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Managing Differences

• Setting expectations
• Highlighting shared purpose and why coming together is important for the parties
• Highlighting why someone should trust you and why you trust the other person(s)
• Synthesising perspectives or forging co-held perspectives on why a particular
outcome is mutually value adding
• Can you assess the stakes on the table and the one you would want to secure/gain
or trade-off?
• Verifying the intent and confirming the assumptions
• Knowing what proposition is to be highlighted; when and to whom
• Knowing what proposition is to be down played; when and to whom
• Knowing the power equation on the table
• Knowing what to trade-off, when and with whom
• Highlighting why your support/resource is key for the other person to achieve his
• Knowing what resource with the other person is key for you to achieve your
• Can you leverage relationships to win support?
• Can you sense the moment and strike alliance?
• What is the quality of influencing without trust?
• In the absence of trust, what drives influence?
• Influencing matters only when the outcome is uncertain.
• Exercising judgement to influence for the desired outcomes.

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