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SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES LAB LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Sr. Domain No. Experiment Name (Level) CLO | PLO 1 _ | Introduction to Power System Protection Laboratory. Psychomotor (PS)| CLO3 | PLO4 2 Understanding the operation of a differential protection relay, Psychomotor (P5)| CLO3 | PLO4 3 _ | Understanding the operation of a distance relay for the protection of transmission line, [Psychomotor (P5)| CLO 3 | PLO4 4 _ | Understanding the operation and setting of an under voltage and over voltage relay. Psychomotor (P5)} CLO3 | PLO4 5 | Testing and setting of a definite time over current relay. Psychomotor (P5)} CLO3 | PLO4 6 Overcurrent protection using definite time over Psychomotor (P5)} CLO3 | PLO4 current relay. 7 _ | Assembling of current transformer circuit for the homot 4 current measurement of a three-phase network, Psychomotor (P5)/ CLO3 | PLO 8 ‘Understanding the operation of a summation current 7. IPsychomotor (P5)| CLO3 | PLO4 transformer. 9 | Assembling of voltage transformer for voltage Psych 5)| CLO3 | PLO4 measurements in a three-phase network. arheene Pe) 10 | Working of a voltage transformer in open delta : IPsychomotor (PS)} CLO3 | PLO4 connection : TI_| Demonstration on the working of Buchholz’s relay. [psychomotor (P5)| CLO3 | PLO4 12 | Understanding the connection and operation of the i Psychomotor (P5)| CLO3 | PLO4 timer relay. 13 | Modeling and short circuit analysis of an electrical 7 network using ETAP. Psychomotor 4) CLO4 | PLOS 14 | Modeling and coordination of a protection scheme in ETAP. Psychomotor (P4)/ CLO 4 | PLOS Psychomotor | CLO3, | PLO4, Final Lab Exam (P4,P5) exon | mos lik wedo b Se youd Scanned with CamScanner Experiment No: of Tritvedvetion to Switch gear § Objectives. To qc fami bios with — vaviows entipmerts in jhe Switch gqeav & Puteclive devices / protection Sab. Eapipments:- a- Powers Supily - Crud Breakes - Loads - Vavious toads oa) (Transmission, Une.) Theory » A Restection §=— Scheme. iw Power System is desiqpad fo Coubinausl morites te fowev System be euie Re matinwn conbinicly ‘4 echvica Supply with —yninivum — darrnage- fo equipments. Problems on the Systeme 4- Shovt Cort 2- Aonovinad Condition’ Scanned with CamScanner = Equipment Jaileaes Puvpose ‘f System Prstechion 1 Improve Syston Stabi Dik 2- Minimize damage te equipment 3+ Protect against overloads 4- Prstect the Public Atrabutes f Pectection Scheme: Sensitivity t- Te Profedtive System must be abive 4. fe Prerence of Ae Simabtesl Sjeud cata Te Sinaler Te Jaudt cured tr can detect, the move sensitive tb is. Selectivity : Th deteding the Jal and igehating ye jay elemact. Te Prstective System must be. Te Sebective, Teall, Ho 8 aie ghoul swith off the jody damat and“ iselate vb, Thos , came minimum dissuphion Speedy id Te Vane fue Sadt —ppessists on He. Systern Me Ravgay is Yo dewnsye. to the System and biter ete Possibitiy Ht ‘he system Mase stability. Ta, tb \whe to ¥emove the jade in Shovt Lime a possible, Therefore Speed 4 Protection System, is vesy importax, Scanned with CamScanner * Scanned with CamScanner Reliability - A Pxclective System is ‘. no use} | is nt veMiable. These ave many ways in which yelaibilty Cav be. budel into the System « tn gered, aw i's Jounal that Simple System aye mote yeNoible, roreJorey we add Jealases Nive backup prclechion te and Apendebibity Bi Yee. Protective System, ; enhence Vavieus Relays ww \abs- 4 Ditterentiok ok Jee The vel hose op ation depends on vmewnel ‘f two oS Mose edectyical wo phase ae te dipesenhad. Prctection yowtities is Known xa. Te wowks on te principle 4 Compan gern between the Phase angle and he mag iad { He Souter electrical quant Q. 9- Distance Protection Retay s- Distance Vastashoy Pabay is the name. quen to he Protection , whese action depends on te distance of Me Jeecing point te the, feulh. Te Hime of operon “4 Such Pxetedion 1S uncon of the velio voltage and cave, impedance. This impedance betwean the Yella Scanned with CamScanner Sonos = ime Motay CHT 3 Scanned with CamScanner 4 the Sauk depend ~ ‘ ve epends on the ellechsical distance pelween on. 1s cap he / > psmap 4 a usd ik choy veluctance. impedance olay s, veaclance ye Kay Sis 3- Over Voltage § Under voltage Prsteckion rela oves voltage psotedtion schay Provides pyotection fhab cannot handle excess voltage, closed contact (N-€), As hws below the maximum voltaye a, equip menbS use a nomathy the monitoved vet tage vemaing he eqipmed can withstand , the vellay yemains de-energigee and the NE contacr vemain closed keeping load beyand — tae. makin i} he voltage increnre nesgized We velo enexgiae and veting Nee contacks opens Aue - 4 Undes ve Lage Protection relay Provides ectechion to equipments dob is soy a certain minimurn voltage. Usa a Novmellly above. bdow He Set yeMage open 4 feo volnge alsops wang fhe vay wod be enexdized and NOC contacts wit ye-open and freing oH the 4. Short Cireudl Prctection Relay : When cota ot — Shovt Civ © tours co when Short the. stp Tesminods “y the ppg? Scanned with CamScanner i Scanned with CamScanner , {oom tanke and seen Such type of velo is having fhe vai highs Yen 4 Yo Jad eceoure Te buch, velay a a huge cuwsent ow \hsough the isan . The actoss cot texmina — be canes Ze, entise. cusrerd low — fown the east wesistive path, Relay switches from novmnadly open evnitnel fe notm ally closed teymvslh pistedting ow Power civoull ot Vo! ties te Supply ov 5- Buchholz Relay t The Buchhol protects dhe teanstormes interna fats, Ee is dhe ges activaled sehay. The | veloy is placed between the main used in transtarmey foo wa. dt is net used = in a Sm bran farmer becanre } economic, considtation « the Jaub occouvs «= inside He trangfosmet the of jhe Gib = inesende. Te sl evapevates in He form qos: The t Me 1” depends on the magridnde inside the Tvansiosmes - Ye Jailure and gives dhe when teampset Ue jerciation alains fo the personel , The twansfosmer iS digconneded from the main Supply her mai tenance, Scanned with CamScanner Timmer ReXay:- Timmer yelay is the Aype 2} Rolection velay. ape basic juytion of shis way is to pwovicle the pteecdion ih the gurction of Hime. This velo teip the Civevit breaker wi afer te Hit sect by the dperabt Conclusion: Tr his experiment; we have teatn Phe difjerert ye | ely? used in the protection Seekomne« We alse demonshyale the basic working, of these abe sels # Scanned with CamScanner Rubrics Evaluation Criteria for Lab Experiments (Switchgear and Protective Devices) PLO] criteria Beginning (1) Developing (2) Accomplished 3) | Exemplary ( No. " ‘With instructor! ‘Student is able to orb Wit nse sypevsor's 7 See Neopet ‘guidance, student is able 10 eee! aa a tsa 4 ret dept inaacod rail asbeefitenst sateen, | ret witht sic supenisor's guidance. | 0 . Sued al sipervino'spuldanee, rears Soiafows IE | win nc mpemiare | WARES! Set conde Oncatonar ie | Sey tofanehse | avane ndentcan | WmeWiosslce | cocina ed sate equip and | handles some ofthe Seta re | vated components with 5 | Mulpmentand | involved component’ | equipment softwarcand | Sod volved intactorwpervso's ined Sonisiecey | ioledemponns, | Sams, alan. components supervisor's gui z GLO | Emphasis [Mapped | 7, CLONo Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Statements Domain Level PLO ‘ool ‘Touse various protective relays for implementing ps | High) | PLO | Lab CLO-3 | protection schemes. To apply advanced software tools for power system P4 Low(1) | PLO-S | Lab CLO-4 | srotecton studs. PLO-O4: Investigation: An abil i c itrature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis of information to derive valid conclusi engineering and IT tools, understanding of the limitations. iy fo Investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including’ s and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis PLO-05: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, reso including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell) (Absent student will get zero mark) and modem ‘Name of Lab, Instructor Signature Dated Engr. Rehan Liagat / 12+ [8. 25. ccna. nsnsssinaninetil Scanned with CamScanner , Experiment INo 62. Differential Protection Relay Objectives To undesstand — the eit fh Dipexen tial, Prctediion Pelag Eryipmentss 1 Powes Supply 2 Cisesit Breaker ¥ Lead 4-Difjenntial — Prstection Reg 5- Transmission ine. Reap A difterontiads — pestedion —xdoy is operate when the phaser li evence. f tus or move Siniav. electric quads exurds a pre—detevmined value. The differential Yeley has ableast hoo Silas qctucd qpantitia Say ToT, - The vetay Ypres to thee cli Pevence © bechween the. Ss ie Eth. which incase ona “te phase ang ditjerenee, Scanned with CamScanner Difesential —prstection js yee 8 eth Pasedkion { The protected zone is erctacthy detexrined by the | fecetion =] CTS. and PTS. | Dithesertial —psctediion is based on the fact that any ast with-in an elecbsicall uipmarct world cause she — carssert entesing d, te be aiffesert, fem thet —_ leas rch. Thus, two awed can Compared either in magnitude on in phere ot Signet ty the diffesence be beth and issue a t8ip eueeds a phe-detexmined Set Vane. This method +f dekerming Jaudts is very ativactive. when beth ends ef the appava tus ote prySicaSBy located neas éath «other « A typiel Sijuation , where Ad 19 tuse , 18 in We case of a twangformey , & generar ot a busbar. There ae two Jurdamertals Systeons “4 difiesertiol o¥ balanced pistection velay . + Canent —Balance Protection » Nothage Balance. Pratection Current Balance Relays A pats of identid — cunent fransfomerx axe Sitied on Me = wther end ot the Section 40 the totected The Seaunday winding “t CTs ts connected Scanned with CamScanner in Sevied iw Such a way eck on CaNy' ahe induced cuwserts ih the Same. divections. The _ opesating cok 4 the eves cuvvertt vay s connected —acevoss. the OT Secoundany Cheat . Tes dittesersalls., J compaie’s Me" fdlh te, jwe ends ofthe allewnater stag Nottage Balance,» Protection ta.) i Tn this Schemes of Protection two Satily: at eithes end oq current —Tyansformers ave Connected the element’ protected (by imeanS —e). pilot wired. te Secoundavy winding * the cessed, 3 psaysformers is aust in Sexi with “a vel in Such a way ns, theis tneuggeel_ enmef's that under normal, condi yoge od Nene O bb " awe Mm opposition « Under healthy Conditions equal curseits | (2b) flew in beth — Primary windings. Therefore, the Secoundavy voltages of the tie transprmev ane balanced against cach otler and no cusverit will Jlous thsoup the relay opersting Coil. When a Sault — occurs in the protected Zone, the cusvert in le fuse primexies will differ from one another ie Tale and their Setoundavy voltage wih ne Sanger be hh baance . This vstkage difference wal came a to low ough the opersting cs of the Scanned with CamScanner \Sy No. L1Ic(m) = L2Ie | 295 6 4 “Lhe cma) ; Hoe 324 | for | Lie (ma)? Lb Te | 395 694 2 “Live (mi) ~ Ldee ; 86 For. | Lited@) Late | _ Soy 7749 | 3 bloc(mAy Lace » 324 6a | | -blTc(ma) | tote | (245 fg | 4 Exrecsny see ij ae es | Late | Status | 684 L30c — Noval V2, 7 L3 Ic ABT FoL L3oc P5 Li Fatt bs | oF | L3oe | L2 Fatt) 724 | i Late | 798 | 13 Fad! L3oe — i 6 | Scanned with CamScanner relay which closes. the aip Civ Procedure : Comect the — ciseuit according tothe diaagain. Set the voltage te 250v Line to neubyoll. St the vesistance = Riv @ and R83 ot any Position . y wr on the velay. + Ot dhe Same time = push =the Stat button of y crveatd Breakers , + Short the green position line to the any of the Yellow celovedd isda. the Jault — occus at which poittt oné olen will indicate ont led — will gh: 1» The power ciscuitt breaker will be faip when Fauld cuouY, Pfey this experimertl , switch off disconect — the ciraid wives. the = main Gareuit Brealey and Conclusions ‘Tn his expevimerdt, we heve, demonclyate the warleiy | dMerensicl petection — Seeheme, We insert fhe Suu fh A dimoxert Lines ty teansmission and checke wsathes te galt is appeas ow not, Scanned with CamScanner = DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION RELAY DESCRIPTION ‘numerical diferontial protection rolay presented in an educational format. tconnocts to ‘ecQuloment's Protection and Relay Tost Sot (PSL50) and other modules in the Powor Systom range. It sows investigations into protection of transformers, auistanslormers, generators and other electrical pgrats with two windings. The rolay shows cleay tho characteristics of throo-phasedifforential protection. This incdos high stability during 'out-of-zone’ faults, zoro~ sequence current fering for each winding, high-speed ‘peraton, magnatising intush restraint, amplitude and veelor matching, ‘he relay Is housed in a robust enclosure with carrying pando. The unitmounts on the desk area ofthe Protection and Relay Tost Set or other Powor System product. It cannects using a muli-core cable from the back of the relay the Power System products. Atfoom P642 industrial relay forms the main part of ‘haunt Tho lecturer or student sets up diferent fault cieuts on the Protection and Relay Test Set or other Power System product. They then use the keypad and and Re value ints one Position. Te load Showdd be connected in Stay Gonneclicn. Twn on the velay. ith the Stat button ofthe power Grud’ Breaker. Sat any ef the two hangmission dine at 3cokm, in the 20D incliade =the aul? and LED wll & gh Fe power ciwith breaker NL be. tip it jal occay, Hr ding the experimen disconnect the cireutt wire 8 Ss oH the = main —cixeuit — Byeakey. Scanned with CamScanner 4 Conclusion: Tn this experimert ,we have leasn the worki of distance pretection vatay +we ingest the Sault tm te Hransmissioty ine and» Checle the distance te Jaudt ‘om where fhe aut apper Scanned with CamScanner | PSA30 DIsTANCE PROTECTION RELAY DESCRIPTION ‘distance protection relay presented in an ‘educational format. Supplied with TecQuipmant's Protection and Relay Test Set (PSL50), the relay enables investigations into the protection and monitoring of overhead transmission lines. ‘The relayis housed ina robust enclosure with carrying handle. The module mounts on the desk area of tho Protection and Relay TestSet ‘and connectstoitusing a multi-core cable and safotyleads. ‘This relay is also an optional ancilary for selected products in TecQuipment's Power ‘systems range. ‘Tho relay module is based on the Micom P41 Industrial relay. Tho lecturer or student sets up diferent ful circuits on the Protection and Reley Test Set. They then use the keypad and display on the relay module to program ito the settings needed forthe tests. They can also use the Micom S51 software (supplied with the Protection and Relay Test Sel) and suitable computer (computer not included) to program the relay module, The relay ‘module is then connected tothe fault circuits 50 tests can be performed. ost tests are performed using single relays. However, there are enough connections on the Protection and Relay Test Set fo test two relay modules at the same time. Themainfunctionsofthe Distance Protection Relay include: «+ Fullscheme phase and ground distance protection - up to five zones (ANSI21G and ANS! 21P) + Directionalinon-directional phase overcurrent {ANSI50, ANSI 51, ANSI67) + Direcionalinon-directional earth fault (ANSI SON, ANSI 51N, ANSI67N) * Directionalinon-directional negative sequence overcurrent (ANSI 46, ANSI 67) + Thermal overload protection (ANSI49) * Broken conductor * Blocking ofany one protection element * Crean fault and disturbance records Connection to the experimental circuit is via current transformers with rato to sul the Inputs of tho Provides an effective damonstration ofthe offectot curront and voltage transformor rallo, connection and rating on protective rolays. STANDARD FEATURES ‘+ Suppliod with comprohonsive usor guido + Five-yoar warranty * Manufactured In accordance with the latest European Union directives LEARNING OUTCOMES Investigations into the performance and characteristics of an industrial distance protectionrelay. OPERATING CONDITIONS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: Laboratory environment ‘STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE: 25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport) OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: +5°C to +40°C OPERATING RELATIVE HUMIDITY RANGE: 30% to 95% (nion-condensing) ‘SPECIFICATION NETT DIMENsIONs AND WEIGHT: ‘300 mm x 550 mm x 278 mm and 12 kg APPROXIMATE PACKED DIMENSIONs AND WEIGHT: 0.16 m3 and 35 kg CURRENT: 1A(ac) FREQUENCY: 50 or 60 Hz ACCURACY: 10% OPERATING TIME: ‘Typically 10 ms to 25 ms Scanned with CamScanner bi 4 Scanned with CamScanner Experiment No: o4 Under Voltage and oveweltage moni toting jective s *F Te > Undexstanal monitoring of ovesvoltage anol Undexvelt) "0 fi) "qe vig owes valiage: and under veliage velo. ¥ iprneatis i +3 Supphy . Transformer + Transmission Line Model and Under veSage ‘cay . Connecling Wires Teorys Under Voltage Protection: Under Voltage fast pritecion is used to protect Ai abe aenercato t/tronipmet winding from lbw Te Irdervsltage protection Sense the Phase te Phase vo of the sichoe/transfoxmer using Fottrrlial trauspumer. When the Vobage fs bow the ated velshaye yp B5+o(Stage-2) Irs (Stage 1) Indo voltage Pablection with be activaded. ciple f Undlex Voltage Protections * tuner of potential transformer nos wataded in the Pook LAVT panel (Hghling avverlex valdage Pearafoamer) Tey ; be veage acess te generaler in vead time. When he F acposs the generar windings AxepS the Simultaneous Tf tp occouxs in the PT oulput also. Te veduced ov Scanned with CamScanner 9 sethy- TAG ae [——— Load Ye Under Voltage | OVP VoRinge RRR a clas KX __iy {mem oe | | kl RRA _ ae WO eh te Been BBR RRR Ree enor hoster ogetiey Yobaty qe oly! a& Qa. 3 Scanned with CamScanner doped Vollage activate the fower System aXaumn ov chip Civ, Time —> overveltoge Protection: Owewoltage Proleclion is used to Protect the Syenhyonous aprerals hansfomerJattesralos fem high voltage, Genesally oka cous dit ts Sudden load thweurh_off sehevated sid Rapohetiond lll AVR Malonglning Power taans‘Jormer taps changes Pale Lili hike on the transmission Line, tuvbine ovex Speed @te. the power stem must be isclaled when the System voltage is hich. ‘he owrveltage protection can be considerd as a backup to the vels-por-Hevtz. ptstection (over ‘exing). Proceduses shsemble the Cixerict ag shown in sr a St Psimasy Side of thee Phase tyansfosmes in dedta Connection Gov and~“Using bsidy Plugs set the Secounclasy Side te Stas Un =220v. Teast ott buidng Plogs Gonntetig Capacitance 43 Lines, St the tnvee-Phase balanced resistance Load to RU value. te fal mie wud be Over Voltage = 1.4 (4.10%) Undes Voltage = O-1(#lo% ) Scanned with CamScanner set the Supply Voltage to 380V Now take the values across dijel Gmbindlions as Shown in table. Reced the behaviour othe Redeye Conclusion Tn this expesiment we have Msn the only qa ones YoUage and — undex sebiage wicking of velayy and Check Co Ine *elay fenpond to he ofentoLage gr UI rel lage. Scanned with CamScanner i 5 i RELE’ DI TENSIONE TRIFASE +20% -20% ‘SOVRATENSIONE e SOTTOTENSIONE Intercambiabilo pin to pin con E 44BN. 2sogle- 1 eld diuscita DEFINIZIONE Trae di tensione V3-19 controlia la sovatensione (VM) e la sotfotensione fim) in una rete. alterata Wiles Teinpo i regolazione +20% -20% {Gata tensione nominale controlata. UMILIZZAZIONE Gregianze ci una rote altemata CRRATTERISTICHE E REGOLAZION! Wie & max, regolabile mediante Je sul frontale, in % della ‘Bacone nominale (0+ +20%). vee a min, eguhie oder Faropole sul frontale, in % della fensone nominale (0 +-20%). Nu Medeto A’ 6 presente questa fone (fig- 2) che permette la fouls é2l vale nominale della ten- She tase da controllare (valor Sania, 360V, 400V, 415V). Negi ui model questa regolazione non & te ela tensione nominale deve fee dichiarata lato delfordine (federe: coue ORDINARE). ™ Temporzatore (0,5+30 sec) regola- one a trimmer. E'atvato dal supero ela sogia VM e itarda Tinlervento re inter, im Temporizzatore (0,5+30 sec) regola- ‘nea trimmer. E"attivato dal supero ta sogia Vm e ritarda T'ntervento eld temo. WSUALIZZAZIONI LED VERDE: dispositivo aimentato LED ROSSO: lampeggia al supero dolla soglia VM, ‘a2zes0 quando scattail relé. LED ROSSO: lampeggia al = = activated when the min set is . Retoase 23703122 V3-19 3PHASE VOLTAGE RELAY +20% -20% COMBINED UNDER and OVER z VOLTAGE RELAY Itreplaces E 448N pin to pin. 2 set points - 1 output relay FUNCTION The voltage relay V3-19 monitors the fovervoltage (VM) and the undervoltage (vm) Ina three-phase aliemating mains, Adjustmont range +20% -20% ofthe rated voltage. USE Control of a three-phase mains. TECHNICAL FEATURES AND REGULATIONS vu Max set point. The regulation is made by means of the knob on the front, in 96 ‘of the rated voltage (0 + +20%), vm Min set point. The regulation is made by means ofthe knob on the front in % ™ y ov of the rated voltage (0 + -20%). Va This regulation Is available in the model “AT (fig. 2), for selecting the rated value of the three-phase rated voltage to be detected (standard values: 380V, 400V, 415V). In the ‘other models’ this regulation isnot available and the rated voltage has to be specified at the order. (see: How TO ORDER). ™ Timer (0,5+30 sec). The regulation is made by means of the knob. It is teu @ activated when the max set point is ave © ‘overcome, At the end of the sel period 0 (ON the output relay changes over. oe” Tm ‘ Timer (0,5+30 sec). The reguialion is An ‘SOcmALy made by means of the dip-switch. It is. tory, within 24 months from the delivery date, for the devices not working due to defects ofthe components. In no case Emir! mages, direct or indirect, occurred to things or people in consequence of wrong connections, accidents, not corect use or not operation of the Protection ‘can be held responsible for damages, director indi overcome. VISUALIZATIONS ON GREEN LED: supply on AM REDLED :itflashes when VM has been overcome, it lights when the relay clicks. Am REDLED :itflashes ‘when Vm has been Control devices of its own production. For the “safety applications’ it s suggested to apply SAFETY systems or REDUNDANCY engineering.”. WARNING: Repairs in guarantee are made free our fac supero della sogiia Vm, acceso quando scatta il rel6. vec, ts when the i telay clicks. | RPRISTINO: automatic. i i RESET: automatic. NAMENTO deo _i_{._ jcc MODE OF OPERATION ace 'e regolazioni sul frontale si [on { With the regulations on the front it is { {pce sop i inerventa: una gi ™Y—" 77; possibl fo fh one set point MAX and aio MINIMA in modo jy | eo otf I ‘one set point MIN in order to have a {bate una fascia" di lavoro. control “band”. sea et 2 colegae con un [RELAY on fot _£ The set points are connected to the 8 due scambi: ad ogni "same output relay. eet@teatoun LED di alarmed Fig. 4 The output relay is normally on and it ‘goes off when the voltage goes out of ' aa Viale Cadut per la Liberta, 4/B - 40050 MONTE S. PIETRO - BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel 199 (051-87815"? stv aantatnl it. Email infoy@amirelsrit / 1 Scanned with CamScanner RELE’ DI TENSIONE . TRIFASE +20% -20% v3 SOVRATENSIONE e SOTTOTENSIONE Intercamblabile pin to pin con E 448N. 2 soglie- 1 reld di uscita DEFINIZIONE 1 reld di tensione V3-19 controlla ta sovratensione (VM) e la sottotensione (vm) in una rete alterata trifase. 420% -20% i aspostow dl rokenane's Conse tntase. CARATTERISTICHE E ==SOLAZIONI ee Seige 6 mediante ropola sul ‘frontale, in % della sione nominale (0 + +20%). h gia di min, regolabile mediante Iropola sul ‘frontale, in % della sione nominate (0 + -20%), Bre tifase da controllare (valori fiedard: 380V, 400V, 415V). Negli fi modeti questa regolazione non é We ¢ la tensione nominale deve re dichiara Scanned with CamScanner Ir reld di uscita 6 normalmente ON © Iiceceita quando la tensione sce dalla ‘Sgseia® oi regolaziono (sia che super gia VM, sia che sconda vaio di 90 ‘ote valoro Vin) (0. 1). AiTeo 4: alarmo lampoggia quando i xe dolla tensiono contrliata supe- ‘cov 121g sogla impostata @ si acconde fis- ilrelé va OFF (dopo I tom aol Samy aoe SCUREZZA INTRINSECA vn cemaimente ON e va OFF in rele o taso i supero di una delle due sogii. INSTALLAZIONE Ir caso del Modello “A”, mpostare i wee vn. Regolare, mediante. 10 vasopole Vw e Vm lampiezza della ‘Musas di non iterventoatforno Va Fe netdoVec; si vuole intervento Ee Nensione supera 420V (+5%) 050 Sendo sto S40V (15%). seippesterd: Vn=40OV, Vt=5, Vet Jara mpostae con TH @ Tr Item § Gordo con cul si vor® riconoscere ash spe Gtegamento. oun quadro eletico (raiferenise e sezionatoo). Fig.2 ule] ua} TY oEL EET] Fig. 3 i pofsTe COMPATBIITR ELETTRO {r'lunghezza di ogni collegamento MAGNETICA deve essere < 30m. INGRESSO mica pin2-1t-4 (1.2K) ELEN 613261 Jv /380V /400V /418V ece. saa ie-10 | tvo~ LOW VOLTAGE UsciTA: 1 rel, 2scambi (5A-230Vac) (CELEN 1010-1 catico resistivo, eaveasovc.eostrO7 : 100 Rata veasonieconte 1 “ot 300006 eporaon (ta Meccarica) '5618-10 NC | Dispesitwo non 57/89. NA lalimentato oin alarme ‘Accessor! disponibilia richiesta: E171: ganci per montagaio da Incasso renmotarongects; Eee temm utes eee er ; Ee pee ta WEOHD-IGR Ci250 piombabile IP54 per montaggio a ese pniait ns AMETAZONE Fr a nstoro ‘almentalo dalla tensione da *sflamento. Melo at ei Vor é Som NB Accessories available on request: E174 : hooks for lush mounting. CUSTODIA: in ABS autoestinguento. E172: undecal female base for cunsom: «01000 mm en El esopermci emma ee OI ploxigas protection PS tight closure (for flush mounting). TevP.DIFUNZIONAMENTO: o+70°C £248 hold spring protecting rom FESO: 0,300 Kg ‘COLORE: nero vibrations. GAMME DI LAVORO \Vedere come ORDINARE. ela patria usare un panno imbovuto COME ORDINARE | HOW TO ORDER: detergent prvi ls Alcool denaturat CONCATENATA ae er opel donate, Fou [amie | oaravenee ta es sem [am | Am s0~5 ‘sere: Neg schomt cote: [nse] vse BO wm SERIm sro poral | ust sute a | SOHO eTHOWOY eG 20M Es en vet Do ao EEE cel eno essere exegut Erg ED ove ato pen vs1e.0)-(30)-] + the fied “tone ether above Vd er under Vm) (fig. “) The asm LED fashos whan the monitored vligo overiros to sat Dart and i igh od won tlay 00s OFF (tr to te T) POSITIVE SAFETY The lay Is nomally ON and goos OFF when sina, INSTALLATION In the Mode! “A, tho value Vn Is to bo selected. By moans of the knobs Vu ind Vin, the amplitude of the “band” of tno alarmaround Vn is set. Ex: Vne400Vac; it Is requested the triggering of the device when the ‘overcomes 420V (+5%) or it voltag ‘goes below 340V (-15%). Set Va=400V, Vi=5, Vm=15 and with Tu and Tm the biggering delay times are set. (Wiring to an electrical board with a differential relay and a sectionalzing switch). ‘The length of every wiring must be less than 30m. INPUT 241-4 (1,2 KA) 230V /360V /400V/ 415V ete. OUTPUT: 4 output relay with two, changeover contacts (5A-230VeC) resistive load. [iegasve2sovsccout-0,7 100.000 opeains sea vezsovac cope 000 000 operations {zaq'20.000.000 operauons (Mechanical Xe) 5-6 /8-10 NC | Device not supplied 5718-9 NO|ornotin alarm Insulation between input and contact: VDE 0110- IGR i660 Insulation of the contact: VDE 0110 -IGR C/250 SUPPLY Pin 2-11 2VA- 50+60 Hz. ied by the voltage to be ‘380 Vac, 400 Vac or Se. CASE: solf-extinguishing ABS. SIZE: 48186180 mm - undece! male Template:45x92 mm WORKING TEMPERATURE: 0+70°C. WEIGHT: 0,300 kg COLOUR: black RANGES a: ‘See How To ORDER. For cleaning uso a cloth soakod with detergents without: Denatured Alcohol, Benzene, Isopropyl alcohol General remark: The wiring diagrams do ‘ot show tho fuses instated on ihe supely and on the volmatic inputs. Tho electc wirings must be realized with device and electrical panolin of condton. Viale Cadut per la Liberta,4/B - 40050 MONTE S. PIETRO - BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 0151-6761552-Itemet: E-mail: info@emirelsrit/infot@emirels.t Scanned with CamScanner Experiment No:05 ‘Tecting and Settings of a definite time over curvent Yelay. Objectives ale Set Plug ond Lime Setting of bioc. + To Vest Re waging tine al toned Selling Equipments: sPowes Supply a DT Ret 1 Connecti ‘sixes » Sew heiver + Stop Wateh Load Theory? Defintte “Time Ovex Ganent Relay: A Relay which opevates after intentional time delay eohen the furvent Reacher a Pacetcterminea value Known as definite Kime. pscoment velay. A definsle” time orey cunyert velay can be std to issue a tyip cuchucd aban exact amsont of time 1 Ul fick-up. Thus uF has a time Setting adjustment PS Pickup achustinert, 1E} means that fav this velay Opevalion, ion must be Satisfied Current must cxeed — the Seltin Me. Te Jatt must be conlinous atleast a dime eqpad te a t Sting 2] the velag- these types +} vay doenst Suitable by distance tyapmission Pine, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Tavern. Applications ~ Back op Vectecti, with Aime a4e5 3 Bade up Vaced, with tre B45 . ae Conclusion In ais ¢ Petinate We ad actual the diesen Scanned with CamScanner Application 8: a Back op Prélection »{ distance vdlay ef Transmission Vine. wilh time. dday. » Bade up Prctection to ditterential velag of lower faanyprmer with time detay, procedures a Frsst assemble the —ciseutl’ accosdance to Showed in the diag tan 1 Set the Paimary Side af thsee-Yhase isans{ormex in della Connection 380V and aang idan Plog set the Secoundasy Side 42 Un 40%, s Insert ast ‘seiehing OeGrg Ploge Grmecting te Capacitance to Vine = Model The Grnections and co be made vory Cavefusty. Note. down, ourthe cp ine. operat fing reaneeaes eho and ObSENIE’ the‘ rae s behaviour.” Conclusion : 7 x sel Th this expesimen , we Pig and time — Settin: Aa bfinate time — over curventt” veloy. We Yecord the expected Hime. wd achuak setae Time 6) the Doc. We have abe notice 4, (avippingy Vi dtfesence ble hoe to timed in thiS experiment. Scanned with CamScanner \ a Th _} ae et xt Pale To | eupectea | Tested Opeceting | jreage i florence "Delay “ opeeati weaguted a Tey ue “Time Tine "4 _aetay Te) by Shop Watch (Ta) Ea fo | BN s0e 15:22 see. Bee | 10 | 4s | us ABU see a pee 45 2466 | esa] « 35.06 a Scanned with CamScanner CLONo | Course Learning Oztcome (CLO) Statements awa | To.use various protective relays for implementing | protection schemes, | To apply advanced software tools for power sysem CLO+ | protection stadies. PLO: Modern 00) Case: Aa 2biliy to create select and spply eppropriaie techniques, rsomrom and mais | seftistimaaions oe POSS st oie. eomplen eagneeag Dos, sis | tesianding of the limitations Aciivity Neze > Experiment No.05 Geena? ‘Sredeet RAIN > | GUI C/P | Domains Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell) * iE ove” Cetera (Absent student will get zero mark) T1314] gy [RR ane tad beeps o Saat | 1314 | wighcsy | revete ST, [Sees oe Rete aT a Low(ty ment and lavolved components 1 | Name of Lab. Instructor Signature Dated i Engr. Rehan Liagat VY), ae an Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Expeviment No+06 Ovex curyent Monitoring ‘through defincte time over cussent> relay. objectives . To monttes ovex Cusven's “bteivgh ‘DToe! eos lea sad ‘ Equipments: «Powers Supply + DToc Rellay 7 Connecting “Wires « Sesew aviver + Loads Theovy: A weay that opesealles 03 pick’s up when ts Current excaods a predetesmined value is called over — currsentt day « In an ores cusvect welay athe actuocting qpaudity iso cos yen, no veiage cul is Sequsied to Gnstsoct this ptoceduse psstective tdlay. The over cursent —Yelay’s ase conmected tothe System, Nosrmallay by means of CTs: An ovexausent welay consist 4 2 Gussent ong cok, | When = cuszent is Passed Tsou , he magnetic Jieks rhe Ahvovgh the Gil, ovev Current veay can Protect ical, Power System against excesiVe — Cussents ‘elas be used to pootect any Power System, Ovex curvent hs used fo protect Power System elomants. eB Scanned with CamScanner ‘Delay Opeteting Lagi Actual Lead over lead] — Tete) Time ig By Armatwe Indiation ib. Beet Sn oA x 5 = SA odot Scanned with CamScanner fowdurey fistly arsenate the Cwevitt as Showa Side 4} Ye. thyee- Phare Hrans}amet in date ound] w & oe ; Seb the Primary " qanection = BRO saand using ba | sl the Gide fo Vn = lode. CTrsest att bik ing Plans ve Connections — and Seng mast bg terfect and Checked by fe Instsvcts. fev table. Obsexvations Nake the Hine Sections in Secounds ind the Road Srom —& Ampere to a5 Ampere. uit oN the Power | and Note down the veudngs & Shewr WW -+able. Air note the. requsied ae switch ofF the Power Supply Conclusion s Th 4his expesiment, we have monibe — he over currerdt bah the de}intte time overcurrent sday, We have nolice vdueS =] current by avimmtuy actual Road and See the tuation al. overload Stow Incicaly ater ‘ut exceeds tho te, i fil iin A Scanned with CamScanner EOCR-DS1 (T)/DS3 (T) . Galen ou Breau Ctl Une . FRC ten) 2m Sgt rh © OSM, CEST, & acre, » Cantona NA Wa heal DP SW consi sds hess: COTE TOOT asi DST css tasie, Protection Functions and Characteristics sh * Le ]°[° [eee my Dat , ~ io peewee 1? |e | |e | bate te oraes add Ta “Died ee PMI aS HED TR MRAIS OO™ BA cM O Nr Hew Sl set 4 time OTE, ‘Gas Garang 29 fd Dp sora ane eooMs ai — - — Trip Cause Check rant SOCR-DSi [TV0s3 [7] rowese [nee | LE LET | onc vows | wo | EERE | oo (Pie Nemtarcin | sis | AI [cos norte [ome | A | osceen| uso] een Locos Lematiee] urea nee | WERE ren Oureed |__| ss, | ne Me [eforsa? Bil mi a] tyson SBE Tse] pea a tras [Moen = Seopeider Scanned with CamScanner £OCR-DS1 (TYDS3 (T) a —S eT = ae Specifications Current Setting tp [Smaren DS r Oren — wl i ~ pow Time [savibbay nm [DMS ee « I Setting [opin te [ote | mio Reset Neudhntemnnerae Operation Tie Characteristic aes + Pa ee Serva F Powe sity Ww 3 Tracy ' + Nata [ie Comact [oa am POT A ROME ATA Re Ce !, ‘ * 4 8 soe Nip |Nosaly azo ie paves To ppsas waa Open a Imatote o settee oe Raver ASIN ATam bal px ahhpo ew Ten Xv DN 153153 7A 95 DIN Rat 8 MOUNTING HOLE size EOCR-DS1/ DS 15.3153. aay = | : a) 3 ! N 1 —— | DON a8 MOUNTING HOLE Sze FOCR-DSIT/ Dea cements Bek AB etw cpameg rove ig Schneider . Scanned with CamScanner and ices) FO | comerin | ‘Ragientag (t) Bevteplag) | Acomplia op umpire | os ee ro Setetweatiee | Wimmer apes | | Devenir rat | Site eres onion | puamet merce | MITTS pate, | Stepney | 4 | mezerein sf | Tonle pts meracer’ | pray matyaiececese | ‘ian oS Cpe te | Seles | i mercer agrees a farraréeers | sodiiiey tohaedicnee | Til MOTE Ba | ae | cppeeewerec es | ewer | pee | Dae See, | Siete cempmeens watiene | Gipment ant | Strat compenent Secpemeetees | caer caspases ee | emcee peers es | ere eircom eos etocee nem I [aoxe| (Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Statements PLO | Toot | High (3) | eas | foes ins rote ee fringing | T | | PLO | Lab | | To apply advanced software tools fox power system aos Beis Pe | Lew) | PLO-S | Lab [FLO-GE: Investigation: An ability to investigate complex eapaoning probloms a mecoaal way alading | Eeeunze survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis | cf information to derive valid conclusions. [FLO-05: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate echniques, resourees, and modem |exgiecing and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activites, with am sedensanding of the limitations. [ere ‘Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell) (Absent student will get zero mark) Bee ete aol Tempra of oat | “S results ‘Operational skills for hardware saftware | Name of Lab. Instructor Signature Dated Engr. Rehan Liagat i | | Scanned with CamScanner | Eeperiment No: ot Operation 36 Cursent tyansfoymey Pe dann. ' Objective : ete Undesstand warking 4 a 30 GT e To assemble connections ef a 30 CT Eapipments: 34 Supply .36 CT » Ammetexs + Resistive loads . Connzering wises Theoxy? The working of 36 transformer can be explained as jhe Gcenasio that the ual induction belween the Peimaxy and the Secovnncasy windings ase connected {hsoogh the magnet jluxe Th gerarhy a teansfosmes is constoudled +f. two A, induction eds “and the two: yt. Those: conductive coils ae seprated in = pe way wheawess conned a epic way whey a Ae power source is pases tho ye Primasy col o¥ wing sthese happens the Creation ae Fanatic Vtuxc, acsoss “he windings. Th ovdev to establish % connection with a Secondary winding the we part fous the. magnetic ar Jos the lux « The amount of Ye aes associated with the teondary win 1S 4eymed a a Veatage Nuge As these Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Balanced Caset Re Re Re ] ‘ N | [pe [Ow nti emer | onnbited + Riceannectted | | { Li | Primary Ty | ob 4 0-6 | Secomndavy Tr | 5 a o°5 lo Prim axy Th es Secoundary La pn Oy th FO L3 L Peimasy Ta |. OF o-F | | Secoundery Ts I od los | | | oF | O-7 , | | | Scanned with CamScanner yal be an aliosnoctive Kind + lune qenetation. EMF wal wy piduced ack the Secondary based on te rey law. Wis induced EMF tg défined ag rut devedped EME, when the Secoundary “nd 1S the cleseleep , then, ‘here with be ke You 4 staat induced... current eons’ as "thei happens tha. aay 4 eneray Jom one to another. eodingte This explains the Yow “y enemy ‘transformation from Creur to anathes. . Procedues- + Five of. a we take a shyee-Phase Powers Supply. + Connect the Power Supply to the §=30 Cuvsent +tvansfoumes. ofAftes doing the connection Jos thsee phase. t¥ans former with the © powes Supply, the CT wil Staxt valine “ Now Connect thyee-Phase oad wilh “the HyavieGoomes. « Tun On the’ Power Sapp ~ Obsesve the Connections and take the vending fox balanced Case. «Now take values Jos the onbalanced conditions turn the Supply OFF ie Cult the Rowes. + Afler xecsd all the reading disconnect all the connections. Scanned with CamScanner Unbalanced Case: t | eagurement_|N Connected | |N Disconneded Primary Ts. 06 ft OG 0-5 0:5 O5 ~ 06 Secounday E> I 05 ‘ 06 Psimaxy Ts oe Secoundaxy Ta 05 o5 Unbalanced Case Lick. ba =Rs Ly = Disconnect = Tia =0A Quontity — [Phase Measurement iN cennected __N_Discennected) TT | | Péim ary i 0-6 | 0-6 | t bd | Secondary Tr 0:5 0-5 4 Lo | Psimasy To | Secoundaxy Ta. La | Psimoy Ts 4 | Lt Secoundaryls i 02 02 Scanned with CamScanner Condiusions Tn this experiment we have earn fhe worki 4 5 Fee-Phase — Cunent Transformer. We alse assemble the gunectionS -f 2 3b Phare Curent ‘twansemey and xecoud ye use and aed og. Vnbalarved and balanced Condiion 4 taws' emes Connections, Scanned with CamScanner

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