Speaking and Writing: Everyday Expressions

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4 Speaking and writing

GOALS ■ use everyday expressions ■ W rite a social media message

Listening & Speaking everyday expressions

Excuse m e.
Tea? T h a t's m y s e a t. C an l s it
A fte r you.
h e re ?

E xcuse m e. S o rry
T h a n ks v e ry
A tis h o o l W h e re 's th e I'm la te .
m uch.
to ile t?

1a 3.21))) Look at illustrations 1-8. Listen and complete the 3a 3.23 I))Listen to four everyday expressions and tick ( / ) the
conversations with responses a-h. correct box.
a Oh, thanks, 1 2 3 4
b That's OK. Don't worry,
P olite 0 □ □ □
c Sorry, I don’t know,
N o t p o lite □ □ □ □
d Yes, of course,
e You're welcome,
f Yes, please, b 3.23))) Listen again and for each expression choose the
g Bless you! correct response from exercise la.
h Oh, I'm so sorry. 4 Talk to other students in the class. Practise the everyday
expressions. Use the Language for speaking box to help you,
b 3.21 § Listen again and repeat each conversation.
LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING everyday expressions
C Work with a partner. Practise the conversations.
Atishoo! Bless you!
2 3.22 J))Read the Understanding... box and listen to the
Excuse me. That's my seat. I'm so sorry.
Tea? Yes, please.
UNDERSTANDING ... polite intonation Excuse me. Where is the toilet? Sorry, I don't know.
L isten fo r th e in to n a tio n in e v e ry d a y e x p re s s io n s t o u n d e rs ta n d Can isit here? Yes, o f course.
if th e p e rs o n is p o lite o r n o t. in p o lite e x p re s s io n s th e s p e a k e r's
Thank you. YouYe welcome.
v o ic e g oe s u p W r a n d d o w n a lot:
After you. Thanks.
A Excuse me. Can l sit here?
B Yes, of course. Sorry I'm late. That's OK. Don't worry.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

7a Read the Language for writing box.

Reading & W riting a social media message
5a Read the message from Eva to her friend Nula. Answer the
questions. To jo in tw o s im ila r ide as, use and.
© ©
1 Where is Eva? The hotel is nice and it's near the city centre.
2 Who is she with? To jo in tw o c o n tra s tin g ideas, use but.
3 Why is she there? © ©
4 Where is their hotel? The hotel is nice, but it's not near the city centre.

b Look at the sentences with but in the message to Nula.

What are the contrasting ideas?
Eva Boyle
great city/expensive city
1 H i, N u la - I h o p e y o u 'r e w e ll. H o w a re th in g s
in B a h ra in ? 2 I'm in L o n d o n f o r t h r e e d a y s .
C Underline the sentences with an d in Eva's message.
I'm h e r e w it h S u n il. H e 's h e re f o r a c o n fe re n c e ,
What are the similar ideas?
but I'm o n h o lid a y . 3 L o n d o n is a g r e a t c ity ,
Sunil's sister is in London./Sunil's sister has got a fla t
but it's v e r y e x p e n s iv e . S u n il's s is te r is in
in London.
London and s h e 's g o t a f la t h e re . H e r f la t is
n ic e , but it's s m a ll. It's g o t o n ly o n e b e d r o o m .
8a Work with a partner. Complete the sentences. Use and
W e 're in a h o te l in K e n s in g to n and o u r ro o m
or but.
is r e a lly b ig . T h e h o te l h a s g o t a g re a t
1 It's a good restaurant,_________ it's not cheap.
r e s ta u r a n t and it's n e a r t h e c i t y c e n tre .
2 Their family is poor,_________ they are happy.
4 M e s s a g e m e s o o n . B ye . x
3 She's got one brother_________one sister.
/ Seen 08.35
4 I've got paper,_________ I haven’t got a pen.
5 Her father is an engineer_________ he has got a job
on a big project in Vietnam.

b Match items a-d to numbers 1-4 in Eva’s message, b Make sentences using an d and but.
a Describe the place 1 It's a nice hotel...
b End the message It's a nice hotel and it's cheap.
c Say where you are and why It's a nice h otel but it's not near the centre.
d Start the message 2 It’s a beautiful city...
3 They’ve got two daughters...
6 Work with a partner. Complete the message. Use the text
4 I've got a good job...
in exercise 5a to help you.
9a EES3 Work with a partner. Imagine you are in another
country. Answer the questions:
• Where are you?
• is it a nice place?
ı__________ Leila 235 P-m-
• Why are you there?
2 ______________ . I'm in Hawaii on • Who are you with?
holiday! It's beautiful here. We're in a hotel • Are you in a hotel?
near the sea. • Where are you now?

3 ____ .X b Write a social media message to a friend at home.

Use sentences with an d and but.

C Swap your message with another pair. What is similar?

What is different?
We're in Turkey, but they're in Japan.
We're on business an d they’re on business, too.


A gadget-free life
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos of Christopher and
answer the questions below.
1 Where is Christopher from?
2 How old is he?
3 What is his job?
4 Has he got a job in a company office?
5 Is he happy in his life?

2 © Watch the video. Check your answers to questions 1-5

in exercise 1.

3a © Watch the video again. (Circle) the correct options.

1 Two billion people in the world have got a mobile phone /
a smartphone.
2 25% / 50% of people have got a laptop.
3 16% / 6% of people have got a tablet.
4 Christopher Jenkinson has got / hasn't got a computer.
5 He has got / hasn't got a TV, but he has got / hasn't got
a phone.
6 He has got a house / a fla t near the centre of Oxford.
7 Christopher is / isn't at his desk a lot.
8 His favourite books are com ic books / old books.
9 He has got / hasn't got a car.
10 His friends have got / haven’t got smartphones.

b Work with a partner. Write the things Christopher has got

in his office at home.
a desk., ...

4a |EH3 Work with a partner. Prepare questions to ask

Christopher about his life. Use the prompts to help you.
« ... from?
• ... jo b ?
• ... o ffic e ?
« . . . big?
« . . . o b je c t s / in y o u r o ffic e ?
• ... a c o m p u te r ?
• ... a c a r?
• ... h a p p y in y o u r life?

b Work with another partner. Role-play an interview with


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


1 a Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. 4a 3.26))) Listen to Caleb's description of his neighbours.
1 a / Stefan Hell's / man / clever. Complete the table.
2 film / a / Birdman!s / funny. N u m b e r 34 N u m b e r 38
3 Vienna's / city / a / n ice.
P e o p le in t h e h o u s e
4 neighbours / lovely / My / are / people .
P e o p le 's jo b s
5 a/country/M orocco's/friendly.
P e ts
6 teaching / job / hard / Is / a ?

b 3.24))) Listen and check your answers. b Work with a partner. Talk about Caleb’s neighbours.

C Work with a partner. Make three similar sentences C Write's in the correct place in sentences 1-4.
with different people and things. 1 Linda is Charlie wife.
2 Charlie and Linda children are young.
2c Replace the highlighted adjectives with their opposite
3 The children pet is a dog called Benji.
4 Caleb neighbours are friendly.
1 I've got an old bicycle. I've g o t a new bicycle.
2 They've got a big house. 5a Match answers a-f to expressions 1-6.
3 It's an expensive laptop. 1 Atishoo! a Yes, please.
4 He isn't a rich man. 2 Coffee? b Sorry, 1 don't know.
5 This coffee is hot. 3 Where is Mr Kirk's office? c You're welcome.
6 It's a good restaurant. 4 Can I sit here? d Bless you!
7 It's a happy film. 5 Thank you. e That's OK. Don't worry.
8 His father is very young. 6 Sorry I’m late. f Yes, of course.
b Compare your answers with a partner. b Work with a partner. Take turns to say the expressions and
check your answers.
3a Write one word in each gap. Use contractions where possible.
1 A 1_________ you and Fred got pets? 6a Correct the seven mistakes in the email.
B No, we2_________ . But my mother 3_________ got
nine cats.
A Nine?! Has she 4_________a big house?
H i, P a u l.
B No, sh e5_________ . It's a small house, but
1 h o p e y o u 'r e 1 g o o d . H o w a re t h in g s in M a n ila ? I'm
it6_________ got a garden.
2 a t Ita ly f o r a w e e k . I’ m h e r e f o r 3 a n c o n fe r e n c e . Ita ly
2 A 7_________your parents got a car?
is v e r y n ic e a n d t h e f o o d 4 a re g re a t, b u t it 's e x p e n s iv e
B No, they 8_________. We haven’t got cars in our family.
h e re . J a c k is a t t h e c o n fe r e n c e , to o . W e 5 is in t h e s a m e
19__ _got a car, my brother10__ _ got a h o te l. 6 H e 'v e g o t a r o o m n e x t t o m y r o o m . I t 's a n ic e
car and my parents11_________got a car. h o te l, 7 b u t it 's n e a r t h e c e n tr e .
A What transport have you got?
See you soon,
B 12_________got bicycles.
C a r r ie

3.25 )))Listen and check your answers.

C Have similar conversations. Ask your partner about b Compare your answers with a partner.
these things:
1 neighbours - pets?
2 family-car?
3 you - new phone?


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