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VISTRO, Shannen Gabrielle M.

4 AR 12

The next concern is whether architecture, or "place," may aid in

the fight against cancer by acting as a passive care team member,
a continuous friend to the patient, and a non-pharmacological

1. There is a Paradigm Shift: Preventive, predictive,

personalized, and participatory medicine is becoming more
popular. This is now required care for cancer as it transitions
from a terminal to a chronic condition.
2. Five Care Models are Emerging: These models outline the
delivery of healthcare as well as the most effective methods for
treating people or groups as they advance through the various 1. This article has a lot of insights that involve different
phases of illness: organizations partnered with the medical field in order to
- Hub and Spoke: focuses on extending geographic reach by come up with various key factors on how architectural
HKS Architects. (2023, April 12). linking hubs that are centers of excellence to sites with design aid in cancer care facilities
Designing Cancer Care Facilities community in-reach through a connected organizational fabric in 2. They also gave ideas on the new models of cancer care
Designing Cancer Care of the Future | HKS Architects. order to provide appropriate cancer care to individuals who need that are currently emerging which contains a more
1 Definition of Cancer Care Architecture HKS Architects Article 2023 (HKS Architects, 2023) think/reports/designing-cancer-care-
Facilities of the Future it. personal and collaborative approach to cancer care.
think/reports/designing-cancer- - Integrated Practice Unit: calls for a value-based strategy using 3. As stated in the article, there is also a list of hospitals
care-facilities-of-the-future/ a well-outlined set of medically integrated services and practices that are already using the new model systems in designing
and a committed team of clinical and non-clinical professionals their facilities which involve case studies that can also aid
arranged around the patients and their unique requirements. in the research proper.
- Rapid Learning: allows for the large-scale collection and
analysis of patient data, then utilizes that data to help with the
delivery of medicine
- Tumor Review Board: maintains the customized medicine
directive by enabling a wide range of doctors to examine and talk
about a patient's tumor and the optimal treatment strategy for that
specific person.
- Psycho-Social Care: provides for the evaluation of the psycho-
social distress experienced by cancer patients, and then compares
the patient's level of distress to their level of care.
3. Personalized Medicine can Lead to a Personalized Place.

1. According to The National Institutes of Health, 50% of all

cancer patients receive chemotherapy
2. Some people believe that the design of a cancer center should
be approached in the same way as any other healthcare facility:
methodically, with an eye toward function and operations. Any
1. The article included several questions that should be
healthcare environment must be functional, but buildings that
answered as it is an important part of the design process
offer cancer care must also have features that address the
which can guide the researcher in creating an effective
distinctive aspects of the cancer patient and the care team, which
cancer facility thesis.
are both distinct.
Walker, T. (2014, January 13). 2. It is important to understand and empathize with the
3. To develop a responsive and encouraging environment, the
Fundamentals Of Cancer Center cancer patient’s journey and through this article, gave
design team must comprehend and empathize with these
Design: The Patient. HCD insights on how we can best give them a uniquely
Magazine - Architecture & responsive cancer care environment that is both responsive https://healthcaredesignmagazine.
Fundamentals of Cancer 4. The Cancer patient:
2 Definition of Cancer Care Architecture Tracey Walker Online Article 2014 (Walker, 2014) Interior Design Trends for and supportive. com/architecture/fundamentals-cancer-
Center Design: The Patient - Every cancer patient is unique
Healthcare Facilities. https: 3. The in-depth understanding one must have while center-design-patient/
- It is important to understand the complete spectrum of their
//healthcaredesignmagazine. designing a cancer care facility is briefed through this
journey, to gain true empathy that informs the design of
com/architecture/fundamentals- article as it explains the simplified processes that cancer
environments to more effectively support the cancer fight.
cancer-center-design-patient/ patients undergo throughout their healing process.
- Physical attributes: changes in appearance can include: hair
4. Contains categorized topics on cancer patients including
loss, scars, skin changes, weight loss or gain, sensitivity to smells
Physical attributes, Psychological/ Mental attributes, and
and temperature, and loss of muscle tone.
Spiritual attributes.
- Psychological/ Mental Attributes: mental fatigue, degradation
of a patient’s dignity, short-term memory loss, medication, and
mental strain.
- Spiritual attributes: finding solace during their journey.
Support from a higher power.

1. Nobody would ever assert that a structure was capable of

curing cancer; that is the purview of the medical staff. Evidence-
based design, which is similar to its cousin, evidence-based 1. It introduced a research approach called “Evidence-
medicine, depends on research and data to develop physical based Design” which relies on research and data to create
environments that will aid in achieving the best outcomes, has, physical spaces that will help achieve the best possible
however, been the subject of emerging research in recent years. outcomes.
Bauer, A. (2014, April 17). The
2. This entails creating spaces that are not only places where 2. The approach of an evidence-based design was backed
Architecture of Recovery: Can
individuals may receive the best possible medical treatment but up by the dean of the New York School of Interior Design
Design Affect Your Health?
also places for them to heal in the context of cancer care. that following the principles of design of an evidence-
Cancer.Net. https://www.cancer.
The Architecture of 3. This positive effect on caregivers and staff is probably one of based design can improve the patient experience. 04/architecture-recovery-can-design-affect-
Importance of Reenvisioning the net/blog/2014-04/architecture-
3 Recovery: Can Design Affect Amber Bauer, ASCO Staff Blog 2014 (Bauer, 2014) the biggest strengths of using evidence-based design in hospitals. Researching this can aid in providing a more in-depth your-health#:~:text=In%20the%20context%
Architecture of Cancer Care recovery-can-design-affect-your-
Your Health? As architecture critic and landscape architect Charles Jencks said research and thesis output. 20of%20cancer,places%20for%20them%
in a 2013 interview: “Architecture creates the ambiance and 3. Highlighted other sources which create further research 20to%20heal
frame of mind for the carers, who then pass it on to the patients. on the thesis topic. (A View from the Front Line by
And in that sense, architecture is key.” Maggie Jencks)
4. Making a hospital more like home: homey oasis 4. The article also included DIY tips for creating a calm,
5. “Maggie's blueprint is essentially about creating a warm, healing environment in your personal space that includes
welcoming, home-like setting in contrast to the impersonal and music, art, nature, natural lighting, and noise.
institutional environment found in large hospitals,” said Dr.

1. Introduced a new concept or approach when it comes to

designing cancer care facilities
1. Curing with more than medicine: introducing Ecotherapy
2. The case study included plans of the proposed cancer
which is centered on the conviction that there is an instinctive
care facility along with the building zones which can aid in
Array Architects. (2015, August bond between human beings and other living systems and this
the planning and design of the thesis proper.
10). Case Study: Reimagining bond is essential to good physical and mental health. https://issuu.
Importance of Reenvisioning the Case Study: Reimagining 3. The building zones are elaborated as well in this case
4 Array Architects Case Study 2015 (Bykowski, 2015) Cancer Care. Issuu. https://issuu. 2. Zones of Positive Distractions: patient treatment zones and com/arrayarchitects/docs/irmc_cancer_care_
Architecture of Cancer Care Cancer Care study which can help in determining the important
com/arrayarchitects/docs/irmc_ca public zones both have visual and physical access to the natural case_study
facilities to be included in the thesis design.
ncer_care_case_study world.
4. The interiors and exterior connection are also explained
3. Empathy in Design
briefly to provide more information on its relevance to
reimagining cancer care.
1. Disciplinary Context of the Architecture of Cancer Care: The
thesis analyzes the Maggie’s Cancer Care Center and considers
various aspects - from physical condition of the building to the
state of mind of the people with cancer - in order to emphasize
1. Due to this being a thesis itself regarding the existing
the human value of dignity as a fundamental principle of the
architecture of cancer care centers (Maggie’s Care Center),
Frisone, C. (2021, October 19). Architecture of Cancer Care.
it is an insightful book that dwells on an in-depth
The Architecture of Care The 2. Healing vs. Therapeutic: In current usage, people treat these
understanding of the connection between healing and
Role of Architecture in the terms as somewhat interchangeable, even if ‘healing’ is used
The Role of Architecture in Therapeutic Environment. The more in a healthcare context, e.g. “achieving a degree of relief
2. The table of contents can serve as a background on the
Importance of Reenvisioning the the Therapeutic Environment. Case of the Maggie's Cancer Care from physical symptoms” or “stress reduction”, while uk/radar/file/7d066930-7d12-47c2-b054-
5 Caterina Frisone Thesis 2021 (Frisone, 2021) context of the research proper. It enables the researcher to
Architecture of Cancer Care The Case of the Maggie's Centre. ‘therapeutic’ is generally applied to any situation aiming to 62ec0b6097d4/1/Frisone_PhD_Thesis%
explore more topics to further the research on the thesis
Cancer Care Center uk/radar/file/7d066930-7d12- “increase the well-being” of people. 2019.10.21_access.pdf
47c2-b054- 3. The Architectural Brief: When viewed as a series of
3. Provided several sources of information related to the
62ec0b6097d4/1/Frisone_PhD_Th instructions, it is a two-sided document and it helps the architect,
architecture of cancer care and gave an in-depth
esis%2019.10.21_access.pdf particularly at first, to narrow the while the design is being
understanding of each key source.
developed, to support the client and ensure consistency with the
original specifications. The brief plays a key role in the
healthcare industry in particular early stages of the planning and
construction decision-making process

1. First impressions matter: it’s a natural instinct to draw

immediate conclusions upon arriving at a destination. Whether it
is a hotel, restaurant, or a healthcare facility. When walking
through the front door at my first cancer treatment plan
consultation, I crossed the threshold directly into a vast waiting
room filled with people dealing with a similar diagnosis. Some of
these people had already lost their hair, others appeared sick and
weak. That first impression was a strong dose of reality.
- Challenge: Consider the chance to create a warm, reassuring
impression to ease those initial moments in a cancer treatment
facility. From the perspective of healthcare planners, it may seem
logical to place the waiting area next to the entrance of a
1. The author explains how important the patient’s
perspective is when it comes to designing healthcare
2. Patient privacy: One of the most frequently mentioned but
least carefully implemented aspects of healthcare facility design
Brown, K. (2017). Design 2. The author is also diagnosed with cancer back in 2016
is patient privacy. Every day, doctors talk with patients about
Challenges: A Cancer Patient’s which made her realize a lot of things as a patient herself
cancer and other serious illnesses, maybe as casually as someone
Perspective | Medical and the importance of these healthcare facilities in terms of
providing directions in another country, assuming that this is a
The shortcomings of current cancer care Design Challenges: A Cancer Construction and Design. Medical healing. This experience of the author can bring key
6 Kendra Brown Magazine 2017 (Brown, 2017) completely new and unknown issue.
architecture Patient's Perspectives Construction and Design. https: information on what it takes to design for cancer patients. challenges-a-cancer-patients-perspective/
- Challenge: From a patient’s perspective, I would strongly argue
// 3. It provided information regarding the first impressions
insulation not be on the list of budget cuts. Ample, quality sound
challenges-a-cancer-patients- cancer patients draw when entering healthcare facilities.
barriers in patient rooms will increase patient well-being and are
perspective/ Which is a significant
well worth the cost.
4. It created a new sense of understanding of the thesis
3. Access to daylight and nature: Studies have demonstrated the
topic in relevance to the perspective of cancer patients.
remarkable effects of natural sights and sunlight on a patient's
health and healing process. Even if a building's location prevents
it from having a good view of the surrounding landscape, think of
other ways to bring the outdoors inside.
- Consider yourself a patient who is visiting that facility for the
first time. Spend some time hearing from someone who has first-
hand knowledge of particular healthcare settings. Recognize their
sensitivity to noise and invasion of privacy, and seek ways to
bring in daylight and offer vistas of the outdoors. Study a
patient's walk through the facility and their initial thoughts the
next time you approach a project. Does the environment inspire
trust in the caliber of the care they will get?

Keelan, J., & Hartung, R. (2023,

1. The article had numerous categories regarding the
March 15). Building A Cancer
1. Urban building site restrictions stages of creating a cancer care center in an urban
Center In An Urban Environment.
2. Connecting a new building to existing hospital services environment. It creates a new perspective on the things
HCD Magazine - Architecture &
3. Planning for cancer care equipment installation that must be addressed in terms of creating a healthcare https://healthcaredesignmagazine.
The shortcomings of current cancer care Building A Cancer Center In John Keelan and Roger (Keelan & Hartung, Interior Design Trends for
7 Magazine 2023 4. Addressing patient flow between two buildings facility. com/trends/complexities-of-building-a-
architecture An Urban Environment Hartung 2023) Healthcare Facilities. https:
5. Design to maximize natural light 2. Provided brief information for each category which cancer-center-in-an-urban-environment/
6. Integrating a new cancer center on an existing campus enlightens the researcher on methods to take while in the
process of designing the facility.

The shortcomings of current cancer care

1. Opting to provide community-based cancer care to their
patients in a way that would be deeply accessible to the
surrounding community.
2. Inspiration of the interiors: The main design goal was to
provide a soothing patient experience within a very large
footprint without overwhelming patients and their caregivers. For
the interiors, the Design team emphasized access to natural light
and views to provide a sense of place and orientation. A long
skylight was created within the existing solid roof to provide an
organizing circulation element above the Main Gallery.
1. The article features a Healthcare & Wellness Design
3. Inspiration of the exterior: The White Box of the entrance,
finalist’s project that provides information on the client’s
which is an unbalanced entryway that starts at the front door,
Kenson, J. (2020, March 18). brief, inspiration, challenges, and team’s highlights.
serves as a reminder to visitors that, although cancer is abnormal,
Comforting, Patient-focused 2. Gave insights into what the design team envisioned for
we may still pass through it.
Cancer Centre | Healthcare the project.
Architectural innovations
Benefits of reenvisioned cancer care Comforting, Patient-focused Design | SBID. Society of British 3. The architectural innovation was well laid out in their
9 Jennifer Kenson Article 2020 (Kenson, 2020) 1. The White Box is a grand entrance covered in opaque white
architecture Cancer Centre & International Interior Design. visions and design brief which creates a new perspective virtua-samson-cancer-center/
panels, with a minor elevation difference from the walkway. The on what the architecture of cancer care is all about.
mass is "supported" by three white column legs; a fourth leg is
design-virtua-samson-cancer- 4. Delving deeper into this project creates new
omitted but is suggested. This is so because cancer is an
center/ opportunities for the researcher as it provides essential
uncommon occurrence. It is upsetting. The White Box is
information on the newest technologies as well.
unbalanced and not your typical, clear entry point. However, it is
also a beacon since it is warm, bright, and clear. It serves as a
reminder that even if cancer is abnormal, we may still survive it.
2. The Main Gallery is viewable from the outside of the structure
through a full-height glass aperture, allowing guests to get their
bearings before entering. In order to transition visitors from the
White Box into the Cancer Center, a wall adjacent to this glass
opening is covered in the same material as the canopy and is
duplicated at the entrance. This creates a visual link between the
inside and the white Box.


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