainage Manual"),
and "Hydraulic Design Series" (HDS) No. 5, "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts". Refer to
Chapter 19 of this manual for guidance regarding reinforced concrete box culverts and similar

8.6.1 Hydraulic Design Criteria Allowable Headwater

Allowable Headwater (AHW) is defined as the maximum depth of water which can be tolerated
at the inlet of the culvert. It is measured from the elevation at the inlet of the culvert to the
water surface elevation necessary to achieve the hydraulic design requirements at the location,
as illustrated in Exhibit 8-8.

Exhibit 8-8 Culvert Allowable Headwater

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


The hydraulic design of culverts essentially consists of an analysis that evaluates the
performance of a culvert to convey flow from one side of the roadway to the other. The
following criteria should be established, when investigating the hydraulic performance of a
1. Design Flood Frequency
2. An estimate of the Design Discharge associated with that frequency
3. Allowable Headwater (AHW) elevation based on the selected Flood Frequency
and headwater considerations.

A. Design Flood Frequency:

Design flood frequency is established based on the functional classification of the Highway
and its criticality to New York’s economy, and the health, safety and welfare of its residents
and visitors. The determining factors for criticality may be found in the “NYS Flood Risk
Management Guidance for Implementation of the Community Risk and Resiliency
Act”(FRMG), and are also listed in Section The design flood frequency and check
storm criteria for culverts crossing state highways is summarised in Exhibit 8-12.

B. Design Discharges:
An estimation of the design discharges is dependent upon the watershed draining to the
culvert. Exhibit 8-9 below summarizes acceptable methods to be used based on watershed
area. The proper use of each method can be found in Section Flow Determination.
It is the Engineer’s responsibility to verify that the appropriate method for the conditions is
used. See Section 8.3 for more information on hydrology.

Exhibit 8-9 Methodology for Estimating Design Discharge Based on Drainage Area
Drainage Area Methodology

0-200 Acres Rational Method

Up to 6401 Acres USDA NRCS TR-55 Method

USGS Regression Equations
>500 Acres
1. For drainage areas less than 640 acres (1 Sq. Mile), where the limits of the USGS Regression Variables are
valid, the USGS Regression Equations should be used to compute design discharges.

Computed design discharges shall be increased as discussed in Section 8.5.3 Hydraulics-

Design and Analysis. The figure below gives a visual representation of which increase in
flow should be applied to which counties.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-10 Design Discharges Multipliers by County

C. Allowable Headwater (AHW) elevation:

Existing field conditions, channel geometry, and culvert hydraulics will control the allowable
headwater depth.

The stream terrain upstream of the culvert should be considered when determining AHW.
A very steep terrain upstream of the culvert can lead to substantial headwater ponding with
minimal transverse spread that can impact nearby property. However, too much ponding
along the roadway embankment can lead to piping, which can compromise the structural
integrity of the highway.

If the upstream terrain is very flat, a minimal raise in backwater elevation can lead to
substantial transverse spread of the flood waters. This can have an impact on more distant
properties. Exhibit 8-11 Illustrates the effect of backwater based on terrain upstream of the

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-11 The Effect of Backwater Based on Terrain Upstream of the Culvert

In selecting an Allowable Headwater Elevation (AHW), the following should be considered:

• Anticipated upstream and downstream flood risks, for a range of flood frequencies.
• Damage to culvert and roadway
• Traffic interruption due to culvert or roadway damage
• Hazard to human life and safety
• Allowable Headwater (AHW) / Culvert Depth (D) Ratio
• Low point in the roadway grade line
• Roadway elevation above structure
• Elevation at which flood waters will flow to adjacent water courses
• Stability of the roadway embankment above the culvert
• Current and future land use that may be impacted

Allowable headwater also depends on whether the culvert is on a non-critical or critical

roadway. Critical roadways are part of a designated evacuation route or provide sole
access to any of the following facilities where practical detour routes are not available in
case of loss or closure:
• Facilities designed for bulk storage of chemicals, petrochemicals, hazardous or
toxic substances or floatable materials
• Hospitals, rest homes, correctional facilities, dormitories, patient care facilities
• Major power generation, transmission, or substation facilities
• Major communications centers, such as civil defense centers
• Major emergency service facilities, such as central fire and police stations

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Additional information on criticality may be found in the Transportation Infrastructure

section of the FRMG and should be determined during the project scoping phase. The
designer should demonstrate through design documentation or verification that
consideration of the higher of these flood risk management guidelines to determine design
flow elevation were evaluated. Note that the following criteria only apply to allowable
headwater design. All other elements of culverts including stone aprons shall be designed
to meet the design flood frequency unless otherwise noted.
As noted in Exhibit 8-3, minor arterials, collectors/local roads, and streets as well as
driveways may have a lower design flood frequency if found to be appropriate and
documented in the Design Approval Document if they are considered to be non-critical.
Culverts on state highways as well as critical roadways and critical driveways shall consider
the guidance shown in Exhibit 8-12 to the greatest extent practical. This consideration
should be given to the highest applicable design flow elevations practicable, considering
feasibility, project costs, costs of flooding, funding eligibility, risk tolerance, environmental
effects, and historic preservation per design documentation or verification.
Roadway Freeboard as defined in the SFRMG is the distance from the water surface
elevation of the check storm flow to the lowest shoulder elevation of the roadway (see
Exhibit 8-8). This is intended to be a rough approximation of the bottom of the roadway
subbase layer. The table below references the bottom of subbase as the control point. If
this is known from record plans or a new culvert is being placed, the actual elevation of the
bottom of subbase should be used. If it is not known, the designer should use 2 feet below
the low shoulder for non-critical culverts or three feet below the low shoulder for critical
culverts as the check storm elevation.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-12 Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Culverts

Adjusted Guidance Criteria
for Rise D ≥ 5 ft. Rise D < 5 ft.
Change Allowable Allowable
Flood Check Check
Highway per Headwater/Depth Headwater/Depth
Frequency Elevation Elevation
Criticality Figure Ratio3 Ratio3
(Years) (ft) (ft) (AHW/D) (AHW/D)

502 < 1 for D> 5 ft. < 1.5 for D < 4 ft.
Yes -- --
Design < 1.2 for D = 5 ft. < 1.2 for D > 4 ft. < 5 ft.

Below Below
bottom of bottom of
1005 Subbase1 Subbase1
Critical Yes -- --
Check 1’ below 1’ below
Highways4 subbase subbase
preferred preferred

No No
500 overtopping overtopping
No -- --
Check of the of the
roadway roadway

50 < 1 for D> 5 ft. < 1.5 for D < 4 ft.

Yes -- --
Non- Design < 1.2 for D = 5ft. < 1.2 for D > 4 ft. < 5 ft.
Highways4 Below Below
Yes -- bottom of -- bottom of
subbase1 subbase1
For Culverts located in Tidal Waterways, see note 4 below
1. Where the elevation of the bottom of subbase is not known, 2 feet below the low shoulder for non- critical culverts
or three feet below the low shoulder for critical culverts may be used as the check storm elevation.
2. Critical Culverts should pass the projected Q50 storm through the culvert while maintaining the appropriate AHW/D
ratio with or without pressure flow.
3. All culverts that increase headwater should be discussed in the drainage report with regard to flooding conditions,
velocities, scouring, economy, future maintenance (e.g., installing a smaller pipe/structure within the original
culvert), etc. If damage to the culvert is possible or if adverse upstream flooding conditions exist (from the
accumulation of ice and debris at the culvert's inlet), then culvert should be resized to reduce the AHW/D ratio, in
order to minimize flood damages within acceptable limits.
4. Culverts located in tidal areas shall meet all the criteria in Exhibit 8-12 above and apply applicable coastal design
(tidal) criteria set out in the FRMG that incorporate a range of sea-level rise projections, up to and including the
high sea-level rise projection for critical culverts and up to and including the medium sea-level rise projection for
non-critical culverts. These projections are applicable for the structures full, expected service life and can be found
in 6 NYCRR Part 490 as well as Exhibit 8-14.
5. Culverts within a regulated floodway shall have no rise in headwater elevation when compared to existing conditions
for the 100-year storm. Designers should refer 6 NYCRR Part 502 for additional information and exceptions. All
other culverts should be designed to maintain or decrease the existing depth of headwater. If it is not practicable
to do so, then an assessment of the increased flood risk shall be performed as discussed below.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


If any of the allowable headwater design criteria or check storm criteria can’t be met; it
should be documented as a non-conforming feature. The reason(s) for not meeting these
criteria shall be documented in the Project Drainage Report and the Design Approval
Document. At locations where it is not feasible to design a culvert that maintains or
decreases the existing depth of headwater, an assessment of increased flood risk to
adjacent property should be performed. This assessment should be based in the findings
of the project drainage report and should be documented in the DAD by including the
following when applicable:

1. Likely damage to the highway and adjacent landowners, including but not limited to
the potential for damage to existing and future structures or crop lands.
2. Resultant damage to waters of the State such as scour, erosion, barriers to aquatic
organisms, adverse deposition of stream bed material due to reduced velocities,
etc. caused by increased velocities, constrictions and/or raised headwater.
3. A list of any required flood risk-management measures, including the need to take
additional property, if necessary.
4. A summary that identifies the optimum design alternative with respect to minimizing
flood risk while protecting properties and natural resources.
5. Sufficient justification for the standard(s) that cannot be met.

Exhibit 8-13 Culverts on Regulated Floodways vs. Other Streams

Stream Adverse Allowable Rise
Condition Effect1 in BFE
A detailed hydraulic analysis can be
FEMA Mapped
carried out to illustrate that the new,
Floodway Stream
None Allowed No rise in BFE replaced or rehabbed alternative will have
0.00 feet rise in the BFE when compared
to existing conditions.
FEMA Mapped Rises in BFE are allowed under 6 NYCRR
Floodplain 502 for new, replaced or rehabbed
Up to 1-foot rise
(No Regulated None Allowed alternative if the rise is ≤1 foot.
in the BFE2
Floodway Previous records should be checked for
Established) existing adverse effects1.
All other streams
(No Regulated Up to 1-foot rise Previous records should be checked for
None Allowed
Floodway in the BFE2 existing adverse effects1.
1. Adverse Effects can be categorized as one or more of the following:
i. Impact on private properties (houses, businesses, upstream infrastructure, etc.).
ii. Records of existing structure overtopping during storm events.
iii. Records of existing structure affected by debris that leads to flooding.
iv. Roadway freeboard will be less than 2 feet because of a culvert rehabilitation.
v. Likely damage to waters or other natural resources of the State.
2. New and replacement culverts should result in no rise or reduced headwater at the culvert.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


D. Rehabilitated Culverts:

1. Riverine Locations:
Existing culverts that are in riverine locations, which are scoped to be rehabilitated by
methods described in Section 8.6.7, should be evaluated for criticality, risk and potential
damage to waters of the State as described in Section If it is determined that
culvert rehabilitation is the best course of action, materials and sizing should be
selected to keep the rise in headwater to a minimum while extending the service life of
the culvert to the desired lifespan. However, if the culvert is in a FEMA Mapped
Floodplain Area, Exhibit 8-13 should be used as guidance to evaluate flood risks in
such areas.

2. Culverts in Tidal Areas:

The rehabilitation of culverts in Tidal Areas should be evaluated for criticality and risk
as described in Section, incorporating the projected sea-level rise projections
in Exhibit 8-14.

If the allowable headwater design or check criteria cannot be met for rehabilitated
culverts in conditions A or B above, the reasons shall be documented in the Project
Drainage Report and the Design Approval Document along with the assessment of
increased flood risk to adjacent property.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-14 Projected Sea-level Rise

(a) Mid-Hudson Region
Low Low-Medium Medium High-Medium High
Time Interval
Projection Projection Projection Projection Projection

2020s 1 inch 3 inches 5 inches 7 inches 9 inches

2050s 5 inches 9 inches 14 inches 19 inches 27 inches

2080s 10 inches 14 inches 25 inches 36 inches 54 inches

2100 11 inches 18 inches 32 inches 46 inches 71 inches

(b) New York City/Lower Hudson Region

Low Low-Medium Medium High-Medium High
Time Interval
Projection Projection Projection Projection Projection

2020s 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches 10 inches

2050s 8 inches 11 inches 16 inches 21 inches 30 inches

2080s 13 inches 18 inches 29 inches 39 inches 58 inches

2100 15 inches 22 inches 36 inches 50 inches 75 inches

(c) Long Island Region

Low Low-Medium Medium High-Medium High
Time Interval
Projection Projection Projection Projection Projection

2020s 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches 10 inches

2050s 8 inches 11 inches 16 inches 21 inches 30 inches

2080s 13 inches 18 inches 29 inches 39 inches 58 inches

2100 15 inches 21 inches 34 inches 47 inches 72 inches

6 NYCRR Part 490 Projected Sea-Level Rise

In no case should the flood-risk management guidelines outlined in this section be used if doing
so would increase the risk of flood damage upstream or downstream of the culvert. If the
application of this this guidance would result in increased flooding, or the need to take
additional property or floodproof private property, the designer should analyze an appropriate
range of options to determine the optimum approach to minimize flood risk while protecting

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


properties and natural resources. These options shall be documented in the Project Drainage
Report and Design Approval Document. Minimum Pipe Size

The minimum size round pipe recommended for all highway functional classifications, including
ramps is 24 in. Smaller diameter pipes (18 in. and 15 in.) are acceptable when shallow depths
and utility conflicts prohibit using a 24 in. pipe.

The minimum size round pipe recommended for driveways and field entrances is 15 in., except
in unusual circumstances where the Regional Design Engineer or NYSDOT Resident Engineer
may approve a 12 in. round pipe. Multiple Barrels

Multiple barrels (more than one pipe) should be considered when the allowable headwater
criteria cannot be met with a single barrel installation and an improved inlet design. These
locations will normally occur at sites with low fills or wide channels. Multiple barrels are not a
desirable alternative to convey perennial streams because of the potential for clogging.
Cleaning operations are labor intensive and disrupt the stream's ecosystem.

8.6.2 Pipe Design Criteria

Acceptable culvert materials are steel (see note below), reinforced concrete, aluminum,
polyethylene and polypropylene. The design criteria for these materials consist of design life,
anticipated service life, structural criteria, and economics.

Note: Steel shall not be specified for culverts installed to act as equalizer channels or at other
locations such as canals where the water level is expected to remain relatively constant. The near
constant water levels result in localized metal loss rates in excess of those anticipated (refer to
Section, and these water levels usually are at a location – on the sidewalls – where the
stress levels are higher than at the invert.

The material specified shall be the most economical which satisfies all the pipe criteria (design life,
anticipated service life, and structural criteria) in addition to meeting the hydraulic criteria (allowable
headwater, etc.). Refer to section for further discussion regarding selection of the final
culvert material. Design Life

Design life is defined as the number of years of in-service performance which the pipe is
desired to provide.

Design life is assigned by location, taking into consideration the following factors:

1. Initial cost of the pipe material, installation, backfill, etc.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


2. Cost to rehabilitate or replace.

3. Disruption to traffic during rehabilitation or replacement once an installation reaches the
end of its design life.

The design lives, by location, shall be as shown in Exhibit 8-15:

Exhibit 8-15 Design Lives

Location Design Life (Years)
Driveways 20
Significant Locations1 70
Other Locations 50
1. Significant locations are defined as follows:
a. Highways functionally classified as Interstates and Other Freeways. (Refer to Section 2.4.1 of
Chapter 2 for these definitions.)
b. Natural watercourses, or channels, such as perennial streams.
c. Under high fills – 15 ft. or greater.
d. Locations with high traffic volumes.
e. Locations where long off-site detours would be required if the culvert failed. Consider taking
user costs into account. Anticipated Service Life

Anticipated service life is defined as the number of years it is anticipated that the culvert pipe
material will perform as originally designed or intended. For steel, it is defined as the time
when the culvert invert or flow line would be completely removed if the design metal loss (2 or
4 mils/yr) occurred uniformly throughout the length of the culvert.

The anticipated service life for concrete, polyethylene, and polypropylene is 70 years.
Aluminum is anticipated to last for 70 years under normal conditions. When high velocities,
potentially abrasive bed loads from adjacent channel sections, or high concentrations of
industrial waste are present or suspected, 70 years should not be anticipated for aluminum.

The anticipated service life for metallic coated (galvanized) steel pipe is based on metal loss
rates established through research conducted by the Department. For the purpose of
establishing the anticipated service life, the galvanized coating is not considered an additional
coating and is termed "without additional coating". (Refer to “Metal-Loss Rates of Uncoated
Steel and Aluminum Culverts In New York”, Research Report 115 for a complete explanation
of the methodology used.) Metal loss rates have been defined for two geographical locations,
Zone I and Zone II, as shown in Exhibit 8-16.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-16 Metal Loss Rates for Steel by Geographic Location

Zone I (2 mils/yr) Zone II (4 mils/yr)
Region 1 except Albany, Greene, and Schenectady Co.
Region 2 except Montgomery Co.
Region 3 except Cortland, Tompkins Co.
Region 4 -- --
Region 5 except Cattaraugus Co.
-- -- Region 6
Region 7 -- --
-- -- Region 8
-- -- Region 9
-- -- Region 10
-- -- Region 11

Exhibit 8-17 provides the anticipated service life for various gauge steel in Zone I and Zone II
(with and without an additional coating). Additional anticipated service life is assigned to steel
pipe by providing a metallic coating other than galvanizing (i.e., by specifying aluminum coated
(Type 2) pipe), or by providing a coating in addition to the metallic (galvanized) coating. (This
additional life is also based on research performed by the Department.) Not all coating options
are available for each type of steel pipe. (Refer to Exhibit 8-18 for a list of additional coatings
available for use with the various types of pipe.) When a metallic coating, or an additional
coating option is not available, use increased gauge, or select a material other than steel, to
achieve the anticipated service life required to satisfy the design life criteria.

Additional coating alone shall not be used to extend the anticipated service life of galvanized
steel pipe or structural steel plate pipe installed to pass natural watercourses (streams, creeks,
rivers, etc.) when the water surface is above the area protected by the additional coating. The
appropriate gauge galvanized steel pipe shall be specified in these locations to meet the design
life criteria.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-17 Anticipated Service Life, in years, for Steel (with and without additional coating)1,2

Gauge Metallic Coated Metallic Coated Metallic Coated Metallic Coated Metallic Coated
(Galvanized) (Aluminum (Galvanized) w/ (Galvanized) w/ (Galvanized)
Coated - Type Polymer Polymer w/Paved Invert6
2) 3 & Metallic Coating4 Coating and (Structural
Coated Paved Invert5 Steel Plate)
(Galvanized) w/
Paved Invert or
Fully Paved 3
§707-02/§707-09 §707-02 §707-02 §707-02 §707-09
Zone I Zone II Zone I Zone II Zone I Zone II Zone I Zone II Zone I Zone II
18 26 13 51 38 51 38 66 53 Gauge not
16 32 16 57 41 57 41 72 56
14 40 20 65 45 65 45 80 60
12 54 27 79 52 79 52 94 67 89 62
10 69 34 94 59 104 69

8 84 42 109 67 119 77
7 94 47 129 82
Coating option Gauge not manufactured with this
5 109 54 not specified for coating 144 89
these gauges
3 124 62 159 97
1 140 70 175 105
1. For culverts whose diameter, or equivalent diameter, is 10 ft or greater:
a. in Zone I - specify a paved invert for 12 gauge culverts or specify a 10 gauge culvert.
b. in Zone II - specify a paved invert for all culvert regardless of gauge.
2. Use caution in designing culverts on grades steeper than 6±% carrying potentially abrasive bed loads. Do not
rely on polymer coating alone to increase the service life in abrasive conditions. Use fully paved pipe or paved
invert. In very severe conditions, consider use of concrete or polyethylene. Aluminum is not recommended
due to the potentially abrasive bed load.
3. The Aluminum Coated - Type 2 metallic coating is expected to have the same anticipated service life as metallic
coated (galvanized) pipe with a paved invert or fully paved. Additional coating (i.e., paved invert or fully paved)
adds 25 years to the anticipated service life of metallic coated (galvanized) steel pipe.
4. Additional coating (i.e., polymer coating) adds 25 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.
5. Additional coating adds 40 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.
6. Additional coating adds 35 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-18 Additional Coating Options

Corrugated Steel Corrugated Structural Steel Plate

Additional Coating (§ 707-02) (§ 707-09)

Paved Invert (Bituminous) Type I and II only Not available

Fully Paved (Bituminous) Type I and II only Not available
Polymer Type I and II only Not available
Polymer & Paved Invert Type I and II only Not available
Paved Invert (Portland Not available Available
Cement Concrete) Structural Criteria

Factors which affect the structural performance of a pipe include:

1. Maximum and minimum height of cover (Refer to Section - all pipe materials.
2. Bedding conditions and installation methods (Refer to Section - concrete and
3. The end treatment for the pipe (square, miter, skew) as this will affect the structural strength
of the pipe's end - all pipe materials. (Not to be confused with an end section, which
attaches to the pipe's end.) (Refer to Section

A. Height of Fill Tables

The height of fill tables provided in Appendix A shall be used to obtain the thinnest gauge
steel or aluminum, or lowest class concrete pipe which meets the height of fill requirements
of the site. Tables for the following pipe materials are provided:

Material Table Page

Corrugated Steel Pipe (§707-02 Type I) Table 8-22 8A-1

Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch (§707-02 Type II) Table 8-23 8A-2
Corrugated Steel Pipe (§707-02 Type IR) Table 8-24 8A-3
Corrugated Steel Pipe (§707-02 Type IIR) Table 8-25 8A-4
Corrugated Structural Steel Plate Pipe (§707-09) Table 8-26 8A-5
Corrugated Structural Steel Plate Pipe Arch (§707-09) Table 8-27 8A-7

Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (§707-13 Type I) Table 8-28 8A-9

Corrugated Aluminum Pipe Arch (§707-13 Type II) Table 8-29 8A-10
Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (§707-13 Type IR) Table 8-30 8A-11
Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (§707-13 Type IIR) Table 8-31 8A-12
Corrugated Aluminum Structural Plate Pipe (§707-14 ) Table 8-32 8A-13
Corrugated Aluminum Structural Plate Pipe Arch (§707-14) Table 8-33 8A-14

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Reinforced Concrete Pipe (§706-02) Table 8-34 8A-16

Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe (§706-03) Table 8-35 8A-18

Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (§706-12) Table 8-36 8A-19

Polypropylene Pipe (§706-08) Table 8-37 8A-20

The same type (corrugation, gauge, or class) of material shall be used throughout the
length of the culvert for ease of installation and consistency in design.

The maximum height of fill over the top of circular and elliptical reinforced concrete pipe is
dependent on bedding details and installation methods shown on Standard Sheet 203-04.
As a result, designers have to anticipate, or specify on the plans as appropriate, the
bedding detail and installation method for each pipe selected.

B. Bedding Conditions and Installation Methods

Bedding conditions and installations methods – except pipe jacking – for concrete and
metal (steel and aluminum) pipe are detailed on Standard Sheets 203-04 and 203-05.
Standard Sheet 203-05 is also applicable for smooth interior corrugated polyethylene pipe.

The standard sheet(s) need to be considered to:

1. Specify and estimate pay items not included for payment under the pipe item.
2. Determine the relationship to the height of fill. (This is only necessary for concrete
3. Determine the need to provide additional details or notes in the plans which are not
covered in the standard sheet.

Manufacturers of reinforced concrete pipe suitable for jacking do not produce this type of
pipe in a size less than 42 inches in diameter. Steel pipe is available for jacking applications
where a diameter less than 42 inches is needed.

Contact the Regional Geotechnical Engineer as soon as possible in the design process to
request soil boring in the area of the proposed pipe jacking. These borings will be used to
determine a suitable method of jacking, pipe wall thickness, and other technical issues.

C. End Treatment

Ring compression, buoyancy, and scour should be considered when specifying an end
treatment. (Not to be confused with an end section, which attaches to the pipe's end.)

1. Ring compression. The embankment transfers live and dead loads which result in
ring compression on the pipe. Square ends are strongest and should generally be
used to resist these forces.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


a. Metal pipes and mitered ends - A miter is a flush-entrance culvert where the
barrel is mitered to the slope of the embankment. Miter normal to culvert
axis only, when this type of treatment is desired. Do not specify combination
skew and miter, and do not extend miter below 75±% of nominal pipe
diameter or rise dimension for pipe-arches. The flattest miter shall be one
vertical on three horizontal. Warp flatter embankment slopes to meet miter
or use other end treatment.

b. All materials - The skew angle between the perpendicular to the highway
centerline and the structure axis should generally not exceed 20°. An
anchor bolt system embedded in concrete cutoff walls, collars, slope paving,
etc. should be provided when the skew exceeds 20°. Skewed culverts
should be checked for unbalanced loading from the embankment.

2. Buoyancy and scour. The effects of buoyancy at the inlet and outlet should be
considered. The hazard is greatest for flexible pipes (steel, aluminum,
polyethylene), increasing rapidly with diameter; however, concrete structures are
not totally immune. Concrete pipe has been known to lose downstream sections,
either from scouring and/or buoyancy effects. Concrete box structures have also
moved because of buoyant effects. The hazard of buoyancy is increased when flat
slopes for highway embankments exist. To cope with these uplift forces, concrete
cutoff walls, full headwalls or headwalls with flared wingwalls, may be required.

Flexible pipes should be anchored to these concrete end walls to insure their
stability, as well as protect against scour. Refer to Exhibit 8-19 for typical anchor
bolt details. The straight anchor bolt is considered the industry standard and does
not have to be detailed in the plans. When needed, hook bolts shall be detailed on
the plans. (Hook bolts were developed for use in masonry walls.) The materials
requirements for both types of bolts are covered Section 707-20 of the Standard

It is recommended that all sites where the proposed culvert is 30 inches in diameter
or larger (35-inch span x 24-inch rise pipe arches) and incorporates end sections
be evaluated by the Regional Geotechnical Engineer for the need to include a
concrete cut-off wall at each end. Cut-off walls can be used on smaller culverts if
channel velocities, soil conditions, steep grades or other such conditions warrant.
If a cut-off wall is not used, the criterion below for using a toe-plate extension shall
be used. Usage of cut-off walls shall not preclude the inclusion of proper channel
protection and/or dissipation devices as discussed in Section

The designer should indicate in the drainage table (or similar table, e.g. table of
culvert installations) where cut-off walls shall be included. The designer shall
include in the estimate the appropriate item numbers and quantities of Class A,
Concrete for Structures, and Trench and Culvert Excavation required to construct
the prescribed cut-off walls. As stated in Standard Specification Section 603-5.01
General, the cost of anchor bolts for cut-off walls is included in the cost bid for End
Sections and need not be estimated separately.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Refer to Standard Sheets 603-01, 603-02 and 603-04 for end section and cut-off
wall details.

Toe plate extensions (for the outlet) shall be specified in the drainage structure table
when the downstream channel is at a grade of 5% or greater.

Regardless of the design, adequate precautions must be observed to ensure the

safety of the traveling public by providing for a barrier system or placing the end
treatment at an appropriate location within the roadside as discussed in Section

Exhibit 8-19 Typical Anchor Bolt Details Engineering and Economic Analysis

Materials shall be specified which satisfy engineering requirements at the lowest overall cost.
This cost should include all expenses necessary to install and maintain the pipe throughout the
life of the highway. The installation cost includes not only the pipe itself but the pipe excavation,
backfill, labor, and any other special features. Generally, the design with the least installation
cost is the first choice. Occasionally, however, there may be other quantifiable lifetime factors
which negate the initial savings. These can include maintenance costs which occur on a
regular predictable basis or specific material features which offer additional resistance to
corrosion, silting, sliding or rupture.

A discussion on cost analysis and justification of the final design should be included in the
Drainage Report.

EB 22-022 §8.6

Note: In the absence of firm cost data and without an engineering reason dictating the choice
of one pipe material, an optional specification should be used. Special specifications are
available to specify alternate culvert materials for side drains (driveways and ditch crossings)
and cross drains (culverts under gravel or dirt roads) not installed under high type pavement
(603.85xxxx15, 603.86xxxx15, 603.87xxxx15). Under the optional items, the designer selects
the size and shape of the pipe and the contractor picks the material based on the specification.
Therefore, pipes should be sized based on the hydraulically least efficient material.

8.6.3 Culvert Design - Overview

Culvert design should proceed in accordance with the following sequence of steps:
1. An initial pipe material, shape, and size should be selected which are consistent with the
criteria stated in Sections 8.6.1 and 8.6.2.
2. The headwater depth should be calculated based on inlet, and outlet control – the greater
of the two values is the controlling headwater. (Section discusses the factors which
influence inlet and outlet control.) The controlling headwater elevation should be
compared with the allowable headwater criteria stated in Section If the controlling
headwater is greater than the allowable headwater, a larger size pipe or a different culvert
configuration shall be designed and analyzed.
3. The outlet velocity should be calculated to determine the need for scour protection,
channel protection, or an energy dissipator. Inlet Control and Outlet Control

Calculating headwater depth based on inlet control and outlet control may be done manually
or using computer software. The manual design method is presented in Chapter III of HDS 5.
It is based on the use of design charts and nomographs located in Appendix D of HDS 5,
should be used for the shape under consideration. The HY-8 computer software is also
acceptable for design.

Exhibit 8-20 lists the factors which influence a culvert's hydraulic performance under inlet and
outlet control. l

Exhibit 8-20 Factors Influencing Culvert Performance in Inlet and Outlet Control
Factor Inlet Control Outlet Control
Headwater Elevation X X
Inlet Area X X
Inlet Edge Configuration X X
Inlet Shape X X
Barrel Roughness X
Barrel Area X
Barrel Shape X
Barrel Length X
Barrel Slope X
Tailwater Elevation X

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


A. Inlet Control

A culvert operates in inlet control when the barrel (pipe) will convey more flow than the inlet
will accept. The flow is supercritical (shallow and high velocity), and the flow control is at
the upstream end of the culvert. As a result, the headwater and the inlet configuration (inlet
area, edge configuration, and shape) influence the culvert's performance.

1. Headwater Elevation. The headwater elevation is the water surface elevation of

the headwater. Headwater, or headwater depth, is the depth of the water surface
measured from the inlet invert. The headwater depth shall not exceed the allowable
headwater criteria stated in Section

2. Inlet Area. The inlet area is the cross-sectional area of the face of the culvert and
is the same as the barrel (pipe) area, unless a tapered inlet is specified. A tapered
inlet is a flared culvert inlet with an enlarged face section and a hydraulically efficient
throat section.

3. Inlet Edge Configuration (End Treatment). Improvements to the inlet edge

configuration should be considered (headwalls with bevels, end sections, and
mitered ends). Improved inlets reduce the energy losses at the inlet, thereby
decreasing the headwater depth required to convey the flow and reducing the pipe
size. Entrance loss coefficients (ke) vary from 0.2 to 0.9, depending upon the type
of structure and the configuration of the entrance; e.g., 0.2 applies to a concrete
pipe with the socket end projecting from the fill, and beveled headwalls. 0.5 applies
to most end sections, and 0.9 applies to a corrugated metal pipe or pipe arch
projecting from the fill with no headwall or end section and pipes mitered to fills.
Table 12 of HDS 5 lists ke for the various types of entrances. For culverts in inlet
control, a more efficient inlet edge configuration may allow for a more economical
pipe to be chosen. The type of inlet has some influence on capacity in outlet control,
but generally, the edge geometry can be ignored when the culvert is operating in
outlet control.

The following recommendations are made regarding the design of entrances:

a. Bevels. Bevels are a simple and economical method to improve the

efficiency of culvert inlet flows. Beveled edges reduce the contraction of
the flow by effectively enlarging the face of the culvert. Beveled edges
should be used when concrete headwalls or concrete box culverts are
required. Refer to HDS-5 Figure III-3 for bevel edge details. These details
shall be included in the contract plans whenever headwalls or concrete
box culverts are specified.

b. Headwalls. Headwalls may be used to improve the hydraulic efficiency of

culverts and should also be used to prevent erosion of the embankment or
to protect the end of the pipe from scour, if necessary.

c. End sections. End sections should be provided with culverts that do not
utilize headwalls.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


 Concrete end sections may be used when needed to retain the

• A galvanized steel or aluminum end section, one standard pipe
diameter larger than the pipe, should be specified for polyethylene
• The cost of specifying an end section should be considered for metal
pipes over 54 in. in diameter, and for concrete pipes over 48 in. in
diameter. Generally, a mitered inlet is preferred to improve the
hydraulic efficiency of corrugated metal pipes in excess of 54 in.

d. Mitered. Mitered edges are only recommended for metal pipe over 54 in. in
diameter. The structural integrity of the pipe's end should be considered
when detailing a mitered edge. Refer to Section

Tapered inlets (side and slope tapers) are a less common type of culvert
improvement and are discussed in Chapter IV of HDS 5.

4. Inlet Shape. Recommended shapes include circular (all materials), pipe arch (steel
and aluminum), elliptical – horizontal and vertical (reinforced concrete), and
rectangular (reinforced precast and cast-in-place concrete). The preferred shape
is circular due to the numerous materials options available to meet the various
height of cover requirements. Other shapes should be considered when site
conditions limit height of cover or allowable headwater criteria cannot be achieved.
Refer to Chapter 19 "Concrete Culverts and Similar Structures " for guidance
regarding the design of these structures.

Exhibit 8-21 illustrates several different examples of inlet control. The type of flow depends
on the submergence of the inlet and outlet ends of the culvert. These flow types have been
standardized by the USGS and are included in the HY8 output. (Refer to HDS-5 for an
explanation of the various flow types.) Depending on the tailwater, a hydraulic jump may
occur downstream of the inlet.

Exhibit 8-21a illustrates a condition where neither the inlet nor the outlet end of the culvert
are submerged. The flow passes through critical depth just downstream of the culvert
entrance. The barrel flows partly full over its length, and the flow approaches normal depth
at the outlet.

Exhibit 8-21b illustrates that submergence of the outlet end of the culvert does not assure
outlet control. The flow just downstream of the inlet is supercritical and a hydraulic jump
forms in the culvert barrel.

Exhibit 8-21c is a more typical situation. The inlet end is submerged and the outlet end
flows freely. Critical depth is located just downstream of the entrance and the flow is
approaching normal depth at the downstream end of the culvert.

Exhibit 8-21d is an unusual condition which shows that submergence of the inlet and outlet
does not assure full flow. In this case, a hydraulic jump will form in the barrel. The median
inlet provides ventilation of the culvert barrel. If the culvert were not ventilated, sub-
atmospheric pressures could develop which might create an unstable condition during
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

which the barrel would alternate between full flow and partly full flow.

Exhibit 8-21 Flow Profiles for Culverts in Inlet Control

Exhibit 8-21a

Exhibit 8-21b

Exhibit 8-21c

Exhibit 8-21d

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


B. Outlet Control

Flow in a culvert operating in outlet control is subcritical (relatively deep and of lower
velocity) and is controlled by the downstream end of the culvert. The inlet will accept more
flow than the barrel will convey. In addition to all of the factors which influence inlet control,
outlet control is affected by the hydraulic roughness, area, shape, length, and slope of the
barrel and the water surface elevation at the outlet (tailwater).

1. Hydraulic roughness. Pipes have an associated roughness which is represented

by the Mannings n value. The Mannings n values provided below should be used.

Pipe Material Mannings n Value

Reinforced Concrete Pipe (all shapes) 0.013
Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe 0.013
Corrugated Steel, and Aluminum Pipe (Type IR, IIR) 0.013
Corrugated Steel, and Aluminum Pipe (Type I, II) 2 2/3 x 1/2 - See Note 0.024
Corrugated Steel, and Aluminum Pipe (Type I, II) 3 x 1 or 5 x 1 0.026
Corrugated Structural Steel, and Aluminum Plate Pipe and Pipe Arch 0.032

NOTE: The following n values should be used for 2 2/3 x 1/2 corrugated metal culverts
operating under outlet control, and in the design of storm drainage systems.

12 in 0.012
15 in 0.014
18 in 0.015
21 in 0.017
24 in 0.018

Additional coatings for steel pipe (paved inverts, and fully paved pipe) shall not be
specified to lower the hydraulic roughness. Department research has determined
that these coatings do not last for the entire design life of the pipe.

When pipes with a paved invert are specified, the design of the protective lining for
the downstream channel should be based on the higher initial velocity that will exist
while the paving is still intact. Use a Manning’s n of 0.019 for all pipe specified with
a paved invert regardless of corrugation configuration. For pipe specified as fully
paved, design the channel protective lining using an n of 0.013.

2. Area and shape. The charts and nomographs in HDS 5, and the HY-8 software,
incorporate area and shape into the hydraulic analysis.

3. Length. Sometimes a pipe will build up a headwater depth higher than the allowable
headwater due to the hydraulic roughness and the length of pipe. To reduce the
headwater in this situation, use a pipe with a smoother interior, a larger pipe or
multiple pipes. A smoother pipe is preferred, unless outlet velocities are a concern.
The use of twin structures (multiple barrels) is discouraged unless site conditions
are such that debris is not a problem.

4. Slope. The slope (grade) of a culvert should be made compatible with the grade of
the upstream and downstream channel to aid in reducing the amount of deposition
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

at the structure's inlet and scour at the outlet. When a culvert is placed on an
extremely flat grade, below a channel with a steep grade, an increased potential for
deposition at the culvert's inlet or inside the culvert will occur. The exact location of
the deposition of material will depend on the location of the vertical grade break in
relation to the culvert's inlet. If a steep approach grade is carried continuously
through the structure with a break to a flat grade at the outlet channel, then
deposition will occur at the culvert's outlet. If the tailwater depth is deep enough,
the deposition will encroach back into the culvert, thereby reducing the culvert's

If there is a grade break from a flat grade through a culvert, to a steep grade at the
outlet, a scour problem will occur. If the grade break is severe, scour will occur to
the extent that the end of the culvert will be undermined with a possible loss of the
culvert and a portion of the highway embankment.

If the culvert's vertical alignment cannot be established to conform to the inlet and
outlet channels, then the culvert's end, and the channel, shall be protected from
scour and erosion (e.g., by providing a headwall and stone filling).

5. Tailwater. Tailwater is the depth of the downstream water surface measured from
the outlet invert. The tailwater depth may affect the headwater depth at the inlet of
the structure.

Tailwater controls may exist due to drainage structures downstream of a proposed

structure. Information should be obtained so an analysis can be performed on the
existing downstream structure to determine what effect it has on the proposed
culvert. If an effect does exist on the tailwater of the proposed structure, it is
sometimes desirable and more economical to replace the existing downstream
structure at the same time the proposed structure is built. The maximum and
minimum elevations of the tailwater should be recorded during a field review.

Site conditions such as tidal effects from oceans, water surface variations in lakes
controlled by power or recreation authorities, barge canals, flood stages in large
streams and rivers, etc., may give a variable effect on the tailwater, other than that
computed from Manning's equation. These restrictions on the tailwater may force
the culvert to act in inlet control when the tailwater surface is at a low elevation or
to act in outlet control when the tailwater is at its maximum elevation. The culvert
should be designed for the condition which yields the largest culvert size. The effect
of the variable tailwater may be eliminated by placing the outlet of the culvert above
the maximum high-water elevation of the control feature.

Exhibit 8-22 illustrates several different examples of outlet control. Exhibit 8-15a
represents a full flow condition with both the inlet and outlet submerged. The barrel is in
pressure flow throughout its length. This condition is often assumed in calculations, but
seldom actually exists.

Exhibit 8-22b depicts the outlet submerged with the inlet unsubmerged. For this case, the
headwater is shallow so that the inlet crown is exposed as the flow contracts into the

Exhibit 8-22c shows the entrance submerged to such a degree that the culvert flows full

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


throughout its entire length while the exit is unsubmerged. This is a rare condition. It
requires an extremely high headwater to maintain full barrel flow with no tailwater.

Exhibit 8-22d is more typical. The culvert entrance is submerged by the headwater and
the outlet end flows freely with a low tailwater. The barrel flows partly full over at least part
of its length (subcritical flow) and the flow passes through critical depth just upstream of
the outlet.

Exhibit 8-22e is also typical, with neither the inlet nor the outlet end of the culvert
submerged. The barrel flows partly full over its entire length. Outlet Velocity

The outlet velocity (Vo) is usually higher than the velocity in the channel leading up to the
culvert. Vo shall be calculated to determine the need for additional channel protection in the
vicinity of the culvert's outlet or for culvert redesign. Refer to Section for a discussion
of the use of energy dissipators.

The outlet velocity should be calculated as follows using the formula Vo = Q/A:

1. If the controlling headwater is based on inlet control, determine the normal depth and
velocity in the culvert barrel. The velocity at normal depth is assumed to be the outlet

2. If the controlling headwater is based on outlet control, determine the area of flow at the
outlet based on the barrel geometry and one of the following:

a. critical depth, if the tailwater is below critical depth,

b. the tailwater depth, if the tailwater is between critical depth and the top of the barrel,
c. the height of the barrel if the tailwater is above the top of the barrel

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Exhibit 8-22 Flow Profiles for Culverts in Outlet Control

Exhibit 8-122a HY-8 flow type 4-FFt, 6-FFn.

Exhibit 8-22b HY-8 flow type 3-M1f.

Exhibit 8-22c HY-8 flow type 6-FFt, 6-FFc.

Exhibit 8-22d HY-8 flow type 7-M1t, 7-M2t, 7-M2c.

Exhibit 8-22e HYDRAIN (HY8) flow type 2-M2c, 3-M1t, 3-M2t.

Note: HW = headwater depth, H = headloss

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


8.6.4 Site Considerations

Conditions may exist which are unique to a site and warrant the consideration of measures
designed to address the situation. Such conditions include not only general environmental
considerations, but special conditions as fish passage, the need for an energy dissipator, and
debris control. General Environmental Considerations

The construction of highway drainage facilities can have both short- and long-term negative
impacts on aquatic life. Where fish resources are concerned, the necessity to protect the
aquatic ecosystem will influence many decisions regarding whether to install a bridge, open or
closed culvert, as well as low flow channel design, velocity control, pool:riffle ratios, shading,
stabilization techniques, methods and timing of construction and temporary and permanent fish
and wildlife passage.

Removal of stream side vegetation can reduce or eliminate shading, causing water
temperatures to increase by up to 10° F and thus negatively affecting habitat for cold-water
fish species, such as trout. Removal of vegetation can also destabilize stream banks, resulting
in erosion, habitat loss, increased aquatic pollution and impaired ecosystem function.

The protection of fish and wildlife resources should be considered from the earliest stages of
project development and coordinated with the erosion and sediment control plan. The physical,
hydrological and ecological characteristics of the stream or water body should be investigated.
Coordinate with the Regional Environmental Unit and appropriate environmental permitting
agencies to determine how to avoid or minimize disturbance to the maximum extent practicable
and incorporate best management practices to improve habitat, as appropriate.

Whenever practicable, locate highway alternatives in areas causing the fewest unavoidable
impacts to fish and wildlife resources. Select locations that cross streams at right angles and
avoid crossing at bends and through pools. Minimize removal of riparian trees and maintain
vegetated filter strips along water bodies to provide natural bank stabilization, erosion control,
shading, water quality and wildlife travel corridors. Use temporary and permanent erosion
control measures to minimize transport of sediment into water bodies and use turbidity curtains,
cofferdams and dewatering basins when work is required in a water body. Establish the
construction schedule considering the spawning times of resident and migratory fish and
wildlife and seasonal low water flow periods.

Where highway projects segment or isolate critical reptile or amphibian habitat or breeding
areas, special consideration should be given to allow adequate passage (several of these
species are listed as protected, threatened or endangered). Culverts constructed "in the dry"
or with an elevated dry shelf, may be used to allow herptiles to pass from one side of the road
to the other without crossing the pavement. Low fencing (drift fencing) should be used with
the culverts to direct wildlife to the culvert openings. Case-by-case requirements should be
discussed with the Regional Environmental Unit and appropriate environmental permitting

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-68 Fish Passage

Culverts installed to convey natural channels should be aligned to minimize the effect on fish-
supporting streams with resident or migratory fish populations. Sufficient water depth and
suitable water velocity for fish passage should be provided during periods of low flow. The
exact requirements should be discussed with the Regional Environmental Unit.

When designing for fish passage, consider the flow regimes at the time of year when peak
resident or migratory fish movement usually occurs (usually spring and/or fall). Simulating
natural stream bottom conditions in a culvert is the most desirable design option to
accommodate fish and wildlife passage. To achieve this goal and accommodate fish passage
during low flow periods, various options are available as follows:

1. In locations where adequate foundation support exists, an arch shaped culvert may be
used. The natural stream bed will remain in place.
2. A precast or cast in place reinforced concrete box culvert with a broad shaped "V" or dish
shaped floor may be used. The center line floor elevation should be 8 in below the outer
floor elevation.
3. In locations with poor foundation material, oversized depressed culverts can be installed,
and the natural stream bed material placed inside.

To accommodate fish passage during high flow periods, avoid concentrating flows such that
the velocity of water inside the culvert is increased above normal levels upstream and
downstream of the culvert. Culverts should not result in water velocities throughout a distance
that exceeds the sustained swimming speeds of trout during the fall and spring spawning
seasons (Refer to Report No. FHWA-FL-90-006 "Fish Passage Through Culverts, page 12,
Figure 9.). As an example, trout require a resting pool every 100 ft with a water velocity of 2
ft/s. Consider the placement of energy dissipating baffles or boulders inside culverts or using
oversized depressed culverts and placing natural stream bed material inside to provide habitat
and resting pools for migrating fish species. The culvert's outlet should not be suspended
above the stream channel or cascade onto rocks; rather the outlet flow should gently merge
with the tailwater pool, thereby facilitating the upstream movement of fish.

Culverts should be installed during low flow conditions (August-September) and "in the dry".
Temporary dams, water diversions, cofferdams, sediment basins, and water bypass should be
considered. The specific type or combination of measures necessary will depend on the depth
of water, velocity, discharge, duration of installation, site conditions, and the type of culvert
specified. Any restrictions regarding the timing of construction activities or other requirements
for work in the channel should be stated in a Special Note. (Refer to Chapter 21, Section 21.4,
for the desired format of Special Notes.) Energy Dissipators

Energy dissipators are any device designed to protect downstream areas from erosion or scour
by reducing the velocity of flow to acceptable limits. There are two types of scour which should
be considered – local scour and channel degradation. Local scour extends a limited distance
from the outlet and may occur in both a roadside channel and a natural channel when the outlet
velocity is significantly higher than that which the outlet channel lining or natural bed material

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


can withstand. Channel degradation is typical to a natural channel, is independent of culvert

performance, and is a result of natural causes.

There are two approaches which may be taken to protect the channel from scour – mitigation
and monitoring. Both approaches should be coordinated with the Regional Maintenance
Engineer because they involve follow up reviews to monitor the site. Mitigation entails
providing a minimum level of protection such as stone filling, followed up by periodic
monitoring. Monitoring the site entails providing no protection for the channel in the vicinity of
the culvert's outlet, other than the channel lining material; however, the structural integrity of
the culvert should be protected by providing a headwall, cutoff wall, or end section to prevent
undermining of the pipe's end.

There are a number of methods by which water's energy may be dissipated. Refer to Hydraulic
Engineering Circular (HEC) No. 14 "Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and
Channels" or "Energy Dissipators", (Chapter 12 of the "AASHTO Drainage Manual") for
guidance regarding design considerations and procedures. Debris Control

The need to control debris at a culvert's inlet should be considered. When debris accumulates,
the culvert will normally cease to convey water effectively. This can endanger the traveling
public and result in damage to the culvert, the highway, and adjacent property. A debris control
structure should not be specified without consulting with the Regional Maintenance Engineer
because planned maintenance, rather than emergency maintenance during flooding periods,
is an essential design consideration.

A discussion of the field survey data required to determine the need for debris control
structures, the types of debris control structures, and the classification of debris is provided in
Highway Engineering Circular (HEC) 9, "Debris Control Structures Evaluation and
Countermeasures". HEC 9 is recommended as a source of guidance if debris control
structures are determined to be necessary based on a field review of the drainage area and its
debris problems.

8.6.5 Maintenance

All existing culverts within the project limits should be examined to determine the culvert's structural
condition and hydraulic adequacy. The need to clean, rehabilitate, or replace the installation
should be considered. Cleaning

The pay items located in Section 203 – Excavation and Embankment should be used for
culverts in need of cleaning. These culverts should be tabulated in the Contract Documents.
Specification provisions contained in Section 619 – Maintenance and Protection of Traffic
should not be used or relied upon for culverts in need of cleaning prior to construction. Section
619 provisions are for conditions which arise during construction. Culvert cleaning may be
included in federal participating shares which contain other items of work where the cleaning
work is incidental to the other federal-aided work.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-70 Rehabilitation and Replacement

An inventory of existing culverts should be organized by material type. The age of each culvert
should be determined and compared with the anticipated service life provided in Section This information should form the basis to determine whether or not the culvert is
reaching the end of its design and anticipated service life, and therefore is a candidate for
rehabilitation or replacement.

The Regional Maintenance Group routinely inspects culverts over 5 ft in diameter. Their
inspection reports should be reviewed to provide additional information regarding the condition
and the need to repair or replace the culvert.

Replacement will seldom be a viable alternative in significant locations where long detours or
extensive disruption to traffic will occur. When replacement is not considered desirable,
existing pipes may be relined. Specification provisions for this work are provided in Section
602. Consideration should be given to any impact additional headwater will have on floodplain
criteria, and adjacent landowners.

Replacement culverts should be designed for future traffic, future maintenance activities, a
horizontal offset to the traffic barrier, and where permitted, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Therefore, the culvert length should accommodate the minimum roadway width for bridge
replacements in Section 2 of the NYSDOT Bridge Manual. Although the roadway widths in the
Bridge Manual were developed for bridges, they are appropriate for less costly culvert
structures. When exceptions are appropriate, they should be approved as nonstandard
features in accordance with the Project Development Manual.

8.6.6 Safety - Roadside Design

Decisions regarding roadside design should be made consistent with Chapter 10. In general:

1. Any unnecessary drainage structures that would be hazardous to an errant vehicle should
be eliminated. Examples might include: headwalls protruding above embankments; non-
traversable ditches, particularly those perpendicular to traffic; check dams in ditches; etc.
2. Potentially hazardous drainage structures that are necessary should be relocated farther
from the roadway, if practical, and if doing so would result in an adequate clear zone.
Relocating drainage structures should not result in a discontinuous embankment.
3. Drainage structures which cannot be eliminated or relocated, should be modified to reduce
the hazard, if such modification can be made without adversely affecting hydraulic
4. Designers should refer to HDM Chapter 10, Sections and for design
guidance for culvert-end safety grates.
5. If the above four measures, considered in combination, will not be able to produce an
adequate clear zone, then that roadside area should be shielded from traffic with an
appropriate barrier system.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


8.6.7 Rehabilitation of Culverts and Storm Drains General

Replacement of a buried pipe system will seldom be a viable alternative in locations where
long detours or extensive disruption to traffic will occur. When replacement is not viable or
economically desirable, existing pipes may be rehabilitated by one of the following options:

A. Structural paving of the invert with Portland Concrete Cement (PCC).

This is an excellent rehabilitation methodology when the culvert has maintained its original
shape, even if it exhibits considerable invert deterioration. Structural invert paving should
be the predominant choice for rehabilitating large diameter arches and culverts, where
using a new pipe lining method is cost prohibitive. Invert and barrel deterioration are the
prime considerations when deciding on the extent and boundaries of the structural invert
paving operation. These boundaries should be clearly shown on the contract documents.
For worker access safety reasons, structural paving of the invert should not be
specified in culverts with diameters smaller than 48”, except when no other option is

Design details on structural invert paving along with extended guidance can be found in
Section Structural invert paving may also be used in conjunction with shotcreting
of the entire remaining culvert barrel (i.e. beyond the structural paving limits) further
improving the structural capacity of the rehabilitated culvert. This hybrid rehabilitation
scheme is recommended when the circumferential integrity of the culvert is questionable.

B. Lining with Shotcrete.

This is a cost-effective solution for large size culverts and arches that are experiencing
distress in sidewalls, roof, and invert. The culvert should not display any significant
structural deficiencies, buckling or other forms of deformation. It can also be used in
combination with paving inverts. The plans need to indicate the reinforcement details and
its limits along the culvert periphery. Utilizing welding or stainless steel mechanical anchors
in reinforcement anchoring are the only options allowed. Lining with shotcrete could
encompass the entire barrel of the pipe. A minimum cover of 2 inches over the corrugation
crests is recommended. If for other reasons a designer would like to specify a thicker cover
this must be clearly indicated on the plans. To accommodate the proper installation and
application equipment, the item can only be used in culverts with a minimum diameter of
48 inches.

C. Lining with Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP).

This consists of a CIPP lining inserted into an existing culvert. When lining with CIPP, the
designer must provide on the plans all necessary information so that the bidding Approved
List installers are able to calculate the design (dead and live) loads on each liner based on
the same critical design input parameters. The provided information must at minimum
include, but it is not limited to, the culvert maximum depth of cover, estimated modulus of
soil reaction E’ and estimated water table elevation above culvert invert for the site. This
information should be clearly noted on the plans, as: “The maximum depth of cover is

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


estimated from the top of the pipe to…”, or “The estimated water table elevation is
measured from the culvert invert”. By providing this information on the plans, we improve
the uniformity of bidding, since all submitted bids will be relying on the same design input
parameters. Subcontractors mobilization cost should also be considered when selecting
relining methodologies. For example, if CIPP lining has been selected for twelve culverts
with bends while HDPE lining has been proposed for three straight run culverts, unless the
three straight run culverts were of very large diameter (approaching 42” in diameter), it may
be cost prohibitive to mobilize another subcontractor (HDPE lining) when the CIPP one will
already be on site. Designers should be selecting the most cost-effective repair scheme.

D. Lining with New Pipe.

This rehabilitation technique can restore both structural and hydraulic capacity of a pipe. It
is appropriate for culverts ranging in diameters from 12 through 120 inches. The existing
(host) pipe should be relatively free of large bulges and in relatively good alignment. If
bulges, alignment issues or other obstructions exist, they should be (if possible) eliminated
in order to accommodate the unobstructed insertion of the new liner pipe. Lining pipe
generally comes in 20-foot lengths and requires adequate end access space to
accommodate insertion. When end access is limited, shorter pipe lengths may be utilized
but have to be special ordered. Designers should contact lining pipe manufacturers or
suppliers in advance to determine availability of short lengths. All available pipe
rehabilitation materials are presented in Section

When end access of an existing large pipe (72 inches or larger) is limited, Galvanized Steel
Plate, Steel Structural Plate and Galvanized Steel Tunnel Liner Plate may be cost effective
pipe lining options. This is true only if structural paving is not an option. These
methodologies will also restore a culvert’s structural integrity.

Designers should never specify the grout mix design used to fill the annular space between
the existing pipe and the lining pipe. It is the manufacturer's representative’s responsibility
to recommend a suitable grout compatible with the lining material used. The grout material
recommendation must be included in the submitted written proposal to the EIC, in
accordance to the specifications. The compressive strength of the grout is completely
ignored (it is assumed that it carries no load and it does not contribute to the structural
capacity of the composite “old pipe-grout-liner pipe” structure) in the liner thickness design
calculations. Completely deteriorated conditions (i.e. it possesses zero remaining structural
capacity) are assumed for the existing pipe during these calculations. Consequently, the
proposed liner is required to possess adequate structural capacity to carry the entire
calculated dead and live load. The maximum depth of cover for the culvert to be relined,
estimated modulus of soil reaction E’, and the estimated water table elevation should be
clearly noted on the plans.

Due to the potential for adverse environmental impacts associated with culvert
rehabilitation activities (e.g. in-stream habitat, sediment dynamics, water/air quality), it is
essential that designers coordinate the project development with the Regional
Environmental Unit at an early stage in order to identify potential impacts and opportunities
for mitigation.

The reader is strongly encouraged to review Section for a detailed presentation of
the above-mentioned rehabilitation techniques. Additional guidance regarding the
rehabilitation of culverts is provided in AASHTO’s Highway Drainage Guidelines, Volume XIV.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-73 Evaluating the existing culvert and site conditions

During hydraulic calculations to determine the minimum required diameter which satisfies the
facility’s hydraulic demand, the proposed lining pipe’s wall thickness and/or the corrugation
pattern may dictate the choice of lining materials.

It is imperative that the existing (host) culvert is thoroughly inspected in order determine the
most appropriate type of rehabilitation. The inspection should determine culvert’s dimensions,
material type, overall condition and structural integrity as well as site and/or existing pipe end
accessibility for inserting lining pipe. Inspectors should clearly map the location and extent of
distressed areas as well as all existing obstructions/buckles which may impact the size and
insertion of the proposed lining pipe. Buckled pipes can be jacked near to their original shape
provided that working room and proper access are available. However, excessive buckling of
the existing pipe may severely obstruct and consequently preclude the use of any lining pipe.
If visual inspection of the existing pipe is not feasible, a robotic or other remote inspection
method is warranted.

Special order lining pipe lengths may be available for some types of lining pipes. If needed
and as it was recommended in the “Lining with a new pipe” section, Designers should contact
the pipe manufacturer or supplier to determine availability of shorter lining pipe lengths and
approximate material costs.

If significant pipe perforations and/or backfill subsidence has been observed, consult with the
Regional Geotechnical Engineer to determine the extent of any voids that may exist in the
backfill material in the area above and immediately adjacent to the culvert. Hydraulics & Service Life

All material used in culvert and storm drain rehabilitation should meet structural, hydraulic and
service life requirements as identified in this chapter. For design calculation purposes, the
existing culvert and any annular fill material (e.g., grout) used in the lining application are
assumed to provide no additional service life nor contribute to the structural capacity of the
lining pipe. Geotechnical Issues

Consult with the Regional Geotechnical Engineer to determine and map the extent of any voids
that may exist in the backfill material adjacent to the culvert. Voids not immediately adjacent
to the culvert, which may have developed via infiltration of backfill fines into the culvert, are
typically filled from above using a series of drill holes. For the sake of uniform bidding
purposes, when voids are present, the Plans should include the following details: general site
conditions, access, proposed end treatments, profiles and grade staging, voids mapping, any
special situations, relevant restrictions, etc. The Regional Geotechnical Engineer should be
contacted for selecting the voids filling material in the backfill. Very rarely culvert bearing
embankments require grouting immediately prior to culvert rehabilitation. Extensive
embankment grouting (filling of voids beyond culvert vicinity) is pursued only when the
Designer and/or a Geotechnical Engineer decide(s) that the observed settlement poses a
serious and immediate threat to the embankment integrity. Established practice for most cases
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

dictates completing the lining work prior to addressing any settlement related issues. Cost

Each rehabilitation methodology has its own pay item which includes all labor and materials
cost necessary to complete the installation. The depth of cover (or fill height above the culvert)
and ground water table elevation impact the bidding price of a liner. The fill material in the
backfill area above the pipe is paid for under a separate item provided by the Geotechnical
Engineer. Available lining methodologies and recommended conditions for use:

A. Adequate Structural Capacity.

If the culvert possesses reduced but adequate structural capacity and the culvert has
maintained its original shape some structural capacity can be restored by rehabilitating the
barrel. Under these conditions, the culvert could be effectively rehabilitated by selecting
one of the following two methodologies:

1. Structural Paving of Inverts with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)

This is a relatively low-cost solution for rehabilitating circular culverts and arches
experiencing invert distress, primarily caused by abrasion or a combination of
abrasion and corrosion. Generally, if the pipe or arch has maintained its original
shape and does not experience other major structural deficiencies except the invert
loss, the culvert can be rehabilitated by structurally paving the invert, regardless if
the invert shows considerable deterioration. Due to the higher cost of lining pipes
using other approved rehabilitation methodologies, the effectiveness of invert
paving for invert distressed drainage facilities should be explored first. Structural
invert paving is appropriate when there are no other major structural deficiencies in
the culvert besides the invert deterioration, and the pipe is also of sufficient size (a
minimum culvert diameter of 48” is recommended) to accommodate safe execution
of this work. The designer should clearly indicate in the plans the concrete cover
over the corrugation crests, the type and layout of the concrete reinforcement, and
the paving area limits along the periphery of the culvert. Note that the periphery
paving limits should always extend beyond the area of significant corrosion loss,
allowing reinforcement to be attached onto sound metal locations on both sides of
the invert. The 602 standard specification requires that all reinforcement details
shall be shown on the plans.

Design details for structural invert paving of culverts spanning up to 10 feet and
bearing up to 20 feet of fill over the crown are available in .dgn format under
“Resource Links” at:
https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/design/dqab/hdm/chapter-8. Repairs
for culverts falling outside these parameters need to be designed on an individual
basis and the Office of Structures can be consulted for assistance. Welded wire
fabric reinforcement embedded in a 4” deep/thick concrete slab over the corrugation
crest is recommended for

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


structural invert paving of round pipes and arches spanning up to 6 feet. The welded
wire fabric reinforcement can be attached directly onto the corrugations by welding
or utilizing stainless steel mechanical anchors. These are the only two anchoring
options allowed for welded wire fabric reinforcement embedded in 4” thick concrete
slab for culverts spanning less than 6 feet.

Reinforcement bars are recommended for all arches (regardless of span) and for
all round pipes spanning between 6 and 10 feet. The reinforcement is embedded in
a 6” or 8” thick concrete slab, depending on the culvert’s span, with a minimum of
2” reinforcement cover. Shear transfer is achieved by anchoring (welding) shear
studs to sound metal on the corrugation crests (see relevant drawing detail Figure
2). Reinforcement bars shall only be attached to shear studs (never directly to the
culvert walls) by wire tying (see relevant drawing detail Figure 1). Reinforcement
bar sizes will be selected based on the recommendations established by the Office
of Structures (see Figure 3). All reinforcement and shear studs should be covered
with concrete and the concrete should be sloped in such a way as to prevent water
ponding on the side walls. Small areas of suspected metal loss around culverts
circumference do not necessarily preclude the use of this item as an effective
rehabilitation technique, since the remaining circumference above the structurally
paved invert area could also be lined with shotcrete. Since these treatments modify
culverts hydraulics characteristics, designers must consult with the Hydraulics
Design section on this topic. Designers are directed to use a Manning’s “n” value
of 0.013 for hydraulic calculations in the paved area of the culvert. Structural paving
of corrugated pipe inverts with PCC results in reduced roughness, leading to
increased flow velocity and sediment transport competence. This may in turn
negatively affect aquatic habitat connectivity as the barrel will retain less streambed
sediment than it did in its prior unpaved condition. It is recommended that surface
roughening techniques (e.g. raking the fresh concrete perpendicular to the flow) be
considered for use where appropriate and practicable. Designers are also reminded
that a culvert with a previously paved invert could be re-rehabilitated with concrete

2. Lining with Shotcrete

If the entire culvert circumference (or even when an area beyond the extent of
structural invert paving but less than 20% of the total corroded area) exhibits signs
of minor corrosion, lining with shotcrete is a viable option. Designers may utilize
the Design Standard details for structural paving developed by the Office of
Structures Design which are available in .dgn format under “Resource Links” at:
https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/design/dqab/hdm/chapter-8, after
simply substituting the concrete with the appropriate shotcrete item. As mentioned
in the previous section, shotcrete can be used in conjunction with structural invert
paving to address corrosion beyond the extent of paving. Shotcrete can also be
used for localized rehabilitation of a distressed culvert section. If properly specified,
this method can also restore culvert structural capacity. Designers are directed to
use a Manning’s n value of 0.013 for hydraulic calculations in the shotcreted area
of the culvert. For worker access safety reasons, this lining methodology should
not be utilized in culverts with diameters smaller than 48”.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


B. Inadequate Structural Capacity.

If the structural integrity of the culvert is questionable, the following six lining options may
be considered:

1. Lining with High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)

High Density Polyethylene Pipe meeting ASTM F894 (Profile Wall) or ASTM F714
(Smooth Wall) may be used in association with the height of cover table provided
below. There are two types of HDPE liners: a profile wall often without exterior
corrugations, and a smooth solid wall pipe. The exterior and interior diameters of
these liners vary among manufacturers. Considerable confusion has been
generated when specifying the required size of these two lining pipes. Profile wall
pipe is specified by the inside diameter, and as the required load increases, the wall
profile thickens. Smooth wall pipe is specified by the outside diameter and the
actual inside diameter diminishes with greater loads, as the wall thickens. Smooth
wall HDPE lining pipe has a much higher material cost because of the larger resin
volume required for its fabrication compared to the profile wall. For good grouting
practice purposes Standard Specification 602 requires a minimum annular space
of 1 inch between the host pipe and the liner. Therefore, the outside diameter of the
liner pipe must be a minimum of 2 inches smaller than the diameter of the existing
(host) pipe. This is an important size constraint when calculating the hydraulic
capacity of the relined installation. As a result of these dimensional constraints,
designers are at times forced to specify the more expensive smooth wall liner pipe
instead of the less expensive profile wall. This is the case, because for the same
load carrying capacity, the smooth wall liner pipe possesses a thinner wall section,
allowing for more interstitial space between the proposed liner and the host pipe.
To prevent problems during construction between the two wall types, both types
have their own specification and the Designers’ wall selection should be clearly
indicated in the plans. The original specification has been retained as an optional
item. It can be used when abundant interstitial/annular space exists and the
consequences of a potentially arbitrary swap in the field are not a major concern.
Currently available diameters for these pipes range from 18 to 60 inches for solid
wall pipe, and 18 to 96 inches for profile wall pipe.

Various joint types can be specified to hold the liner segments aligned and firmly
together through the liner insertion process and until the grout sets in place. The
issue of joint type selection for HDPE liners is addressed in the revised 602
specification as: “Perform all butt fusion and extrusion welding of HDPE pipe in
accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendation” and “Alternate joining
methods will be subject to approval by the Director, Materials Bureau”. Two
mechanical joints are currently approved, a threaded joint and a smooth exterior
bell and spigot joint. A mechanical joint wrap process has been evaluated and
approved with some dimensional restrictions associated with its use at this time.
However, butt fusion and extrusion welding are still the most durable joining
methods, effectively creating a continuous liner pipe but they are also more labor
intensive and hence more expensive than other joining methods. When alignment
breaks or pinch points are encountered in a project, designers should only consider
butt fusion and extrusion welding as the joining methods of choice, as they provide
the most reliable joints for these challenging site conditions. Designer choices

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


should be clearly stated in the notes and placed in a very prominent spot in the
contract documents. The notes should also explicitly state that these joint selection
restrictions solely apply to the host pipes possessing these challenging
morphological conditions. Again, the maximum depth of cover for the culvert to be
relined, estimated modulus of soil reaction E’, and the estimated water table
elevation should be clearly noted on the plans.

HDPE Liner Diameter

18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 84 96

Maximum Allowable
30 30 33 26 26 26 26 23 23 26 26 26 26 33 36
Cover (feet)1

1Maximum vertical distance between the top of the pipe and the top of pavement.

2. Lining with Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP)

Lining with Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) is an option for round pipes when end
access is limited, pipe alignment includes bends, or when other lining methods
would seriously reduce culvert hydraulic capacity. CIPP can restore both the
structural and the hydraulic capacity of a pipe. Although this item is relatively
expensive compared to other relining items, it could be the best rehabilitation
alternative if all or some of the above site conditions exist. Designers are
responsible for making this selection decision based on site conditions and
associated regional installation cost. This item should very rarely be considered as
a viable rehabilitation method for arches or rectangular culverts. CIPP is best suited
for circular drainage facilities with limited access to and ranging in diameter from 12
to 42 inches. CIPP technology can be applied to lining larger diameter culverts, but
in these cases, the installation cost is usually prohibitive and CIPP lining should
only be considered for very short lengths. The ability to prepare (“wet”) the liner off
site as opposed to “wet” it on site (near the culvert’s access point) greatly impacts
operational cost. High depths of cover and elevated water tables demand thicker
CIPP liners. These adverse site conditions coupled with large diameter and/or long
host culverts, result in very heavy liners, which forces the installer to perform the
“wetting” operation over the culvert’s access point. This additional cost may render
the overall cost of this operation prohibitive. Consult with the Materials Bureau when
dealing with large diameter and/or excessively long liners.

Lining Concrete Pipe with Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) is an option created to utilize
a partially deteriorated design methodology and can ONLY be used for lining
concrete pipes. This item should ONLY be used when the concrete pipe still
possesses some measurable structural capacity, but inspections have raised some
concerns, which can be alleviated by lining. These concerns may include, but are
not limited to, damaged or separated joints, infiltration of ground water from faulty
joints or incipient cracks (cracks not threatening the structural capacity of the
concrete pipe) or as a precautionary measure for abrasion protection. The designer
may follow the same guidance as with CIPP (see above), but this concrete pipe pay
item should be selected. It is anticipated that invoking the partially deteriorated
design methodology, ONLY where warranted, will result in substantial material cost
savings and reduced overall bid prices.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


A Manning’s coefficient “n” value of 0.013 should be used for hydraulic calculations
in all CIPP sections. The CIPP relining item is often selected by designers as a
result of two very important features. The usually improved Manning’s coefficient of
the rehabilitated culvert coupled with the smallest cross section reduction possible
as a result of selecting CIPP vs. any other relining methodology. Once again, only
round culverts should be lined with this method. The anticipated service life of this
treatment is 70 years.

It is imperative that all obstructions in the culvert are removed prior to initiating the
CIPP lining procedure. The bid price for the CIPP item includes the cost of removing
any obstructions, along with re-establishing culvert to secondary pipe connections
and the removal of any protruding pipes as required. It should be noted that
Department policy for storm drainage allows addition of pipe connections onto a
pipe only within a structure (e.g. manhole, drop chamber, etc.) and never in between
such structures, so finding all pipe to pipe connections should be a straightforward
process. A thorough culvert inspection is required to determine the number of
existing “pipe to pipe” connections and the extent, if any, of obstruction removal. If
the culvert opening (36” in diameter or less) prohibits a human-led visual inspection,
a closed-circuit television inspection should be performed by experienced
personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles and service connections during the
design phase of the project. This information should be made available to all bidders
to assist them in preparing an accurate bid.

Designers should be aware that in the field, the liner is inverted and filled with water,
which pushes the liner through the culvert. The water also holds the resin-
impregnated liner in position and in contact with the host pipe. The water is
circulated through a mobile boiler which raises its temperature in excess of 160°F.
The heat of the circulating water cures the resin and transforms the formerly flexible
liner into a solid continuous conduit. The liner curing process typically lasts several
hours. Once the liner is completely cured, the curing water is removed, then, all (if
any) service connections are restored, using robotic cutting devices, especially for
culverts less than 36” in diameter. The completed liner should be inspected, often
using a closed-circuit television, especially for culverts less than 36” in diameter.

Environmental impact concerns and information gathered from the extensive use of
CIPP, have led to a series of new product developments as well as amendments to
installation procedures. Curing water from CIPP installations utilizing a styrene-
based resin contains some styrene residual. NYS Surface Water and Groundwater
Quality Standards and Groundwater Effluent Limitations (6 New York State
Department of Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Part 703) set quantitative
and qualitative standards for effluents to NYS water bodies. These standards may
vary for different classes of receiving waters or for discharging it to groundwater.
NYS Water Quality Standards include specific limit guidelines for discharging
certain pollutants (including styrene) to various surface water classes and
groundwater. The limit of 0.05 ppm applies to surface water bodies with
classifications A, A-S, AA and AA-S while the limit of 0.005 ppm applies to
groundwater with GA (fresh groundwater) classification. The general conditions
listed in 6 NYCRR Part 701 apply to all water classifications. They dictate that
discharges shall not cause impairment of the best usages of the receiving water (as
specified by the water classifications) both at the location of discharge or at any

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


other location which may be affected by such discharge. Note that thermal loading
considerations (6 NYCRR Part 704) are directly related to the release temperature
and discharge rate of the curing water. Provisions for handling and/or disposal
alternatives as well as other control procedures are included in the specifications to
address the presence of styrene in the curing water and other potential releases to
water and air from the byproducts of the CIPP installation. These provisions

• Some procedural changes to enhance control of the CIPP process and

leakage of resin, including utilizing a preliner bag and excavating a
temporary resin control pit at the outlet.
• Allowing the use of non-styrene based resins containing less than five
percent volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with less than 0.1 percent
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). These resins are now included in the 602
Standard Specifications and can be used by the Contractor in any CIPP site.
The cured liner should also contain less than 0.1 percent of water quality
pollutants (as listed in 6 NYCRR Parts 700-705)". NYSDOT may determine
and dictate that at certain areas of greater environmental concern (i.e. in the
vicinity of class A, A-S, AA and AA-S water sources or at other locations
presenting other needs) non-styrene based resins MUST be used. If the
Department requires the use of only a designated resin type, the resin type
requirements shall be clearly noted in the contract documents; otherwise,
the Contractor may select the resin type from the resin approved list
included in the CIPP Approved Installer’s Materials Procedure document,
which is kept on file at the Main Office, Materials Bureau.
• In all CIPP installations utilizing a styrene based resin, it is required to collect
the curing water for:
o Reuse in another curing operation
o Treatment or disposal at an off-site facility; or
o Release on site after treatment to standards dictated by NYSDEC and
with approvals from NYSDEC.

Summarizing, the resin type alternatives for CIPP work are to either use a non-
styrene based resin or follow additional controls when using a styrene-based resin.

Areas of environmental concern may include, but are not limited to, wetlands,
fishing streams and ponds, upstream of public water sources, densely populated
urban areas where residents are concerned about the short-lasting odor of the
styrene during curing, etc. Waters classified as Class A are: a source of water
supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes; primary and secondary
contact recreation; and fishing (i.e. waters suitable for fish, shellfish, and wildlife
propagation and survival). Although numerical standards are not listed for other
classes of streams in 6 NYCRR Part 703, the general requirements of Part 701
apply (i.e., discharge must not cause impairment of the best usages of the receiving

The designer shall determine the location of each installation in respect to

environmental resources including the classes of streams/watercourses in the
vicinity of the project. The regional environmental unit and/or “Environmental

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Viewer” (A GIS application currently available at the Office of the Environment

Intradot site and under the manual / applications tab, subsection GIS Application)
shall be consulted for stream classification and other relevant environmental
information. For installations close to and presenting the potential for curing water
releases to class A, A-S, AA and AA-S streams or releases of other concern, the
requirement for using a non-styrene based resin should be considered.

If designers determine that a non-styrene based resin shall be used in a specific

CIPP installation, then the relining project’s contract documents have to clearly and
unambiguously specify that “a resin containing less than five percent volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) with less than 0.1 percent hazardous air pollutants
(HAPs) must be used”. It should also clearly state that “the cured liner should
contain less than 0.1 percent of water quality pollutants (as listed in 6 NYCRR Parts
700-705)". Use of these resins will result in a significant increase to the rehabilitation
cost, approximately double to the materials cost of using regular styrene based
resins in 2009 market prices. Therefore, the decision to specify non-styrene based
resins should not be made lightly and never prior to evaluating whether the use of
styrene based resins combined with other alternative provisions to control the
release of the curing water provide both enough site environmental protection and
project cost savings. These provisions (listed now in the 602 Standard
Specification) include, but they should not be limited to: removal (pumping out) of
the curing water at the end of the CIPP installation, transporting it to an appropriate
disposal facility instead of free draining it at the outlet, providing for a resin
catchment pit excavated right at the culvert’s outlet to create ideal conditions for the
collection of the trace amounts of styrene, temperature control of the released
curing water, as well as combinations of the above. Again, designer’s stipulations
on environmental protection provisions should be clearly indicated on the plans as
they may substantially impact the operational cost. These stipulations should be
limited to the class of the neighboring stream or water course class which may be
impacted by the release of the curing water, the need for utilizing a styrene or a
non-styrene based resin, the maximum allowed release temperature of the curing
water and the size of the resin catchment pit. It is recommended that the resin
catchment pit dimensions are: 12 to 15 feet long, twice the culvert diameter wide
and one foot deep. If a rip-rap layer has been installed at the culvert outlet
(potentially even in the stream bed), the proposed depth of the catchment pit will be
equal to the thickness of the rip rap layer (it could even be over a foot deep) and as
indicated on the record plans. If the natural bedrock is encountered near the culvert
invert elevation, the catchment pit bottom elevation must be just (at least) below the
culvert invert, so that the CIPP installer is able to create the proposed temporary
catchment pit. CIPP installers will decide as to the catchment pit lining, as they are
responsible for preventing the liner curing process byproducts and waste from
reaching the surrounding ground and percolate / leach into the groundwater. The
excavation, temporary storage of the fill and restoration of the downstream channel
will be paid for under pay item 206.0201 Trench and Culvert Excavation.

The majority of the environmental controls in any CIPP project are dictated by the
written agreement (Materials Procedure) between the Approved List manufacturer/
installer and the Materials Bureau. If designers have any concerns about using the
CIPP relining item at a specific location, especially when styrene based resins are
employed, they should first consult with the Materials Bureau.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


Current designs address fill heights up to a maximum of 50 feet. If the fill height
over the CIPP installation exceeds 50 feet at any point along the culvert alignment,
contact the Materials Bureau to coordinate an evaluation of the proposed CIPP liner

3. Lining with Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe

The 602 relining specification also allows the contractor to use PVC pipe meeting
ASTM F1803, ASTM F949, and two new standards, ASTM F679 or ASTM D3034
(small diameters 12" or 15") as relining material. PVC pipe is currently available in
diameters ranging from 12 inches through 36 inches on the current Approved List.
Designers must consult the Approved List for the addition of new manufacturers
and/or products as well as for the currently approved sizes for each PVC material.
PVC lining pipes are corrosion and abrasive resistant. A Manning's coefficient value
of 0.013 should be used for all hydraulic capacity calculations related to PVC pipes.

Some PVC pipes are more brittle than other flexible relining materials. Therefore,
designers should determine prior to specifying it, that the condition and shape of
the host culvert will allow for an unobstructed insertion of the PVC lining pipe.

Since the 602 relining specification requires a minimum annular space of 1" for
effective grouting, the outside diameter of the liner pipe needs to be a minimum of
2" smaller than the inside diameter of the existing (host) pipe when calculating the
hydraulic capacity of the new installation. Profile wall pipe (ASTM F949) is specified
by the pipe's nominal inside diameter while the respective outside diameters can
be found in ASTM F949. ASTM F1803 lists only the nominal inside diameter of
these respective materials, therefore designers must consult with the pipe
manufacturer to obtain the outside diameter information. Both ASTM F949 and
ASTM F1803 pipes possess joints that are flush with the outside diameter.
However, ASTM F679 and ASTM D3034 pipes do not have a joint flush with the
outside diameter of the pipe but rather a bell and spigot joint protruding from the
outer pipe shell. Therefore, for ASTM F679 & ASTM D3034 pipes, it is the outside
diameter of the joint and not the outside diameter of the pipe which dictates
the maximum allowable liner diameter for a particular application. Because of this
confusion, the lack of readily available info for some PVC pipes and in order to
properly evaluate selected PVC pipe size compliance with the minimum required
annular space for effective grouting, designers are strongly encouraged to
consult with the Materials Bureau about the maximum outside dimension of
any PVC pipe, if this information is not available to them.

The table below provides the allowable fill heights for each size of PVC liner pipe.
If the fill height exceeds 50 feet at any point along the pipe alignment, contact the
Materials Bureau for approval of the proposed liner design. The anticipated service
life of a PVC liner is 70 years.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6


PVC Liner Diameter

12 15 18 21 24 30 36

Maximum Allowable Cover

50 46 33 50 50 50 26
(feet 1)

Maximum vertical distance between the top of the pipe and the top of pavement.

4. Lining with Tunnel Liner Plate

In some closed drainage systems, space constraints may limit lining options which
involve installing full lengths of pipe sections. In these cases, galvanized tunnel
liner plate may be a viable option. Tunnel liner plate can be inserted and assembled
within the host culvert as the laying length of individual sections is 18 inches.
Galvanized Tunnel Liner Plate requires a PCC invert to provide the required service
life and hydraulic performance.

Structural paving of the invert improves the hydraulic efficiency of the culvert and
protects the tunnel liner bolt flanges from abrasion caused by bedload. When site
conditions dictate that only tunnel liner plates can accommodate the structural
demand of the culvert, but hydraulics analysis dictates that a low Manning material
must be used, shotcreting the invert or HDPE lining is a valid solution. Consult the
Materials Bureau for further guidance when such cases arise.

5. Lining with Polymer Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP)

If the rehabilitated pipe is anticipated to be subjected to potentially abrasive bed

loads or to be exposed to high concentrations of industrial waste, the Polymer
Coated CSP item is a suitable relining material for these conditions. The suggested
Manning’s coefficient “n” value will range from 0.013 to 0.026, depending on the
corrugation pattern selected. The recommended Manning’s coefficient n” values
for all drainage materials are provided in Section

The height of fill tables provided in Appendix A shall be used to determine if the 12
gauge steel pipe meets the site’s height of fill requirements.

6. Lining with Steel Structural Plate Pipe or Pipe Arches with PCC Paved Invert

Steel structural plate can be partially or fully assembled and pushed or pulled into
place within the pipe. This lining option should be considered for large diameters
where other items are unavailable. If the plate sections are too large to be inserted
into the host culvert through the exposed ends, then an excavation and a field cut
through the culvert roof would be required. Every effort should be made to ensure
that the excavation and field cut are located where it will be the least disruptive to
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6

Designers must clearly indicate in the plans how to pave the invert of the plate pipe
or arch. The minimum extent of the invert paving will be the bottom 30 percent of
the inside circumference for round pipes, the bottom 35 percent of the inside
periphery for arch spans up to 10 ft and the bottom 40 percent of the inside
periphery for arch spans greater than 10 ft. If this paving coverage encompasses
(with some margin of safety) at least 6 in. circumferentially beyond the limits of the
culvert’s wetted perimeter for mean flow conditions, then this paving coverage will
be sufficient. If it does not, then a greater percentage of coverage should be used.
A minimum cover of 2 in. over the crests of the corrugation and the steel fabric
reinforcement should also be noted on the plans.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.6



Storm drainage systems should be considered to protect the roadway and the traveling public from
stormwater when right of way limitations, or the presence of curbs and sidewalks do not allow
stormwater to run off of the roadway. Depending on the adjacent terrain, storm drainage systems
consist of some or all of the following items: curb, gutter, inlets, drainage structures, storm drains,
and an outfall or outlet, which discharges collected stormwater to a point of release in the receiving
waters (i.e., a stream, river, lake, storage facility, etc.). Pumping stations and flap gates are other
items which are not as common. These other items are not discussed in this section, and should
be designed consistent with the guidance provided in the references.

There are two principal concerns when designing a storm drainage system:

1. Preventing excessive spread of storm water onto the traveled way, and
2. The protection of adjacent natural resources, and property.

The first concern is addressed through the design of curbs, gutters, and inlets. The second
concern is addressed through the design of the storm drainage system outlet, and the type of
receiving waters. Regardless of the design or size, there will be occurrences when the capacity
of a storm drainage system is exceeded.

Storm drainage design is an iterative process. Due to the time-consuming nature of storm drainage
design, the use of drainage software is recommended. A computer assisted design will generally
be more cost effective than manual methods because the design iterations are automated.

This section presents storm drainage design criteria, and provides an introduction to the
components and considerations regarding storm drainage system design. Detailed explanations,
formulas, and procedures are provided only to the extent necessary to convey the subject. The
following publications should be referred to for a complete discussion of the formulas and design
procedures used during design:

1. "Storm Drain Systems" (Chapter 9 of the "AASHTO Highway Drainage Guidelines")

provides an overview of storm drainage design. This reference does not provide a
discussion of procedures, e.g., detailed discussion and formulas regarding the calculation
of the hydraulic gradeline.

3. "Storm Drainage Systems" (Chapter 13 of the "AASHTO Drainage Manual"), and

"Hydraulic Engineering Circular" (HEC) No. 22, "Urban Drainage Design Manual" provides
procedures, formulas, and example problems.

8.7.1 Planning and Coordination

The preliminary layout and design of storm drainage systems and the planning for stormwater
management should begin early in the design process when right of way taking lines are being
developed. Potential locations of receiving waters, either existing (natural watercourses, or surface
waterbodies) or proposed (recharge basins, leaching basins), should be identified at this time.
Additionally, slopes, adjacent terrain and development, environmental resources, and locations of
existing drainage facilities and utilities should be identified. All these factors should be considered
in establishing the highway alignment and the right of way lines.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


When a highway typical section is changed to include sidewalks, curbs, or any element which
prohibits stormwater from flowing off the roadway, a storm drainage system will generally need to
be added also. Adequate funds must be programmed during the scoping stage to provide for this

8.7.2 Hydrologic Analysis

A hydrologic analysis shall be progressed consistent with the guidance in Section 8.3. The
Rational Method shall be used to calculate the peak discharge to be conveyed by the gutter, and
storm drains. Storm drainage systems which involve detention storage, pumping stations, and
large or complex storm drainage systems require the development of a runoff hydrograph to
determine the peak discharge. Exhibit 8-3, in Section 8.3, provides the design flood frequencies
to be used for storm drainage system design.

As previously defined in Section 8.3, the Tc is defined as the time required for water to travel from
the most remote point in the watershed to the point of interest. For storm drainage system design,
the Tc generally consists of two components, one for inlet spacing (discussed in Section,
and the other for pipe sizing (discussed in Section

The flow path having the longest Tc to the point of interest in the storm drainage system will usually
define the duration used in selecting the intensity value in the Rational Method. Exceptions to the
general application of the Rational Equation exist. For example, a small relatively impervious area
within a larger drainage area may have an independent discharge higher than that of the total area.
This may occur because of the high runoff coefficient and high intensity resulting from a short Tc.
If an exception does exist, it can generally be classified as one of two exception scenarios.

The first exception occurs when a highly impervious section exists at the most downstream area
of a watershed and the total upstream area flows through the lower impervious area. When this
situation occurs, two separate calculations should be made as follows:

First, calculate the runoff from the total drainage area with its weighted runoff coefficient and
the intensity associated with the longest Tc.

Secondly, calculate the runoff using only the smaller, less pervious area. The typical
procedure would be followed using the runoff coefficient for the small, less pervious area and
the intensity associated with the shorter Tc.

The results of these two calculations should be compared and the largest value of discharge should
be used for design.

The second exception exists when a smaller, less pervious area is tributary to the larger primary
watershed. When this scenario occurs, two sets of calculations should also be made.

First, calculate the runoff from the total drainage area with its weighted runoff coefficient and
the intensity associated with the longest Tc.

Secondly, calculate the runoff to consider how much discharge from the larger primary area
is contributing at the same time the peak from the smaller, less pervious tributary area is
occurring. When the small area is discharging, some discharge from the larger primary area
is also contributing to the total discharge. In this calculation, the intensity associated with the

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Tc from the small, less pervious area is used. The portion of the larger primary area to be
considered is determined by the following equation:

Ac = A where:
Tc 2
Ac = the most downstream part of the larger primary area that will contribute to the
discharge during the Tc associated with the smaller, less pervious area.
A = the area of the larger primary area.
Tc1 = the time of concentration of the smaller, less pervious, tributary area.
Tc2 = the time of concentration associated with the larger primary area as is used in the
first calculation.

The runoff coefficient (C value) to be used in this computation should be the weighted C
value that results from combining C values of the smaller, less pervious tributary area and
the area Ac. The area to be used in the Rational Method would be the area of the less
pervious area plus Ac. This second calculation should only be considered when the less
pervious area is tributary to the area with the longer time of concentration and is at or near
the downstream end of the total drainage area.

Finally, the results of these calculations should be compared, and the largest value of discharge
should be used for design.

8.7.3 Gutters

This section considers gutters as that part of the typical section which conveys stormwater along
the edge of the traveled way, shoulder, or parking lane. Types of Gutter Section

The gutter section may or may not incorporate curb. When curb is used, the gutter section is
termed a conventional curb and gutter section. The cross slope of a conventional curb and
gutter section may be continuous or composite. If the spread of water is limited to the shoulder,
parking lane, or traveled way, the cross slope is continuous. If the spread is allowed to
encroach onto the traveled way from the shoulder or parking lane, a composite section will
exist due to the differing cross slopes of these typical section elements. Refer to Chapter 3,
Section 3.2.9, for guidance regarding types of curb, limitations on curb use, warrants for curb
use, curb alignment and typical section details, and curb material selection and installation

A gutter section without curb may be considered a shallow swale section, is formed as detailed
on Standard Sheet 624-01, and is illustrated in Figure 3-2 of HDM Chapter 3. Refer to Chapter
3, Section 3.2.10 for guidance regarding the placement of shallow swale sections at driveways.
Formed gutter shall not be placed to interfere with a crosswalk.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-87 Gutter Capacity

Gutter flow calculations are necessary to establish the capacity of the gutter within the spread
and puddle depth criteria in Section Gutter capacity is determined based on a
modified form of Manning's equation. This equation is presented below to illustrate the basis
of the computation:

Q = (0.56/n)Sx1.67S0.5T2.67, where:

Q = Flow rate (ft3/s)

n = Manning's roughness coefficient
T = Width of flow or spread in the gutter (ft)
Sx = Cross slope (ft/ft)
S = Longitudinal slope (ft/ft)

Each variable is discussed below.

Q is determined for the drainage area contributing flow to the gutter. Desirably, overland
flow should be intercepted before it reaches the roadway. This will allow the gutter to
primarily convey water running off of the roadway. Manning’s n values are provided in the
references and are based on the gutter surface. T is based on Q, n, Sx, and S. Sx is based
on the design criteria (i.e., Chapter 2 or 7 of this manual) for the project. S is based on
the vertical alignment of the roadway and drainage considerations. (Guidance regarding
vertical alignment is provided in Chapter 5, Section 5.7.4, of this manual.)

Using the modified form of Manning's equation, and the relationship between spread and depth
of flow or puddle depth at the curb (d), d = TSx, spread and puddle depth are determined and
compared to the criteria in Section Nomographs are provided in the references, and
computer software will aid in the determination of spread and puddle depth. The formulas,
nomographs, and software are specific regarding what type of gutter section exists (e.g.,
conventional (uniform or composite cross slope) or shallow swale section).

Inlets are placed when the spread or puddle depth in the gutter section exceed the criteria, and
at other locations as discussed in Section

8.7.4 Inlets

Inlets are placed to intercept the concentrated flow of stormwater. Typical locations are in gutter
sections, paved medians, and in roadway and median ditches. When curb is used to form the
gutter section, the inlet shall be placed in front of the curb. Inlets shall not be recessed back from
the curbline due to the potential hazard they present by creating a discontinuous curb line.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-88 Types of Inlets

This section discusses three major types of inlets.

1. Curb-opening inlet. This inlet provides a vertical opening in the curb. No grate is
specified. The curb-opening inlet is not depicted on the standard sheets because it not
hydraulically efficient and as a result, rarely used.

2. Gutter inlets. Gutter inlets include grate inlets and slotted inlets.

a. Grate inlets provide a horizontal opening in the channel section (gutter or ditch) and
are recommended for gutter locations where curb is not proposed, and locations off
the roadway. Three grate types – rectangular, parallel bar (with and without cross
bars), and reticuline – are illustrated on Standard Sheets 655-01, 655-02, and 655-
04. The frames associated with these grates are also illustrated on the standard

In addition to the grates used by the Department, the references mentioned in

Section 8.7 discuss two other types of grates, the curved vane and the tilt-bar.
These grates are not included on the standard sheets.

b. Slotted inlet (pipe interceptor drain). This inlet consists of a pipe cut along the
longitudinal axis with a grate of spacer bars to form slot openings. This type of inlet
is acceptable for use, although not depicted on the standard sheets.

3. Combination inlet. This inlet consists of both a curb-opening (depicted as the curb box
on Standard Sheet 655-05) and a grate placed in a side-by-side configuration, and is
recommended for gutter locations where non-mountable or mountable curb is proposed
because of the added capacity offered by the curb opening should the grate become
clogged. Three sizes of cast frames (FI, F2, and F3) are available. Each size is
available with either a mountable or unmountable cast curb box, both of which are also
illustrated on the standard sheet. Inlet Selection

The predominant types of inlets used by the Department are the grate inlet and the combination
inlet. The curb-opening inlet and the slotted inlet are used less often.

1. Grate Inlets. Parallel bar grate inlets without the cross bars have superior hydraulic
capacities and should be used in locations outside the roadway, or on highways with
full or partial control of access where bicycles and pedestrians are not allowed (such
as interstates, other freeways, and parkways). Bicycles and pedestrians should be
accommodated on all highways with uncontrolled access by providing one of the
following types of grate:

a. Reticuline. This grate is superior for pedestrian and bicycle safety.

b. Rectangular. Similar to parallel with cross bars.
c. Parallel bar with cross bars. The cross bars shall be specified in the drainage
structure table.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


A maximum grate opening to safely accommodate pedestrians has not been specified
by the Department. Where pedestrian traffic is a concern within the roadway, sidewalks
should be considered in accordance with Section 18.6 of Chapter 18.

4. Combination inlets are valuable when debris is a problem and at low points where water
velocities are low. Whenever inlets are placed along curbs, the combination inlet should
be used. When an inlet is placed along a short radius (less than 100 foot) curb return, it is
difficult to construct a combination inlet and a grate inlet should be used. The type of grate
specified should be consistent with the guidance in item 1. Interception Capacity of Grate Inlets and Combination Inlets

Inlet interception capacity is the flow intercepted by an inlet under a given set of conditions.
The capacity of an inlet depends on its geometry as well as the characteristics of the gutter
flow. Inlet capacity governs both the rate of water removal from the gutter and the amount of
water that can enter the storm drainage system. Gutter flow that is not intercepted by an inlet
is termed carryover, bypass, or run-by. Inlet interception capacity of the grates discussed in
Section have been investigated by the FHWA. The results of this investigation are
reported in Volumes 1 through 4 of the "Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study". The references in
Section 8.7 contain formulas and charts, and software is available for use to determine inlet

A. Interception Capacity of Grate Inlets and Combination Inlets on Continuous Grade

The interception capacity of grate inlets and combination inlets is considered to be the
same when they are placed on a continuous grade operating under roadway depth and
spread criteria. The added capacity offered by the curb opening is ignored during design.
The interception capacity (Qi) of a grate inlet on grade is based on the efficiency of the
grate (E) and the total gutter flow (Q). The efficiency of an inlet is the percent of total flow
that the inlet will intercept. The efficiency of an inlet changes with changes in cross slope,
longitudinal slope, total gutter flow, and to a lesser extent, pavement roughness.

B. Interception Capacity of Grate Inlets and Combination Inlets In Sag Locations

A grate inlet operates as a weir up to about a 0.4 ft depth of water over the grate and as an
orifice for depths greater than 1.4 ft. The interception capacity of the combination inlets
shown on the standard sheets is essentially equal to that of a grate inlet in weir flow.
Between 0.4 ft and 1.4 ft, a transition from weir to orifice flow occurs. Inlets located in a
roadway sag will operate as a weir (a defined discharge vs depth relationship exists). When
inlets are placed in a ditch sag outside the roadway, the inlet may operate as an orifice if
sufficient depth is allowed to develop over the inlet.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-90 Inlet Locations

The location of inlets is determined by geometric controls which require inlets at specific
locations, the use and location of flanking inlets in sag vertical curves, and the criterion of
spread on the roadway. In addition, providing access for storm drain maintenance may be
considered at this time even though the storm drains have not been sized. Generally, an inlet
should be provided every 300 ft for pipes less than or equal to 24 inches in diameter, 400 ft for
pipes 27 to 36 inches in diameter, and 500 ft for pipes 42 to 54 inches in diameter. Inlets may
be spaced farther apart when flow velocity in the storm drain will provide for the transport of
suspended solids and thus be self-cleaning. As this is primarily a maintenance consideration,
a recommendation from the Regional Maintenance Group should be considered.

The following should be obtained or prepared to aid in inlet location design:

1. A plan to delineate the drainage areas. The contributory areas and the
corresponding runoff coefficients for each proposed inlet should be shown on a
small scale plan (preferably at 1”=200’ or 1”=500’ scale). If the contributing areas
are within the roadway section, then large scale plans (1”=20’ or 1”=40’) should be
sufficient. If the contributing drainage areas extend beyond the plan limits, other
maps should be used where available or estimated extensions should be drawn on
the plans to show these extended contributing drainage areas.
2. Profile.
3. Typical sections.
4. Superelevation diagrams.

A. Geometric Controls

There are a number of locations where inlets should be placed without regard to the
contributing drainage area. These inlets should be marked on the plans prior to any
computations regarding discharge, spread, inlet capacity, or bypass. Examples of such
locations are listed as items 1 through 4 below.

1. Roadway Low Points or Sag Vertical Curves. In curbed areas where cross-sectional
transition zones occur, it may be necessary to prepare curbline profiles in order to
determine actual low point locations. See Section B below for information on flanking

2. Up-grade of intersections, and major driveways to intercept gutter flow before it

reaches these areas.

The depth of gutter flow shall not overflow a driveway opening when the driveway's
grade descends from the gutter. The typical driveway section can usually be
designed so as to allow reasonable gutter depth, preventing the necessity of installing
an excessive number of inlets to maintain shallow flow past the driveway opening.

3. Upgrade of pedestrian crosswalks, to intercept gutter flow before it reaches them.

Zero by-pass need not be attained as it is unlikely that significant pedestrian

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


movement will occur during peak rainfall.

To comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for pedestrian
surfaces, inlets shall not be placed within a Pedestrian Access Route (see note,
below), including locations within curb ramp openings or between the transverse
markings of a crosswalk, unless the inlet openings are ADA-compliant. Grates with
openings that meet ADA surface requirements are available, but due to their smaller
openings, may not be adequate for highway drainage flows. Grates that are not ADA-
compliant may be located under the transverse markings of crosswalks, provided they
do not intrude into the area between the transverse markings. If the presence of a
non-ADA compliant grate within the pedestrian access route is unavoidable, and the
grate cannot meet the ADA surface requirements, it must be justified as a
nonstandard feature, as discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2.8.

NOTE: A Pedestrian Access Route (PAR) is defined in the Proposed Public Right-of-
Way Accessibility Guidelines as “a continuous and unobstructed path of travel
provided for pedestrians with disabilities within or coinciding with a pedestrian
circulation path.” Refer to Chapter 18 of this manual for surface requirements for a

4. Up-grade of cross slope reversals. When cross slope transitions occur on very flat
profiles or when they occur at crest and sag vertical curves, intermediate low points
may exist. These low points are best handled through adjustment in transition length,
but occasionally will require inlets. Inlets should be located to intercept the gutter flow
before the transition, and the cross slope becomes too flat for efficient pick up. This
is done to reduce the water flowing across the roadway to prevent icing in the winter
and hydroplaning during warmer temperatures. The curb line profiles of all transitions
should be carefully plotted when these conditions are anticipated.

B. Inlets in Sag Locations

When a sag vertical curve in a curbed section connects a negative grade with a positive
grade, inlets should be placed with one at the low point and one at each side of this point.
The inlets at each side are known as flankers. The purpose of the flanking inlets is to act
in relief of the inlet at the low point if it should become clogged or if the design spread is
exceeded. Flanking inlets should be located so that they will function before water spread
exceeds the spread criteria provided in Section C below for inlets on grade.

C. Inlet Spacing on Continuous Grades

Spread is the criterion used for locating inlets between those required by geometric or other
controls. Spread and puddle depth criteria are established to protect the traveling public.
Spread should not encroach beyond one half the width of the right most travel lane
for all functional classifications of highways except for Interstates and other
freeways with shoulders. Spread should be limited to the shoulder of Interstates
and other freeways. Puddle depth should be 0.5 inches less than the curb height
regardless of functional classification.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


The following should be considered regarding the spread criteria. Spread should be
increased or decreased as deemed necessary:

1. Gutter flow can utilize the full parking lane or shoulder width because these typical
section elements are outside the travel lane.
2. The half lane flooding criteria can be very restrictive when the typical section does
not include parking lanes or shoulders. Highways without parking lanes or
shoulders have inherent traffic constraints. Consideration should be given to the
effects of half lane flooding relative to inlet spacing and drainage system cost.
3. Highways with a design speed greater than 40 mph will have a higher potential for
hydroplaning if travel lanes are covered with water.

When the spread criteria is exceeded, it should be noted and explained in the Drainage

Inlet spacing necessary to meet the spread and puddle depth criteria should not be
misused. These are maximum flooding criteria and when used in an average parking lane
or wide shoulder could result in considerable by-pass. A design which allows considerable
by-pass upstream should not result in the need to place numerous inlets near the low point
to intercept the remaining stormwater.

The interception capacity of the upstream inlet will define the initial spread. As flow is
contributed to the gutter section in the downstream direction, spread increases. The next
downstream inlet is located at the point where spread in the gutter reaches the design
spread, or a value less than the design spread to control the amount of water flowing to the
sag. Therefore, the spacing of inlets on a continuous grade is a function of the amount of
upstream bypass flow, the tributary drainage area, and the gutter geometry.

A summary of the steps provided in the references for manually determining inlet spacing
is presented below to illustrate the design process for spacing inlets on a continuous grade.

Step 1. As discussed in Section, mark on a plan the location of inlets which
are necessary without regard to the contributing drainage area.

Step 2. Start at a high point on the roadway grade, at one end of the job if possible, and
work towards the low point. Then begin at the next high point and work down-
grade toward the same low point.

Step 3. Select a trial drainage area approximately 300 ft to 500 ft long below the high
point for the location of the first proposed inlet, outline the area on the plan, and
describe the inlet's location (e.g., by number and station). Include any area that
may drain over the curb and onto the roadway. As previously mentioned, the
flow from these areas desirably should be intercepted before it reaches the

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Compute the trial drainage area and calculate the flow in the gutter using the
rational method and the rational equation. As previously discussed in Section, values for the following additional variables will have to be established
in order to calculate the flow:

The runoff coefficient (C), or the weighted runoff coefficient (Cw) for the trial
drainage area (A).

The Tc for inlet spacing. This is the time required for water to flow from the
hydraulically most distant point of the unique drainage area contributing only
to that inlet. Typically, this is the sum of the times required for water to travel
overland to the pavement gutter and along the length of the gutter between
inlets. When the Tc to the inlet is less than 5 min., a minimum Tc of 5 min.
shall be used. In the case of a constant roadway grade and relatively
uniform contributing drainage area, the Tc for each succeeding inlet may be
assumed to be constant.

The rainfall intensity. This is determined from an IDF curve using the Tc and
the design frequency.

Step 4. Determine the spread (T), and depth of water at the curb (d), based on the gutter
capacity relationship shown in Section

As previously discussed, this relationship requires the following input variables:

Q, determined in step 3 above. For the first inlet in a series, the flow to the
inlet is the same as the total gutter flow since there was no previous bypass
flow (Qb).

S, the gutter's longitudinal slope at the inlet, determined from the roadway

Sx, the gutter's cross slope, determined from the cross section.

n, manning's roughness coefficient, determined from tables in the

references based on the gutter's material.

Compare the calculated T and d with the criteria. If the calculated T and d is
less than or close to the criteria, continue with step 5, otherwise, increase or
decrease the length to the inlet and repeat steps 3 and 4 until appropriate values
for T and d are obtained.

Step 5. Select the inlet type (discussed in Section and dimensions (e.g. width
(W) and length (L), and calculate the flow intercepted by the grate (Qi). Qi was
discussed in Section and Section

Step 6. Calculate the bypass flow (Qb). Qb is the total gutter flow (step 3), within the
constraints established by step 4, minus the flow intercepted by the grate (step

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Step 7. Proceed to the next inlet down the grade. As in step 3, select a trial drainage
area approximately 300 ft to 400 ft below the previous inlet, and calculate the
flow. The flow between inlets is termed incremental flow.

Step 8. Determine the total gutter flow by adding the incremental flow in the gutter from
the area between the two inlets (step 7) to the bypass flow from the previous
upstream inlet (step 6).

Step 9. Determine T and d, and compare to the criteria (step 4). If T or d violate the
criteria, adjust the drainage area selected in step 7 and recompute the
incremental flow, and total flow (step 8) until T and d are within the design

Step 10. Select the inlet type and dimensions and calculate Qi (step 5). Calculate Qb
(step 6).

Step 11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for each subsequent inlet down to the low point. The
low point should be designed as discussed in Section

8.7.5 Storm Drains

Storm drains convey stormwater which is intercepted by the inlets, to an outfall where the
stormwater is discharged to the receiving waters. The storm drainage system consists of differing
lengths and sizes of storm drain connected by drainage structures. A section of storm drain which
connects one drainage structure to another is often termed a segment or run. Sections of storm
drain in series are often referred to as the trunk line. Storm Drain Design Criteria

A. Hydraulic Criteria

Pipe size, the velocity of water, pipe slope, and the hydraulic gradeline are the hydraulic
criteria which will influence storm drain design.

1. Size. Pipe shall be sized no larger than necessary to minimize material and
trenching costs. The minimum round pipe size shall be 15 inches, except in unusual
circumstances where the Regional Design Engineer or NYSDOT Resident
Engineer may approve use of a 12 inch round pipe.

2. Velocity. 3 ft./s is the minimum velocity recommended to prevent sediment

deposition. Significant drops in velocity in downstream storm drains should be
avoided due to the likelihood of sediment deposition.

3. Slope. Where possible, pipe should be designed using grades which parallel the
roadway grade to minimize excavation, sheeting, and backfill. The slope specified
should satisfy the velocity criteria and will be controlled by the hydraulic analysis.

4. Hydraulic gradeline (HGL). The HGL is a line coinciding with the level of water

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


under open channel flow conditions. In a storm drain flowing under pressure, the
HGL is the level to which water would rise in a vertical tube at any point along the
pipe. The HGL should be calculated throughout the system and the water level
should be kept a minimum of 8 in. below the top of grate elevation at each drainage

B. Pipe Criteria

Storm drain pipe is available in a number of materials, shapes, and sizes. The materials
recommended for use in a storm drainage system are reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum,
polyethylene and polypropylene. Circular storm drains are preferred. The size and material
specified should satisfy the hydraulic criteria in Section, in addition to the pipe
criteria recommended in items 1 through 3.

1. Design Life. The design life shall be 70 years.

2. Anticipated Service Life. The anticipated service life for concrete, aluminum,
polyethylene and polypropylene is 70 years. The anticipated service life for steel
(with and without additional coating) in Zones I & II is as shown in Exhibit 8-23. For
the purpose of determining anticipated service life, metallic coated (galvanized)
pipe is not considered to have an additional coating. All other options are
considered additional coatings.

3. Structural Criteria. Refer to Section for the maximum and minimum height
of fill limitations for these materials.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Exhibit 8-23 Anticipated Service Life, in years, for Steel (with and without additional

Gauge Metallic Coated Metallic Coated Metallic Coated Metallic Metallic

(Galvanized) (Aluminum (Galvanized) w/ Coated Coated
Coated - Type 2) 2 Fully Paved 4 (Galvanized) (Galvanized)
& w/ Polymer w/ Polymer
Metallic Coated Coated 5 Coated and
(Galvanized) w/ Paved Invert 6
Paved Invert 3
§ 707-02 § 707-02 § 707-02 § 707-02 § 707-02
16 72
14 70 80
12 79 84 74 94
10 69 94 99
8 84
1. The anticipated service life for steel pipe used in a storm drainage system is based on the Zone I, 2 mil per year,
metal loss rate. This rate applies in Zone II only when all drainage is received from paved surfaces exclusively.
When storm drainage systems are located in Zone II and these systems receive open drainage or bed loads other
than ordinary road debris, use the anticipated service life values for open systems (culverts) in Zone II - see Section, Exhibit 8-10. Anticipated service lives are not shown for options which do not meet the criteria.
2. Aluminum Coated - Type 2 pipe is expected to have the same anticipated service life as metallic coated
(galvanized) pipe with a paved invert.
3. Additional coating adds 25 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.
4. Additional coating adds 30 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.
5. Additional coating adds 25 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe.
6. Additional coating adds 40 years to the anticipated service life of galvanized steel pipe. Placement and Utilities

Generally, trunk lines should be placed under the parking lanes, shoulders, or just inside the
curb line to leave the sidewalk area available for existing, relocated, or future utilities. When a
highway is being widened, twin trunk lines may be used to avoid repeated roadway crossings
and disruption to traffic, with the resultant increase in maintenance of traffic costs. Generally,
the trunk line should be placed below the lowest point on the typical section with branch lines
connecting other low points of the typical section.

Deep cuts and conflicts with utilities shall be avoided where possible. Some instances (see
preceding paragraph) may dictate a trunk line on both sides of the roadway with few or no
laterals, while other instances may call for a single trunk line. Such features are usually a
function of economy, but may be controlled by traffic disruption, utilities or other physical
features. Drainage structures placed in proximity to telephone, signal or other overhead utilities
may cause conflicts. Construction sequencing should be considered if a utility pole is to be
relocated. If the pole is not going to be relocated, sheeting or some other method to maintain
the pole in place during excavation for a drainage structure may be required.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-97 Storm Drain Hydraulics

This section discusses storm drain capacity design, headlosses, and the hydraulic gradeline

A. Storm Drain Capacity Design

The hydraulic design of storm drains is based on the assumption that flow is steady and
uniform, and the average velocity is constant within each run of pipe. Storm drains may be
sized to operate under the principles of open channel, or pressure flow. Each flow condition
has its advantages and disadvantages. Storm drains should be designed to flow nearly full
(i.e., as an open channel). This approach will allow flow in addition to the design flow. A
storm drain operating under pressure flow is sensitive to increases in flow, and grate
displacement may occur. After the preliminary location of inlets, connecting pipes, and the
outlet(s) have been determined, the discharge to be carried by each run, and the pipe size
and slope required to convey this discharge should be computed.

The references provide a multi-step procedure and design form for storm drain capacity
design. This section discusses using the rational equation, and the storm drain capacity
design. Prior to performing the hydrologic and storm drain capacity calculations, a working
plan layout and profile of the storm drainage system should be prepared which establishes
the location of storm drains, direction of flow, location and numbering of drainage structures
and manholes, and the location of utilities (e.g., water, gas, or underground cables). After
all storm drains are sized, headlosses, and the hydraulic grade line should be calculated
as discussed in Sections and C.

1. Storm Drain Hydrologic Calculations. Starting with the most upstream storm drain
run, determine the discharge from the total contributing drainage area tributary to
the inlet located at the upstream end of the storm drain run being sized. Based on
this discharge, determine the minimum size storm drain as discussed in item 2 of
this section. This process should be continued, run by run, to the inlet upstream of
the storm drainage system outlet.

The rational equation is expressed as follows for storm drain design.

Q = (ΣCA) i / 360

The product of the runoff coefficient (C), or the weighted runoff coefficient (Cw), and
the corresponding drainage area tributary to each inlet (referred to as an
incremental area) upstream of the storm drain run under design (referred to as the
incremental CA) is summed to get a "total CA".

Using an Intensity-Duration (IDF) curve or data, the rainfall intensity (i) is based on
the larger of two times of concentration (the inlet Tc, or the system Tc), or the
minimum Tc of 5 min. These times of concentration are discussed below.

The inlet Tc is the value associated with the inlet spacing computations (i.e., the
Tc associated with the drainage area or incremental drainage area contributing
flow to the inlet). The system Tc is the time for water to travel from the most
remote point in the storm drainage system to the upstream end of the storm
drain under consideration. The system Tc will be the same as the inlet Tc for

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


the most upstream storm drain run. For all other runs, the system Tc is
computed by adding the system Tc and the section Tc from the previous run
together, to get the system Tc at the upstream end of the run under
consideration. The section Tc is the travel time for water to flow through the
storm drain.

2. Storm Drain Capacity Calculations. Storm drains are sized based on Manning's
equation, by varying the slope and size as necessary to convey the discharge within
the criteria stated in Section The references contain charts, and software
is available to determine pipe size, slope, and flow velocity. For storm drains
downstream of the first run, an approximate crown drop for the downstream pipe
may be calculated at this time to off-set potential energy losses. This is discussed
in Section, item 3a.

The pipe invert at the upper and lower ends of the section of pipe may also be
established and recorded at this time, and are computed based on the pipe's length,
slope, and minimum depth requirements (e.g., minimum height of fill, or utility

B. Headloss or Energy Loss

Headloss (a loss of energy) results from frictional and other disturbances which water
encounters as it flows throughout the storm drainage system. The flow regime (i.e.,
supercritical or subcritical) within each storm drain run is used to determine those
headlosses which are included in the HGL calculation. Prior to computing the HGL, energy
losses in each storm drain run, and the drainage structures must be estimated. (The terms
drainage structure, manhole, and access hole should be considered synonymous in this

Headloss due to pipe friction (often termed major losses) represents most of the losses in
the system and is caused by the interior roughness of the pipe. If flow in the outflow storm
drain is supercritical, the friction loss is not included in the headloss calculation.

Headloss due to the other disturbances are termed velocity head losses, or minor losses,
and are caused by water's turbulence as it enters and leaves the storm drainage system
and the various drainage structures. Access hole losses do not apply when the flow in two
successive pipes is supercritical (i.e., flow is supercritical in the inflow pipe and the outflow

Other minor losses (bend losses, transition losses, and junction losses) are discussed in
the references but are not considered in this chapter. Bend losses are not considered
because each storm drain should be a straight run of pipe from one drainage structure to
another. Changes in horizontal alignment should be made at a drainage structure.
Transition losses occur when the storm drain changes size within a pipe run. No standard
pay items exist for transition sections and they should be avoided. A drainage structure
should be used when a change in pipe size is necessary. A pipe junction is the connection
of a lateral pipe to a larger trunk pipe without the use of a drainage structure. There are no
standard pay items for junctions and pipe connections should be made at a drainage

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Items 1 through 3 discuss exit loss, pipe friction loss, and inlet and access hole losses and
their calculation.

1. Exit loss, Ho. The exit loss is a function of the change in velocity at the outlet of the
last downstream storm drain. For a sudden expansion, such as an endwall, the exit
loss is:

Vo2 Vd2 
H o = 1.0  −  , where :
 2g 2g 
Vo = average outlet velocity, ft./s
Vd = channel velocity downstream of outlet, ft./s
g = 32.2 ft./s2

Note that when Vd = 0, as in a reservoir, the exit loss is one velocity head. For part-
full flow where the pipe outlets in a channel with moving water, the exit loss may be
reduced to virtually zero.

2. Friction slope (Sf) and pipe friction loss (Hf). The friction slope is the hydraulic
gradient for that run or length of pipe (L). The hydraulic gradient is the slope of the
hydraulic gradeline.

Hf, in meters, is computed as follows:

Hf = SfL

See section 7.1.6 of HEC-22, Urban Drainage Design Manual, for calculation of
friction slope values.

3. Inlet and Access Hole Losses. HEC 22 discusses inlet and access hole losses.

a. Preliminary Estimate. HEC 22 presents an approximate method for computing

minor losses at drainage structures (Hah). The method involves multiplying the
velocity head of the outflow pipe (Vo2/2g) by a headloss coefficient (Kah). Values
of Kah are provided in Exhibit 8-24.

Hah = (Kah)(Vo2/2g)

Exhibit 8-24 Headloss Coefficients

Structure Configuration Kah

Inlet - straight run 0.5
Inlet - angled through
90° 1.50
60° 1.25
45° 1.10
22.5° 0.70
Manhole - straight run 0.15

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Manhole - angled through

90° 1.00
60° 0.85
45° 0.75
22.5° 0.45

This method can be used to estimate the initial pipe crown drop across a
drainage structure to offset energy losses at the structure. The crown drop is
then used to establish the appropriate pipe invert elevations. This method
should only be used for preliminary estimation and not for the actual design

Similarly, a common practice is to match crowns or place the outflow pipe invert
1 in. lower than the inflow pipe invert.

b. Energy Loss Methodology. The head loss encountered in going from one pipe
to another through a drainage structure is commonly represented as being
proportional to the velocity head at the outlet pipe. Using K to signify this
constant of proportionality, the energy loss is approximated as K (Vo2/2g).
Experimental studies have determined that when the inflow pipe invert is below
the water level in the access hole, the K value can be approximated as:

K = Ko CD Cd CQ CP CB, where:
K = adjusted loss coefficient
Ko = initial head loss coefficient based on relative manhole size
CD = correction factor for pipe diameter (pressure flow only)
Cd = correction factor for flow depth (non-pressure flow only)
CQ = correction factor for relative flow
Cp = correction factor for plunging flow
CB = correction factor for benching

These coefficients are discussed in items 1 through 6 below.

For cases where the inflow pipe invert is above the access hole water level, the
outflow pipe will function as a culvert, and the access hole loss and the access hole
HGL can be computed using procedures found in HDS 5. If the outflow pipe is
flowing full or nearly full under outlet control, the access hole loss (due to flow
contraction into the outflow pipe) can be computed by setting K, in the equation
provided in item 3a, above, equal to ke, provided in Table 12 of HDS 5. If the outflow
pipe is flowing under inlet control, the water depth in the access hole should be
computed using the inlet control nomographs in HDS 5.

1. Relative Manhole Size. Ko is estimated as a function of the relative manhole

size and the angle of deflection between the inflow and outflow pipes.

Ko = 0.1(b/Do)(1-sinθ) + 1.4 (b/Do)0.15 sin θ, where:

θ = the angle between the inflow and outflow pipes, degrees

b = manhole diameter, ft.
Do = outlet pipe diameter, ft.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


2. Pipe Diameter. CD is only significant in pressure flow situations when the ratio
of the depth of water in the access hole above the outflow pipe invert (d) to the
outflow pipe diameter, d/Do, is greater than 3.2. d is approximated as the level
of the hydraulic gradeline at the upstream end of the outflow pipe. CD should
be set equal to one for open channel flow design.

CD = (Do/Di)3 , where:

Do = the outflow pipe diameter, ft.

Di = the inflow pipe diameter, ft.

3. Flow Depth. Cd is significant only in cases of free surface flow or low pressures,
when d/Do ratio is less than 3.2. In cases where this ratio is greater than 3.2,
Cd is set equal to one.

Cd = 0.5(d/Do)0.6, where:

d = water depth in access hole above the outlet pipe invert, ft

Do = the outflow pipe diameter, ft

4. Relative Flow. CQ, is a function of the angle of the incoming flow as well as the
percentage of flow coming in through the pipe of interest versus other incoming
pipes, and is only applied to situations where there are 3 or more pipes entering
the structure at approximately the same elevation. Otherwise, CQ = 1.0.

 Q 
C Q = (1 − 2 sin θ )1 − i  +1 , where :
 Qo 
θ = the angle between the inflow and outflow pipes
Qi = flow in the inflow pipe, ft.3/s
Qo = flow in the outflow pipe, ft.3/s

5. Plunging Flow. Cp corresponds to the effect of another inflow pipe, plunging

into the drainage structure, on the inflow pipe for which the head loss is being
calculated. The correction factor is only applied when h>d. Additionally, the
correction factor is only applied when a higher elevation flow plunges into an
access hole that has both an inflow pipe and an outflow pipe at the bottom of
the access hole. Otherwise Cp =1.0.

 h  h − d 
C p = 1 + 0.2    , where:
 Do   Do 

h = vertical distance of plunging flow from flow line of the higher elevation inlet
pipe to the center of outflow pipe, ft.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


d = water depth in access hole relative to the outlet pipe invert, ft.
Do = the outflow pipe diameter, ft.

6. Benching. CB is obtained from Exhibit 8-25. Benching tends to direct flows

through the manhole, resulting in a reduction in headloss. For flow depths
between the submerged and unsubmerged conditions, a linear interpolation is

Exhibit 8-25 Correction Factors for Bench Types

Bench Type Submerged1 Unsubmerged2

Flat or depressed floor 1.0 1.0
Benched one-half of pipe
0.95 0.15
1. pressure flow, d/Do > 3.2
2. free surface flow, d/Do < 1.0

Note: The Section 604 standard sheets do not refer to benching types as do
the drainage publications. A flat floor should be considered similar to a drainage
structure without a sump, a depressed floor should be considered similar to a
sump, and a benched one-half of pipe diameter condition should be considered
similar to a formed invert.

C. Hydraulic Gradeline

The hydraulic gradeline (HGL) is a line coinciding with the level of flowing water at any point
along an open channel, and is the last characteristic to be established relating to the
hydraulic design of storm drains. When water is flowing through the pipe and there is a
space of air between the top of the water and the inside of the pipe (the crown), the flow is
considered as open channel flow and the HGL is at the water surface.

The HGL should be below the crown of the pipe in order to maintain open channel flow
conditions. An exception to this will be when the tailwater submerges the outfall outlet. As
previously mentioned in Section, a concern with storm drains designed to operate
under pressure flow conditions is that inlet surcharging and possible manhole lid
displacement can occur if the HGL rises above the ground surface. As the HGL
calculations are performed, frequent verification of the existence of the desired flow
condition should be made. Storm drain systems can often alternate between pressure and
open channel flow conditions from one run to another.

Most storm drain systems are designed to function in a subcritical flow regime. In
subcritical flow, pipe and drainage structure losses are summed to determine the upstream
HGL levels. As previously stated in Section, if supercritical flow occurs, pipe and
drainage structure losses are not carried upstream. When a storm drain run is identified
as being supercritical, the computations are advanced to the next upstream pipe run to
determine its flow regime. This process continues until the storm drain system returns to
a subcritical flow regime.

The references provide a multi-step procedure and design form(s) to aid in the manual

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


calculation of the hydraulic grade line (HGL). Software will calculate the HGL for the user
based on the hydraulic characteristics of the storm drainage system (e.g., tailwater
elevation, flow regime in the storm drains, friction loss, access hole losses, etc.).

HGL calculations begin at the outfall with the tailwater elevation, and are worked upstream
taking each storm drain run and drainage structure into consideration. If the proposed
system connects to an existing downstream system, the HGL calculation must begin at the
outlet end of the existing system, and proceed upstream through the existing system, then
upstream through the proposed system to the upstream inlet. The flowline elevation of the
proposed outlet should be equal to or higher than the flowline of the receiving waters. If
this is not the case, there may be a need to provide flap gates, pump, or otherwise lift the

The tailwater elevation will be the greater of the water surface elevation in the receiving
waters, or (dc + D)/2 + the outlet invert elevation (where dc is the critical depth, and D is the
pipe diameter). These possibilities are discussed further in 1 through 3 below.

1. If the pipe outlet is submerged, the HGL at the pipe outlet is equal to the tailwater
elevation. Data regarding the water surface elevation in natural channels (which
serve as the receiving waters) may be determined from flood insurance studies
performed for the area.

2. If the pipe outlet is not submerged, and the design is performed manually, the HGL
at the pipe outlet is computed as follows:

a. If the tailwater at the pipe outlet is greater than (dc + D)/2, use the tailwater
elevation as the beginning HGL elevation.

b. If the tailwater at the pipe outlet is less than (dc + D)/2, use (dc + D)/2 plus the
outlet invert elevation as the beginning HGL elevation.

3. If the pipe outlet is not submerged, and the design is performed using software, the
tailwater elevation will be calculated based on the depth of flow in the pipe and the
outlet invert elevation.

Once the tailwater elevation is established, the friction loss in the pipe is calculated (major
loss), and added to the minor losses. These major and minor losses are added to the
tailwater elevation to arrive at the HGL which is experienced just inside the inflow pipe, and
is compared with the depth of flow and the crown of the inflow pipe. If the inflow pipe is
submerged by the depth of water in the drainage structure, open channel flow conditions
will not exist in the inflow pipe, and this depth will be used to continue calculation of the
HGL upstream. If the inflow pipe is not submerged, the depth of flow in the inflow pipe is
used to continue calculation of the HGL upstream. Note, at this point, a new "tailwater
elevation" has been calculated for the inflow pipe (which is the outflow pipe for the upstream
drainage structure). This process is repeated for each pipe in the system. Outfall

The outfall is the point at which stormwater discharges from the storm drainage system. If
used, a ditch transfers stormwater from the storm drain outlet, to the point of release, termed
the receiving waters. Otherwise, the storm drain outlet discharges directly to the receiving

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


waters. The receiving waters should be either a natural channel or a man-made facility (e.g.,
a stream or a storage facility).

Energy dissipation (e.g., a stone apron or stone lined channel) should be considered to protect
the storm drain outlet from scour, to lower the velocity of water before discharge into a natural
channel, thereby minimizing the turbidity in the receiving waters, and to minimize erosion of
the stream bed and banks.

8.7.6 Drainage Structures

Drainage structures provide support for grate inlets, and combination inlets, and serve as a point
of connection for the storm drains. Sections and provide general guidance
regarding the type and size of drainage structure to be specified. Types of Drainage Structures

The pay items in Section 604 of the standard specifications provide a number of alternatives
for drainage structures including:

1. Rectangular drainage structure. This is the preferred pay item. Rectangular drainage
structures are detailed on the Section 604 Standard Sheets.

2. Rectangular drainage structure with round option. This pay item should only be selected
if shape is unimportant in the design and construction of the drainage system. Placement
of round structures in lieu of rectangular structures may shift the centerline of the drainage
structure as well as the centerline of pipe entries. This may cause construction problems
or adversely affect adjacent features.

3. Round precast manhole. This pay item should be used to provide a structure for
connecting pipelines on differing alignments where a drainage structure with a grate inlet
is not necessary.

4. Special drainage structure. Regions which have established special drainage structure
details shall include the details in the contract documents. When a top slab is used, the
top slab should be as small as possible and yet provide adequate structural stability.
Concrete block and mortar structures are not acceptable due to the damage they incur
from salt and highway loads.

The following shall be specified in the Drainage Structure Table as necessary:

1. Precast drainage structures. These are preferred to cast in place by the construction
industry and are usually more cost effective. Precast structures may not be economical
in some Regions due to shipping costs. Contractors have the option of providing precast
or cast in place drainage structures unless specified otherwise. Any requirements
regarding precast versus cast in place drainage structures should be noted in the drainage
structure table.

2. Scoops, formed inverts, and sumps (refer to Standard Sheet 604-02). A scoop, formed
invert, or sump may be specified for the drainage structure. Each option has a specific

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


function. A scoop should be specified for the upstream drainage structure beginning a
trunk line or branch line. Formed inverts should be specified to reduce head losses and
facilitate self-cleaning when sumps are not specified. Sumps (termed catch basins in the
references) require periodic cleaning to be effective, and may become an odor and
mosquito nuisance if not properly maintained. In areas where site constraints dictate that
storm drains be placed on relatively flat slopes, and where maintenance is provided,
sumps can be specified to collect sediment and debris. The Regional Maintenance Group
should be consulted before specifying sumps. Size of Drainage Structures

Drainage structures should be large enough to accommodate the inlet frame and grate,
maintenance personnel, and connecting pipes. To avoid excessive head losses, structures
should be no larger than necessary.

Exhibit 8-27 gives the inside dimensions of rectangular drainage structures (types A through
U). Rectangular drainage structure types A through P utilize top slabs and accommodate a
wide range of pipe sizes. Types Q through U do not utilize top slabs, are more economical,
and are limited to the smaller pipe sizes.

Exhibits 8-28 through 8-31 give the minimum internal rectangular drainage structure wall
dimensions necessary for the various pipe sizes and pipe entry skew angles (θ). Exhibits 8-
32 and 8-33 give the maximum size round pipe that can be accommodated by drainage
structure types Q through U, also based on pipe size and θ. Exhibits 8-28 through 8-33 are
based on the following relationships between θ, wall thickness of drainage structure (a = 8 in
used), outside pipe diameter (d), and the knockout clearance (3 in max.).

1. b = a (tanθ)
2. c = d/cosθ
3. Knockout opening = b + c + 6 in.
4. knockout opening < internal wall dimension

Exhibit 8-26 illustrates these terms

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Exhibit 8-26 Drainage Structure Pipe Entrance

Exhibit 8-27 Inside Dimensions of Drainage Structures (Types A Through U) 1-4

Structure Inside Dimensions (In.) Structure Inside Dimensions (In.)

Type Type
A 36 36 M 36 80
B 48 36 N 48 80
C 60 36 O 60 80
D 80 36 P 80 80
E 36 48 Q 34 (33) 36 (36.5)
F 48 48 R 34 (33) 46 (46.5)
G 60 48 S 24 (24) 32 (32.5)
H 80 48 T 26 (27) 42 (42.5)
I 36 60 U 34 (34) 38 (38)
J 48 60

K 60 60
L 80 60
1. Dimensions are taken from the Section 604 Standard Sheets.
2. Surface Flow is always parallel to the length of a structure.
3. Structures larger than 60 in. x 60 in. shall be designed on a case by case basis.
4. Two sets of dimensions are shown for structure types Q through U. Dimensions outside the parenthesis are
for precast structures, dimensions inside parenthesis are for cast in place structures.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Exhibit 8-28 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage
Structures Based on Skew Angle and Nominal Pipe Diameter (Concrete
and Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene 1)

Skew Nominal Inside Pipe Diameter

Angle 12 15 18 21 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
0 36 36 36 36 36 48 60 60 80 80 80
7.5 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80 80
15 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 80 80 80
22.5 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80 80
30 36 36 48 48 48 60 80 80 80
37.5 36 48 48 48 60 60 80 80
Special Design
45 48 48 60 60 60 80 80
1. Dimensions are in inches.

Exhibit 8-29 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage
Structures Based on Skew Angle and Nominal Pipe Diameter (Metal) 1

Skew Nominal Inside Pipe Diameter

Angle 12 15 18 21 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
0 36 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80
7.5 36 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80
15 36 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 80 80 80
22.5 36 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80 80
30 36 36 36 48 48 48 60 80 80 80
37.5 36 36 48 48 48 60 80 80 80
45 36 48 48 60 60 80 80 80 Special Design
1. Dimensions are in inches.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Exhibit 8-30 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P Drainage
Structures Based on Skew Angle and Horizontal Elliptical Concrete Pipe
Dimensions 1

Skew Pipe Rise x Span

Angle 19x30 22x34 24x38 27x42 29x45 32x49 34x53
0 48 48 60 60 60 80 80
7.5 48 48 60 60 80 80 80
15 48 60 60 60 80 80 80
22.5 60 60 60 60 80 80 80
30 60 60 80 80 80 80
37.5 60 80 80 80 Special Design
45 80 80
1. Dimensions are in inches.

Exhibit 8-31 Necessary Internal Wall Dimensions for Type A Thru P DrainageStructures
Based on Skew Angle and Metal Pipe Arch Dimensions 1

Skew Pipe Span x Rise

Angle 17x13 21x15 24x18 28x20 35x24 42x29 49x33 57x38 60x46

0 36 36 36 36 48 60 60 80 80
7.5 36 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80
15 36 36 36 48 48 60 80 80 80
22.5 36 36 48 48 60 60 80 80 80
30 36 48 48 48 60 80 80 80
37.5 48 48 48 60 60 80 80
45 48 60 60 60 80 80 Special Design
1. Dimensions are in inches.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


Exhibit 8-32 Maximum Size Round Pipe (Concrete and Smooth Interior Corrugated
Polyethylene) and Skew Angle for Type Q Thru U Drainage Structures1,2

Skew Width Length Width Length Width Length Width Length Width Length
34 36 34 46 24 32 26 42 34 38
(33) (36½) (33) (46½) (24) (32½) (26½) (42½) (34) (37½)
0 21 24 21 30 12 21 15 30 21 24
7.5 18 24 18 30 12 18 12 24 21 24
15 18 21 18 30 18 12 24 18 21
22.5 15 18 15 24 15 24 15 18
30 12 15 12 24 12 21 15 15
37.5 12 21 21 15 15
45 15 12
1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Dimensions outside the parenthesis are for precast structures, dimensions inside parenthesis are for cast in
place structures.

Exhibit 8-33 Maximum Size Round Pipe (Metal) and Skew Angle for Type Q Thru U
Drainage Structures1,2


Skew Width Length Width Length Width Length Width Length Width Length
Angle 34 36 34 46 24 32 26 42 34 38
(33) (36½) (33) (46½) (24) (32½) (26½) (42½) (34) (37½)
0 24 24 24 36 15 24 18 30 24 24
7.5 24 24 24 36 15 21 15 30 24 24
15 21 24 21 30 12 21 15 30 21 24
22.5 18 21 18 30 18 12 24 18 21
30 15 18 15 24 15 24 15 18
37.5 12 15 12 24 12 18 12 15
45 12 18 15 12
1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Dimensions outside the parenthesis are for precast structures, dimensions inside parenthesis are for cast in
place structures.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


8.7.7 Storage Facilities

Stormwater storage facilities are often referred to as either detention or retention facilities.

For the purposes of this section, detention facilities are those that are designed to reduce the peak
discharge and only detain runoff for a short period of time. These facilities are designed to
completely drain after the design storm has passed. Recharge basins are a special type of
detention basin designed to drain into the groundwater table. Two types of recharge may be
proposed - surface or subsurface. Surface recharge basins should be designed in accordance
with "Design Construction and Maintenance of Recharge Basins", Geotechnical Design Procedure
GDP-8. Subsurface recharge can be accomplished through the use of leaching basins. "Design
of Leaching Basins", Research Report 157, should be used as a source of information regarding
leaching basin design.

Retention facilities provide for storage of stormwater runoff, and release via evaporation and
infiltration only. Retention facilities which provide for slow release of stormwater over an extended
period of several days or more are referred to as extended detention facilities. In addition to
extended detention facilities, retention facilities include infiltration basins, and swales.

The need for and type of storage facility selected should be based on the following:

1. Site conditions. If a natural watercourse or body of water is not within reasonable proximity
of the outfall, a recharge basin, leaching basin, or retention type storage facility should be
provided to receive the collected stormwater. The specific type of storage facility selected
should be based on right of way constraints, soil permeability, and Regional experience.

2. The legal aspects of highway drainage. The collection and diversion of surface waters may
result in discharges which create a flooding problem which did not exist prior to the project.
A storage facility should be provided to mitigate the increased discharge resultant from the
storm drainage system.

3. Environmental considerations. SPDES/NPDES permitting requirements may warrant a

retention type storage facility for peak flow attenuation, and first flush considerations. The
decision to provide a storage facility and the type of retention facility proposed should be
consistent with the guidance in Section 8.8.

8.7.8 Shared Costs

Municipally collected storm water may be carried in the State highway drainage system if the
municipality shares in the added cost of the state system resultant from municipal participation.

The method used to calculate the Municipality's and State's share of the drainage work is based
on funding (State versus Federal). The method outlined in Section shall be used for 100%
State funded drainage work. Federally funded work shall be calculated using one of the two
methods outlined in Section (Note: The methodologies presented in these sections
applies to cost only. Refer to Chapter 21, Section 21.5, for guidance regarding establishment of
quantities for entry into TrnsPort Estimator and the establishment of Engineering "shares".)

Refer to Chapter 14 of this manual for guidance on, and an example of, the necessary resolution
to be obtained by the Region from the municipality.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-111 Additional Cost Method - State Funding

The municipality's share of the estimated cost of the drainage system shall be based on the
additional cost of pipe, excavation, drainage structures, and any other pertinent items which
contribute to the added cost of the drainage system to accommodate the municipality. Contributory Flow or Separate Flow - Federal Funding

The Municipality's share in the cost of the drainage system should be calculated using either
of the two methods presented in Sections A and B.

A. Contributory Flow

The formulas contained in Exhibit 8-34 shall be used to calculate the municipality's share,
and the State's share, of the drainage system when using this method:

Exhibit 8-34 Contributory Flow Formulas

Municipality's Share 1 State's Share 1

Q1 Q2
• TotalCost • TotalCost
Q1 + Q 2 Q1 + Q 2

1. Q1 = Municipality Flow, Q2 = State Highway Flow

B. Separate Flow

The formulas contained Exhibit 8-35 shall be used to calculate the municipality's share,
and the State's share, of the drainage system when using this method:

Exhibit 8-35 Separate Flow Formulas

Municipality's Share 1 State's Share 1

•Z •Z
X +Y X +Y

1. X = Estimated Cost of Separate Municipal System

Y = Estimated Cost of Separate State System,
Z = Total Estimated Cost of Combined System

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7


8.7.9 Maintenance

Existing storm drainage systems should be reviewed to determine the need to clean the drainage
structures and storm drains. Section 203 of the Standard Specifications contains a pay item for
cleaning storm drains, and a separate pay item for cleaning drainage structures and manholes.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.7



Various state and federal laws and regulations, including the State Environmental Quality Review
Act (SEQRA), the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), and the Clean Water Act (CWA)
require that erosion and sediment control be addressed as part of project development. The
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires that all federally-aided projects involving
clearing and grubbing, grading, or excavation have formal erosion and sediment control plans
(E&SC) included in the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E). Additionally, erosion and
sediment control is a concern to regulatory and resource agencies in the protection of threatened
and endangered species; wild, scenic and recreational rivers; fish and wildlife resources; the
control of non-point source pollution; the protection of coastal and inland waterways resources,
and the protection of surface drinking water supply sources. It is a violation of State Water Quality
Standards to cause turbidity that will result in a substantial visible contrast to natural conditions.

On December 8, 1999, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Final
Rule dealing with stormwater discharges to surface waters of the United States, including federal
jurisdictional wetlands. Coverage under a non-point source State Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (SPDES) Construction General Permit must be sought from the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) if any project involves a cumulative
disturbance of 1.0 acre or more of non-Tribal Indian land during the life of the contract by clearing
and grubbing, grading, filling or excavation. If a project will disturb 1.0 acre or more on Tribal
Indian lands, coverage under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Construction General Permit must be sought from EPA.

8.8.1 Determining the Need for an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and
SPDES/NPDES Stormwater Permits

The need for an erosion and sediment control (E&SC) plan, and coverage under SPDES/NPDES
general permits, should be determined by following the guidance provided in steps 1 and 2 below.
These steps are consistent with EPM Chapter 4.3.

Step 1. Determine if the project involves clearing and grubbing, grading, excavation or fill. If the
project does not involve clearing and grubbing, grading, excavation or fill, an E&SC plan
is not necessary. If the project does involve clearing and grubbing, grading, excavation
or fill, an E&SC plan shall be prepared consistent with the guidance in Section 8.8.2.
Go to Step 2 to determine the need for coverage under SPDES/NPDES general

Step 2. Determine if the project is subject to and requires coverage under the SPDES General
Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, from the NYSDEC, or a
NPDES Construction General Permit from the EPA, or both.

a. A project is subject to and requires coverage under a NYSDEC SPDES General

Permit if:

1. The project involves a cumulative disturbance of 1.0 acre or more of non-Tribal

Indian Land or 5,000 square feet or more in the New York City East of Hudson
Watershed during the life of the contract by clearing and grubbing, grading,
excavation or fill (excluding the area involved in routine maintenance activities,
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8

as per Appendix B, Section 2.3.1), and

2. The project could involve a stormwater discharge (for example, runoff from the
100-year, 24-hour storm event) to surface waters of the United States (see
definition on next page), either indirectly through stormwater sewers or directly
to waterways, and

3. The stormwater discharge is from sources other than a storm sewer covered by
an existing SPDES (point source) permit.

If the project requires coverage under the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, refer
to Section 8.8.3 and Appendix B.

A project is not eligible for coverage under the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit if
there is a disturbance of two or more acres of land with no existing impervious cover
and the Soil Slope Phase is identified as an E or F in the USDA County Soil Survey,
and if these disturbances are within watersheds of AA or AA-s waterbodies. A
construction project is ineligible for General Permit coverage if it is in an
archaeologically sensitive area or there is a potential to affect an historic property,
unless there is documentation that such impacts have been resolved.

b. A project is subject to and requires coverage under an EPA NPDES Construction

General Permit if the project:

1. Will result in a disturbance of 1.0 acre or more total land area on Tribal Indian
lands, and

2. Involves a stormwater discharge to surface waters of the United States, either

indirectly through stormwater sewers or directly to waterways.

If the project requires coverage under a NPDES Construction General Permit, refer
to section 8.8.4.

Definition - "Waters of the United States" means:

1. All waters which are currently used, were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in
interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow
of the tide;

2. All interstate waters, including interstate "wetlands";

3. All other waters such as interstate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams),
mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or
natural ponds, the use, degradation, or destruction of which would affect or could affect
interstate or foreign commerce including such waters:

a. which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other

b. from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8


commerce; or

c. which are used or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate

4. All impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the United States under this

5. Tributaries of waters identified in items 1 through 4 of this definition;

6. The territorial sea;

7. Wetlands adjacent to waters (other than waters that are themselves wetlands) identified in
items 1 through 6 of this definition.

Waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons designed to meet the
requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA) are not waters of the United States. This exclusion
applies only to man-made bodies of water which neither were originally created in waters of the
United States (such as disposal areas in wetlands) nor resulted from the impoundment of waters
of the United States.

8.8.2 Erosion and Sediment Control

Erosion and sediment control is any temporary or permanent measure taken to reduce erosion,
control siltation and sedimentation, and ensure that sediment-laden water or wind does not leave
the site. Guidelines for providing erosion and sediment control are discussed in Section
The E&SC plan resulting from these guidelines is discussed in Section Note: The guidance
in Sections and is based on Attachment 4.3.A of EPM Chapter 4.3 Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines

There are a number of publications and sources of guidance regarding erosion and sediment
control and the preparation of an E&SC plan. This section discusses erosion and sediment
control guidelines within the context of the NYS Standards and Specifications for Erosion and
Sediment Control. Section discusses the preparation of the E&SC plan.

The following is recommended guidance:

1. Preserve the existing vegetative groundcover on the project site as much as possible
to protect the soil surface and limit erosion.

2. Sediment control practices/measures, where necessary, should be designed to protect

the natural character of rivers, streams, lakes, coastal waters, wetlands, or other
waterbodies on-site and minimize erosion and sedimentation off-site from the start of
land disturbance activities to establishment of permanent stabilization.

a. The off-site impacts of erosion and sedimentation related to land clearing, grading,
and construction activities should not be any greater during and following land
disturbance activities than under pre-development conditions.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8


b. Pursuant to Part 700 et seq. of Title 6, Chapter X of NYCRR:

3. Toxic and other deleterious substances shall not be discharged in amounts that will
adversely affect the taste, color or odor thereof, or impair the waters of the state for
their best (classified) usages,

4. Suspended, colloidal, and settleable solids shall not be discharged in amounts that
causes substantial visible contrast to natural conditions, or causes deposition or impairs
the waters for their best (classified) usages.

Stream reaches on-site and downstream of construction areas should not have substantial
visible contrast relative to color, taste, odor, turbidity, or sediment deposition from the reaches
upstream of the construction area. Impacts such as these which result from construction or
developmental activities are a violation of Part 700 Water Quality Standards and may be
subject to enforcement actions.

Erosion and sediment control measures shall be constructed in accordance with an E&SC
plan, established during design phases I through VI, which is included in the contract
documents. The plan shall not be left for construction personnel to develop. Refer to
Section for specific elements of the E&SC plan. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

The complexity of the E&SC plan and the types, locations, and quantities of various erosion
and sediment control measures will be dependent upon the:

1. Type of project (new construction; reconstruction; resurfacing, restoration, and

rehabilitation (3R), etc.),
2. Scope of the project (for example, 3R projects with resurfacing and minimal
disturbance, versus a 3R project which disturbs a significant amount of soil during the
construction of new or lengthened turning lanes), and
3. Natural and man-made resources requiring protection.

The E&SC plan developed by the design team is intended to supplement, not replace, Section
209 of the Standard Specifications. An appropriately developed and detailed plan will help the
Contractor understand the Department's expectations concerning the work required under
Section 209 and should assist the Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) in assuring that erosion and
sediment control is adequately provided.

Consistent with Sections 209 and 107-12 of the Standard Specifications, EICs will still need to
obtain the Contractor's schedule of operations and plans for temporary and permanent erosion
and sediment control measures not otherwise addressed in the Department’s E&SC plan.

Note: The Contractor has to identify erosion and sediment control measures for their staging
areas, borrow areas and work operations that the designer could not have foreseen in design.
Contract provisions for these erosion and sediment control measures are included in Section
100 of the Standard Specifications. Payment should not be provided under Section 209.

The design team should include an E&SC plan in the contract documents which identifies and
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8

shows the following, as appropriate:

1. The location of sensitive on-site and adjacent off-site natural and man-made resources
requiring protection, including but not limited to, surface waterbodies, wetlands, special
wildlife habitat areas, existing trees and other vegetation to remain, adjacent residential
and commercial properties and public recreation facilities.

2. When necessary, protection should include delineation with a fencing type barrier and
signing to keep construction equipment from entering these zones, and/or measures
such as silt fence, to protect the resources from sedimentation. Note: No standard
specification exists for fencing type barrier. Item No. 607.41010010 is an acceptable
general approval, special specification which covers this work. Provisions for silt fence
are contained in Section 209 of the Standard Specifications.

3. The location of temporary and permanent structural and vegetative measures to be

used for soil stabilization, runoff control, and sediment control for each stage of the
project from land clearing and grubbing to project close-out (on large scale plans,
drainage plans, or special plans). Provide dimensional details, size, and length for
these measures, as necessary, on the miscellaneous details plan sheets or the special
details plan sheets.

4. Engineering and environmental judgement should be used to assure that only those
erosion and sediment control practices that are necessary and effective are included in
the contract documents. To that end, feedback is necessary and important between
designers, EICs, Regional Landscape Architects, Regional Environmental
Contacts/Regional Landscape Environmental Managers.

5. Conversion of temporary controls to permanent controls. Identify temporary practices

that will be converted to permanent facilities.

6. Construction staging. Provide an implementation schedule for staging temporary

erosion and sediment control practices, including the timing of initial placement and the
duration that each practice is to remain in place. In addition, provide for the removal of
temporary measures, when temporary measures are not to be converted to permanent
measures. Whenever practical, the area of disturbance on a project site should not
exceed 5 acres at any one time. If the SWPPP preparer knows that a project will disturb
more than 5 acres at once, it should be noted in the e-NOI submitted to DEC. If it
becomes necessary during construction to exceed 5 acres of disturbance at any time,
the EIC or CEC shall notify DEC using form HC 209.

7. For contract work not covered under Section 209, a maintenance schedule should be
provided in the body of specifications, or in a notes section on the E&SC plan sheet, to
ensure continuous and effective operation of erosion and sediment control practices
throughout construction. Note: Section 209 of the Standard Specifications contains
maintenance requirements for the work covered by that section.

A description of the temporary and permanent structural and vegetative measures incorporated
into the contract documents that will be used to control erosion and sedimentation for each stage
of the project, from land clearing to project close-out, should be included in the Drainage Report,
or the Design Approval Document

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8

HIGHWAY DRAINAGE 8-118 Erosion and Sediment Control Products

In addition to traditional erosion and sediment control practices, the Department has standard
specifications for other practices that prevent or reduce erosion by adhering to the ground
surface by stapling or spraying. They are not intended, however, for controlling slope
instability. §713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Products and Soil Stabilizers identifies the slopes
for which different Classes and Types may be used, and what shear stresses they will

A. Rolled Erosion Control Products

Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs) are commonly referred to as erosion control
mats or blankets. An RECP is a temporary or long-term non-degradable material
manufactured or fabricated into rolls. They are designed to reduce soil erosion on critical
areas such as steep slopes, channels or shorelines by assisting in the growth,
establishment and protection of vegetation. They are available in three Classes: short-term,
intermediate, and permanent.

The advantages of RECPs are that they effectively control erosion by dissipating the energy
of raindrops, they can withstand concentrated flows, they aid in the establishment of
vegetation, and no heavy equipment is required. The disadvantage is that the slope
preparation can be very labor intensive, as the slope should be at or near final grade to
ensure that the RECP has intimate contact with the soil. If the contact is not adequate,
water can flow under the RECP, and rutting can occur.

Permanent RECPs are Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs). TRMs are rolled erosion control
products composed of nondegradable synthetic fibers, filaments, nettings, and/or wire
mesh, processed into a permanent, three-dimensional matrix which may be supplemented
with natural or fiber components (composite). In the past, RECPs and TRMs were
combined in the same category. The industry has defined a clear difference and AASHTO
National Transportation Product Evaluation Program is considering different testing for

TRMs are designed to enhance vegetation reinforcement during and after maturation.
TRMs are typically used in critical hydraulic applications, such as high-flow channels, steep
slopes, stream banks, and shorelines, where erosive forces exceed the limits of natural,
unreinforced vegetation. TRMs need to be protected from concentrated flows of water until
establishment of vegetation. To establish vegetation, the prepared seedbed and TRM
should be protected using practices to divert the runoff away from the TRM, such as a top
of slope berm, a temporary pipe (in the case of swales) or a pipe slope drain. Class III Type
A and B TRMs are meant to be filled with topsoil immediately after installation and to be
used in conjunction with a Class IV soil stabilizer, Class I or II RECP, or mulch.

Class III Type C and D TRMs, which contain a composite, do not need to be filled with
topsoil unless recommended by the manufacturer. Seeding is recommended on the topsoil
for most TRMs. TRMs with a composite will require seed placement in contact with the soil.
Payment for soil stabilizers, Class I or II RECPs, or mulch, are to be paid for separately
when used with a TRM.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8


B. Soil Stabilizers

Soil Stabilizers (Class IV products) are short-term duration, hydraulically applied products
that bind soil particles together to prevent erosion, and should be applied in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. They form a protective covering that conforms
to the ground surface and dry to form a breathable, high strength blanket. They are for use
on slopes 1:2 or flatter, and are not to be used in channels.

There are three types of Soil Stabilizers in §713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Products and
Soil Stabilizers.

1. Type A is a soil binding system consisting of either a Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM).
or a Polymer Stabilized Fiber Matrix (PSFM).

A. A Bonded Fiber Matrix is a continuous layer of elongated fiber strands held

together by a water resistant bonding agent. It eliminates direct rain drop
impact on soil, it allows no gaps between the product and the soil and it has
a high water-holding capacity. It will not form an impermeable crust that can
inhibit growth, and will biodegrade completely. BFMs last up to six months
and require a cure time up to 48 hours without rain to develop intimate soil
contact. Seed would be spread prior to BFM application.

B. A Polymer Stabilized Fiber Matrix is a wood cellulose fiber mulch and

stabilized polyacrylamide emulsion that works as a flocculent to control
erosion. PSFMs last up to six months and require a cure time up to 24

2. Type B is a polyacrylamide (PAM) and calcium solution intended to reduce the

erodibility of bare soils during construction activities or to enhance the performance
of mulching on permanent slopes. Polyacrylamides hold soils in place by ionically
bonding them together to increase the particle size. This results in greater infiltration
through the soil pores and increased resistance to erosive forces.

3. Type C has been added under Class IV. It is a soil binder made up of wood fibers,
cotton fibers, interlocking fibers, polymer gels, and hydro-colloid tackifiers, a
Flexible Growth Medium (FGM) or Cotton Fiber Reinforcement Matrix (C-FRM). It
works similar to a Bonded Fiber Matrix. BFMs require up to 48 hrs. without rain to
cure, whereas FGMs require no curing time to develop intimate soil contact. There
is a slight cost difference with FGMs and C-FRMs being a little more expensive.
BFMs provide protection up to six months. FGMs and C-FRMs are rated for up to a
year, and require no cure time to develop intimate soil contact, so they provide
protection as soon as applied. FGMs are the highest-performing, hydraulically
applied technology and, according to Utah Water Research Laboratory tests,
provide greater than 99 percent erosion control effectiveness when subjected to a
5-inches-per-hour rain event for durations of 60 minutes; to a 6-inches-per-hour rain
event at TRI (Texas Research International) Environmental for 30 minutes; and to
three consecutive, 50-year storm events at San Diego State University.

Type A, B, and C soil stabilizers may be used alone and are approved for use with Class
III, Types A and B TRMs where those products are used on slope applications.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8


8.8.3 SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity

The SPDES General Permit provides for stormwater qualitative and quantitative control through
requirements contained in the body of the general permit. Designs shall be progressed consistent
with the permit wherever practicable. However, strict conformance may not always be possible
because of the unique limitations placed on the Department by lineal, narrow rights of way, soil
type, and existing adjacent development. See Appendix B, Section 2.1.4, for a discussion of
additional constraints that may make conformance to the SPDES General Permit impractical.

Where conformance with the General Permit cannot be achieved, the Regional design staff shall
provide an explanation in the SWPPP, the project files (Drainage Report, or Design Approval
Document, as appropriate) and shall also inform the NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator or
NYSDEC Regional Water Engineer at their regularly scheduled coordination meetings or at project
level meetings prior to project lettings.

The SPDES General Permit can be found at:

https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/water_pdf/constgp020001.pdf Contents of SPDES General Permit

The SPDES General Permit is divided into seven parts as follows:

Part I Permit Coverage and Limitations
Part II Permit Coverage
Part III Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Part IV Inspection and Maintenance Requirements
Part V Termination of Permit Coverage
Part VI Reporting and Retention of Records
Part VII Standard Permit Conditions

The entire SPDES permit should be read to establish familiarity with these documents and
recognize the necessary coordination between the Construction, Maintenance, and Design
groups to implement the permit requirements. Stormwater Management Plans, Details, and Certifications

Each SWPPP shall consist of erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater management
plans. Refer to Appendix B, Section 2.4, for information that should be included in a SWPPP.
In addition to plans, details, and notes that describe the proposed work, there are other
components of a SWPPP to be addressed during the design phase:

Special Note. The “Special Note for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans Made Pursuant to
the SPDES Stormwater General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity”
is to be included in the Proposal by the designer. It is intended to indicate to the Contractor
what portions of the contract documents are in the SWPPP, and to convey the Contractor’s
obligations under the SPDES General Permit. This note is in EPM Chapter 4.3, Attachment

Contractor/Subcontractor SPDES Permit Certification Form (CONR 5). This form is to be included
in the Proposal by the designer. All Contractors and Subcontractors will be expected to sign a copy
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8

of this form, agreeing to comply with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP.

The Regional Design Group shall transmit to the Regional Construction Group, at or about the
time of PS&E submittal to DQAB, the components of the SWPPP the Design Group produces.

8.8.4 NPDES Construction General Permit

Stormwater discharges from construction sites on Tribal Indian lands in New York State are
permitted under the NPDES Construction General Permit issued by The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The NPDES Construction General Permit is located at https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-


The NYSDEC does not have jurisdiction over Tribal Indian lands in New York State under the
SPDES Program. Eligibility

Coverage under the NPDES permit is required for all projects that will result in a disturbance
of 1.0 acre or more total land area on Indian lands in New York and involve a stormwater
discharge to surface waters of the United States, either indirectly through stormwater sewers
or directly to waterways.

If the project involves a disturbance of less than 1.0 acre on Indian lands and 1.0 acre or greater
disturbance on non-Indian lands then coverage under the SPDES General Permit is required.
If a 1.0 acre disturbance occurs on both Indian and non-Indian lands, then coverage must be
sought under both the NPDES Construction General Permit and the SPDES General Permit. Authorization

The NOI should be sent either electronically or via mail to the appropriate address in the
NPDES Construction General Permit at the time the final PS&E package is submitted to DQAB.
Permit number “NYR10I000” should be included on the NOI. Construction is authorized to
commence seven calendar days after acknowledgement of receipt of the NOI is posted on the
EPA NPDES website (https://e-enterprise.gov)

The NOI shall be signed by the Regional Director or official designee. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

A SWPPP shall be prepared, prior to submission of an NOI, for each construction project
requiring coverage under the NPDES Construction General Permit. Contents of the stormwater
pollution prevention plan are described in the NPDES Construction General Permit.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8


8.8.5 MS4 Stormwater Outfall Inventory Mapping

The NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer Systems (MS4) states that, “An MS4 must, at a minimum must develop and maintain a map
showing the location of all outfalls and the names and location of all Waters of the United States
that receive the discharges from those outfalls”. An outfall is “any point where a separate storm
sewer system discharges to either the Waters of the United States or to another MS4”. Outfalls
include discharges from pipes, ditches, swales, and other points of concentrated flow”. This will
not include pipe or box culverts which carry streams under a highway, cross culverts that convey
drainage from ditch to ditch or culverts that discharge to groundwater.

This outfall mapping is required only in designated urbanized areas and the Department has
developed a methodology for identifying and documenting outfalls.

Designers are required to complete the “Stormwater Outfall Inventory” (HC-107) form for any
project which is located within the designated urbanized areas. Refer to EI 07-033 for guidance
on completing and implementing this form. A fillable PDF is located at this link:

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.8



A Drainage Report should be provided when earthwork, modification of existing drainage features,
or new drainage features are included in the project. The report should document the analysis
performed to produce the final drainage design, and build upon the information included in Chapter
3, Section and of the Design Approval Document, when provided. Refer to
Appendix 7 of the Project Development Manual for the complete format and content of design
approval documents.

The Drainage Report should be available for review when design approval is sought or when
advance detail plans are complete, depending on the extent of the drainage work. Include a table
of contents, an introduction, and sections which discuss the hydrologic analysis and hydraulic
design for each type of drainage feature (open channels, culverts, storm drainage systems)
included in the project. Other sections should be provided as needed to document the drainage

8.9.1 Introduction

The introduction should provide an overview of existing drainage conditions, including known
drainage problems, and proposed drainage conditions.

8.9.2 Hydrology

Discuss the information used to perform the hydrologic analysis. State:

1. The methodology, design flood frequency, and basis therefore, used to calculate the
discharge to be conveyed by each drainage feature.

2. Any adjustments to the runoff coefficient (C) made to account for future changes in land
use or watershed urbanization.

3. The reference, method, and source of values used to compute the peak discharge, time of
concentration, and rainfall intensity.

4. All assumptions, site observations, and other hydrologic information used in the analysis.

5. The drainage area and location map for each drainage feature.

6. Output from computer programs, or manual calculations used to compute the peak

8.9.3 Open Channels

Provide the design criteria and output from computer programs, or manual calculations, used to
design the channel (cross section, dimensions, linings) and determine the capacity. Also include
the velocity and depth of flow.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.9


All open channel systems meeting the requirements of the NYSDEC SPDES permits shall be noted
as such in the contract documents should be provided to the Regional Maintenance Group.

8.9.4 Culverts

Provide the design criteria and:

1. The output from computer programs, or manual calculations used to determine the size
and shape. The output should include all of the factors which influence culvert
performance as discussed in Section 8.6.3.

2. A table which compares the hydraulic and pipe design criteria with the culvert design. (i.e.,
for each culvert - state the allowable headwater and the design headwater, state the
design life of the pipe material and the anticipated service life of pipe material specified.)

3. The selection of pipe material based on the economics of the various materials available
shall be included as discussed in Section The factors which have been
considered in the pipe material selection decision as discussed in Section 8.6.2 shall also
be included in the report.

4. A Culvert Inventory Coding Sheet for all new culverts. A copy should be provided to the
Regional Maintenance Group to update the NYSDOT’s statewide Culvert Inventory and
Inspection System (CIIS) database.

5. All culverts design in accordance with the USACE Nationwide Permits for habitat
connectivity shall be noted as such in the contract documents and should be provided to
the Regional Maintenance Culvert Management Group.

8.9.5 Storm Drainage Systems

Provide the design criteria and the output from computer programs, or manual calculations used
to design and analyze gutter capacity, inlet capacity, storm drain capacity, the hydraulic gradeline,
the outfall, and the receiving waters.

The selection of pipe material based on the economics of the various materials available shall be
included as discussed in Section The factors which have been considered in the pipe
material selection decision as discussed in Section 8.6.2 shall also be included in the report

All storm drainage systems meeting the requirements of the NYSDEC SPDES permits shall be
noted as such in the contract documents should be provided to the Regional Maintenance Group.

8.9.6 Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management

Describe the erosion and sediment control and stormwater management practices that are part of
the project.

All Permanent erosion and sediment control measures which meet the requirements of the
NYSDEC SPDES permits shall be noted as such in the contract documents should be provided to
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.9

the Regional Maintenance Group.

8.9.7 Special Considerations

Discuss any special considerations such as wetlands, stream temperature considerations, permits,
etc., which influenced the drainage design.

8.9.8 References

Include a list of all references which were used to design the proposed drainage features, and the
erosion and sediment control and stormwater management measures. (Example, Highway Design
Series Number 4, "Introduction to Highway Hydraulics" was used to design all roadside channels.)

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.9



This section supplements the guidance presented in Chapter 21 of this manual.

8.10.1 Plans

In general, plans should be prepared consistent with the guidance provided in Chapter 21, Section
21.2.2 A through Z The intent of this section is twofold: to illustrate that drainage information is
presented to the Contractor in different sections of the plans, and to reiterate and build upon
guidance contained in Chapter 21 regarding drainage. Typical Sections

Typical sections are discussed in Chapter 3 of this manual and the Comprehensive Pavement
Design Manual. Roadside channels are the only drainage feature shown on the typical
sections. The following information regarding roadside channels should be provided on the
typical section:

1. Gutters (when used within the roadway section). Indicate gutter pay item number, and
reference drainage details if applicable. When curbs are proposed, indicate pay item

2. Roadway ditches. Indicate lining material pay item number, cross section (width, depth,
fore and back slopes), and distance from shoulder (i.e., "varies"). Refer to the drainage
details, and ditch profile if applicable.

3. Toe-of-slope ditches. Indicate lining material pay item number, cross section (width,
depth, fore and back slopes), and distance from shoulder (i.e., "varies").

4. Intercepting ditches. Indicate lining material pay item number, cross section (width,
depth, fore and back slopes), and distance from roadway ditch (i.e., "varies"). Refer to
the drainage details if applicable.

5. Median swales (divided highways). Indicate lining material pay item number, and cross
section (width, depth, fore and back slopes). Miscellaneous Tables

1. Drainage Structures. Provide a Table of Drainage Structures. The table should include
a summary of the work to be performed and should include relevant information which
is not included elsewhere within the contract plans. The quantity breakout for each item
should not be included in the table. This information should be made available to the
contractors as supplemental information to bidders.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.10


2. Gutters. Provide a table for each type of gutter proposed, by pay item number. Include
the station limits, offset (i.e. left or right, in the direction of increased stationing), and

3. Curb. Provide a table for each type of curb proposed, by pay item number. Include the
station limits, offset (i.e. left or right, in the direction of increased stationing), and

4. Stone Filling. Provide a table for each type of stone filling proposed, by pay item
number. Provide a separate entry for each location with the corresponding quantity.
This table should refer to or be placed with the drainage detail(s) for this work which
shows the pay limits. Miscellaneous Details

Provide any details which differ from the Standard Sheets (e.g., drainage structures) and
designs not covered by the typical sections. Examples include:

1. Ditch designs which differ from the typical section,

2. Gutter sections which differ from the standard sheets,
3. Stone lined aprons, energy dissipators, or closed chutes (downspouts) which are
necessary to provide permanent soil erosion and sediment control, and
4. Details of work before abandoning existing drainage structures.
5. Temporary soil erosion and sediment control details which differ from the standard
sheets Special Plans

The following items should be provided in this section of the plans as necessary:

1. Storm Water Management Plan. Provide a legend designating the type of temporary
soil erosion and sediment controls to be used and note the location of these controls
on the plan. Wetland mitigation areas may also be shown on this plan or on a separate
plan as noted in item 2 below.

2. Wetland Mitigation Plan. This plan should include a tabulation of the species to be
planted. Include item numbers, quantities, symbology, and other pertinent information
deemed necessary by the Regional Landscape/Environmental Group.

3. Wetland Mitigation Details. Plan - 1’=40’ Scale or Larger

1. Existing topographic features. Show culverts (size, material or type, and direction of
flow), natural watercourses (streams), lakes, swamps, wetlands.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.10


2. Drainage. Show proposed drainage features - culverts, drainage structures, storm

drains. Show control elevations for each drainage feature - culvert inlet and outlet invert
elevation, invert elevations for storm drains connecting to drainage structures, top of
grate (TG) or top of frame (TF) elevation. (Consider providing a note which states that
the Contractor shall verify the TG or TF elevations.) Indicate locations to receive a
stone apron. Reference drainage structure table or culvert table as appropriate.

Depending on the type and scope of project, Regional preference, and adjacent
development, the drainage information may be shown on Utility and Drainage Plans, a
separate Drainage Plan, and/or on a 1”=20’ scale Intersection Plan.

For every culvert conveying a live stream (a stream that shows as a blue line on a
USGS map), the following information is to be shown in a box near the location of the
culvert on the plan:

1. 100 year flood discharge, and high water elevation.

2. Design flood frequency, peak discharge, and high water elevation.(If the flood
of record exceeds the 100 year flood, the plans should also indicate the peak
discharge, high water elevation, and date of occurrence of the record flood.)

There should be a design high water elevation shown for highway embankments
encroaching into flood plains and rivers. Profile

1. Special ditches. Show the grade, starting elevation and station, ending elevation and
station, and which side of the horizontal control line the ditch is to be located.

2. Culverts and storm drainage systems. Show drainage structures and which side of the
horizontal control line (HCL) the structure is located, and storm drains - indicate pipe
diameter, material type, and which side of the HCL the pipe is to be located (if
applicable). Show control elevations as discussed in Section, and reference
the drainage structure table.

8.10.2 Specifications

The following sections of the Standard Specifications are used to specify drainage work:
• 201 Clearing and Grubbing
• 203 Excavation and Embankment
• 206 Trench, Culvert and Structure Excavation
• 209 Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
• 602 Rehabilitation of Culvert and Storm Drain Pipe
• 603 Culverts and Storm Drains
• 604 Drainage Structures
• 620 Bank and Channel Protection
• 624 Paved Gutters
• 655 Frames, Grates and Covers.

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.10


8.10.3 Special Notes

Special notes should be provided to convey special directions, provisions, or requirements peculiar
to the project. Refer to Chapter 21, Section 21.4 for additional guidance regarding the use and
format of special notes.

For all projects subject to the SPDES Stormwater General Permit, designers shall include the
special note, contained in EPM Chapter 4, Section 4.3.B.3, in the PS&E package submitted to

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.10



This section provides guidance regarding drainage software to be used for highway drainage
design and analysis. The drainage software shown in Exhibit 8-36 should be used for highway
drainage design and analysis.

Exhibit 8-36 Software for Highway Drainage and Analysis

Drainage Design and Analysis Highway Drainage Software Application 1

Hydraulic Design &
Hydrologic Analysis
Culvert Design & Analysis WMS 2, TR-55 3,
HY-8 4
Storm Drainage Systems Storm & Sanitary, TR-55 Storm & Sanitary
Ditch Design & Analysis Storm & Sanitary Storm & Sanitary
Stormwater Management Design &
WMS, HydroCAD HydroCAD
Analysis (Ponds, etc.)
1. The listed software applications are available to Department personnel.
2. WMS – Watershed Modeling System (WMS)
3. TR 55 – Technical Release No. 55 – developed by the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
4. Federal Highway Administration Culvert Analysis
5. Online regression analysis tool from USGS.USGS StreamStats Application

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.11



This section contains two lists of references. Section 8.12.1 lists all current references for Chapter
8. Section 8.12.2 lists all volumes and chapters in the "Highway Drainage Guidelines" and the
"AASHTO Drainage Manual" as a source for additional information.

8.12.1 References for Chapter 8

1. "Bank and Channel Protective Lining Design Procedures", Geotechnical Design Procedure-
10, 2015, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau, New York State Department of Transportation,
50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

2. Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study Volume 1, "Hydraulic and Safety Characteristics of Selected
Grate Inlets on Continuous Grades", June 1977, P. Burgi and D. Gober, National Technical
Information Service, Springfield, VA., 22161.

3. Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study Volume 2, "Hydraulic Characteristics of Three Selected Grate
Inlets on Continuous Grades", May 1978, P. Burgi, National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, VA., 22161.

4. Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study Volume 3, "Hydraulic Characteristics of Three Selected Grate
Inlets in a Sump Condition", September 1978, P. Burgi, National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA., 22161.

5. Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study Volume 4, "Hydraulic Characteristics of Slotted Drain Inlets",
February 1980, C. Pugh, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA., 22161.

6. Bicycle-Safe Grate Inlets Study Volume 5, "Hydraulic Design of General Slotted Drain Inlets",
October 1980, C. Pugh, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA., 22161.

7. "Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual", 2008 , Office of Technical Services, New York
State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

8. “Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology”, Technical Release 20, January
2005, United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service,
Washington, D.C.

9. "Design, Construction and Maintenance of Recharge Basins", Geotechnical Design

Procedure-8, August 2015, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau, New York State Department
of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232

10. "Design of Leaching Basins", Research Report 157, November 1992, Office of Technical
Services, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232

11. Vacant

12. "Project Development Manual", Plan Sales Unit, New York State Department of
Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

13. "Environmental Procedures Manual", Office of Environment, New York State Department of
Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.12

14. "Estimates of Roughness Coefficients for Selected Natural Stream Channels With Vegetated
Banks in New York", U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-161, William Coon, U. S.
Geological Survey, Earth Science Information Center, Open-File Reports Section, Box
25286, MS 517, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO., 80225.

15. "Evaluation of Six Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges of
Urban Streams in New York", USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4350, David
A. Stedfast, U. S. Geological Survey, Open-File Reports Section, Box 25425, Denver Federal
Center, Denver, CO., 80225.

16. "Fish Passage Through Culverts." FHWA-FL-90-006, 1990, C. Baker, and F. Votapka, Forest
Service Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California

17. HEC-HMS "Hydrologic Modeling System", Hydrologic Engineering Center, U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers, 609 Second Street, Davis, CA., 95616.

18. "Highway Drainage Guidelines", 2007, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, 444 North Capitol St., N.W., Suite 249, Washington, D.C., 20001.

19. Federal Highway Administration Hydraulic Design Series and Hydraulics Engineering
Circular are available electronically at:


 Hydraulic Design Series No. 2, "Highway Hydrology".

 Hydraulic Design Series No. 4, "Introduction to Highway Hydraulics".
 Hydraulic Design Series No. 5, "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts".
 Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 9, "Debris Control Structures Evaluation and
 Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12, "Drainage of Highway Pavements".
 Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14, "Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for
Culverts and Channels".
 Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15, "Design of Roadside Channels with Flexible
 Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22, Urban Drainage Design Manual.

20. "Manual of Administrative Procedures", Audit and Civil Rights Division, New York State
Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

21. "Metal-Loss Rates Of Uncoated Steel and Aluminum Culverts In New York", Research
Report 115, Office of Technical Services, New York State Department of Transportation, 50
Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

22. "Maximum Known Stages and Discharges of New York Streams, 1865-1989, with
Descriptions of Five Selected Floods, 1913-85", 1993, R. Lumia, and P. M. Murray, U. S.
Geological Survey, Open-File Reports-ESIC, Box 25425, Denver, CO., 80225.

23. "AASHTOl Drainage Manual", 2014, American Association of State Highway and

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.12


Transportation Officials, 444 North Capitol St., N.W., Suite 249, Washington, D.C., 20001.

24. "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control",
November2016, Division of Water, New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, 625 Broadway, Albany, N.Y., 12233.

25. "NYSDOT Guidelines for the Adirondack Park", August 2008, Office of Environment, New
York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

26. "NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS HYDRO-35", June 1977, R. Frederick, V. Myers, E.
Auciello, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA., 22161.

27. "Policy and Standards for Entrances to State Highways", Plan Sales Unit, New York State
Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y., 12232.

28. "Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York", USGS Scientific Investigations Report
2006-5112, 2006, R. Lumia, U. S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-File Reports Section,
Box 25425, Denver, CO., 80225.

29. "Technical Paper No. 40", May 1961, U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau,
Washington, D.C.

30. "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", Technical Release 55, June 1986, United States
Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C

31. "Water Resources Data, New York, Water Year 2004, Volume 1, Eastern New York
Excluding Long Island", 2006, United States Geological Survey Water Data Report
NY-05-1, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161

32. "Water Resources Data, New York, Water Year 2004, Volume 2, Long Island", 2005, United
States Geological Survey Water Data Report NY-04-2, National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA 22161

33. "Water Resources Data, New York, Water Year 2005, Volume 3, Western New York", 2005,
United States Geological Survey Water Data Report NY-05-3, National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA 22161

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.12


8.12.2 Topics Presented in the "Highway Drainage Guidelines" and the "AASHTO
Drainage Manual" Highway Drainage Guidelines

The "Highway Drainage Guidelines" consists of fifteen chapters as follows and includes a
glossary of terms.

Chapter Title
Chapter 1 Hydraulic Considerations in Highway Planning and Location
Chapter 2 Hydrology
Chapter 3 Erosion and Sediment Control in Highway Construction
Chapter 4 Hydraulic Design of Culverts
Chapter 5 The Legal Aspects of Highway Drainage
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Open Channels
Chapter 7 Hydraulic Analysis for the Location and Design of Bridges
Chapter 8 Hydraulic Aspects in Restoration and Upgrading of Highways
Chapter 9 Storm Drain Systems
Chapter 10 Evaluating Highway Effects on Surface Water Environments
Chapter 11 Highways Along Coastal Zones and Lakeshores
Chapter 12 Stormwater Management
Chapter 13 Training and Career Development of Hydraulic Engineers
Chapter 14 Culvert Inspection, Material Selection, and Rehabilitation
Chapter 15 Guidelines for Selecting and Utilizing Hydraulics Engineering Consultants AASHTO Drainage Manual

The "AASHTO Drainage Manual" consists of twenty-two chapters as follows and includes a
glossary of terms.

Chapter Title
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Legal Aspects
Chapter 3 Data Collection
Chapter 4 Documentation
Chapter 5 Software [Reserved]
Chapter 6 Planning and Location
Chapter 7 Surface Water Environment
Chapter 8 Wetland Creation and Restoration
Chapter 9 Hydrology
Chapter 10 Channels
Chapter 11 Culverts
Chapter 12 Energy Dissipators
Chapter 13 Storm Drainage Systems
Chapter 14 Storage Facilities
Chapter 15 Pump Stations
Chapter 16 Stream Stability
Chapter 17 Bridges
Chapter 18 Channel and Stream Bank Stabilization
EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.12

Chapter 19 Coastal Zone

Chapter 20 Erosion and Sediment Control
Chapter 21 Construction
Chapter 22 Maintenance

EB 21-030 D.A. 09/01/2021 §8.12


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