Unity in Diversty

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Indonesia / is a land of diversity / with many races / and languages.

Races and ethnics / such as Acehnese/ , Bataknese /, Palembangnese/
Sundanese/ Javanese/ ect // it is all part / of our Nation Rich and Diversity.//
The history of Indonesia as a one nation / it started on October 28/ , 1908 //
when the school of budi utomo / initiate a gathering / of young people / from
all over Indonesia//
Young people / who named themselves as a jong / such as / jong ambon/, jong
sumatera/ , jong selebes/ , and others / came to Jakarta / and made an oath :
The oath / that we all know / as SUMPAH PEMUDA //:
“one country/
One nation/
One language/
Indonesia” //
That is the time / when Indonesia as a whole / acknowledged / and

Start that time / all element of people / who fight for freedom / in Indonesia
use/ the Indonesia name / as an aspire nation//.
The fight for freedom / in Indonesia / not only fought domestic / but also
Young Indonesian people / in Netherland/ actively used Indonesia name / as a
nation / in every international convention//.
In early of 1942 / when Japan / invaded Indonesia/, they approach / young
Indonesian figure / to make people of Indonesia / to work together / with
promised / to give Indonesia / independence /at the end.
At the beginning / Soekarno / actively promote / all Japan program / like
romusha / to indonesian people / but the effect / of romusha / tormented the
Indonesian people//.
Many people / had suffered/ , hungered / and even died//.
In the middle / of 1945 / after Hiroshima/ and Nagasaki / were bombed // by
American / that caused / Japan to surrender / in World War 2.
Several of young people / in Indonesia / pushed / soekarno and hatta / to
proclamate / indonesia freedom.
People / like soekarni/ , wikana/ , and / chaerul Saleh/ , kidnapped / Soekarno
and Hatta / to rengas dengklok//.
In rengas dengklok / Soekarno / and hatta / was pushed / to make a draft / of
freedom statement / and Soekarno / made a simple statement//:
The Statement / that later / we know / as Indonesia / PROKLAMASI.


We/ , the Indonesian nation/ , hereby / declare / Indonesia's Independence//.

Matters/ concerning / the transfer of power/, etc.//, shall be / carried out / in
a thorough manner / and in the shortest / possible time//.

Djakarta/ , day 17/ Month 8 / year '05//

On behalf / of the Indonesian nation//.

And on the Day After/ , August 17/ , 1945//, Soekarno / Hatta / Declare /
Indonesia / Independence Day / in Jakarta//.
On this case/ , we learn/ , Than Indonesia / Independence / not only / single
Man Work/ , but it came / from commitment / and working together / of all
Element / in Indonesia / to make / Independence Dream Happen// .
People / from all over ethnic/ , races/ , put together / their effort / to make
Indonesia GREAT//.

Then/, it is our duty now/ , to fulfil / the Independence / with works / to make
Indonesia / BIGGER / and BETTER//.
The Future of Indonesia / is in our Hands now//. In 2045/ , We are going / to
be/ The Leader / of Indonesia//. Let’s make that happen / with study hard /
and make / a great achievement. //
And let’s / hold our hand / together / to make Indonesia / GREAT AGAIN!!//

Thank You/
Farah Vallerie Murvyanda

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